Monday, February 24, 2014

Erica and Kendall 02/24/2014

Erica and Kendall wall up the walk to Francessca's cottage chatting as they go.

Kendall: So are you going to that awards dinner tonight? (She asks shifting the box in her hand as she walks)
Erica: Of course I have to present one of the awards.
Kendall: So who's the lucky man this evening? (She smirks giving her a side long glance as they walk)
Erica: I'm not telling you're going to have to wait and see. (She smiles knowingly as she reaches the door and rings the bell)
Kendall: PLEASE tell me it's not just some random guy in your long list of random guys to try and get Jack back?
Erica: Actually it's the new station owner Gavin Blackwood. (Giving a smug smile and side long glance)
Kendall: That's exactly what you're doing I don't even know why I bothered to ask! (She rolls her eyes and presses the bell)
Erica: First, it's not a date it's publicity for the the station and my show second he demanded I go with him.(A facetious grin on her lips. Kendall rolls her eyes again and start to give her mother a warning but is stopped as the door opens) 
Sophia: Hello! Beautiful how are you? (She reaches out hugging Kendall and kisses both cheeks) 
Kendall: Hi! How are you?
Sophia: Fine never been happier! Hello! Gorgeous look at you! (She says kissing and hugging Erica)  Come in Come in! (She close the door behind them)
Kendall: Where's Francessca?
Sophia: The little man just woke up she's upstairs getting him ready she'll be down in a minute. Are you hungry I bought over some snacks and put them on the table (She points to the dinning room table laden with food)
Erica: A little snack there's enough food her for an army! (Her eyes open wide as they rove over the mouth watering treats before her)
Sophia: I guess you haven't met my nephews! The two of them are an army! Go ahead dig in Francessca will be down in a moment. Si mangia! Here! (She says handing them each a plate and cutlery) Come on it's lunch time you have to be hungry besides you could both use a few pounds!
Kendall: You don't have to tell me twice! (Heaping good on to her plate then taking a bite) This is so good!
Sophia: Thank you doll-face! (She kisses her on the cheek picks up a plate and serves herself.) Come on lets sit down. (She nods her head towards the sofa Erica and Kendall following)
Kendall: Zach bought home some of your cannoli's last night, I don't know what you put in them but...(She trails off and laughs making Sophia and Erica laugh as well)
Sophia: A lot of love!
Kendall: Well it worked!
Erica: So Sophia how long are you staying?
Sophia: I don't know I'm having so much fun with my great grandson I thought maybe I'd stay another week or so. Besides Jamie still has a clinic to run and he's helping his Dad with his sister's I think they could use another pair of hands.
Kendall: Jamie must be exhausted.
Erica: Between a wife a new baby his Sister's and the clinic when does he sleep?
Sophia: Actually he and his brother did a great job of setting up a schedule so it hasn't been too bad.
Erica: How is Tad?
Sophia: When I stopped by earlier he seemed okay.
Kendall: I saw JR the other day he told me they had to do that turning thing they do to keep his leg from shrinking? He said it's really painful.
Sophia: Yeah I saw Opal right after that when she came to pick up the girls she was saying he was miserable and was sedated most of the afternoon.
Erica: This is just all so awful and aggravating they still don't have anything more on the person that did this to them than they did the day it happened! (Francessca comes down the steps smiling proudly carrying her her son)
Francessca: Here he is! (Erica place her plate on the side table and stands)
Erica: Oh look at him! He's gorgeous!
Francessca: Thank you.
Kendall: Wow! He has really grown since the last time I saw him.
Francessca: You think so?
Kendall: Oh yeah!
Erica: Can I hold him?
Francessca: Sure. (She smiles handing her the baby. Erica cuddles him as she sits in the chair)
Erica: He is so precious. How are you doing?
Francessca: Great a little tired by the end of the day. (She laughs) I get a lot of exercise with this little guy.
Kendall: Well you look great!
Francessca: Thank you so do you! How are my guys?
Kendall: Great! They miss you.
Francessca: I miss them too. Tell them I'm going to come by after school next week and we can go out for the afternoon.
Kendall: They'll love that!
Erica: I bought something for"Little Mr. Martin". It's in bag next to the sofa.
Francessca: Thank you Erica. You didn't have too.
Erica: Don't be silly! Of course I did open it! (Francessca walks to the side of the couch and pulls the package from the bag ripping the wrapping off then smiles)
Francessca: This is beautiful, (She says holding up a china dinning set) thank you so much! 
Erica: It was my pleasure. After everything he went through to get here he deserves something really special from his Auntie Erica.
Kendall: Here let me hold him (She says taking him from Erica.
Sophia: Let me take these plates in the kitchen (she bends picking up the plates and utensils)
Francessca: You don't have to do that Nonnie I'll take them.
Sophia: No sit I got it.
Erica: You really do look fabulous and no worse for ear after your ordeal get that little one in to the world.
Francessca: Honestly it was strange but it wasn't as bad as you think. I'm just glad the media has moved on to whatever the flavor of the month is.
Kendall: Yeah I can finally get out of my driveway without some wack-a-doo jumping out of the bushes! And Oh my God, some of the ridiculous things they reported!
Francessca: Or just made up! (They all laugh)
Erica: Well you know you could come on "New Beginnings" and get the real story out there.
Francessca: Thanks Erica but it's all dying down I don't want to stir it all up again.         
Erica: I think you telling your actual story would help dispel all the rumor and innuendo.
Francessca: No, I don't want that around my family and as much as I appreciate the offer but I can't.
Erica: It's been my experience that it's always better if you get the real story out there people would finally be satisfied.    
Francessca: No, I can't do it. That's one of the reasons I'm not going to the awards dinner tonight.
Erica: Well see now you're afraid to go out in public. You Jamie and Rego should come on the show....(Kendall looks at Francessca whose lips have disappear as she bites back her response and steps between them breaking the sudden tension that had fallen placing the sleepy baby in his carrier as she speaks)
Kendall: Mom! If she doesn't want to do it she doesn't want to do it! Let it go!
Sophia: Let what go?
Erica: I was asking Francessca to come on my show and tell her story. So people will know the truth.
Sophia: Truth scmooth people will believe what they want! (She says with a wave of her hand)There's no point in dredging all that up again! That's why I'm going to your big fancy schmacy awards thing with my handsome new Grandson in-law!  (She says in a sing song voice placing a plate of cookies on the table then sits on the sofa next to Kendall) So I saw on the TV this morning the picture of your new station owner he's really good looking!
Erica: I hadn't noticed.
Sophia: Yeah sure you didn't! (She laughs dismissing her statement with a wave of her hand) You and Elizabeth Taylor have the largest collection of good looking men I have ever seen!  You noticed!(She laughs again reaching over and grabbing the plate of cookies and hands it to Erica) Want a cookie?
Erica: Thank you. (She smiles tentatively reaching for a cookie not sure if she'd been complimented or insulted while Francessca and Kendall both smother a laugh)


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