Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Cassandra 09/03/2013

Cassandra stands in the bathroom starring down at her belly. She’d done it! There was a baby in there! At least, that’s what the home pregnancy test she’d taken last night said. Now all she needed to find out was how far along she was. She needed to be at least three to four months for it to even possibly be Rego’s especially after the night Devereaux had ravished her in the limo. This was her one ticket out of here and she’d be dammed if she was going to screw it up now. This baby was Rego’s! No matter what anyone said or could prove for right now. All she had to worry about right now was making an appointment with and OB and have her test confirmed and timed with out Devereaux knowing. She needed to get her ducks in a row before he knew what hit him. Now the trick was finding one. Last time she’d been to the doctor was before she’d left France she wasn’t sure who to see and who she could trust. It wasn’t like she hung out with anyone who wasn’t a card-carrying member of the flat belly club except for that Logan bitch! Oh, excuse me Martin bitch now. Who was it that she’d used Dr… Hampton, …Howard…Hole some? Now that wasn’t it, it was more like… Think Cassandra think! …Holmes! That was it Holmes and she was right on the grounds of the hospital she could easily slip over there during one of her visits with Randy. She’d have to figure out how to give her bodyguard the slip but that wouldn’t be too hard and she’d have to some how check Devereaux’s schedule as much as she could. The only thing in her favor was he did keep a business calendar even if he didn’t tell her about his other business at least she was pretty sure of where he was during the day.
          She places the tube of mascara back inside the cup then inspects her work satisfied she opens the door walking tentatively in to the bedroom. She looks around as she walks hoping Devereaux had already gone and he was thank God, she sighs her shoulders instantly relaxing, before walking to the closet and pulling out the outfit she’d selected earlier and begins dressing. She’d have to figure the best way and time to tell Rego her happy news. Right now would be prefect since she was sure he’d be feeling all sappy after delivering his son last night and she could use that to her best advantage. Play the damsel in distress to the hilt since he loved playing the hero. She hooks the earrings in her ears checking her reflection again. She’d call Holmes from the car and see if she’d be able to squeeze her in today. She inspects her image again liking what she sees. She spray’s a mist of cologne around hr head then snatches her purse from the bed. She cracks the door open peeping into the hall, seeing no one she exists the room closing the door behind her and walks down the hall. She glances quickly around the living-room seeing only Francois who is busily dusting the table.
Cassandra: Francois has Mr. St. Jacques left already?
Maurice: Yes Ma’am he left some time ago. There’s croissant and Chocolate Madame.
Cassandra: No thank you Francois I have a few errands to run this morning.
Maurice: Very good Ma’am.
Cassandra: I’ll be home around four.
Maurice: What shall I says should the Master call ma’am?
Cassandra: Tell the master I’m going to see my sister then do some shopping.
Maurice: Yes ma’am (He nods watching Cassandra flounce out the door and smiles to his self. Everything was falling into place quiet nicely (He murmured smiling again as he swipes the chess set with his duster toppling the king to the floor.) Very nicely indeed! (He chuckles picking the piece from the floor and placing it back on the board then chuckling deeper at the place he’d chosen on it as he realizes in three moves of the opponent it would be check mate)
Scene Shift: Devereaux sits in the doctor’s office waiting for him to arrive. He hadn’t let on to Cassandra or anyone for that matter he was too afraid at what the results would show. Had karma finally caught up with him? And if it had what then what had he to show for his time here on earth. Sure he’d amassed and empire but he’d never have the immortality of a child or did he? It had been months since he’d seen the tell tale signs of woman hood around the bathroom and a firmness to her belly the last time they’d made love had his little foray in the limo done the trick? He thought excitedly squirming slightly at the sudden tightness he was feeling in his pants at the memory along with the anger.
  Maurice: Yes Sir Ms. Foster practically dragged him up stairs.
Devereaux: Perfect thank you. (He smiles to himself satisfied and stares out the window watching the door of the building thinking about what he knew so far. According to Maurice she’d been telling the truth when she’d said she was going out with the Chandler girl but she hadn’t mentioned that she would also be with Sherrigan. He had to give her credited she’d made sure he was out of town before seeing him but he’d had to take some points away if she honestly thought that he wouldn’t have her watched carefully so why risk it? He’d told her exactly what would happen if she did so exactly was she up too and how did it involve Sherrigan? He reaches in to his pocket and takes out his phone and scrolls to the application he’d installed on her phone. She’d checked her calendar last night twice once around midnight and then again twenty minutes later. She’d looked at last month and this month. Why? What happened last month and this month? She concentrated trying to put himself inside her head. Knowing as he knew her and amusing himself with that American saying “What would Cassandra do” a plan started to form itself in his head her plan and if his suspicions were right she was trying to seduce Sherrigan and maybe get pregnant? He was positive all things pointed in that direction but why what would be her reasoning behind having Sherrigan’s bastard? Money? She wanted for nothing being with him. Power? He had power and lots of it and as his woman she was privy to it as well. Position? With him she had that too. No there was more she was trying to leave him and she was going to use Sherrigan by getting pregnant to do it. That’s why she’d risked being with him after he’d warned her. The only satisfaction he had was that last night hadn’t turned out as she had planned he’d made sure of that and he was going to make sure that the rest of her plan went just as well. She was going to be pregnant it would be with his seed and what better time than now he smiles to himself as Cassandra opens the car door and climbs in.
Cassandra: Morning did you miss me? (She smiles sliding into the seat next to him)
Devereaux: Of course my darling I thought of nothing else but you since I left. (He pulls her to him and kisses her hungrily then trail kisses down her throat his hand moving quickly to the buttons on her blouse his kisses following behind his fingers)
Cassandra: Wait a minute I thought we were going to breakfast? (She pushes against him trying to fasten the button he’d undone as his hands reach for the button of her pants as his other hand slips inside them)
Devereaux: Lets make it brunch shall we? (His lips caress the curve of her throat as he pushes her back against the cushions his other hand wrestles with the top of her jeans then begins to pull them away from her body) What do you say we go back upstairs? (He grins to himself as her body tenses at the thought her mind races) Cassandra: I don’t think I could wait that long (She reaches for him pulling him to her kissing him lightly at first then forces herself to match his passion”

