Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Jack and Tea 09/04/2013

Jack walks back in to the living room handing Tea a bottle of water. He looks down at the coffee table covered with folders and shakes his head. Then takes the seat next to her.

Jack: Thanks for coming over on such short notice. (He picks up a file then throws it back on the table causing some of the photos to spill out)
Tea: Not a problem. Your just lucky my sister in-law volunteered to take Victor for the evening. (She picks up the folder he discarded she pushes the contents pack inside then opens it thumbing through the photos as they talk)
Jack: Tell your sister in law she has my eternal thanks. What’s Dani doing this evening? (he picks up the legal pad and skims through his notes)
Tea: Dani was invited to a reception at the Dean’s house this evening.
Jack: Very nice!
Tea: That’s why I’m such a mess I drove to Llanview to drop Victor at Vicky’s then I spent ten minutes digging around in the back of the car trying to find Victors bear because he won’t sleep without it. (She pulls out one photo from the rest and studies it)
Jack: Please I’m the one who should apologize I promised you a day off.
Tea:  Don’t worry about it! There’s no way I’m going to let this guy just walk any word on the cause of death? (She looks up at him as she places the photo down then pulls out another)
Jackson: Single gun shot to the head. (He sighs leaning back against the cushions. Tea places the photo down then pulls out another as Jack sits forward placing his pad to the side and reaching for another folder as Tea examines another photo)
Tea: What’s the coroner saying?
Jackson: I won’t have a report till the morning even with the rush on it.
Tea: Are you thinking what I’m thinking?
Jackson: Some one is purposely tampering with our case.
Tea: Ya think, they found our star witness conveniently dead the day before he’s going to testify oh definitely! (She growls studying the last photo in the pile) 
Jack: Honestly I wasn’t sure what we were going to do.
Tea: Trust me we still have a case take a look at this. (She says handing him the still photo from the video) we just have to change the focus just a little but not where they’re going to expect it.
Jackson: Where you going with this Delgado? (He looks at the photo then back at her confused)
Tea: Forget about his testimony that’s out and we know they already have something up their sleeve with Parkinson. What if we shift the focus to the testimony of the girl at the drive through the partial fingerprint and gun residue on his hand?
Jackson: That’s brilliant! Then we can re-introduce the video evidence!
Tea: And if you look at these stills (She says pointing to the clock in the background) you can see the clock in the background and the time.
Jackson: Completely eliminating the need for his testimony! Delgado you’re brilliant! (He tosses his pen on the coffee table then reaches over smothering her in a bear hug) Hiring you is the best decision I’ve made in a long time!
Tea: Thanks Boss and don’t worry about Parkinson I’ll trip him up on the cross. (She holds up her water bottle in salute then sips it)
Jackson: Remind me never to be on the opposite side of you! (They both laugh)
Tea: All you needed was a pair of fresh eyes.
Jackson: Now that, that’s settled what do you say you and I have some thing a little stronger than water. (He rises from the sofa clapping his hands together looking pleased)
Tea: Sure. (She places the cap back on the bottle placing it at the end on the table then gathers the rest of the folders pulling out the ones they’ll need)
 Jackson” How about I make us a picture of martini?
Tea: That would be great. (She smiles and nods in agreement Jack walks to the kitchen as Tea continues to sort through the folders. She nods satisfied then rises and walks to the self looking at the array of photos on the mantel and wall beside it) Your children are beautiful!
Jack: Thank you. (He says walking in carrying a tray with a pitcher and glasses and places it on the table. He pours two glasses handing Tea one as he walks to the mantle pointing at a picture of Lily) Lily just became the head accountant for Slater Cortlandt and Reggie is finishing up his internship before he and his girl friend head off to Boston for law school.
Tea: Chip off the old block. (She smiles up at him enjoying the look of pride on his face as he points to each child)
Jackson: Yeah he’s a great kid I’m so proud of him and this little cutie right here is my granddaughter Simone and her mother Greenlee. 
Tea: Pretty baby just like her Momma! (She points to the photos on the wall) and these are your nieces?
Jack: Molly you met earlier and that’s my niece Bianca her two daughters my Miranda and Gabriele, and that strapping young man is their brother Sean.
Tea: You have a beautiful family.
Jack: Thank you. (He says walking back to the sofa and sitting with Tea beside him)
Tea: Where’s Molly? (She sips her drink placing the glass on the tabletop)
Jack: Probably empting out another store! (They both laugh) I have to admit I’m going to miss her when school starts this place is going to feel so empty.
Tea: I know the feeling Dani insisted on getting a single on campus. (she picks up her glass and drains it setting it back down on the table) Don’t tell her but I’m going to miss the music blaring from her room and the trial of clothes leading to it. (They both laugh again)
Jack: Here! Here! Can I get you a refill?
Tea: Sure. (Offering him her glass Jack reaches for the pitcher pours some of the liquid into Tea’s out stretched glass and then reaches for his own spilling the contents down the front of his shirt)
Jack: Oh good lord! (He says jumping to his feet smiling and blushing with embarrassment) Can you excuse me a moment while I change in to some dry clothes?
Tea: Sure.
