Friday, February 28, 2014

Molly and Dani 02/28/2014

Molly and Dani walk to their booth shoving their bags into the seat next to them.

Molly: Oh my God! I'm exhausted! (She huffs plopping down into the seat Dani in the seat across from her)
Dani: Me too, but I had a really good time.
Molly: That was a lot of fun. The only drawback is luging around these bags!
Dani: Who would think clothes could be so heavy! (they both laugh)
Molly: I really gave me credit cards a workout! My Mom's going to flip! What about you?
Dani: She not going to be real happy but it's been a while since I've done any major shopping so I think she'll be cool with it. And, if she whines too much I'll just say I was a little depressed because of the move. (Mocking a pouty face as Molly nods in approval)
Molly: Oh you're good.
Dani; No really most of the time my Mom is pretty cool. What about you? what's your mom like?
Molly: My Mom is definitely NOT cool (She huffs sitting back in the chair) But who knows she could have changed it's been a while since I've seen her but,(She grins devilishly) if she's changed I would have heard from her that's my quandary Dani! (She laughs again) No seriously as long as I stay out of her hair and out of trouble she doesn't seem to care what I do.
Dani: What about your Dad? (Molly's face suddenly saddens making Dani wish she hadn't pried as her own sadness creeps up on her)
Molly: He died when I was in High School. (Dani reaches across the table taking Molly's hand in hers feeling her pain as deeply as she felt her own)
Dani: Mine died last year. (Molly smiles forcing herself to hold back the tears that threatened to spill down her cheeks)
Molly: Sometimes I really miss him. (She squeezes her hand back letting her guard down for the first time since she'd arrived)
Dani: Believe me I totally get that. (She reaches for the dispenser pulling a napkin for herself and on for Molly and hands it to her) Sometimes after my Dad died. I'd still look out the window waiting to hear his car pull in the driveway.
Molly: Sometimes, I'd stand on the deck and wait for him to come walking down the beach. (She pulls another napkin from the dispenser and wipes the tears from the corner of her eyes. It had been a while since she thought about any of this and it was nice to have someone to commiserate with)
Dani: My Mom was great though. We were really there for each other. (She smiles dabbing at her nose. Molly thinks back to her own mother and almost laughs out loud at the comparison)
Molly: You were lucky my Mom went completely Bat shit! (She hisses bitterly then smiles brightly to disguise her momentary anger)  So what are you going to have (She picks up the menu and flips through it the table grows quiet for a moment and Molly's mind flashes back to the the afternoon she'd come home and she'd ...No she snaps door closed on the memory she wasn't going to think about that not today. She'd actually had a great day and made a good friend she wasn't about to let the past ruin it. She looks up at the waiter giving her, her order then Dani hers. The waitress writes them quickly collects the menus and leaves) So what are you going to wear tonight? (Dani's head cocks to the side her mind riffling through the the outfits she'd bought)
Dani: I don't know if I should look hot or be practical. What do you think?
Molly: My advice, (Her voice filled with authority and confidence) always go for hot let the boring girls be practical! So who's the lucky guy.( She teases giggling at the blush staining Dani's cheeks as she tries to look calm and sound unaffected)
Dani: How do you know there's a guy?
Molly: I seriously doubt you're trying to look hot for me! (She giggles making Dani laugh with her then leans in her voice low and conspiratorial )
Dani: I met him during registration.
Molly: Ooooo! Is he hot?
Dani: Philip, is smart and charming, funny. It was like we had this instant connection. (Sounding dreamy and in love)
Molly: Wait are you talking about Philip Martin? (He eyes wide with surprise. She leans back quickly in her seat as the waitress places their salads in front of them. Dani waits patiently for her to finish before she continues)
Dani: You know him?
Molly: Yeah! He's like best friends with Justin! Duh!  (Cocking her head to the side looking confused) We used to hang out like all summer!
Dani: We're you guys going out? (Looking worried)
Molly: No, nothing like that! I mean we went out a couple of times nothing serious. (She shrugs) But if I were looking for something serious he'd have definitely been on my list, mine and about twenty other girls I can name. (she laughs)  In fact girls were chasing his ass all summer if you caught him good for you! I bet you guys look really cute together! (She Reaches in her purse pulling out her phone and flips to a picture of Phillip and Justin from the summer. She enlarges the image leans across the table and holds it up next to Dani nodding in approval making them both laugh)
Dani: What about you and that Justin guy you were talking about all day?
