Monday, March 31, 2014

Erica and Gavin 03/31/2014

Erica walks into the ballroom relieved to be away from the camera flashes that almost blinded her. She stood there smiling like an idiot next to that insufferable man for twenty minutes while he pontificates his shrewd business acumen, his dreams and ambitions for the station she'd barely had a chance to say anything. All she'd been was arm candy to complete the image it was absolutely maddening!

Gavin: Here you go sparkling cider for our star.
Erica: Thank you.
Gavin: Your interview was absolutely brilliant. You were absolutely delightful. Giving them just enough information but not enough to run with and and a few bread crumbs to speculate on. (He says placing his arm around her waist and whispers in to her ear as a passing photographer snaps their picture. Erica smiles broadly pushing away from him when the photographer leaves)
Erica: Thank you again (She smiles shaking the hair back from her face her eyes narrowing her annoyance with his overbearing enthusiasm reaching close to threshold ) Tell me how much longer do we have keep this up? (Gavin places his drink on the table then reaches in to his pocket and scrolls through his phone a satisfied smile across his lips as he reads the screen)
Gavin:  For as long as the public loves us, (He flips his phone closed tucking it in his pocket picking up his glass of champagne salutes her then winks) and they are loving us.
Erica: What are you talking about. (She scoffs wishing she could slap the smug grin from his presumptuous, arrogant face)
Gavin: Check your "Chirpper" feed we're trending darling. (He smirks and sips his drink. Erica reaches in her purse and takes out her phone starring pleasantly surprised at the hashtag line on her "Chirpper" feed)
Erica: Oh my! This is unbelievable. (Maybe there was some pay off for suffering through him it had been a long time since she'd seen her name trending for a good reason)
Gavin: Stick with me madame and you'll go place. (A smug smile playing on his lips. Eric stares at him a wicked smiling curving her lips ice dripping from each word) )
Erica: But are they places I really want to go. (She sniffs walking away from him to greet her daughter and Zach)
Kendall: Mother! You look spectacular as always.
Erica: Thank you darling! (She leans in kissing each cheek) You look beautiful! Zach! (Tipping up as she hugs and kisses him. She turns toward Gavin keeping up her public facade for the evening as she places her dazzling smile on her face as it was once again show time)
Erica: Gavin Blackwood, this is my daughter Kendall and her husband Zach Slater.
Gavin: Pleasure to meet you both. (He says shaking the hands of each)
Erica: Gavin is the new owner of WRCW.
Zach: Congratulations. (Taking two glasses from the tray of a passing waiter and handing Kendall one)
Gavin: Thank you. (He says taking a drink from his glass as he thinks) Zack Slater, you own the casino down on the riverfront? (He smiles in recognition)
Zach: Yes I do. Are you a gambling man Mr.Blackwood?
Gavin: Gavin please and, yes but not in the casino. I was wondering if you'd be interested in having a live week long shoot of "New Beginnings" from your casino? Where planning on remodeling the sets and I thought maybe we could do a week of taping at your casino New beginnings-Taking Chances". It would give some free advertising for your casino and I'm willing to pay top dollar for the service.
Zach: Sounds interesting why don't you give my assistant Dax a call in the morning to discuss the details we'll see if we can do business.
Gavin: I'll be in touch. (He shakes Zach's hand then turns towards Kendall) Oh and speaking of the set remodel Ms. Hart I would love to get your opinion on the new set designs. I saw your work at the Expo and it was absolutely breath taking.
Kendall: Thank you very much! Honestly I have been wanting to do something with that set for a long time. (She mock whispers as Erica's brow draw together this was getting ridiculous! First her son in law Now he was wooing her daughter? This was insufferable!)
Erica: Exactly what is wrong with my set?
Kendall: Nothing that a little updating wouldn't fix. (She tries to smooth noting her mother's eyes growing venomous as Gavin expands on his ideas for the set but there was something else there too one that was all too familiar)
Sophia: Hey ya handsome. (She nudges Zach side smiling devilishly)
Zach: Hey what are you doing here? (His eyes wide with surprise he smiles broadly as he reaches down giving her a hug and kiss)
Sophia: I have a date with my other good looking.(She hitches her thumb over her shoulder pointing to Jamie behind her as she walks)  Let me say "Hello" to Kendall.
Zach: Jamie how are you? (He extends his hand toward Jamie drawing him into a hug)
Jamie: Good to see you! (Giving Zachs back a friendly pat as he releases him)
Zach: How are my neice and nephew? (His proud smile mirroring Jaime's)
Jamie: They're perfect. I took these this morning  (Grinning impishly he takes out his phone and show him the photos)
Erica: Jamie! (She says kissing both of his cheeks ) How nice to see you! I was over earlier to see that gorgeous little boy! (She smiles brightly shaking her hair back from her face)
Jamie: Yes Francessca told me. (And told him the entire time he'd dressed) Thank you for your beautiful gift.
Erica: You're so welcome. Jamie may I introduce Gavin Blackwood, (She says taking his arm and drawing his attention towards the later) Gavin Blackwood Dr. Jamie Martin.
Jamie: Nice to meet you (Shaking his hand politely his brow lifting in recognition)
Gavin: You're the young Dr. Martin that's receiving the award tonight? (He asks confirming his suspicions)
Jamie: Yes.
Gavin: Congratulation's I was reading about all the splendid things your clinic does. I wonder if you would be willing to come on "New Beginnings" to discuss your clinic and the work you do there? We're having a week long series titled "Taking Chances" and from what I've read the bulk of the money to fund your clinic was your own. If that's not a "Big Chance" I don't know what is? (His smile genuine making Jamie smile as well) I think that is right in line with our theme.
