Friday, February 21, 2014

Rego and Cassandra 02/20/2014

Rego stares down at his phone letting the call go to voice mail he wasn't ready to talk to his father. He still needed more time. He stands tucking his phone in his pocket and opens the sliding door stepping back inside the cool interior.He peeps down the hall the door was still closed she must still be laying down. He walks to the basket of fruit pulling out an apple and crunches down in to it. Enjoying the taste of it, had been a long time since he'd had a fresh apple last time had been the hay-ride he and Francessca had shared. That had been fun he smiles walking to the sofa and sitting down propping his feet on the table. One thing he'd learned from his time with Francessca was to appreciate simple things. He smiles taking another bite of his apple funny thing was instead he'd chosen anything but! Life with Cassandra was never going to be simple and maybe that's what he secretly wanted. Living life as one big circus, fun, laughs and just one huge roller-coaster ride.
           They were to have a and a baby would put the brakes on that. What were either one of them going to do with a baby? They were going to be parents! Someone was going to be depending on them for life and protection in a just a few months. Would he be able to protect both Cassandra and the child from Devereaux? What if the child was Deveraux's? Did he have the right to keep a father from his child? From everything he'd heard, seen and experienced the answer was yes. The man was a monster and there was no doubt that he wouldn't treat a child any better than he'd treated Cassandra. No matter what anyone said and that included his father this was the right thing to do. He stands throwing the apple core in the trash then reaches for the hotel phone. The apple wasn't going to hold him long he needed more and so would Cassandra when she awoke. After they needed to have a long talk.
          Cassandra opens her eyes rolls over and stretches then winces in pain. She was still really bruised from the beating she'd taken. She rises from the bed and looks in the bathroom mirror there were lash marks on her back and a bruise where he'd kicked her but she was no worse for wear, and her little golden goose was fine.  Thank God the doctor had seen her alone! Rego had wanted to go in with her but she was able to manipulate him and keep him out. The last thing she needed was him finding out exactly how far along she was or wasn't. He'd find that out later like years from now by that time it wouldn't matter. The important thing was she was Mrs.Rego Sherrigan and under the protection of the Sherrigan family Devereaux couldn't touch her! She was finally free of him!Everything had worked out perfectly. She smiles at her reflection in the mirror leaning closer a little make up would cover the bruise on her cheek and some food would fix the gnawing in her stomach. Maybe after breakfast they could go shopping maybe take in some of the sights. Rego probably wouldn't think it was safe but why not? Devereaux had no idea where they were and what could he do to her now anyway? He couldn't touch her she was free and she planned to enjoy every minute of it!
             Devereaux picks up his phone stares at it then puts it back down on his desk. He'd been waiting all morning to hear something back from his men and still nothing! Even the hours worth of distraction the information Lola had gotten him wasn't enough to turn off the demons in his brain that kept screaming Cassandra's name. He gets up from the desk and stares out the window over the bustling city. She was out there somewhere and if they knew what was good for them they had better find her! If they valued their lives it had better be within the next hour. He turns back to his computer pecking at the keys checking the company stock which had done very well this morning another couple of days like today and he'd have everything he wanted except one. His phone rings breaking the silence. He presses the speaker button quickly impatient for any news unable to hold he grips the edge for the desk his knuckles white.
Devereaux: Devereaux St. Jacques! (Growls at the phone)
Mr. Renault: Bonjour Monsieur. We've located her sir.
Devereaux: Where is she? (Trying to keep the angst from his voice)
Mr. Renault: We found her in a hotel in Las Vegas.
Devereaux: Is she alone? (He closes his eyes hopping she was but knowing she wasn't)
Mr. Renault: Non Monsieur. She is with Rego Sherrigan.
Devereaux: Ahh huh, (He lets go of the desk rubbing his temple while he paces) what else?
Mr. Renault:  She and Mr.Sherrigan (He says swallowing hard before continuing) were married last night. (Devereaux stops in his tracks his temper barley in check) They are staying in the Penthouse suite in one of the casinos. I sent the name of the hotel and suite number to your phone.
Devereaux: Is that everything?
Mr. Renault: Qui Monsiuer what would you like me to do?
Devereaux: Nothing for now just keep an eye on let me know immediately if they leave.
Mr. Renault: Qui Monsieur. (Devereaux ends the call abruptly laying his phone down on his desk. He walks to the bar pulls out a tumbler and fills it, gulping from the bottle before smashing it against the glass shelving shattering them.
            Maurice watches from the shadows of the hall smiling to his self as he watches Devereaux rage. So she'd gotten that fool to marry her and they were in Las Vegas in wedded bliss. How wondrous. How absolutely fabulous. She'd done more than he could have hoped. She'd put her lover right in the middle of things. He wondered how fast he'll run once he learned the truth? He supposed she was pleased with herself and happy she'd finally escaped him and gotten away with her lies once again. He'd let her have her day maybe two depending on when the other idiot pulled himself together enough to be useful. Then he'd leave her doctors receipt where Devereuax would be sure to find it perhaps he'd send a copy to Mr. Oliver Sherrigan just for good measure. He'd have to think about that Sherrigan senior impressed him as a man that needed very little help seeing through "The Whore" but definitely Devereaux would be getting the happy news. It would be the sprinkling of nuts on his hell-storm sundae. Then sit back and watch the games commence and opportunity presented itself pushing  events along until they reached an earth shattering crescendo. Speaking of which he'd have to send the happy couple some flowers to commemorate the occasion, in Devereaux's name of course can't have them too happy. As soon as the demented child-man finished his tantrum then laid down to have his nap he'd get the address.  

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