Monday, March 24, 2014

Opal ,Tad and Phil 03/24/2014

Phil lies in the hospital bed waiting for Tad to get back from his chat with Taylor. It felt weird to be in a body again with all the sensation like the throbbing coming from his leg where they'd done the adjustment earlier or the pang of hunger coming from his stomach, the cool spot on his hand where it touched the cold metal on the bed. He closed his eyes enjoying the warm feel of the sun crossing his face through the slats in the blinds. It was a haunting sensation bring back a flood of memories. Tara, Charlie his Mom he could actually smell her on the sweater she'd left behind a few moments ago. It was odd talking to her having her hold his hand and feeling her kiss on his forehead when she'd said good bye, the longing for more time when she'd gone. He'd forgotten what it felt like to be alive. This was probably why they didn't allow what he was doing very often. If Tad didn't have a broken leg there be no telling what decadence he'd indulge in.
        He'd go see Tara not that he hadn't seen her over the years but now he could feel her in his arms smell the scent of her, taste her kiss. Maybe sit on the back porch watch the sun disappear behind the mountains and wait for the first stars to come out talk about how proud they were of their grandson Philip and their hopes and dreams for the other three coming up behind him maybe Oh my Lord Opal! Oh crap! Tad!

Opal: Hey love bug! I was out shopping this morning and I ran across a couple of those "Detective" Magazines you like so I got them for you. (She lays them down on the the bed tray then turns and looks at a vase of dead flower and picks them up and dumps the dead buds into the trash)
Phil: Thanks.
Opal: Oh! And I stopped by Jenny's school and had a nice chat with her teacher. (She turns and squints as the sun coming through the window)  You're going to go blind! (She walks to the window and tilts the blinds) There thats better! I see Ruth was here I better put this but my purse so I can give it to her later. (She pulls it from the back of the chair and places it next to her purse)
Phil:Thanks. (She continues to walk around the room collects the other magazines and places them on the window sill. then inspects the other flower vases one by one)
Opal: Her teacher said considering everything that's happened she's doing well thank God for small favors.
Phil: Amen! (He says trying desperately not to call attention to his self with no place to hide hopefully she would continue to putter around the room)
Opal: Let me put some fresh water in this plant. (She picks them up carrying them to the bathroom. Phil's head flops against the pillows where the heck was he? Any minute she was going to come from that bathroom take a good look at him and she was...)
OPal: Oh my God (She says dropping the small potted plant to the floor)  I am so sorry Sir! (Her face crimson she bends quickly picking up the plant placing as much of the spilled soil back in the planter and places it back on the dresser)
Phil: It's okay. (He smiles and shrugs not knowing what else to do but got along with the situation he was trapped)
Opal: I apologize I thought this was my sons room. (She looks around the room confused everything was as she'd left it last night) Here I go on and on!
Phil: No harm done really. (He smiles trying not to notice Opal's embarrassment and confusion as she gathers her things and walks slowly towards the door)
Opal: I'll just be getting out of your way. (She looks back at him her expression puzzled as she glances around the room again then back to the man in the bed)  I'm sorry!
Phil: You're fine really. (His heart filling with empathy as his mind screams GO!)
Opal: I'll just go check with the nurse and see where they moved him. Have a nice day (She walks out the door)
Phil: Have a good day ma'am.
Opal: Thank you bye. (She calls back as the door closes Phil waits a few moments the cream whispers Tad's name)
Phil: TAD! Tad!
Tad: I'm right here! Don't get your nickers in a not! (He laughs appearing at the side of the bed)
Phil: Hurry up she going to be back any minute! (He barks impatiently annoyed with his brother lackadaisical attitude)
Tad: Who's going to be back? (He laughs enjoying being out of the bed he walks to the widow and looks out ignoring his brothers anxious plea)
Phil: Opal! (He growls)
Tad: So what! She'll think it's me. (He laughs coming back toward the bed)
Phil: She ran to the nurse because she thinks she was in the wrong room! Now would you stop playing around and hurry up!
Tad: Why did she think she was in the wrong room? (He laughs again picking up the detective magazine and thumbing through it)
Phil: Duh! She can see me idiot! (He shouts the last part finally getting Tad's attention as his eyes open wide his face going white)
Tad: Oh my... CRAP!
Phil: Yeah! (Opal walks to the nurses station feeling confused and embarrassed by her encounter. She'd been in that room a hundred times she was sure it was Tad's. She smiles trying to sound calm and rational )
Opal: Hi, could you tell me what room you all moved Tad Martin to?
Nurse: Hi Mrs. Cortlandt he's in the same room he's been in.
Opal: I was just there and there was this strange man laying in his bed.
