Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Devereaux 03/19/2014

Devereaux steps out of the shower and towels off. He felt better a nap and a shower  had refreshed him. He also had a plan for Ms. Foster and her husband Rego Sherrigan. He takes a clean towel running it through his hair as he stands before the mirror then wraps it around his neck. He examines his face runs a comb through his hair then reaches for the hand towel on the counter knocking the mustache scissor and razor to the floor. He reaches for the scissor then the razor and the scrap of paper lying next to it. He places the razor and scissor on the counter reading the paper in his hand in the same motion. His eyes grow wide his face white with rage.  She was pregnant! He reads further down noting the doctor notes about how far along she was.  She was pregnant with his child! His child! She'd stolen his child and married Sherrigan to hide it from him. He growls crushing the paper in his hand as he grips the counter grinding his teeth. He'd warned her and now it was time to pay and dearly. She's made a fool of him once too often but first he was going to play the game her way. Yes, he'd have to make sure he played her exactly as she'd played him. His shoulders relax as he smiles to his self a plan formulating in his head. He reaches for his soap cup and brush and begins to make a lather and dabs it on his face. What he needed was a form of proof actually two and that would mean getting Dr. Colgate's assistance. He'd need concrete proof he was the father of course she couldn't know he had it all he needed really was one Cassandra could choose what ever path she wanted and he would use it to his full advantage. Perfect this could be Lena's last tasks she was proving to be difficult and he was a man of his word. She could get him what he needed and she was done. As for Cassandra she would find out what happened to people that crossed him and if she thought she was going to keep his child from him she had better give that idea a second thought.
     He enters the bedroom and stares down at the clothes Maurice had laid out for him he glances at the clock he was running behind he thought as he hurriedly dresses he also needed to make a few calls as he did it. He walks to his phone press the button and calls out his chief security officer.

Devereaux: Mr. Renault what do have for me.
Mr. Renault: They spent the day shopping and then headed straight to the airport they're on their way back to Pine Valley.
Devereaux: Very good keep an eye on them and keep me posted.Make sure your men are not seen understand?
Mr. Renault: Qui Monsieur. (The call ends as he walks to his breaux and flips through his cufflinks)
Devereaux: Lena!
Lola: Hello Dr. Colgate
Devereaux: Good evening Lena.(He smiles devilishly enjoying teasing her with her name de plume)
Lola: Don't call me that! (She snaps hating the reminder making him smile broader)
Devereaux: Sorry Dr. Colgate.
Lola: What do you want? (She hisses into the receiver hoping he'd get to the point before Adam arrived)
Devereaux: I want you to keep your eye on Cassandra I want to know the minute she comes into the hospital and why. (Lola stops in her tracks her mind snapping to attention)
Lola: What makes you think she's coming into the hospital?
Devereaux:  I'll let you know and I want you to call me as soon as she does.(He buttons the collar of his shirt then pulls on his beauties and begins to tie it.)
Lola: What exactly are you up to this time? I'm not going to be apart of...(Worry and annoyance edging her voice God no not the hospital)
Devereaux: Listen Lena do not try my patients! YOU want our little arrangement to end then you had better do as I tell you, do you understand?
Lola: Yes, I understand. (She says contritely knowing she had no choice)
Devereaux: Good I'll let you know. Have a nice time this evening. (Devereaux smiles to himself as the phone clicks. Lena or Lola as she preferred had been useful in her time very useful he thought as he dressed,. His mind going back to their first encounter in that seedy bar outside New Orleans when she'd saved Renault's life. The deal with the Colombian's had gone sour leaving Renault shot and bleeding out. There was no way Lebau could have driven them to a hospital and without one he would die. He'd said he knew somebody who could help and they'd driven through the night for what seemed hours to some dark dingy hovel just on the edge of the swamp. The place was dark and hot smelling of stale beer and rotted food. The broken "Budwiser" sign blinking on and off casting strobe like shadows on the smattering of  of rough looking people sitting around the room. They'd carried Renault into the kitchen as the bar emptied out for the exception of the bartender who hurriedly ran disappearing down the back hall. Then she'd come out a few moments later looking more dead than alive her eyes hollowed barely a spark of life left in them. She had them lay him on the table while she went back in a room coming out with a medical bag and a lantern handing it to him telling him to hold it steady as she operated silently ordering him now and then to adjust the lantern as she worked. She'd stopped the bleeding, removed the bullet stitched him closed in about an hour. She'd then ordered him to sleep while she'd cared for Renault, She did it dutifully staying by his side for days until he'd been able to travel in between caring for him as well. They'd talked for hours with nothing to do while they hid in the back room. She'd told him how she'd ended it the back of a bar in the middle of hell nursing criminals and it was a horrendous story. Back before he had become so jaded by this life and such stories still had an effect over him. He'd tried to pay her maybe she could use the money to get out of there but she wouldn't let him all she'd asked was when he left he'd take her with him. After all she'd done it seemed the least he could do so he had. She'd proven to be very useful once she'd sobered up in fact she was quite charming with a reserved mysteriousness about her that men, powerful men found her incredibly alluring. A quality that had helped them amass millions though he had never sucumbed to her charm.Theirs had remained a working relationship. She'd done it all no questions no argument. As a reward  he'd even helped her get her medical licence back. Then she'd started to balk and complain about wanting out. He honestly couldn't blame her she really wasn't mean't for this life. Even so with all the pleading to be let go she'd remained loyal. For that once she'd gotten him what he wanted she was free. As for Cassandra she'd find out what happened to those who'd crossed him)

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