Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Brooke and Oliver 02/26/2014

Oliver paces in front of the fireplace in the living room brows drawn. He'd received the copy of Rego's pre-nuptial and had just moments ago been able to reign in his fury. It was bad enough that he'd married the tramp but she was pregnant with who the hell knew child! He glowered into the flames going over and over what he'd read lost in thought.
Brooke: Hi honey (She calls walking into the room tucking her keys in her purse as she talks) I got your message what's going on? What was so urgent I had to cancel my meeting and come home?
Oliver: My son is an idiot!
Brooke: I thought you came to that conclusion some time ago?
Oliver: I didn't realize just how big an idiot till today!
Brooke: Stop calling him and idiot and tell me what he's done.
Oliver: I don't think I can get past the words without becoming violently ill! Here! (He says handing her the papers read this! (Brooke stakes the papers from his hand and sits on the sofa as Oliver walks to the bar and places two glasses on top. Brooke looks up from the papers brow raised)
Brooke: Isn't it early for that?
Oliver: Huh! Keep reading! (He laughs bitterly taking a long drink from his glass)
Brooke: This looks like a pre-nuptial? For...(She reads further her eyes wide Oliver walks to the sofa carrying a glass for Brooke) Rego and Cassandra! (She stares back at him her face pale and stricken)
Oliver: Here you go! (He hands her the glass she looks from the papers to him then back she reaches for the glass taking a swallow) Keep reading it gets better! (Brooke looks back at the forms skimming through the legal-eez her eyes opening wide staring back at him her mouth working but no words coming out)
Oliver: She's pregnant! (She reaches for her glass on the table and sips it again) So what does my idiot son do? He marrieds her! What the hell is wrong with him? His entire life Finally moving in the right direction and he marries... Agh! (He drains his glass slamming the empty vessel on the coffee table)
Brooke: This is unbelievable! (She places the papers back in the envelope unable to read the rest) What I don't understand is why in this day and age would he feel he'd have to marry Cassandra? (She frowns handing him back the envelope. He grasps it from and tosses it on the desk)
Oliver: I can't believe he would be this stupid! (He growls leaning on the desk for strenght. Brooke walks behind him giving his shoulders a loving hug)
Brooke: Maybe he's not being stupid at all.
Oliver: What do you mean? (He sighs taking her hand and leading her back to the sofa)
Brooke: You were just saying yesterday how much he's changed since the birth of the baby.
Oliver: What does that have to do with anything. (He growls feeling calmer having shared the news but still angry. Brooke brow furrow deeper as she thinks about Olivers revelation)
Brooke: You said he had a different attitude acting more mature more responsible.
Oliver: Obviously it was a temporary condition! (He sighs again leaning his head back against the cushion)
Brooke: You also said this morning how unpredictable Devereaux St. Jacques is maybe he thinks he's protecting her?
Oliver: Akkk! (He grunts waving his hand in the air dismissing her thought. Brooke rolls her eyes then continues as if he hadn't spoken)  
Brooke: Or he's protecting the baby. No matter how much you don't want to admit it that baby could very well be his child.(Oliver sits up his anger dissipating his mind now calculating)
Oliver: Alright lets say he's protecting the baby what exactly is he protecting it from and what kind of danger does it put the rest of our family in? (Brooke thinks about what he said her mind whirling through all the possibilities as worry sets in)
Brooke: Have you been able to get in touch with him since I left?
Oliver: I haven't called him since this morning I had too much reading to do. (He grumbles laughing bitterly) What you said make sense (He sighs) as far as Rego is concerned. My real concern is Cassandra what exactly is she up to?
Brooke; They could be in love? (Trying to look at a brighter side. Oliver smiles leans in and kisses her cheek)
Oliver: Rego maybe her not in this lifetime or the next. Cassandra Fosters' real lovers are money and power. She a user and a manipulator. I will save my son from her. (His tone vehement causing Brooke concern her voice tentative)
Brooke: What are you going to do? (She watch as his mind work)
Oliver: Nothing, (He sigh in resignation she quietly lets go of the breath she'd been holding) I'm going to let him come to me and tell me his plan. As far as he knows you and I never read that. (He points to the incriminating envelope on the desk) One way or the other I have to protect my family and I can't do that if we're all at odds so all of this is just between you and I agreed? (Brooke nods her head in agreement. Oliver was right they needed to be very careful how they handled this)  At least till I can figure out what's going on and what Cassandra is really up to.

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