Friday, February 14, 2014

Erica at the studio 02/14/2014

                                                      Gavin Blackwood                                                           

Erica sit in her newly designed dressing room she had to admit it was beautiful and it had served two purposes. She needed her dressing- room redone and it had gotten rid Carmen in the bargain. Even if ratings had slipped she didn't care it has all been worth it. She was Erica Kane after all and  Erica Kane didn't need a side kick ! Ratings would bounce back she wasn't worried! All she needed was a couple of good interviews for her show maybe she could get an exclusive from Francessca! It would be just the type of story her audience would love!After all she was a member of her extended family they would be expecting her to have the scoop. She'd have to buy a the baby a welcome home gift and stop by. Maybe she should get Kendall to come along with her. She'd have to call her later. That was a quick fix but she still need something for long term. She stands picking up the papers and her pen tapping it on the pages in thought as she paces the room.

Floyd: Erica! (He calls knocking on the door at the same time opening it)
Erica: Floyd! Come in! (She says turning and placing the paperwork on her desk) Come in I was just going over the ratings for last month and I think I have an idea that will get them shooting for the stars!
Gavin: That's wonderful we would love to hear it! (Erica's head snaps around to sound of the unfamiliar voice)
Erica: And why would that concern you? (She walks towards them ready for battle Floyd steps between them taking control of the moment)
Floyd: Excuse me, (He stutters his nervousness showing)  Erica Kane this is Gavin Blackwood the new owner of WRCW.
Gavin: Enchanté Ms. Kane. (He says taking her hand and kissing a knowing smirk playing on his lips)
Erica: The pleasure is all mine Mr. Blackwood. (Handsome, very handsome but, his expression was blank giving her nothing to gage him with)
Gavin: Gavin. (His voice dripping with charm but his smile didn't quiet reach his eyes)
Erica: Gavin, Excuse my shock I wasn't even aware that WRCW was for sale let alone sold?
Gavin: Mr. Chandler and I decided to keep the sale as quiet as possible so as not to affect stock prices.
Erica: That was very shrewd of both of you. (She gushes taken some what aback by the affect she wasn't having on him)
Gavin: Yes it was (He nods in agreement his demeanor cool and reserved) you'll find I'm a very shrewd man.
Erica: As am I. Shrewd that is certainly not a man (Tossing her hair back over her shoulder and laughing)
Gavin: No one would ever mistake the beautiful and talented Erica Kane for a man but the shrewdness I'm beginning to doubt. (He says with a shake of his head his tone suddenly serious his stare unnerving)
Erica: I beg your pardon? (She glares at him her smile forced hoping she'd heard incorrectly)
Floyd: Now Erica I'm sure Mr. Blackwood didn't mean it the way it sounded. (He cajoles looking from on to the other)
Gavin: I meant it exactly as it sounded. (His tone unwavering meeting her glare with one of his own)
Erica: Who do you think you are? You have the nerve to waltz in here and speak to me this way! (She grinds out between clenched teeth her eyes narrowed to slits claws drawn ready for battle he stares back her his expression stone his words calm and precises he comes towards her forcing her to step back as he dominates the space between them)
Gavin: I will waltz, do the tango or the cha-cha if I so please! This is my station you work for me not the other way around. You had a gold mine in Carmen Morales your ratings were the highest they'd been in years and what happened? Instead of cashing in on her popularity you played some petty jealous game. That is what you did isn't it? (He leans in towards her his eyes borrowing in to hers leaving her feeling some how exposed and defensive)
Erica: I would never jeopardize "New Beginnings" for revenge!(Feigning outrage) I'm a professional! And more than that "New Beginnings is my baby! I built it from nothing!  I'm the one that has poured every once of myself in to making it a success and on the air for the last six season! (She glares at him waiting for what ever half hearted apology he had to offer)
Gavin: Miss Kane I heard the rumors and what's more I was here I saw it with my own eyes! I was like that show "Spying On Your Underlings" I posed as one of the lighting assistants. (He smiles and winks laughing inside at her stunned silence and deer in the headlights expression) You used Ms. Morales' boyfriend to try and make her quit and it worked. All because of some petty jealousy you still hold because she dated your ex. (He smiles a devilish grin enjoying guilt and shamed expression on her face and then the shock as it all came together for her) Oh yes I've heard that too. (He laughs enjoying the upper hand. Adam was right about how  to handle Ms. Kane making it a lot easier than he'd thought. He'd have to send him a box of those Cuban cigars he was so fond of)
Erica: Why you! I should... (She pounces flying across the room her hand ready to smack the smug expression from his face as he immediately grasps her wrist. Dam! Adam had been right about that too. Erica stares at him feeling an instant electricity flow between them as their eye lock. He smiles down her acting as if he'd just read her mind and smiles that smug grin that was becoming all to familiar in such a short period of time)
Gavin: You should what? (He laughs releasing her wrist that she instinctively rubs it as if his touch had burned her. His attitude burning her more as he continues his monologue unperturbed by the encounter) Your lucky all Ms. Morales did was quit! We could have been sued for harassment! We still could! You bought your personal life into the show and almost destroyed it in the process! The rating still haven't sprung back from your childish hissy fit. (He rages then laughs bitterly shaking his head) That is costing this station money! When it cost this station money then it becomes my problem and then my problems become your problems. Your problem right now is that some people in your viewing audience after tantrum, perceive you as mean and people don't want to watch mean people for an hour each day. You have a perception problem and your perception problem is costing us viewer ship in turn sponsor dollars. Which in turn means I'm loosing money. I don't like loosing money. (He clucks his tongue and shakes his head wagging his finger at her, as if he were chastising a naughty child ) And, my loosing money is not going to happen again.
Erica:  Oh you have got to be kidding if you think....( He continues ignoring her protest as if she hadn't even spoken his voice booming over hers)
Gavin: That's why the first first thing we are going to do is work on your image. I have arraigned for you and I to be guests at tonight's awards dinner. Where you and I...
Erica: You expect me to go with you? (Taken aback by his presumptuousness)

