Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Zach, Francessca and Sophia 09/25/2013

Zach strolls in to Francessca’s room grinning from ear to ear holding the door for the nurse as she passes then walks to the bed and embraces her tightly,

Zach: There’s my girl! (He says smiling like a Cheshire cat and hugging her tight)
Francessca: Heyy! (She says hugging him back before releasing him and looking down in the cradle at her son)
Zach: How’s my little guy?
Francessca: Wonderful! I was just about to feed him do you want to do it?
Zach: I thought you wee ah breast-feeding? (He looks at her surprised)
Francessca: I am but the nurse came by to show me how to use the new pump. Jenny knocked the other one over and broke it earlier and they didn’t have the same one so if you want to feed him you can.
Zach: If I want too are you kidding? (He grins taking the baby from her then sitting in the chair next to the bed. He reaches for the bottle and begins to feed him grinning even broader if possible)
You seen your Dad?
Francessca: He and Mom stopped by last night. You should have seen Dad last night he is over the moon over this boy!
Zach: I wish I had.
Francessca: Where did you disappear too after all the excitement died down?
Zach: I ah had some stuff to take care of at the casino.
Francessca: You and Dad still fighting?
Zach: We’re not fighting it’s just…
Francessca: You don’t trust David, I know. But if you don’t trust David wouldn’t it make more sense to not be fighting with him? I mean if you’re fighting and something shady comes up won’t he be less likely to tell you?
Zach: Why don’t you and I talk about your Dad later I came to see this guy my vey first nephew!
Francessca: You know you’re the first person besides Jamie to feed him.
Zach: Yeah?
Francessca: Yep!
Zach: How bout that? (He grins proudly snuggling the baby closer to him)
Zach: Wow! He’s got some grip. (He strokes the babies small fingers Logan grasps his them wrapping his tiny fist around it making Zach’s face light with joy)
Francessca: You think his grip is tight trying taking that bottle from him. It’s like taking a bag of lime flavored Doritos from his father. (They both laugh)
Zach: How’s Jamie?
Francessca: Wonderful! (She sighs) I’ve never seen him so happy! How are my little guys? (She walks to the bassinet shaking out then re-laying the blankets)
Zach Great! They can’t wait to meet their little cousins although I had to straighten them out a little on what he can and mostly can’t do right now.
Francessca: Yeah I think we had that conversation too. (She nods and giggles)
Zach: Kendall’s going to bring them by after school.
Francessca: Oh cool! (She finishes with the basinet pushing it next to Zach)
Zach: Hey I got him something look in the bag! (He places the bottle on the table then shifts the baby on to his shoulder and pats his back as Francessca fishes through the tissue paper)  
Francessca: Ahh his first Red Wings jersey a tiny hockey stick and a puck! (She grins remembering the first jersey Zach had bought her)
Zach: We have to start him out right and I figured when he started teething you could stick the puck in the freezer and let him chew on it. (He grins as he stands placing the baby in the basinet)
Francessca: You’re kidding right? (She stares up at him her expression perplexed)
Zach: I’m serious! Best thing for a teething baby! I used to do it for you when you were teething. 
Francessca: Ahh huh. (She nods placing the items back in the bag and chuckling)
Sophia: Heellooo! (She calls peeping around the edge of the door then coming in)
Zach: Hey! How are you gorgeous! (He comes towards her giving her a kiss on the cheek and a hug)
Sophia: Well “Hi” yourself handsome! Let me look at you! Still handsome as ever! (She says hugging and kissing him again)
Zach: And you are still the most beautiful deli owner in all of Brooklyn!
Sophia: Married life agrees with you! (She says poking at his middle and laughing)
Zach: Most days.
Sophia: So where’s you beautiful wife? (Looking quickly around the room)
Zach: She was meeting with clients she’s going to bring the boys by later.
Sophia: Wonderful! Hey I’m bringing you some thing from the store that’s if Nicky and Tony ever get here! (Rolling her eyes to the heavens)
Francessca: Nicky and Tony are coming? (She finishes tucking her son smiling up at her Grandmother her eyes glittering with excitement)
Sophia: Are you kidding (She huffs plopping in to Zach’s vacant chair) they would have been here last night but somebody had to close the store.
Francessca: Who’s going to watch the store while you’re all here?
Sophia: Your uncle Nunzio and your cousin Angelo said they’d keep an eye on it. (She smiles down proudly down at the baby then up at Zach)  So what do you think?
