Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Jack and Tea, Brooke and Oliver 09/24/2013

Brooke and Oliver walk in to “Carmen and Krystal’s” practically beaming as Oliver passes out cigars to the male patrons as they walk toward the counter.

Krystal: Congratulations Grandma and Grandpa! (She squeals coming around the counter to hug each of them) How are Jamie, Francessca and the baby?
Brooke: The proud parents couldn’t be happier and Logan is beautiful!
Oliver: He is the most handsome baby in the nursery!
Krystal: You’re not just a little prejudice huh? (She teases as Oliver lays his hand on his chest in mock modesty)
Oliver: Me? Never!
Krystal: So what can a get you?
Oliver: A booth and whatever the lady wants on the menu!
Krystal: You two have a seat wherever you like and I’ll be right back
Brooke: Thanks Krystal.
Oliver: So how are you doing Grandma? (He puts arm around her as they walk to a booth)
Brooke: It’s strange and wonderful all at the same time. (She smiles wistfully as she slides in to the seat)
Oliver: I know how you feel you’re sad that your baby has grown and has family of his own and happy all at the same time.
Brooke: You hit the nail right on the head.
Oliver: I’m feeling the same way and maybe just a little remorseful. I mean if my son hadn’t been such a fool this would all be entirely different.
Brooke: I always try to tell myself that life always works out the way it’s supposed too.
Oliver: Why shouldn’t you? In your case you have a wonderful daughter in-law and a beautiful grandson. In my case I have and immature son who runs around with the town strumpet!  (He shrugs then looks puzzled as Brooke laughs uproariously till tears slide down her cheeks)
Brooke: I’m sorry! I’m really sorry I know how serious you’re being but I have not heard that word used since my Aunt Phoebe passed away.
Oliver: I’m glad I amuse you. (He grimaces as Brooke smiles and gives him a kick hug)
Brooke: Oh, I don’t think you have anything to worry about besides Rego and Cassandra haven’t been together since she’s moved in with that Mr. St. Jacque.
Oliver: Not according to the “The Sun” the other day. (He retorts knowing in his gut those two were still at it)
Brooke: Oliver you know better than to believe anything that rag prints. She scoffs opening her menu and glancing over the contents)
Oliver: Despite the ridiculous headlines there actually is some useful information in it. (He picks up his own menu skimming through as he talks)
Brooke: I really don’t think Rego would be foolish enough to keep seeing her do you?
Oliver: Unfortunately I do and from what I know, Devereaux St. Jacque is not a man to be trifled with. (He grunts placing the menu down on the table)
Brooke: You don’t think he would hurt Rego do you? (Her voice filled with concern Oliver shrugs again)
Oliver: I can’t be sure but who knows what an angry jealous man will do?
Brooke: Lets just hope what you read in “The Sun” is just a rumor.
Jack: I hear congratulation are in order. (He cheers Tea by his side)
Brooke: Jack good to see you! (She stands giving his cheek a kiss and a hug)
Jack: You look beautiful as always Red or should I saw Grandma and Grandpa Red? (He reaches out shaking Oliver’s hand)
Brooke Oh Thank you!
Oliver: Here have a cigar! (He claps him on the back jovially as he hands him the cigar)
Jack: Brooke, Oliver you remember Tea Delgado?
Brooke: Yes we met at the wedding. (She reaches out her hand to Brooke and Oliver)
Tea: Yes, Good to see you both.
Oliver: Lovely to see you again. Why don’t you both join us?
Jack: Tea?
Tea: We’d love to, (She smiles at Jack and the two slide in to the booth opposite brook and Oliver) so new grandchild boy or girl?
Brooke: A beautiful baby boy Logan Michael Martin.
Jack: How is Francessca?
Brooke: Fine practically glowing.
Oliver: You would think she gave birth in an elevator everyday! (They all laugh as Krystal comes to the table pad in hand)
Krystal: I guess I’ll have to give you all some more time.
Jack: Not necessary if you guys are ready to order. (He looks around the table everyone nods in agreement)
Brooke: I know what I want how about you Oliver?
Oliver: I’m having the ribs!
Tea: That’s double for us. (She smiles bumping Jack with hr shoulder then winks)
Brooke: Make that four.
Krystal: If you don’t mind a suggestion I bring y’all three racks and sides it cheaper that way and you actually get more.
Oliver: Fine! I don’t know about you Jack but I’m starved.
Jack: You and me both! We’ve been working all afternoon.
Krystal: Okay I’ll be right back! (She gathers the menus and heads for the counter)
Brooke: Tough case?
Tea: Just one, we had to do a little re-thinking.
Jack: Lucky for me I have one of the best legal brains in the state of Pennsylvania on my side. (He puts his arm around her shoulder giving it a quick squeeze just as Opal walks to the table)
Opal: Hey everyone!
Brooke: Hi Opal how are you?
Oliver: Hello gorgeous. (He stands giving her hand a quick kiss making her blush)
Opal: Oh stop you old charmer!
Jack: Opal good to see you! (He stands giving her cheek a quick kiss then turning to Tea) You remember Tea Delgado?
Opal: Yes, we meet at Rhea and Michael’s wedding nice to see you again. (Her mind races a moment knowing full well Erica was not going to like this at all)
Tea: Nice to see you.
Oliver: Would you like to join us? (Shifting in his seat ready to make room)
Opal: Oh. No I just stopped to pick something up for Tad then I have to stop by Erica’s. (She looks at Tea trying to gage her reaction but her poker face gave nothing away) Did you know she’s interviewing that Devereaux St. Jacque for her TV show “New Beginnings” tomorrow?
Brooke: Good for her so I guess she’s doing a serious interview. (Mildly annoyed by Erica’s monkey see monkey do antics)
Opal: Yeah, (She smile nodding and smiling with pride)  and she asked me over to give her pre-recorded interview with some details from Tad’s accident.
Oliver: I promise I won’t miss it!
Brooke: I can’t wait to see it.
Opal: I mean it’s still pretty exciting considering the circumstances and if I can’t give an interview to my best girlfriend then what kind of friend would I be? You better than anyone know how Erica is when she wants something.
Jack: Good for you Opal!
Tea: I guess we’ll have to DVR it and watch it later. (She says moving a little closer to Jack and placing her hand in the crease of his elbow. Oh no Erica was not going to like this one bit)
Opal: Yeah I umm yeah…Oh I better go put in Tad’s order I’ll you all later. (She walks over to the counter and greets Krystal her reaction making both Jack and Tea grin devilishly leaving Brooke and Oliver curious)
Tea: I wonder what made Erica want to interview St. Jacque I mean I’ve watched her show a couple of times and it never impressed me as a hard hitting news program. (She shrugs speaking her internal question aloud)
Oliver: Probably the article that “Tempo” ran a few weeks ago. (He says with a roll of his eyes and Jack nods in agreement)
Brooke: No, I have to admit it is an interesting story he saved Tad’s life. If he hadn’t come along I shudder to think what may have happened if he hadn’t. I’d have run with it myself if I hadn’t just interviewed him.
Jack: That’s right the memorial service for Taylor is tomorrow I’d almost forgotten. (He shakes his head sadness edging his voice)
Brooke: I still can’t believe it. (Her tone matching his some of the lightness slipping from the mood)
Jack: How’s Tad holding up?
Brooke: You know Tad he tries to be strong for the girls but deep down you know he’s hurting.
Oliver: Who wouldn’t you marry the woman of your dreams one minute only to loose her in the next. That’s why you have to savor each one.
Tea: You’re absolutely right Oliver because in the end the only thing left, are the memories. (Her mind filling with memories her heart with the emptiness of loss)

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