Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Annie and Aidan 02/12/2014

Adian walks into the house tossing his jacket over the back of the couch as he walks in to the living room shuffling through the mail as he walks. He tosses the mail on the desk looks around and calls Annie's name

Aidan: Annie? Annie you home?
Annie: Hey! You're home! (She says coming to him and kissing him tenderly) How'd it go?
Aidan: Pretty good We're almost there I can feel it.
Annie: Well I for one can't wait for this case to be done and you to be home at night. (She says kissing him again. Aidan holds her a moment vacillating between skipping lunch and taking Annie upstairs then decides against it as muck as he longed to, she'd be madder if they made love and then he told her)  
Aidan: Yeah me too. (He says smiling then pulling away sitting on the sofa and loosening the laces on his shoes)
Annie: Hey you hungry? (She wraps her arms around his neck kissing his cheek)
Aidan: A little. (He smiles back at her. She lets go walks to the desk and picks up the mails shuffling through it as she talked)
Annie: There's some macaroni and tuna salad in the frig and there some cold cuts in the drawer I could make you a sandwich in you want?
Aidan: I can make my own sandwich but you can sit and talk with me. (He stands walking o the kitchen Annie following behind)
Annie: Okay. (He walks to the refrigerator pulling out the salad and then pulling down a plate from the cabinet as Annie takes the iced-tea from the refrigerator shelf and pours some in to the glass she pulled from the dish-rack and places it on the table then sits in the chair next to the place she'd set for him)
Aidan: This looks good! (He mumbles around the mouth full of food walking to the table and sitting down)
Annie: Thank you! Did you get a chance to see Tad?
Aidan: Yeah, I stopped by on my way home this morning.
Annie: How was he?
Aidan: He seemed in pretty good spirits when I left him. How was the memorial serivce?
Annie: You know how it is, it was really nice and really sad. (Annie's words giving him strength knowing what he was doing would be the fastest way to nail this bastard before he hurt anyone else) 
Annie: So how's your case going? How much longer do you think you? (She smiles picking a small piece of egg from his plate and popping it in her mouth as Aidan mulls over quickly the least painful way to broach the subject)
Aidan: Not bad I think we found a way of making things go a little faster (He says trying to keep his voice casual as he watches her from the corner of his eye)
Annie: Yeah like what? (She looks at him smiling her eyes sparkling with excitement)
Aidan: Like I'm going to have to go back to work at "Cambius". (He says flatly shoveling salad in his mouth chewing slowly waiting for the explosion. Annie stares at him her face absent expression or color)
Annie No. (She whispers the initial shock having left her freeing her voice) You're not serious?
Aidan: Very (He pushes his plate away and looks up at her) It's the only way we can solve this.
Annie: NO! Aidan NO! I don't want you anywhere near "Cambius"! (A ripple of cold fear runs through her making her shiver)
Aidan: I can't help it! I don't want to go back there but the sooner I can resolve this the sooner we can get back to our lives.
Annie: We already have lives! (She screams back pushing back the chair and walking to the sink. Aidan sighs walking behind her) What does your case have to do with "Cambius" is it Ryan? (Closing her eye hoping it wasn't she couldn't go through that not again)
Aidan: I can't tell you about the case but it has nothing to do with Ryan. (She spins to face him searches his eyes and see's the truth in his words)
Annie: Then who Devereaux? (She glares at him searching his face again he steels his expression keeping his expression emotionless)
Aidan: You know I can't tell you anything Annie as it is I've told you too much already. Promise me you won't say anything?
Annie: So now your working at Cambius you don't trust me?
Aidan: I's not that I don't trust you it's dangerous.
Annie: If it's so dangerous why do it? Why not let Adrian do it?
Aidain: because it would be easier and faster for me since I worked their. Come on Annie ( He sighs his frustration growing and starting to show) I'm not doing this for shits and giggles it's work. You should understand that. You worked with "Cambius" heck you still consult for them.
Annie: I consult for them I don't work for them! (She turns to face him her eyes pleading)
Aidan: Come on Annie it's the same thing! (He laughs bitterly further infuriating her)
Annie: It's not the same thing! I can walk away from them any time I want! They don't have any control of me over us!
Aidain : Annie it's not slavery I can quit any time I want.
Annie: Then quit! Drop this stupid case! (Her mouth set firmly arms crossed over her chest. Aidan sighs trying to calm himself before the situation got out of control) 
Aidan: Honey I have a job to do I need to solve this case. It's really important, more important than I can tell you right now and me being at "Cambius is the fastest way to do it. I promise you as soon as I have I'm out of there. I swear.
Annie: I have a bad feeling about this! (She looks at him her expression a mixture of fear and pain her tears starting a new. Aidan reaches for her but she pulls from his grasp)
Aidan: Honey, nothing is going to happen to us I won't let it. (His eye pleading with hers his arms open begging for her embrace she stares back at him the pain in his expression melting her resolve and goes to him) 
Annie: I'm just afraid for us Aidan. I can forget the last time you worked for Ryan! (She cries laying her head against his chest as he embraces her holding her close his even breathing calming her emotion but not her fears)
Aidan: I promise as soon as this is over I'll quit. (Holding her tighter against him wishing there was any other way but this)
Annie: You promise. (She snuffs wiping the tears from her cheek. Aidan tips her head up to face him wiping the tear from her other cheek with his thumb) 
Aidan: I swear to you Annie I won't stay there any longer than I have to. I love you and our life together and I won't let anything or anyone come between us (He smiles kissing her lips tenderly) There's one good thing I'll have regular hours and a regular pay check for while. (He smiles down at her Annie lays her head back against his chest)
Annie: I'm hopping you're not there long enough to get a pay check. (She says pulling him closer the fear still gnawing at her)
Aidan: Me too honey. Me too. ( He says holding her tighter) 

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