Zach: I was just telling Francessca how beautiful he is.
Sophia: He is isn’t he? (Lovingly re-tucking his blankets as Zach hugs Francessca kissing her forehead)
Zach: You do good work kid.
Tony: Yo! Yo! Yo! (He says coming through the door carrying a large cooler followed by his brother)
Nicky: Heyyyy! What’s going on?
Sophia: Finally! (Throwing her hands in the air)  I could have walked faster!
Tony: Sorry, (He places the cooler on the floor then kisses his aunt hello) blame Mr. Navigator! (He grins nodding his head towards his brother)
Nicky: Me? You’re the one that kept callin da place Pine Sticks!
Francessca: Hey! Come here! (She says jumping in to his arms and hugging him tight and then doing the same to Tony)
Nicky: Uncle Zach how are ya? (He shakes his hand in the same motion pulling him in for a hug with a resounding pat on the back his brother walking to him and doing the same)
Zach: My God look at you guys! The last time I saw you two you were just skinny kids! Running up and down the street with baseball gloves hanging from a stick)
Tony: Not anymore (He grins proudly flexing his bicep and nodding)
Nicky: Your looking good yourself! (He slaps his hands together rushing to the bassinet and peering in his brother at his side) Now let me see this little dude!
Tony: Ah man look at him!
Nicky: Man he’s so tiny!
Francessca: You want to hold him?
Nicky: I don’t want to break him. (A nervous grin on his lips)
Zach: He’s a Slater you can’t break them. (He looks over at Francessca and winks)
Sophia: Not till you both wash your hands! (She chastises pointing toward the bathroom) Just don’t let the nurse catch you!
Tony: You go ahead Nick I’ll wait. (He sits on the side of the bed next to his cousin watching the baby) So we stopped by your parents place on our way in to drop off some stuff Aunt Phi had us bring, man that is some place!
Nicky: I almost got lost coming out of the kitchen! (Drying his hands and tossing the paper in to the trashcan as he comes out)  Okay let me have him!
Francessca: Watch his head. (He reaches out his arms taking the baby from Francessca smiling broadly and cooing)
Nicky: Oh man would you look at him!
Tony: Let me see him! (He reaching for him as his brother turns and pulls away stepping a few paces away his brother trailing behind) 
Nicky: Hey, wait your turn!
Francessca: Guys! (She chides with a laugh) He’s a baby not a football. (Just as the nurse comes through the door)
Nurse: Sorry everyone Mr. Logan here needs to get checked out. (She takes the baby from Nicky placing him back in the basinet) and wheels him towards the door)
Francessca: Ahh, Bye pumpkin I’ll see you in a little while.
Nurse:  We’ll be right back.
All; Bye!
Sophia: Here let me hold the door for you I’m going to run to the little girls room I’ll be right back! (She lets the nurse pass with the baby then scurries down the hall towards to the ladies room)
Tony: That sucks I didn’t get to hold him! (He sulks plopping down on the edge of the bed)
Nicky: I promise we won’t leave till you do kay? (He pats him on the back winking to his Zach and his Aunt)
Tony: Kay, Hey, so you named him Logan after Uncle Mike nice! (He nods in approval)
Nicky: Yeah I like it. (He nods in agreement)
Tony: I miss your Dad sometimes. (His voice tinged with sadness)
Nicky: Hey (He practically shouts break the momentary somberness) remember when you all came to visit.
Tony: And we went camping on the roof? (His face brightening at the memory)
Francessca: Cause Aunt Marie was afraid if we went to the woods we’d be eaten by black bears! (They all laugh)
Zach: Oh yeah! So we took you kids camping on the roof complete with tents and trees. (He grins at the memory of them roasting marshmallows over the hibachi)
Francessca: And my Dad played that cheesy woodland tape he found and we went fishing in the kiddy pool! (They all laugh again)
Tony: That was so much fun!
Sophia: Remember the time I took you both to Vegas with me? (She looks from Nick to Tony)
Tony: And Uncle Zach was supposed to be keeping an eye on us?
Nicky: And we tried to sneak on to the casino floor through the dressing rooms?
