Thursday, March 27, 2014

Adam, Colby and Lola 03/27/2014

Adam and Lola stand off to the side sipping their cocktails before the dinner starts watching the the other attendee's chatting and laughing.

Lola: Seems as if everyone in Pine Valley is here tonight.
Adam: Everybody that's anybody.
Lola: This is a very beautiful room.
Adam: Yes, it is lovely isn't it but, not half as lovely as you are tonight.(He says smoothly making her blush)
Lola: Thank you Adam and you look very handsome in your tuxedo.
Adam: Thank you I feel like one those little plastic men on top of a cake. (He jokes making her laugh)
Lola: You look very dashing.
Adam: So what do you say we make a night of it? (He leans in whispering seductively sending a quiver down her back. She ignores it knowing she needed to take things slowly at least until she could get free of Devereaux. until then she needed to keep her distances she chides herself as she steps away from him reaching for drinks from a passing waiter)
Lola: I thought that was what we were doing. (She turns back towards him handing him one then sipping hers gingerly)
Adam: No you're keeping me from terminal boredom. (He says stepping closer making her cool facade harder to maintain she quickly changes the topic again)
Lola: Actually it's been pretty exciting. Walking in was like one of those Hollywood "Red Carpet" events.
Adam: If it's excitement you want why don't you and I take off to the casino after this? (He says leading the conversation back to it's seductive bent. She steals her aloof exterior determine not to give in to her secret desire)
Lola: By the time this is over it's going to be late and I told you I have surgery in the morning.
Adam: I admire you're being so dedicated to your patients they're very lucky, even if it does spoil my plans.
Lola: Thank you. (She smiles at has flattery)
Adam: We could just go back to my house maybe have a nightcap? (A devilish smirk playing on his lips making her laugh again)
Lola: You are absolutely incorrigible! (Lola spots Colby from the corner of her eye as she walks towards them)
Colby: Dad!
Adam: Colby! (He says hugging and kissing her cheek) You look stunning!
Colby: Thank you! (She pulls away turning towards Lola) Good evening Dr. Colgate.
Lola: Good evening Colby you look beautiful. (She smiles her mind flashing back to their encounter in Adams study)
Colby: Thank you. (She eyes her dismissively) You look nice.
Adam: Lenka good to see you. (He smiles shaking his son in-laws hand firmly)
Lenka: Always a pleasure Adam. (Adam turns towards Lola extending his hand in greeting towards Lola)
Adam: Lenka Gregorian this is my friend Dr. Lola Colgate, Lola this is my son in-law.
Lenka: Pleasure to meet you. (She smiles extending her hand and shaking his)
Lola: Nice to meet you. Adam tells me you and Colby's new venture is going very well.
Colby: Yes, (She says snuggling closer to him her palm resting on his chest smiling up at him proudly) we're growing by leaps and bounds. This quarter looks to be double last quarter.
Adam: Congratulation sweetheart. (He leans in kissing her cheek smiling proudly)
Colby: Thank you Daddy. What about you? Did you seal the deal? (She looks over his shoulder at Lola gauging her reaction)
Adam: No, it went to "Cambius". (He shakes his head disappointed. Colby looks over at Lola who grows quiet staring at them all intently looking more interested than she tried to appear)
Colby: Really? I'm sorry Daddy and surprised. We were in your office just the other evening showing me all the work you had done.
Adam: Me too, I was so sure Chandler Enterprises had it locked.
Colby: From what I saw, so was I.
Lenka: Is that the one you were talking about at Christmas?
Adam: Yes, yes the vote came up yesterday we found out this morning.
Colby: Maybe you should have played this one a little closer to the vest. (She looks from her father to Lola the longer the conversation went on the more interested she seemed why?)
Adam: Perhaps, I have to say I was a little surprised. (He looks at her his expression slightly puzzled)
Lola: Well you know what they say you win some and you lose some. (She chuckles pulling Adam from his reserve he smiles down at her patting her hand on his arm. Colby looks from Lola to her Father knowing in her gut Lola had something to do with it and not liking the affect she was having on her father)
Colby: Not if you're a Chandler when we lose some there is always a reason and we always find it.
Adam: You think it's some kind of corporate espionage? (His brows arched in concern)
Colby: I'm not saying you have a spy or anything (Mocking shock and surprise while she steals a glance at Lola who looks calm but the flicker of fear behind her eye betrayed her. Colby decides to push a little harder) sometimes it's all a matter of simple security. Common everyday things we don't really think about. Letting someone use your computer or your phone or just simply leaving the wrong person alone in your office. (She finishes looking directly at Lola under the cover of her lashes as she sips her drink more convinced than ever as a look of guilt steals across her face)
Lenka: She's got a point you might want to upgrade your security, check your habits you can't be too careful. (He nods in agreement. Lola gathers her thoughts Colby's probing had rattled but she'd managed to stay calm. As obvious as Colby had been to her at least, all she had was suspicion she couldn't prove anything)
Lola: I think Colby's right it's like HIPA regulations in medicine you have to stay vigilant.
Adam: Yes, that's all very sound advice. (He smiles at her again the connection between them unnerving Colby)
Lenka: I can have Sergei come check things out for you if you like?
Adam: I'll have my own people check in to but thank you for the offer. (He smiles earnestly appreciating the offer. Colby had gotten what she needed and knew what she needed to do)
Colby: Look there's Oliver Sherrigan and Brooke! She looks gorgeous! (She says calling his attention to her enjoying the look that always came to his face when he saw Brooke and enjoying even more how his expression affected Lola)
Adam: Can you excuse us a moment (He says taking Lola's arm in his as he turns to his daughter and Lenka)  there's Oliver Sherrigan I want to say hello.
Colby: Sure (She smiles tipping up and kissing his cheek) we'll see you both later.
Adam: Lenka good seeing you. (He turns nodding his head towards him)
Lenka: See you soon Nice meeting you Dr.Colgate.
Lola: Very nice meeting you.
Colby: Nice seeing you again Dr. Colgate. (She smiles knowingly)
Lola: Good seeing you again Colby. (She smiles and nods her gut telling her this thing with Colby was not over)
Lenka: What was all that about? (He slides his arm around her waist pulling her close)
Colby: My father didn't lose that contract by accident (She snuggles against him) and I think she had something to do with it.
Lenka: Why what happened? (His voice low and concerned. Colby smiles giving his waist a loving squeeze happy with his concern for father. They sure had come a long way)
Colby: Come on my love buy me a drink and I'll tell you all about it.

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