Monday, February 10, 2014

Lola 02/10/2014

Lola closes the glass door stepping on to her deck holding a steaming cup of tea in her mitten-ed hands. She brushes the sown from the seat and sits wrapping the coat around her legs and sits back. She sips her tea enjoying the squirrels darting from tree and the crisp bite of winter on her nose. This was always her favorite time of the day when everything was still calm and peaceful before life reared it's ugly head and took over. The quiet moments were too few and far between which is why she cherished theses mornings. She closes her eyes letting the winter sun warm her face listening the chirping of the birds as they vie for space at the feeder. Her mind flowing freely with the sound leaping from one fancy filled imaging to the next till her phone startled her back to reality.

Lola: Good morning Dr. Colgate. (She say a little more forcefully than she intended)  
Adam; Good morning Dr. Colgate. (He chuckles in to the phone making her smile)
Lola: Good morning Adam (She smiles instantly relaxing)  I assume the conquering chess hero slept well?
Adam: Like a baby how about you? (He laughs again enjoying the moment between them immensely as was she)
Lola: After I bid my realm a final adieu I slept like a baby. (She laughs)
Adam: Good I'm glad.
Lola: Thank you for a wonderful evening.
Adam: I'm pleased you enjoyed it.
Lola: One of the most enjoyable evenings I've had in a long time.
Adam: Me too.
Lola: We'll have to do it again some time.
Adam: How about this evening sound?
Lola: I don't know depends on what you have planned.
Adam: Dinner, music, dancing!
Lola: Are you talking about that awards dinner you told me about last night?
Adam: I told you I wasn't going to take no for an answer. Come on it will be fun.
Lola: I don't know if I can sit through an entire evening making small talk and listening to speech. (She rolls her eyes at the thought)
Adam: I understand it's the worst.
Lola: So you do understand?
Adam: Of course of course. Do you know what's even worse?
Lola: No, and I'm sure you're going to tell me. (She laughs knowing exactly where he was head and enjoying the ride)
Adam: Having to sit through an entire evening of making small talk and listening to boring speeches alone. Say you'll come. Please don't force me to go through all that alone.(Sounding faining dread making her laugh again)
Lola: Okay I'll go.
Adam: You're serious? (Surprised at how little effort it had taken to convince her after all)
Lola: I'm serious, on one condition.
Adam: Anything! (Sounding pleased)
Lola: I have to be home by midnight.
Adam: Why will you turn back in to a scullery maid? (He teases making her laugh)
Lola: No, (She laughs) I have a patient scheduled for surgery tomorrow morning.
Adam: I'll make sure I get you home before your coach turns in to a pumpkin. I'll pick you up at seven?
Lola: I'll be ready.
Adam: I'll be waiting. See you then.
Lola: Bye. (Lola smiles to herself and stands walking back in to the house and places her cup on the counter. Just as her phone rings again she pulls it from her pocket and answers)
Lola: Dr. Lola Colgate.(The smile fading from her face at the sound of the voice)
Devereaux: Good morning Dr. Colgate.
Lola: What do you want?
Devereaux: You and I wouldn't be having this conversation if you had sent me what I asked for.
Lola: That's because I didn't have time! (She looks down at her phone pulling up the images of the documents from Adam's desk and sends it to him)
Deveraux: Why not you were there all afternoon and most of the evening. (Sounding distracted as he reads the documents she just sent him. His dismissive attitude infuriating her)
Lola: I can't do this anymore! I can't stand lying to my family and people I care about. I had a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach all evening. I could barley look at him! 
Devereaux:: Dr. Colgate don't tell me you're developing feeling for Adam Chandler? (His suspicion peaked if she was developing feeling for him then soon she'll be of no use to him. He had to work quickly)
Lola: I don't like lying to people! (Ignoring his flippant attitude)
Devereaux: Lola, how you accomplish your task is your problem all I care about are results.(His voice cool calm uncaring)
Lola: I've given you results! (She screams back in frustration)
Devereaux: Really, (He raises his brow sitting back in his chair smug grin on his lips) then what happened with our friend Mr. Sword?
Lola: What did you want me to do (She grinds out between clenched teeth her anger barley in check) he's the one that broke it off with me and last night was way too close Adam's daughter almost caught me.
Devereaux: She's not suspicious is she? (His tone serious this was the last complication he needed)
Lola: No, I think I was able to convince her my being there was completely innocent but that was way too close.(She finishes still feeling anxious her words however having the opposite affect on him his attitude still cool and controlled) 
Deveraux:  You'll have to be more careful next time that's all. 
Lola: Look there isn't going to be a next time I'm done!(She growls back his tone infuriating her, her attitude making his deadly his tone cold)
Devereaux: Listen to me Dr. Colgate and listen to me carefully. I've had a difficult night and I'm not in the mood for your dramatics. You'll do what I tell you for as long as I tell you until I have no further use for you do you understand or would you prefer I tell that lovely sister of yours and the rest of the citizenry exactly how you went from the gutter to achieve the lofty position of respect you so enjoy. It's an absolutely riveting story the media will have a field day.
Lola: I thought we had a deal? (Sounding defeated and contrite. He relaxes back in his chair knowing he had her back where he wanted) 
Devereaux: Of course we do and as long as you keep up your end of it there'll be no need for me to say anything to anyone.
Lola: You said this was the last thing I would have to do for you and we were done.
Devereaux: No, my darling I said this was one of the last things I would ask of you. I may have one or two more job for you and then your debt will be paid and our business will be at a close.
Lola:What do have to do now?
Devereaux: Nothing at the moment but I'll let you know when. (He says distracted as he loads the information he'd received in to his computer and reading it) 
Lola: Please I'm begging you I don't want to do this anymore. (She pleads her tears stinging the back of her eyes)
Devereaux: Come now Lola, nothing in this world is free and if you remember you begged me to help you. (He dismisses smiling at the screen it was exactly what he needed)
Lola: I was sick then I would have done anything you asked! (Her words becoming tight as her throat constricts with suppressed emotion)
Devereaux: And I helped you and now it's time for you to repay my kindness.
Lola: And repay and repay and repay! (Her voiced filled with frustration convincing him more that she was going to soon become useless)
Devereaux: I give you my word Lola. After you complete the last couple of things I need our business is closed.
Lola: It better be.(She closes her eye whispers a silent prayer that this would all be finally over)
Devereaux: Have a good day doctor I'll be in touch. (He disconnects with out another word and Lola starring blindly at her phone)
Lola: Dam! (She screams throwing her phone against the sofa then falls down next to it and begins to cry)


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