Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Zach 02/18/2014

Zach comes from the bathroom toweling off his wet hair and wraps his damp arms around a naked Kendall.

Zach: We could get dirty all over again (He growls running kisses down her neck making her squeal with delight and pull away quickly)
Kendall: Nothing doing! I'm already late because of you Mr! (She chastises half heartedly reaching for undergarments as she talks and slipping into them) and you have to get over to Slater Cortlandt and finish clearing off your desk.
Zach: True (He leers at her lustfully whipping the towel from around his waist and throwing it at her) come on I'm way more fun than any meeting. (She laughs wagging her finger at him then reaches in the draw and throws him underwear)
Kendall: I'd love to lay around and play with you all day but I have a thousand things to do. Don't forget we have that awards dinner tonight.
Zach: Ack! I don't want to go to that! I'm not getting an award why do I have to go? (He groans yanking a shirt from the closet and punching his arms trough the sleeves making her roll her eyes)
Kendall: You know you're worse than the kids! You're brother and David are getting the award and you have to be there for support.
Zach: Yeah, yeah yeah. (He walks back in the bathroom picks up his comb and runs it through his damp hair as he talks) So who was on the phone?
Kendall: My mom (She shouts back stepping in to her skirt as she walks to her dressing table and sits) She has a gift for the baby she wanted me to go with her to drop it off! (She shouts back quickly applying her make up)
Zach: I thought you had a meeting? (Turning his face back and forth in the mirror deciding if he should shave)
Kendall: That's this morning we're going to stop by at lunch.(He decides against it coming out of the bathroom and slipping quickly into his pants then reaches for his socks and shoes and sits on the edge on the bed)
Zach: What's that about, your Mom and Cess barley speak.(He comes and stands behind her watching her reflection in the mirror as he tucks in his shirt)
Kendall: I don't know Cess is family and you know how Mom is about stuff like that and maybe she's just trying to be nice. (She shrugs as she carefully applies her eye liner)  
Zach: Ah huh. (Smiling in disbelief then walks to the closet and pulls on his jacket) Listen I have to go.
Kendall: How the heck do you do that? (She looks at him fully dressed ready to head out the door)
Zach: I don't have to stop and apply Spackle. (He bends in and kisses her picking up his watch form the edge of the table and putting it on then walks to the night stand picks up his phone and wallet then back to her) What time is this thing?
Kendall: We have to leave by seven-thirty, black tie. Your tux is clean and hanging in your closet (He kneels down and kisses her again) I love you see you later?
Zach: I love you too!(He leaves the bedroom closing the door behind him and heads down the stairs pulling his overcoat off the chair and out the door. He walk to the car starting the engine as he walks opens the door and climbs in throwing the car in reverse all in one smooth move. He backs up then pulls out of the driveway the phone ringing just as he turns on to the road)
Zach: Morning Dax as always your timing is impeccable.
Dax: Good Morning Zach!
Zach: What's going on?
Dax; I was doing my morning check of Slater holdings and there's been some unusual activity involving the "Cambius" holdings.
Zach: What about the Casino and Slater-Cortlandt? (Concern edging his voice)
Dax: I've sheltered them both I left "Cambius" basically the way it was so they wouldn't suspect too much.
Zach: Can you trace the origin. (He sighs in relief)
Dax: Done, it was through two off shore accounts then to a company in Switzerland.
Zach: Any idea who owns the company? (Now curious)
Dax: Still working on that. He wasn't just after your shares he was also after Micheal's. From what I can piece together it looks like they're trying to put together a majority holding.
Zach: Huh! let me know if you figure it out or when you find out who it is. In the mean time keep an eye on them I want to wait till the market closes see what the price is. Make sure you protect everything else and make sure what ever happens you hold on to fifteen percent of it. Who ever it is, they're going to want that badly. That means they will have to show themselves.
Dax: Some how I knew you would say that and it's already done.
Zach:  Depending on who it is this just may be the break Micheal and I have been looking for.
Dax: I knew that would make you happy. Remember you have a staff meeting with the dealers at three and the wait staff at four. You have the awards dinner this evening Kendall said to remind that you have to leave home by seven-thirty.
Zach: Thanks Dax! (He still  surprised no one had made a run on his stocks since Ryan but he'd been real quiet lately was this his way of roaring back?) This may get interesting.
Dax: I'll be in touch.(Zach clicks off the phone and smiles to him self stopping at the light at the bottom of the mountain then turning out on the highway and heading towards the bridge leading to town. So someone was after the majority stock holding in "Cambius"! According to his fathers Will there was no way he could sell them or voluntarily give them up but there was nothing in there about having the shares taken from him! He could finally be free of that dammed corporation his father's cursed legacy. Zach presses the button on the steering wheel and calls out his brother's name and waits as the pone rings on the other side finally going to voice mail)
Zach: Michael this is Zach give me a call when you get a chance it's about "Cambius". (Zach ends the call smiling to his self. Things just kept getting better and better)   


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