Jamie: I'd have to think about it and discuss it with my wife. (Erica looks from on to the other he had managed to work every member of her family and doing it absolutely beautifully as she watches Jamie's resolve chip away)
Gavin: Think about it and I promise no personal questions this will just be about your work at the clinic what gave you the idea, how you went about making it come to fruition that sort of thing. It would be great publicity for your clinic perhaps even increase donations. (He hands Jamie his card Jamie takes it from him tucking it into his pocket he had a good point Logan's birth had seen a huge jump in donations to both his clinic and the Miranda Center)
Jamie: I promise I'll seriously consider it thank you.
Gavin: I'm serious too. It's a wonderful thing you're doing.
Jamie: Thanks (He looks over Gavin shoulder smiling as he seen JR and Rebeka coming through the door and turns to Sophia who comes to stand beside him) Excuse me a moment I want to say "hi" to my brother.  
Erica: Sophia lovely to see you again! (She leans in giving her cheek and "air" kiss)
Sophia: Erica you look gorgeous as always I had to come over and see your gown up close the monitors didn't do it justice.
Erica: Thank you Sophia. Sophia Logan this is Gavin Blackwood he's the new owner of the television station WRCW. Sophia is the Grandmother of my daughters niece.
Gavin: Enchante Madame.
Sophia: Nice to meet you. but I'd recognize you anywhere you used to be on this show I watched on English Television Broadcasts America you played "Errol Rathbone of His Majesty's Private Eye's". I loved that show! I never missed an episode. (Oh this was just getting ridiculous! Now he had completely charmed Sophia too? Was there no end to this travesty of an evening?)
Gavin: That was so long ago how nice of you to remember.
Sophia: I could never forget it was my favorite show! My sister would come over every Saturday night to watch. We would go to early mass to make sure we'd be home in time! Oh I can't wait to tell her I met you.
Gavin: Why don't we do better than that. let me have your phone.
Sophia: Here you go.
Gavin: Smile! (He says leaning in and taking a photo with her phone and handing it to her then taking another with his own) Does she get text?
Sophia: Of course and "Chirpper"! We're quite hip! (Fanning insult making him laugh and Erica more annoyed by the second)
Gavin: What's her phone number?
Sophia: It's right here. (She points to the contact list on her phone)
Gavin: She should get that any minute and it's on our "Chirpper" feeds. (He hands her phone back Sophia takes it from him scrolling to her feed and smiling down at the photo)
Sophia: Oh thank you so much she'll have a heart attack! (She tucks her phone back inside her purse)
Gavin: My pleasure anything for a fan! (He smiles back at her completely pleased with his self just working his magic everywhere he went what was wrong with people? And he did it with such ease while Erica seethed)
Sophia: Oh I knew you would be just as handsome and charming in real life as you are on TV!
Gavin: It's hard not to be with someone so lovely!
Sophia: Oh my, you're going to make me blush! So you own the TV station huh?
Gavin: As of eight o'clock this morning.
Sophia: Wonderful good luck to you! I hope you're not going to change my programs?
Gavin: I have no such plans in fact what I want to is enhance what I already have.
Sophia: I hope you don't plan too many changes?
Erica: Don't worry we'll still have all the stories you've loved so much on. That's why I wanted Francessca on the show. I think my audience really loves and wants to see stories like hers.
Sophia: I remember you saying when you bought over the baby gift this afternoon.
Gavin: I thought we agreed earlier that needed further discussion? ( He grinds out through his tight smile)
Erica: And I told you that stories like Francessca's, ones filled with triumph over tragedy are the kinds of stories my audience have come to expect.(Sophia looks from one to the other. Erica looked as if she'd explode. She was trying to prove something to her new boss at her grandchildrens expense. That explained her sudden interest in her great-grandson. She may have had a gift but it was second to the one she was trying to give herself. Lets see who was the better gift giver between the two of them)
Sophia: If you don't mind my saying, you know what I would do if I wanted to "enhance" a show?
Gavin: What's that? (Genuinely curious she was a viewer what better source)
Sophia: I'd find that Carmen that used be on "New Beginnings" and hire her back! (As entertaining as they were according to "The Sun" it was because the rivalry behind the scenes) She and Erica were funny together. The few months she was on were the best! Like the time she made the Cucumber cold cream! That was really something! (She laughs making Gavin laugh with her and Erica cringe at the memory)
Gavin: See? (He says regaining his composure and turning to Erica) What have I been telling you all evening! Thank you Mrs. Logan. (He grasp her shoulders kissing her cheek and smiling broadly. He words catching Erica completely off guard leaving her speechless)
Sophia:  Call me Sophia.(She laughs patting his arm)
Gavin: Thank you Sophia for confirming what I have been telling Erica what the audience wants all evening!
Erica: Oh yes, thank you, Sophia.(She grumbles through her clenched smile)
Sophia:  I don't know what I did but you're welcome. Excuse me a moment there's Brooke and Oliver I'm going to go say hello. Very nice to meet you. Have a lovely evening Erica. (Sophia walks away quickly smiling knowing exactly what she'd done. Yeah those shows were fun and she was sad when Carmen left but when you come over with some Judas gift, beautiful as it was for her grandson you pay)

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