Friday, September 6, 2013

Cassandra and Dr. Holmes 09/06/13

Cassandra stares at the poster on the wall reading it again for the twentieth time trying to distract herself from the thoughts racing through her mind. She had a lot riding on these results. This child had to be Rego’s it had to be! She had to be sure about the timing. She reached in her purse taking out her phone and checking the calendar then adding up the time in her head again. Anything more than two months and the child would be Devereaux’s and if it was what the hell was she going to do? It had to be Rego’s there was always that slim possibility. If she were less than three months it was definitely his. She’d managed to keep Devereaux at bay between the pills and his business she’d made sure he’d been incapacitated on the days she’d ovulated all except that one time in the limo. When Devereaux had raped her once again making sure he’d but his brand on her. She’d considered herself kind of lucky at that, since that was all he’d done to her. She was more than sure he’d known about Rego tucked away in her apartment she’s lucky he hadn’t killed them both. She was going to have to play this one very carefully. There was only a months difference she could still convince Rego that the child was his it wouldn’t be hard the baby could always come a few weeks early it happens.

Dr. Holmes: How are you Ms. Foster? (She says coming around the desk and sitting down)
Cassandra: I’m good a little nervous.
Dr. Holmes: It’s okay everyone is nervous this is completely life changing so I’m not going to keep you in suspense (She says opening the file folder then looking up at her and smiling) congratulation Mommy!
Cassandra: Oh my God I don’t believe it! That’s incredible I’m shocked! How pregnant am I? (Feigning surprise and glee)
Dr. Holmes: Just about three months. (Oh God! She thought as the doctor prattled on about vitamins and check ups with a stupid smile plastered on her face nodding like an idiot all the while her mind screamed in terror. She was having Devereaux’s child! She could feel it. She needed now more than ever to get away from Devereaux once and for all and now was the time. She could still convince Rego it wouldn’t be hard he didn’t have much memory of that night and he’d just assumed they’d made love when he awoke that morning he had know idea they hadn’t so that part was covered. Now it was getting away from Devereaux that was going to be the problem. She’d figure it out and soon she needed to protect her billion-dollar baby and her ticket away from that sociopath for good)
Dr: Holmes: Do you have any questions? 
Cassandra: No, no thank you.
Dr. Holmes: Okay, I’m going to need you to make an appointment with the receptionist for next month.
Cassandra: I will thank you Dr. Holmes.
Dr. Holmes: Thank you Ms. Foster I’ll see you next month. (Cassandra shakes the doctors hand from across the desk then rises and leaves the office never stopping by the counter on her way out there was no need to she’d paid for the visit with cash then torn up the receipt and stuffed in the bottom of the trash can in the exam room. There was no way Devereaux would ever find it, for now this was her little secret and she intended to keep it that way until the time was right. She’d completed step one now to work on step two. She thought pushing the button for the elevator she glances at her reflection in the mirror and smiles satisfied mentally patting herself on the back she waits for the doors to close then reaches for her disposable cell.
Cassandra: Hello this is Ms. Foster may I speak to Mr. Rego Sherrigan please?
Asst: I’m sorry Ms. Foster Mr. Sherrigan just left the office.
Cassandra: Did he say where he was going?
Asst: He was on his way to the hospital. Is there a message?
Cassandra: No message thank you. (Ha! He was on his way here to visit his brat and the bitch good she’d catch him there instead of risking the call. She smiles to herself then reaches in her purse for a mirror and her lipstick things were falling perfectly into place. She removes the lid flipping open the mirror and repairing her lipstick at the same moment her phone rings. She pulls it from her purse glaring at it a moment before answer)
Devereaux: Hello darling (He purrs then blows the erase shaving from the paper and admiring the portrait he’d finished drawing of her and smiles)
Cassandra: Hi. (Her tone filled with perk her eyes rolling as she pulls distractedly on the loose thread on the zipper on her purse. He lays the image on the desk then reaches for letter opener sliding his thumb down the sharp edge as he speaks)
Devereaux: I called the house Maurice said you had already gone. (He draws the knife across the edge of the paper slicing through it as he hears the background noise of the hospital sure she was “visiting” her “sister in-law” as slices in to the paper again) Where are you?
Cassandra: I had a little shopping to and now I’m at the hospital on my way to visit Randi. Why, what’s going on is something wrong? (She rolls her eyes again not caring whatever his issue was she had other things to attend to and was in no mood to deal with him)
Devereaux: No, nothing at all, I was just missing you and counting the hours till I see you. (Methodically cutting through the page as he speaks lovingly in to the phone)
Cassandra: Oh you’re so sweet. (She coos wishing he’s just get the point) 
Devereaux: I planned a special evening for us.
Cassandra: Ooo! What’s the occasion? (She purrs silently cursing the air around her)
Devereaux: I just wanted to show you how much I appreciate everything you do for me and to me. (He growls seductively enjoying the unsuspecting giggle in her voice)
Cassandra: Oh, you’re bad!
Devereaux: Some times very I’ll see you at seven. (He says throwing the tattered pieces of Cassandra’s portrait in to the trash as he ends the call. Cassandra stares at her phone a moment then shrugs. If he wanted a romantic dinner fine! Maybe she could get him to fall asleep after his evening brandy? She’d have to check and see how many she had left hopefully he had one of his “Meetings” and would be out till early morning. Right now she was going to see Rego. She presses the button again for the maternity floor hoping she could get this over with now and catch him before the euphoria of being the man of the hour wore off)   

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