Gavin: Of course (He stares at her his expression one of disbelief)  we have to show that the transition of the stations ownership was seamless and amiable. The best way for us to do this is to be be seen in public together. This way people get the imperssion that we are one big happy family!
Erica: Oh of course we wouldn't want to do anything that would upset that bottom line. (Her voice dripping with sarcasm which seemed completely lost on him. Winning him over wasn't going to be easy she was going to have to think and play along until she could read him. Then she could plan her attack) 
Gavin: As I was saying you are to be one of the presenters at tonight awards dinner. Also you have a dedication tomorrow at the Children's Cardiac Wing. The following morning you have the presentation of quiet a seizable check to the "Miranda Center" on behalf of "New Beginnings".
Erica: That's quite a line up. (She smiles brightly tossing her hair over her shoulder then sits on the small sofa and offers him the chair next to it) What else have you got planned. (She ask calmly hiding her rage behind her smile. She'd met his type before and she always won. As for Floyd he was putty and easily molded)
Floyd: Erica, Gavin and I have some very exciting things planned for the show.
Erica: Well, you have my curiosity peaked tell me some of your ideas.
Gavin: We're thinking about and this is nothing definite mind you but we're thinking about perhaps adding a couple of co host. (She surprised him there wasn't a shred of anger in her expression)
Floyd: Like those shows "The Scene" and the "Chat" (He adds watching Erica's grin tighten forcing Gavin suppress a chuckle. When she heard his plan she was going to be spitting fire that was for sure)
Gavin: And I want to bring back the cooking section. That received the best reaction from our target audience only this time I want to alternate between Krystal Hayward, Carmen's partner. I'm also going to give the set a fresh new look bring it in to the twenty-first century. (He watches her waiting for her facade to crack)
Erica: So let me make sure I understand what it is you want to do. You want to give me a co-host, excuse me co-hosts,  bring on the owners of that, that greasy spoon and her equally slimy partner  and to top it all off you want to redocorate my set? Is that right? (She says calmly trying not to show her hand. If he thought he was going to come here and just take over he had better think again he needed to know she wasn't going down without a fight. She wasn't some prepubescent teen he could just lead around. He was going to learn that very shortly, but now wasn't the time. She needed to play this just right) 
Gavin: Perfect. (He smiles looking at Floyd who nods in agreement both staring at her waiting for her response. What she wanted was to rail at the both of them instead she'd surprise them)
Erica: Let me explain something to you "New Beginnings" isn't like those other programs it's about encouraging women to take hold of their lives, their dreams and finding that special something in you to make those dreams happen. Now the ideas I have are the very essence of that theme.
 Gavin: Yes, so you were saying (He looks to Floyd then back starring at her with expectation gleaming in their eyes)
Erica: I want  to interview my daughters niece Francessca Martin. You may have heard about her she's the one that had the baby in the elevator at Pine valley Hospital. She hasn't granted any interviews. It would be a real scoop for the show. Those are the kinds of stories my audience wants. Ones filled with hope inspiration tales of triumph over adversity.
Gavin: That's great for one show but we're talking long term here. (He says with a shake of his head unimpressed)
Erica: I understand I have some other ideas as well. For example...(He waves his hand dismissing her speech and stands)
Gavin: Nothing is set in stone write them all down and we can discuss them at the staff meeting tomorrow afternoon. I really came by just to introduce myself. It was a great pleasure to meet you and I look forward to our working together. (He extends his hand towards her looking bored and smug at the same time infuriating her and cementing her decision she takes his hand in her shaking it quickly ignoring the tingle that went through her)
Erica: Nice to have met you Mr. Blackwood. (She walks to the door opens it smiling like the perfect hostess as she holds it for them) 
Gavin: Please Gavin, (He says politely)
Erica: Gavin. (She repeats still smiling) 
Gavin: Oh! (He stops turning back to face her) My driver will pick you up at your place at seven. Please be on time we have a brief interview on, (He hesitates then laughs) I guess you would call it the red carpet before we go in. My  assistant will send you the interview questions and your responses. Have a good day Ms. Kane. (He smirks then proceeds in to the hall Floyd in tow)
Erica: Oh I will. Congratulation and good luck to you. (Smiling brightly still the perfect hostess before closing the door behind them and seething privately. She walks to the desk picks up the rating sheets then crushes them with a primordial yelp tossing them in the trash) Oh you're going to need every bit of it Mr. Blackwood!    


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