Nurse: Let me check but I'm sure we haven't moved him. (She walks to the computer and types into it)
Opal: I'm telling you there was a complete stranger in my sons room
Nurse: I'm sorry Mrs. Cortlandt but he should be right there.
Opal: I'm telling you not less than (She looks down at her arm holding Ruth's sweater. If she was in the wrong room how did Ruth's sweater get in there? Was it Ruth's sweater?) Maybe I walked in the wrong room thank you. (She smiles weakly and walks back to the room as Tad and Phil swap places)
Phil: So are you okay? (Feeling better now that they were back where they rightfully belonged)
Tad: I'm doing okay.(Feeling better than he had in a while) How about you? Anything else happen?
Phil: No not really Mom came by. That was nice of course she thought I was you but it was still good to see her. Oh and I had to go through your leg adjustment that was horrible!
Tad: I'm really sorry about that I know it's painful.
Phil: Yeah! Especially for someone who hasn't felt pain in thirty years! (He memory making him quiver he supposed it was his penance)
Tad: I'm really sorry man but I can't say I'm not glad I missed it. What about Momma.... (He adjusts the blankets on his bed getting himself comfortable)
Phil: She came in before! (He starts then is cut off by Tad)
Tad: Yeah you said that get to the point. (He laughs)
Phil: Well if you stop interrupting I could tell you she was here before and..(He starts again and is cut off)
Tad: Sorry, I was just trying...
Phil: Got to go!(Phil senses pick up on Opal just outside the room bursting in the room just as the Phil disappears)
Opal: Good Lord!
Tad: Momma! (He laughs smiling as if nothing happened as Opal comes in the room tossing her things on the end of the bed her arms folded across her chest)
Opal: What was that? (Nodding her head towards the empty space where Phil had been)
Tad: What was what? (He grins throwing his hands in the air and shrugging still not acknowledging what just happened)
Opal: I just saw a man standing next to your bed then he was gone! (Standing firm jaw set)
Tad: What man? (He shrugs again feigning innocence)
Opal: Okay! I have had about enough and I want to know what in the sam hill is going on here! (She snarls tired of being made a fool of) I came in here before and he was in your bed!
Tad: Momma, where the heck would I go? (He throws his hand up and laughs Opal stares at him a mixture of shock and surprise at his audacity)
Opal: I'm telling you I came in here...(She starts then stops in frustration knowing that wasn't going to do it and tries another approach) Look I know something weird is going on Tad!
Tad: What could I possibly be doing other than lying here with my leg in the air? (He laughs again but something in his eyes betrayed)
Opal: I saw a strange man laying in your bed when I came in before there's the spot where I dropped the vase! (She points then looks back at him her stance firm knowing she was on to something now)
Tad: Yeah and then you ran out of here.
Opal: Because there was someone else in that bed! Look Tad something is going on! I find you having conversation with your self . Something is going on and if you're not going to tell me I'll just figure it out myself. (She crosses her arms and nods her head accentuating her decision)
Tad: Momma there's nothing to figure out you're just over tired from helping out with the girls.
Opal: I am tired but this has nothing to do with it. Things have been strange since the night I saw those two shooting stars go up from the ravine. I knew it was a bad omen. (She picks up her things from the bed then walks closer to Tad who tries to remain calm but his eyes betraying him)
Tad: Momma it's okay really you just need to go home relax maybe get some rest.
Opal: Rest! I have that awards shin-dig with Palmer tonight. (She looks down at her watch then back at Tad slinging her purse over her shoulder)
Tad: That should be fun go out and enjoy yourself maybe that's what the doctor ordered. (He smiles looking trying to look innocent but looking more panicked as Opal looks more resolute)
Opal: No, you're just trying to avoid talking and trying to get rid of me! (She winks smiling smugly she had him!)If I had more time we'd hash this out right now but I have to start getting ready. (She reaches down on the chair picking up her jacket then turns back to Tad her brow furrowed her finger wagging) You listen to me Thaddeus James Martin I'm coming back tomorrow mister bright and early and you and me are going to hash this out!
Tad: Momma there's nothing to hash out! (He whines hoping beyond hope there was something Phil could do)
Opal: The more you keep saying "momma" the more I know you are up to something! (She walks to the door ignoring his protest)
Tad: Oh come on!
Opal: Come on nothing! (She pulls the door open) Bright and early mister! Bright and early! (She walks through closing it behind her. Tad rolls his eyes to the ceiling slapping his forehead as he lays his head back)
Tad: Thanks a lot!
Phil: You should learn to shut up sometime laughing boy! See you later.
Tad: What? Wait! Where are you going? (He shouts to the ceiling slamming his head against the pillows. Great now "Bright and Early" he'd have to deal with Momma!) Uggh!


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