Thursday, March 13, 2014

Cassandra and Rego 03/13/2014

Cassadra walks from the bedroom into the living area of their suite. She glances around the room spotting Rego out on the balcony she pulls open the door and walks out to join him as Rego turns to face her.

Rego: Hey how are you feeling? (She leans on the railing and looks out over the city)
Cassandra: I'm doing okay. How are you, did you get any sleep? (She turns her head to face him the morning sun casting a warm glow across her face)
Rego: Some,( He smiles enjoying the moment he liked her when she was like this when her eyes weren't darting around as a scheme rolls through her head) are you hungry? I ordered breakfast for us.
Cassandra: Great! I'm starving! ( She smiles pushing off the rail and following him through the door)
Rego: I wasn't sure what you wanted so I ordered you a little bit of everything. (Waving his hands over the table presenting the bounty of food he'd ordered. She smiles, the sight of all of it make her feel slightly ill)
Cassandra: I'll just have some tea and toast for now. (She sits in the chair and reaches for the toast on the plate in the same motion as Rego pours tea into her cup and places it in front of her)
Rego: Are you feeling alright? (He looks at her concerned that the doctor they'd seen had missed something)
Cassandra: Just a little nausea (She smiles up at him pleased with the concern on his face) I waited too long to eat. I'm fine you don't have to worry.
Rego: Okay. (He expels the breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding and sits in the seat across from her)
Cassandra: Aren't you having anything?
Rego: No, I'm not hungry. (He frowns ready to put his plan on the table) Do you feel well enough to talk?
Cassandra: Sure, what about? (She keeps her voice light waiting to see where this was going hoping where she wanted)
Rego: I've decided when we get back we are staying on my fathers estate.
Cassandra: What!
Rego: If my father will let us I want us to live in the main house.
Cassandra: I don't want to live there! With your father and Brooke breathing down our necks watching everything I do! Not to mention Jamie and Francessca popping in and out with their whiny brat!
Rego: First thing leave their baby out of this! I don't want either of my nephews involved in this understood? They are just children.
Cassandra: Sorry! I didn't know you were so touchy when it came to that baby!
Rego: I helped bring that baby into the world lets let it go at that shall we?
Cassandra: What Ever! (She rolls her eyes hating the idea of being under Oliver's scrutiny that was not a part of her plan)
Rego: It's the only place that I know where you and the baby will be fully protected.
Cassandra: No! (She screams) Can't we live someplace else and get our own guards or something? How about that little cottage they have towards the back of the property? (Where'd she'd have some privacy and could come and go as she pleased)
Rego: I thought about that it's too far away from the main house and too close to the road beyond the wood. No other place that I can get for us will be as protected as the main house. Plus you'll have room to move around freely. Besides it's a big house we could probably have the entire South wing if we wanted. That would give us plenty of privacy. (Trying to sound cheerful as he met her contorted doomed expression)
Cassandra: Sounds like going from purgatory straight to hell if you ask me! ( She spits pushing back from the table causing the dishes to clatter sounding more and more like a spoiled child making him angrier by the moment)
Rego: You came to me for help remember? (He growls back following behind her as she stamps toward the window then turns on him shrieking)
Cassandra: Help, not moved from one prison to another!
Rego: I'm trying to keep you and the baby safe! (He says between clenched teeth desperately trying to keep his anger at bay and his head level)
Cassandra: To a place where I 'll be physically safe and emotionally beaten! ( Retorts her own anger and frustration showing. Why couldn't anyone just do what she said) I won't....(Her words cut off by the deadly boom of his voice shocking her into silent submission)
Rego: If what I've planned isn't good enough for her highness you could bloody well fend for yourself, because that's worked so well for you thus far! ( the last part biting into her like a snake if he abandoned her she had nothing left. She goes to him clasping his arm turning him towards her)
Cassandra: I'm sorry. I know you're just trying to do what's best and I'm sorry if I seem ungrateful. I appreciate everything you've done I really do. I'm just really scared
Rego: You have to trust me on this okay? (Some of his anger dissipating)
Cassandra: Okay. (She smiles up at him then stand on her tip toes gently kisses his cheek making him smile and some of the the tension in his shoulders ease)
Rego: I'm going to go shower and get dressed maybe we can do a little shopping before we fly home?
Cassandra: That'd be great. (She smiles looking contrite if not happy)
Rego: Why don't you finish eating I'll be right back. (Cassandra goes back to the table smiling smugly she'd played her cards perfectly and she'd gotten exactly what she wanted. Well not exactly but it would do for now. She was safely tucked away in the Sherrigan Manse servants at her beck and call definetly a big plus. In the mansion she wouldn't have to lift a finger! She most importantly safely away from Devereaux she grins poking at a slice of honeydew with her fork and chewing it savoring her victory. Her head turns quickly toward the knock at the door. She looks towards the back of the suite as she rises hearing the shower running and decides to open it)
Delivery Man: I have a delivery for a Cassandra Sherrigan.
Cassandra: That's me.
Delivery Man: Sign here please.
Cassandra: Thank you. You can put them over there. (She reaches in to the purse she'd discarded on the sofa and hands him a tip Thanks him again then closes the door behind him, She walks to the vase admiring the beautiful arrangement and thinking just how thoughtful Rego was to send them. She pulls the card from the stand and open it expecting an apologetic love note of sorts as she reads the color drains from her face her stomach heaves making her sprint for the bathroom. She drops the crumpled card into the bowl flushing it away with her breakfast effectively erasing the evidence but not the memory of what it said. "Congratulation Mr. and Mrs Sherrigan on your nuptials! My lawyers will be in touch in four months"
He knew! He knew the child was his! He knew everything! Oh God no! she whimpers then stands walking to the sink and running the water splashing her face she had to think and get a plan.
       Maurice walks out of the flower shop smiling enjoying the early spring sun warming his face as he tucks the delivery confirmation in his pocket. He would have loved to see her face when she'd read the card and perhaps he should have stuck around to see Devereaux's face when he found her pregnancy test but he wasn't stupid! When Devereaux found it which he was positive he would (he'd left if next to the trash in the bathroom and had dropped his razor near it so he wouldn't miss it laughing aloud at his own cleverness) He'd be looking for someone to lash out at and since the wench wasn't around he was not going to be next in line. Perhaps he'd go have tea with the Sherrigan's maid see what was happening on that front, tea and chat that's exactly what he needed               

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