Friday, November 15, 2013

Rego and Cassandra 11/15/2013

Cassandra steps from the shower and stands in front of the mirror examining the welts that were already forming where he'd whipped her with the razor strap. She stares down at her stomach the only spot where there weren't any then around to her back at the marks his shoe had left where he'd kicked her. Thank God she'd managed to roll fast enough before his foot had made impact. Mustering the courage she looks in the mirror at her face. It wasn't as bad as it felt at least not yet. There was a bruise forming on her cheek and jaw she could cover with makeup and the goose egg on her head she could cover with her hair or a scarf. she decided quickly rushing from the bathroom and dressing hurriedly. She needed to dress and get out before he came back. She reminds herself as she rushes into the bathroom. Inspecting what that monster had done she reaches for her makeup and start the repair work on her face. She definitely wasn't staying around for the next time! She had lain there in a panic desperately trying to think of a way to get away from him,his phone ringing had been like a prayer answered. It had taken everything she had not to bounce with glee. She'd prayed what ever it was would force him out of the house. After he'd beat her then rapped her he'd fallen asleep on top of her pinning her to the floor. She'd lain there for what seemed like hours afraid to move to make a sound afraid she'd awaken him and there would be a repeat of what had just happened. So she'd lain there praying and then his phone rang. He'd awakened with a start then smiled down at her lovingly as if nothing happened then pulled away from her and answered it. She'd sat up then regretted it as pain shot through her body her thoughts immediately going to the child she carried, She quickly analyzed the pain she felt and concluded that wasn't where she hurt. He finished his call quickly kneeling down on the floor next to her and retrieving his clothes as he spoke
Devereaux: I have to go out for a little while.
Cassandra: Where are you going?
Devereaux: I have a meeting to attend to.
Cassandra: Do you want me to go with you?
Devereaux: No, you get some rest I'll be back shortly. I'm going to take a quick shower. (He'd smiled at her stroked the bruise on her cheek then kissed it) I'm sorry for that my love but you never understand anything the easy way I hope we understand each other now? (She'd nodded her head in agreement he'd kissed her again this time tenderly then rose and headed for the bathroom. She'd waited for him to close the door and start the shower before rising and dragging her self to the bed. She'd wailed into the pillow her tears saturating the spot where she'd held it to her face muffling her shrieks of agony until he'd turned off the water. She'd pushed herself underneath the covers pretending to be asleep as he hastened around the room dressing. Holding herself still and breathing steady and evenly as he'd kissed her cheek and managing not to throw up before he left. She'd waited for the sound of the elevator doors closing then run to the window to watch for his limo to leave. She stared at her reflection satisfied with cover up job she'd done. She grabs her bag shoving the rest of her toiletries inside zipping it closed. She gives the bathroom a quick once over turns off the light as she dashes to the closet grabs her fur coats putting one on under the other. If for "A" or "B" reason Rego wouldn't help she could pawn these for the cash. She grabs her case and travel bag walking quietly to the door and peeping through the keyhole. It was just as she'd thought. Devereaux had left a body guard outside the door. Hopefully there wasn't one outside the servants entrance and she could sneak down the stairs to the next floor with out being seen. She'd tipped to the servants entrance through the kitchen and peeped out the door. From this angel she could see his closed eyes and chin resting on his chest as he slept. She quietly placed her case outside the door then the other stepping out behind them and closing the door silently behind her. She reaches for the door to the fire exist praying it didn't squeal when she opened it. She smiles to herself as it creeps open without out a sound then moves her bags to the landing and closing it as quietly as the last. She tips down the steps skipping the next floor and going to two below it she peeps into the hall making sure it was clear before stepping out in to it then pressing the button for the elevator. She waits less than a minute for the car to arrive then presses the button for the parking garage avoiding the lobby completely. The last thing she needed was that loud mouth door man seeing her. Hopefully he wouldn't spot her car leaving the garage but it didn't matter she planned to dump it as soon as she got far enough from the building. She reaches for her phone then presses the button Rego's number. The phone rings as she taps on the steering wheel counting each ring before he picks up)
Rego: Hey what's going on I thought you were going to meet me an hour ago.
Cassandra: Are you still there? (Allowing some of the panic she felt to edge her voice)
Rego: Of course not! (He rolls his eye skyward biting his lip to control his annoyance. He sighs then continues) I waited a while then I went home.
Cassandra: Are you  at your parents? (Her panic becoming more real tears begin to constrict her throat)
Rego: Yes why? (Concern starting to seep in to his consciousness as hears the distraught)
Cassandra: I need you to pick me up. (She croaks out then begins to sob)
Rego: Why don't you just come to the house?
Cassandra: No! (She screams then continues sounding more panicked than before)  it's too dangerous and I can't let anyone see me like this and I can't let him find me! I need you to pick me up I can't keep driving my car. (She breaks down in sobs again)
Rego: What the hell happened? (His own panic starting to set in)
Cassandra: He found out about us! I thought he was going to kill me!
Rego: Where? (He sweeps up his keys from the dresser shrugging into his coat as he runs down the steps toward the front door)
Cassandra: Pick me up at the Pine Valley train station.(She sobs out)
Rego: I'll be right there.
Cassandra: Hurry! ( She smiles to herself tossing the phone from the window.  Devereaux had made this so much easier for her. Once Rego saw what he'd done to her he'd be putty in her hands and she'd be Mrs. Rego Sherrigan by sunrise tomorrow)        

1 comment:

  1. I don;t think she'll get away he's an evil man.Poor Cassandra