Molly: Justin? (She waves her hand dismissively)  He's HOT, a lot of fun and we hook up but that's all I want. I like being able to do what I want when I want! So what are you looking for thrills or commitment?
Dani: Someday I'll tell you all about my family so you might not get this but I'll go for quiet and committed any day!
Molly: Someday I'll have to tell you about mine! (She laughs turning her head and looking out the window) Heyyy don't look now but look who just walked in the door She points out the window to Jack and Tea walking to the door)
Dani: Oh my God what are they doing here? (She turns toward the window then back to Molly leaning in grinning and whispering)
Molly: I don't know but lately they always seem to be together.(She watches as they are seated reading their body language)
Dani: That's because they've been working on some big case. (She shrugs turns her head to look at them then back to Molly who shakes her head in disagreement)
Molly: I don't know I think those two have a lot more going on than they even know.
Dani: You think? (She looks back at them pondering the idea maybe it would be good for her Mom to get back out there but her boss)
Molly: Oh yeah (She says nodding her head looking over her shoulder then back at Dani) I got to say my Uncle Jack has been a lot happier since he hired your Mom and it's definitely a step up from his last girlfriend. (She grimaces rolling her eyes)
Dani: They can't date he's her boss.
Molly: Since when has that ever stopped anyone! (She scoffs. Dani looks back over her shoulder watching them laugh and talk she looked more alive then she had in months)
Dani: Whatever is going on it's way better than my Mom moping around making my brother and I the center of her universe.
Molly: My Uncle Jack getting a life would probably be the best thing that ever happened to him and it would do wonders for my social life. (Liking the idea more and more. If he had a life he wouldn't have as much time to monitor hers)
Dani: My Mom could definitely use a life. (She nods in agreement)
Molly: What do you say we kind of push them along. (A devilish grin curving her lips. Dani looks at her then back at her mother who looked as if she was actually enjoying herself and flirting? Oh my God she just fixed the kerchief in his pocket and patted it she was flirting! Maybe Molly was right maybe they should help them along)
Dani: Wait I have the perfect idea! (Her eyes bright as the plan formulates in her head)
Molly: What?
Dani: They have that awards thing tonight right? (She mutters putting the rest of the pieces together and gathering the perfect wording)
Molly: Yeah what about it? (She looks back at her confused and intrigued)
Dani: Just follow my lead. (She looks at receipt takes money out of her purse and leaves it on the table. She grabs her bags nodding to Molly to follow her and walks towards the table where Jack and Tea are seated) Hey Mom! Hey Mr. Montgomery!
Tea and Jack: Hey!
Jack: Did you girls leave anything in the stores. (He smiles and shakes his head at the abundance of their packages)
Molly: Not if we could help it! (The all laugh)
Dani: Hey Mom I called Starr and we're going to stay at her place tonight I thought since I'm already there I could pick up Victor and bring him home with me. I think it will be late by the time the concert ends. I think it would be better than driving all the way back from Llanview so late.
Jack: Who's Starr? (He turns towards Tea looking perplexed)
Tea: Starr is Dani's sister. (She turns toward a Jack then back to Dani) That would be great it would save me a trip and a lot of time. It's fine with me if it's okay with Jack. (She turns toward Jack eyebrow raised)
Jack: It's fine with me ( he smiles and shrugs) just call me when you guys get to Llanview.
Molly: We will! (She squeals in delight) thanks Uncle Jack! (She leans in kissing his cheek)
Dani: Thanks Mom! (She leans in giving her a quick kiss and hug)  I'll see you at home. Bye Mom bye Mr. Montgomery!
Jack: Bye have fun ladies! (Molly and Dani smile and wave walking out the door on to the street smiling and laughing as they walk to their car)
Molly: That was brilliant! Not only did you get me out of my house tonight with no curfew you just gave them the perfect opportunity to step it up a notch!
Dani: Thank you! Thank you! Please no autographs! (They both burst out laughing as they get to the car popping the trunk and placing their bags inside)
Molly: What do you say we top this absolutely fabulous day with the complete works at the "Glamorama"? I'm talking pedicures, manicures, massages, hair, makeup the works! My treat?
Dani: No, that's okay. That is really expensive I can't let you do that.
Molly: Are you kidding? You just got me the first full night of freedom that I have had since I got to this one horse town! You're going and I don't want to hear anything else about it! Besides you have to look extra special tonight! (Laughing as she throws the car in drive tires squealing as she weaves her way into traffic both squealing happily as they drive off)

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