Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Colby and Rebeka 02/11/2014

Colby looks at herself in he compact checking her lipstick as she sits at the table waiting for her future sister in-law. She'd was acting weird yesterday and her brother seemed blind to it or was trying to ignore it and it all surround Ryan Lavery. As soon as his name came up Rebeka had seemed angry shaken and nervous. Her responses to normal question had been off and she was getting to the bottom of it. She snaps her compact closed tucking it back in to her purse as her eyes roam the the room spotting Rebeka asa soon as she walked in the door and waving.

Colby: Rebeka! Over here! (She waves her hand at her as Rebeka makes her way to the table and slides in the seat opposite her)
Rebeka: Hi! Colby how are you!
Colby: I'm good how are JR and the kids?
Rebeka: Perfect as always (She smiles happily and sincerely giving  Colby the impression the problem wasn't between here and JR)
Colby: That: Great! How far have you and JR gotten with your wedding plans?
Rebeka: So far everything is under control. We haven't talked in a long time what about you? How are things with you and Lenka?
Colby: Wonderful! (She smiles thinking back on the two of them in the office this morning before and after closing with "Gigron" their's was the perfect blending of business and pleasure sometimes it was like a aphrodisiac for them and she was hoping for same between her her brother and Rebeka so if it was a problem between the two of them what was it about with Ryan?)
Rebeka: You know I you and Lenka are really good together. I have never seen him this happy and Endre has a better father because of you.
Colby: Thank you so much. (Genuinely surprised by her admission and flattered making her blush)
Rebeka: No I mean it.
Colby: Thank you so much really I didn't do anything and I invited you to lunch to try and help you.
Rebeka: Help me with what? (She looks at Colby a nervous smile playing on her lips)
Colby: Look, I'm just going to say it what's going on between you and Ryan Lavery?
Rebeka: I swear there is nothing going on between me and Ryan Lavery! In fact he makes me kind on ill when ever I'm around him. (She looks at Colby her expression repulsed)
Colby: Why what does he do? ( She looks at her truly concerned)
Rebeka: He doesn't really do anything it's just the way he looks at me and the weird way he acts when he around me. As if he's seeing me and not seeing me at the same time. It's just weird and unnerving.
Colby: Oh My GOD!
Rebeka: What (She looks at her her eyes wide with fright) What's wrong?
Colby: I don't know why I didn't realize it before!
Rebeka: Realized what? What's going on?
Colby: You look almost exactly like Ryan's dead wife hold on let me see if I can pull it up on my phone. (She says reaching in her purse and pulling out her phone. She types quickly on the key board then hands it to Rebeka) Here look at this and read the article.
Rebeka: It's kind of like looking in a mirror.
Colby: Ryan was married to her only a few weeks before she was tragically killed. You look just like her! Now does it make sense?
Rebeka: It explains why he reacts the way he does but it doesn't...
Colby: Your reaction to him? (She probes deeper the desire to protect her brother deepening. What exactly were her feelings for Ryan)
Rebeka: He makes my skin crawl and then yesterday...
Colby: What happened yesterday? (Colby leans in waiting for Rebeka to finally spill her secret and careful to keep her expression of love and concern)
Rebeka: Yesterday it was just even more weird than normal. (She admits giving Colby just enough without revealing all not sure if she could trust her) He just seemed even more odd than normal it just made me very uncomfortable. (She says leaving out the odd feeling that had gone through her when their hands touched) I'm just really glad it's over! (There it was again that slight hesitation she had yesterday was Colby's thought)
Colby: Are you sure that's all there is there's not some weird sexual under current going on between you? (She says bluntly gaging the emotions flowing across Rebeka's face)
Rebeka: No there is nothing between us that's the point! For some reason Ryan Lavery thinks there is and every time we're together it feels like there is some weird sort of seduction going on. Almost to the point of feeling like a stalker. He's even shown up at my house!  (She states honestly working her way around the fact that she had felt a weird attraction towards him)  It's just all so disconcerting!
Colby: Does JR know?
Rebeka: Yes I've told him everything and he was there the night Ryan came by thank God. I'm just glad we no longer have to work with them anymore. (She says burring the memory of that moment with Ryan yesterday. The fleeting look on her face not escaping Colby. Some thing was up nothing had happened yet but it was a situation she was going to keep her eye on)
Colby: You know what enough whit Ryan you and JR are done with "Cambius" so why don't you and I order lunch and talk about your fabulous wedding! (She hands her the menu smiling brightly as she flips hers open) So have you decided on the colors for the bridesmaids dresses? (Rebeka flips open her menu glad for the change of topic even happier that Colby seemed to trust her story and why not? It was the truth she chide herself letting go of her trepidations and relaxing in the moment)
Rebeka: Not yet I was really hoping you could help me decide.
Colby: Sister in-law you've come to the right place! 

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