Just the memory of it aroused him she was the only woman that could make him want her and hate her all at the same time. She was wild and untamable he was an addict and she his drug. Any child they had together would be formidable.
Dr. Weston: Good Morning Mr. St. Jacques good to see you again.
Devereaux: Good Morning doctor I hope you have some good news for me.
Dr. Weston: All your test came back normal in fact you’re in excellent condition. You may want to have your previous doctor to cut the dosage of your sleep aid.
Devereaux: I beg your pardon?
Dr. Weston: Your blood work came back positive for non-Barbiturate Hypnotic that’s found in some sleep aids. The tiredness you were feeling could have been caused by dosage sensitivity. If you like I can give you a new prescription for a lower dosage.
Devereaux: No, no that’s quiet all right next time I can’t sleep I’ll just have a warm glass of milk. Thank you doctor.
Dr. Weston: Let me know if you change your mind.
Devereaux: I don’t think so.
Dr. Weston: Thank you for coming in. Have a good day.
Devereaux: You as well. (He says curtly shakes the doctors hand then quickly exists the office. She’d drugged him! She’d actually drugged him and she was going to pay and dearly! (His fist clenching and unclenching as he walks to the elevator his outward appearance one of cool calm but inside he seethed as he punched the button for the elevator. The doors open and he steps in reaching for his phone as the doors shut)
Devereaux: Devereaux, cancel my appointments for the day...He’s what?…Sorry I’d forgotten…Okay I’ll be right in! (He clicks the release sliding his phone back in to his pocket) Dam! (He’d forgotten Lavery had taken off for the day and he had no choice but to handle the Tokyo meeting Cassandra would have to wait. But waiting did have it’s advantages he thought smiling to his self he reaches in to his pocket again retrieving his phone then pushes the button) Maurice… I need you to set a romantic dinner for two for seven pm. Let Madame know won’t you? Thank you Maurice. (He switches his phone off sliding it in to his pocket. Should be an interesting evening he smiles as he steps out the elevator in to the lobby strolling to the exist toward his car enjoying his plan more and more as he pictured the look on her face when he told he knew what she’d done to him. Should be interesting indeed he thought stepping out in to the bright sunlight.

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