Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Devereaux, Ryan and Rebeka 10/02/2013

Ryan walks down the hall towards his office passing by his assistances desk and reaching for the folders in his bin as he walks towards his office flipping through them. He closes the door behind him tossing the folders on his desk then walking to the closet and hanging up his jacket)

Devereaux: Ryan what are you doing here I thought you took the day off? (He says coming through the door and laying a folder on his desk)
Ryan: I did but I finished up early so I figured I’d catch up on some work. How did the meeting go with Globe-Tech? (He says leaning back against the desk) 
Devereaux: Very well, very well indeed. Cambius picked it up for fourteen million less than we’d planned.
Ryan: That’s really great!
Devereaux: Yes, it worked out well but I have a feeling it would have gone even better if you had been there. I’m sure we could have gotten down another two million. (Ryan smiles flattered by the compliment but knowing deep down his presences wasn’t needed Devereaux if nothing else was one of the shrewdest men he knew)
Ryan: You did great besides I don’t know if I would have been any good to you I was a little distracted.
Devereaux: Sorry to hear that I hope your feeling better?
Ryan: Surprisingly better than I was.
Devereaux: Good glad to hear it.
Ryan: How about you anymore dizzy spells.
Devereaux: None since the other day.
Ryan: What did the doctor say?
Devereaux: Exactly as I told you, he said I need to get more rest maybe let some one else rule the world for a little while. (They both laugh)
Ryan: Sounds like a plan.
Devereaux: In a way I’m glad you came in I had wanted to leave early but I still had a couple of meeting scheduled if you don’t mind I’d appreciate if you took them?
Ryan: No, not a problem I really had nothing planned.
Devereaux: Thanks I really appreciate it. (He says over his shoulder as he walks to the door) Oh and I left the file for Ms. Sherrigan, I bought it with me just in case you said yes. She was supposed to come by and pick it up this morning but re-scheduled.
Ryan: Not a problem I’ll see she gets it. Just go enjoy the evening it’s beautiful outside.
Devereaux: I’m going to try.
Ryan: Special plans with Cassandra?
Devereaux: Very special should be a night she won’t soon forget. (A somewhat devious grin playing on his lips his eyes glittering with excitement. Whatever he’d planned for the evening had him more excited that Ryan had ever seen him)
Ryan: Have fun. (He smirks conspiratorially knowing only one thing that would have a man that excited)
Devereaux: See you tomorrow. (Devereaux walks towards the private elevator sliding his card key in the slot then stepping in. He turns and waits for the doors to close before reaching for the phone in his pocket and dials)
Devereaux: Have you got it?… Why not?…What’s taking you so long?…What the hell have you been doing all this time?…You had better get it done…Stop making excuses…Let me make myself perfectly clear you have a week to get what I need or face the consequences understood…Good day! (He ends the call sliding the phone back in to his pocket smiling slyly to himself)
Scene Shift: Ryan sits at his desk holding the folder in his lap starring out the window. It had been a long day but at least he’d gotten some answers even if they weren’t the ones he’d wanted. Greenlee was gone and she wasn’t coming back not to Pine Valley and not to him and a piece of him was gone with her. But, she was happy it was all over her face the way she moved she was happier than he’d ever seen her and he was glad for that and at peace with it. He’d be lying to himself he said he wasn’t hurt or sad and feeling a little empty but at least he had some closure for whatever that was worth. He was still lonely nothing about today had changed that and sitting here thinking about it wasn’t changing anything either.
          He picks up the procurement folder and begins to flip through the receipts for the last month his mind still slightly distracted but for different reasons than a moment ago. Why was there a requisition for a box truck hadn’t they ordered three of them earlier in the year or was that the vans? He turns to the computer just as the smooth voice of his new assistant comes over the intercom.

Assistant: Mr. Lavery I have Ms. Sherrigan on her way up to see Mr. St. Jacque but he’s already left for the day.
Ryan: I have the paperwork right here send her right in. (He stands quickly checking his image in the closet mirror as he reaches for his jacket. Shrugging into and closing the door just as Rebeka comes through the door)
Rebeka: Mr. St. Jacque? (She calls looking around as she opens the door. She closes it behind then turns and spots Ryan) Oh! It’s you.
Ryan: Yeah it’s me. (He smiles coming towards her)
Rebeka: I’m sorry I was just expecting Mr. St. Jacque.
 Ryan: No, I’m sorry Mr. St. Jacque had to leave for the day but I have the contracts right here. (He reaches for the open folder on the desk closing it and throwing in to the pile on the corner then picks up the one beneath it opening it scanning it quickly then handing it to her) I went over it last night everything is there.
Rebeka: Thank you I’ll have Legal review it. (She smiles nervously giving the impression of a cornered animal)
Ryan: So how’s business going, how’s JR? (He asks trying to break the tension that was like a wall between them and as a reminder to him self she wasn’t Gillian)
Rebeka: Business is booming and JR is good I’ll tell him you asked about him. I really should get going. (A nervous smile edging her lips as she turns toward the door Ryan following behind)
Ryan: Sure have a good evening. (His voice sounding forlorn and distant as he reaches for the door handle)
Rebeka: Ryan, are you all right? (Unable to ignore the sadness in his eyes)
Ryan: Yeah, yeah I’m fine. (He smiles weakly rubbing his temple) It’s just been one of those days? I’ll go home get good nights sleep and be fine. Thank you for asking. (He smiles down at her his glowing with warm the silly reminiscent smile tickling the edges of his mouth unnerving her)
Rebeka: Well, I should go. (She turns reaching for the door handle her panic almost overwhelming her)
Ryan: Have a good night. (He says reaching for the handle as she does her hand snaps back as if it had touched something hot causing the files in her hand to spill across the floor)
Rebeka: Oh dam! (She spits annoyed by her clumsiness and inability to shake the sense of foreboding she’d had since meeting him)
Ryan: Here let me help you Princess. (He says kneeling down to help her with the papers strewn across the carpet.)
Rebeka: I don’t know what’s wrong with me. (She sighs reaching for the papers around her feeling perturbed and unbalanced by the way he’d looked at her and the expression of wistful longing on his face) 
Ryan: Don’t worry about it, it happens. (He smiles back at her their hands brushing as they reach for the same sheet of paper their eyes locking as if like magnets as an odd current begins to run between them igniting the air around them drawing them towards each other just as a voice comes over the intercom breaking the spell)
Assistant: Mr. Lavery your next appointment is here. (She grasps the papers to her going through them quickly as she stutters something incoherent as they stand)
Ryan: You have everything? (He looks at her unable to keep from smiling she reminded him so much of Her in this moment)
Rebeka: I think so. (She huffs feeling more flustered by the encounter as the seconds tick by)
Ryan: Here’s one more. (She reaches out to grasp the paper their hands brushing again she pulls it quickly back as if his touch burned her)
Rebeka: Thank you. (She stammers moving hurriedly towards the door)
Ryan: You’re welcome. So I guess I’ll see you at next weeks meeting?
Rebeka: Yeah, I um I better get going. (She reaches for the knob turning it quickly as she backs in to it)
Ryan: Sure, have a good night. (He smiles enjoying the expression on her face the same one Gillian would have when she was flustered)
Rebeka: You too! (She rushes from the room walking quickly to the elevator confused and afraid by what had just happened between them) 

1 comment:

  1. oh dear he called her princess he is thinking of her as Gillian poor Rebeka
