Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Zach and Michael 03/18/2014

Zach reaches for the the first file on the last pile of files on his desk smiling as he skims through the first three pages happy that this would be the last time he'd have to read through any of it ever again. Places the folder down reaching for his pen just at the same moment his cell phone rings.

Zach: Dax what do you have for me?
Dax:  After spending the morning teetering on just this side of the law I found out who's after the "Cambius" majority.
Zach: Was it Lavery? (he grinds out weighing his options on dealing with him and another potential act on his family)
Dax: No,( He draws out hearing an audible sigh and the edge he felt in air between them release) voice but you, are very close.
Zach: St: Jacque? (He smiles relieved and as always impressed with Dax and his skills)
Dax: None other, I have to say he was extremely clever but I don't think he realized what he was up against if I do say so myself. (Patting himself on the back making Zach laugh)
Zach: And you do, you do.
Dax; Of course! You know how I get! (Sounding insulted at the thought that he might not get his prey making Zach chuckle at the memory of Francessca after the wedding and Dax's frantic search)
Zach: Yeah I Thought I was going to have to have you committed when Cessca ran off.
Dax: She's lucky I haven't had a chip put in her after that stunt! I take any attack on the Slater family or Slater holding very personally. (Sounding stern and resolute and he check the camera on on of the tables and alerts the the guards to the hustler at table nine)
Zach: I know that's why I love about you. (Watching the screen until the man had been escorted from the floor and into the security elevator then turns attention back to Zach)
Dax: Speaking of which I have something that you may find interesting.
Zach: What's that? (He picks up the folder and the pen intialing the page he'd been on)
Dax: It would seem our man of the hour Mr. Rego Sherrigan has run off with one Cassandra Foster.
Zach: Huh! (He drops the pen and folder his all his attention on Dax) When did that happen?
Dax: Last night he and the later took the corporate jet off to Vegas which got me curious so I checked around and I found that the two are now officially Mr and Mrs. Sherrigan.
Zach: Whoa! (Taken aback by his words he leans back in his chair) What happened to Devereaux?
Dax: It would seem she left him for greener pastures.
Zach: Interesting. Does anyone else know?
Dax: No, they've managed to keep it quiet on the downlow.
Zach: How do you know?
Dax: One, that's my job, two I'm very, very, very good at it and last when you hurt one of my munchkins you hurt me. So I keep a very sharp eye on the two of them. (Zach smiles knowing Dax was definitely not a person you wanted on your bad side ever especially when it came to family)
Zach: She hasn't been a munchkin in a very long time.
Dax: I watched that little girl grow up she'll always be my munchkin. (He chuckles remembering his niece as a child helping Dax in the office learning how to be a spotter)
Zach: Mine too. (Dax draws the camera toward a couple of unfriendlies by the slots and signals security to take a look then goes back to Zach)
Dax: Oh and please keep that little nugget I just gave between us I don't want to betray my source.
Zach: You got it. (Zach sits up wondering how this event was going to affect his new nephew and his mother)
Dax: Thanks very much appreciated oh, back to the original point of my call.(Turning his full attention back to Zach again)  What do you want me to do about St. Jacque?
Zach: Nothing yet just keep the hook baited I haven't heard back from Michael yet.
Dax: Okay I'll wait to hear from you. Oh, and we closed high today and from my estimation you should close higher tomorrow.
Zach: Awesome, stealing should cost you something even if it's a blessings in disguise. (If they did decided to bail St. Jacques would pay a hefty price)
Dax: You have the meeting with the dealers at three and the wait staff at four (Zach rills his eyes repeating the message before he finishes sounding bored)
Zach: And the awards dinner tonight we have to leave the house by seven-thirty.
Dax: Good you remembered. (He mocks then laughs)
Zach: Yeah, my brain isn't a complete sieve from this mind numbing chore!
Dax: Good to know. (Zach laughs)
Zach: I'll see you later.
Dax: See you! (Zach clicks the phone off smiling as he picks up his pen then scans the page again for where he left off and tries to quell the nagging voice in the back of his head. He puts his pen down reaches for the phone again and barks Michael's name into it and waits)
Michael: Hey sorry I didn't call you back what's up? (He say stepping on the brake waiting for the light to change hoping this conversation didn't end as all their others had recently)
Zach: I got some information you might be interested in? (He says sounding hopeful, Michael wasn't sure but his tone had him curious)
Michael: What's that?
Zach: Someone is making a run on "Cambius". (He hears the swift intake of breath as the news sinks in with Michael making him happier by the moment at thought of finally getting the albatross from around their necks)
Michael: Oh happy day! (Sounding as excited as Zach felt)
Zach: My sentiments exactly! So we're in agreement?
Michael: I can't agree more! Let them have it and the curse that goes along with it!
Zach: I'll call Dax and give him the go ahead. So how's it going Granpa?
Michael: Great I'm enjoying every minute of him, and you should see how much he's grown and he's so smart! Do you know he recognizes my voice already?
Zach: That's great, I'll have to stop by and see him.
Zach: How are things with David? (His voice tentative)
Michael: Even better! We're on the verge of a break through. (His voice excited and filled with promise. Making Zach more concerned)
Zach: Just... (He starts but is cut off before he can finish his thought)
Michael: It's been really nice talking to you so lets not go there okay?
Zach: Alright. (He says biting back his words deciding he didn't want to close a door that had just opened)
Michael: You can tell me about the other stuff tonight at the ceremony and I'll show you all the new pictures I have of my Grandson! (Zach smiles think about the last time he'd seen his nephew)
Zach: I can't wait, see you this evening. (He ends the call picking up the folder he'd been working on feeling lighter that he had in a long time. In a few hours "Cambius" would be out of his life forever and that was something to be truly happy about. He picks up the phone pressing the key for Dax)
Dax: Yes Master how may I help you?
Zach: I talked to Michael let it Rock.

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