Francessca: And Dad had to pick us up from casino jail! I’ll never forget his face! (They all laugh uproariously)
Zach: I’d almost forgotten about that! Your Dad boy he let me have it for that one. (Michael stands on the other side of the door listening to the sounds of laughter as Zach and the other laugh and reminisce. He shakes his head feeling a pang of jealousy rip though his chest and turns from the door walking back down the hall feeling an anger he hadn’t felt in a long time burn with in him)
Scene Shift:
Rego traverses the halls of the hospital carrying a gigantic stuffed elephant and grinning like a movie star on the red carpet. The last twenty-four hours had been incredible he’d delivered a baby and had just sealed a multi-billion dollar deal without his father and he’d made peace with his stepbrother and his wife. Things seemed to be getting better. He turns the corner practically running headlong into Cassandra. The interaction not unnoticed by Sophia who had spotted her as she’d left the room. She’d recognized her immediately from her pictures that had been plastered all over the papers. She’d chatted with the nurse as they walked the baby to the nursery her eyes glued to her as she stood leaning against the entrance to the maternity ward watching the hall. Her first instincts had been to give her a five across the face as she and then nurse parted ways but something told her to just watch she stood in front of the window watching the doctor give the baby his check up with one eye and Cassandra with the other. As she scam the visitors coming off the elevator till she spotted her prey then purposely walks in to his path)
Rego: Oh! I’m very sorry! (He says stopping short and smiling) Cassandra! Hey! What are you doing here in the maternity ward?
Cassandra: You caught me.
Rego: What are you up to?
Cassandra: Nothing really I was visiting Randi and my curiosity just got the best of me.
Rego: The feeing was just so overwhelming you risked running in to Francessca?
Cassandra: The media has just been “Oooing” and “Ahhing” all day I just had to come see for my self.
Rego: So what do you think?
Cassandra: He is pretty cute and if you ever tell Francessca or Jamie I said so I’ll kill you!
Rego: I won’t.  I’m sorry about yesterday as you know I was held up.
Cassandra: Don’t worry about it. Maybe we can meet up later?
Rego: I don’t know I was kind of hoping to make it an early night.
Cassandra: I really need to talk to you it’s important.
Rego: Really Cassandra I’ve had an exhausting twenty-four hours.
Cassandra: Please Rego I know you must be exhausted but I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t.
Rego: Okay I’ll call you in about an hour as soon as I’m finished here okay.
Cassandra: Thanks I’ll talk to you later?
Rego: I promise. (Rego continues down the hall stopping by the nursery window and peers in)
Sophia: They’re cute aren’t they? (She says coming up beside him)
Rego: Very. (He smiles back at her then back to the nursery) How are you Mrs. Logan?
Sophia: Very well better now that my great grandson is safe. Listen I wanted to thank you for everything you did for my granddaughter yesterday.
Rego: Nothing to thank me for it was my pleasure.
Sophia: Yesterday I saw the man my granddaughter saw he’s not such a bad fellow. (She smiles slyly watching him from the corner of her eye)
Rego: Thank you.
Sophia: Are you looking for Francessca?
Rego: Yes I forgot to ask what room they’re in.
Sophia: She’s down the hall here at the end on the right.
Rego: Thank you. (He says turning to leave Sophia’s voice stopping him)
Sophia: Do you mind if I tell you something?
Rego: I don’t think I could stop you.(He smiles nervously)
Sophia: That girl you were talking to. (She nods toward the entrance behind her brow creased)
Rego: Cassandra?
Sophia: Yeah her. She’s been lurking around her for the past fifteen minutes.
Rego: She just came up to see the baby.
Sophia: Really? (She nods in mock surprise) That’s what she said?
Rego: Yeah she asked me not to tell anyone but she thought he was really cute. (Sounding like a conspirators whispering)
Sophia: She said that huh? (She says rolling her eyes to the ceiling)
Rego: But that’s just between you and I.
Sophia: I think you had better keep an eye on that one (She stops at the door a moment) she’s been lurking by the entrance for the maternity ward for fifteen minutes and never once looked in the nursery besides the baby wasn’t in nursery he was in the room with his mother. The doctor is just finishing up. If it were me I’d wonder, if someone lies about something so small what else will they lie about but that’s just me. You do what you want. (She shrugs) There’s nurse she’s bringing the baby back to the room now just follow her and I’ll see you in a moment. (She turns and walks towards the ladies room leaving Rego to mull her words as he follows the nurse)

1 comment:

  1. love that Zach brought Logan his first Red Wings jersey a tiny hockey stick and a puck and that he said she could use it as a teether. Rego is going to get on to Cass oops.
