Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Pete and Reggie 03/12/2014

Reggie stands in the kitchen leaning against the counter sipping a cup of coffee and eating a donut as Pete walks in.

Reggie: Hey whats up Pete?
Pete: Nothing much what's up with you? (He says over his shoulder as he pours coffee in his cup)
Reggie: Nothing man just waiting on you! What time is our new roommate getting here?
Pete: He just called he's at the storage unit he'll be here in a bit.
Reggie: How much stuff does this kid have?
Pete: His bedroom furniture and what not I guess.
Reggie: Yeah, I just don't want to be doing this all day.
Pete: Me either I have a day off I'm going get Jeanine and do something! I feel like I've been trapped in that office for months!
Reggie: Hey I don't blame! I feel like all I do is look up stuff in the office law library.
Pete: Where's Ms. Frye?
Reggie: Danielle as she's known at the firm had to be in early.
Pete: Oh Danielle is it?
Reggie: Yeah, she says it sounds more professional. (He mocks and laughs) So what's going on with you and Jeanine she's been spending a lot of time at the lab with Dr.Slater and Dr. Hayward
Pete: Yeah she really enjoying working with them. She says they're pretty close to a breakthrough what ever that means. (He smiles and shrugs) I'm just glad she's happy.
Reggie: Yeah but you know what they say all work and no play makes Pete a dull boy. (He smirks behind his cup enjoying Pete's sudden defensiveness)
Pete: What are you trying to to say?
Reggie: All I'm saying is my rooms right next to yours not that I listen but you know. (He pulls a donuts from the box shoving half in his mouth then sipping his cup)
Pete: We've both just been really busy but that's what today's all about! (He slaps his hands together rubbing them in the air)  Soon as we get Phillip settled in I'm getting my girl and off we go for a weekend of catching up and skiing and more catching up. (He winks rinsing his cup and placing it in the dishwasher)
Reggie: So you going up to her parents place? (He shakes his head wondering how Pete figured they get any privacy)
Pete: You're kidding right? (He laughs looking at Reggie as if he'd grown two heads) No this is going to be a romantic getaway! The last thing I want are her parents hawking us twenty four seven. I'm taking the corporate jet and flying us to Aspen. If I had more time I would have flown us to Switzerland.
Reggie: Must be nice. (He high-fives him walking to the sink and dumping the remains of his cup) Just promise me next time you'll let me play stowaway? (He places his cup in the dishwasher as Pete places the bakery box in the bread drawer)
Pete: I promise next time it will be the four of us. Maybe Spring break?
Reggie: You got a deal man!  (The two nod and highfive)
Philip: Hey! Guys I'm here! (Yelling towards the the back of the house as he places the boxes in his hand in a pile by the door)
Pete: Hey you made it! (He yells back as he walks from the kitchen to the living room and shakes his hand Reggie behind him) Phillip this is Reggie.
Reggie: What's up? (He reaches out shaking Phillips hand)
Phillip: What's up!  (he walks further into the living room and looks around ) This is some place you got here!
Reggie: Thank Pete for that.
Pete: Not all of it. (He says sounding a little shy)
Reggie: Okay most of it. (He pats Pete on the back )Yo! This system is sick!  All you have to do is ask TV on TV off DVD play you know.
Philip: Whoa! (Impressed by all the state of the art electronics adorning the living-room)
Pete: You got a lot of stuff? (He laughs then reaches for the door and props it open)
Phillip: Not really a lot of books. I didn't realize how many I'd accumulated! (He shakes his head Pete and Reggie nod in agreement)
Pete; Yeah they're like roaches!
Philip: It's not going to take long at all we can just pile them in my room and I'll put them away later.
Jeanine: Hey Guys! (Walking straight Pete Phillips eyes following) Hey baby! (She wraps her arm around Pete's waist and kisses him quickly)
Pete: Hey! Jeanine this is Phillip, Phillip Jeanine.
Philip: Nice to meet you.
Jeanine: Nice meeting you too. (She smiles then turns her attention back to Pete)
Pete: What are you doing home?
Jeanine: Dr's Hayward and Slater have that awards thing this evening so they gave me the afternoon off. What are you guys up to? (She kicks off her heels and takes the pins from her hair letting fall around her shoulders)
Pete: Just getting Philip moved in and then we're off!
Jeanine: Oh yeah, (She grabs up her heels and purse)  Well it was nice meeting you (She smiles at them turns towards Pete signalling him with her eyes) I'm going to go take a shower. (She turns away and walks quickly up the step calling over her shoulder as she goes) See you boys!
Phillip and Reggie: See ya! (They both smirk looking from one to the other as Pete runs up the steps after her)
Pete: Oh crap I'll be right back! (Reggie and Phillip laugh then walk put the door down the steps)
Philip: Who's the hottie? (He reaches the back of the ruck throwing open the door then climbing up inside)
Reggie: That's Pete's girlfriend. (He pulls out the ramp from the bottom then climbs up inside next to him)
Phillip: She seems nice. (He pushes a box out pushing it towards the front. Then reaches for another pushing the lighter one towards Reggie)
Reggie: She's real sweet. (He leans into the truck and peers around) Not a lot in here at all.
Phillip: Not really it's all collapsed and wrapped still, just have to carry it in. (He takes the box and walks back toward the house Reggie behind and pile them on the porch then walk back)
Reggie: What about you? Player or girlfriend? (They walk up the ramp pulling the bed frame out walking it to the porch and leaving it then walking back)
Philip: Player but working on Girlfriend. ( He grins sheepishly getting Reggie's nod of approval)
Reggie: Lets you and I get you unpacked so you can go work on that cause I don't think Pete is coming back anytime soon. (They both laugh)
Philip: I know I wouldn't! (They both laugh again each picking up another box and walking back to the house)

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