Jack: I’ll be right back. (Tea kicks off her shoes rubbing her sore feet then walks around the room glancing at the photo’s placed around the room smiling at the one of Jack standing in some tropical setting his shirt half buttoned smiling and looking all kinds of sexy)
Tea: Oh my, my, my! (She mutters placing the photo back on the shelf and fanning herself just as the doorbell rings) Jack you want me to get that? (She hollers back waiting a few moments as the bell rings again. She shrugs and walks to the door swing it open smiling at the devilish tickle that went through her at the look on Erica’s face)
Tea: Hello Ms. Kane nice to see you. (Erica give her a quick once over taking in her casual attire tussled hair and bare feet)
Erica: Is Jack here? (She says barging into the room and looking around frowning at the two glasses and what looked to be the remains of a pitcher of martinis)
Tea: He’s getting changed. (She smiles picking up her glass and sipping it gingerly) I’m sorry where are my manners would you like a drink?
Erica: No, no thank you. I have to say you do move rather quickly.
Tea: I beg your pardon?
Erica: You’ve been in town five, ten minutes and I see you’re already having afternoon drinks with the boss.
Tea: Jack and I were friends long before I started working for him.
Erica: Working for him or working him? (Jack walks out from the back of the house looking down buttoning his shirt speaking as he comes in the room cutting off Tea’s reply with a better one of his own)
Jack: After the work out we’ve had this afternoon what do you say we grab some dinner?
Tea: Sounds heavenly! (She purrs enjoying the look outrage and jealousy flow across Erica’s face. She knew what this must look like and she was enjoying every minute)
Jack: Erica! What are you doing here?
Erica: I was on my way to the hospital to visit Francessca and the baby so I thought I’d just drop off my contract for you to look over before I sign it like I do every year.
Jack: How are they Francessca and the baby I mean?
Erica: Just perfect!
Jack: Give them all my best.
Erica: I will, here when you have a moment just look it over please? I just want to make sure there are no hidden agendas’.
Jack: Sure, (He says reaching for and quickly flipping through the folder then tosses it on the desk) I’ll take a look at it and drop it by the studio tomorrow.
Erica: Thank you
Jack: Is there anything else?
Erica: If you have a moment there is something I’d like to speak with you about.
Tea: Excuse me a moment Jack I’m going to freshen up before we head out. Good seeing you again Erica.
Erica: Yes (She nods her smile wining her tone frosty. Tea shoots Jack a brief look he nods smiling knowingly as Erica simmers. The later waiting till hears the door to the bathroom shut before speaking) what exactly is going on here Jack?
Jack: Not that it’s any of your business but Tea and I spent the afternoon saving our case and now we’re going to celebrate with a little dinner.
Erica: Oh please Jack, I know exactly what’s going on and I must say I thought you were so much smarter than that!
Jack: What are you talking about Erica? I’m taking my college out to dinner to show appreciation for her hard work.
Erica: Well she looks as if she’s built up quiet a sweat! (She shoots back trying to maintain her outer composure) All I can say Jack is if you really enjoy being the DA as much as you say you do then you had better think about whether you should continue romping around with your subordinate.
Jack: Funny Erica I don’t ever recall where being a subordinate or otherwise every stopped you. (Sounding bored and impatient)
Erica: Look Jack I’m just trying to be your friend (She shakes back her hair from her face her voice becoming more serious) and I’d hate for your career to go up in flames over an absolutely preventable scandal.
Tea: A hem! (She says clearing her throat as she re-enters the room her moment in the bathroom having been put to good use judging by the daggers coming from Erica’s eyes and the twinkle of amusement in Jack’s) Ready when you are!
Jack: Thank you so much for your concern but if you’ll excuse us we were on our way out. (He places his hand on Erica’s back pushing her gently towards the door)
Erica: Just remember what I said.
Tea: Bye! (She calls lifting her glass in salute receiving a glower in return)
Jack: Have a good day Erica. (He says shutting the door behind then walking back in to the living room)
Tea: Oh thaaaatt was interesting. (She reaches for her glass finishing the contents)
Jack: And funny! (He laughs saluting her with his glass and sipping it)  Thanks for playing along.
Tea: What are friend for? (She grins then sits on the edge of the couch and puts her shoes on)
Jack: So ready to go? (He says placing the pitcher and glasses back on the tray and walking toward the kitchen)
Tea: Just one second (She says stepping in to his path) as much fun as that was we’re not going anywhere until you tell me what’s going on. I mean I understand why I let her think you and I were…but what I want to know is why you let her think it? (She says following him into the kitchen she leans against the counter as he places the glasses in he sink as he talks)
Jack: Eric is under the impression that I’m her property lock stock and barrel and I just want her to get it through her head once and for all that I am not now nor will I ever be her lap dog ever again. (Tea nods in agreement pushing off the counter and following him back in to the living room)
Tea: Ahhh I get it.
Jack: I shouldn’t have but I just couldn’t help it. (He sighs sounding annoyed and frustrated)
Tea: She does have a way of pushing your buttons. (She smirks reaching for her purse lying on the chair) 
Jack: I’m really sorry I shouldn’t have put you in the middle.
Tae: Oh no I completely get it believe me. (Remembering her own moments of drastic action for independence)  So what do you say you and I do what the song says. (She grin devilishly poking Jack in the ribs and laughing as he jumps)
Jack: What song?
Tea: Lets give her something to talk about a little mystery to figure out and you and I could have some fun along the way? (She winks as Jack flashes her a conspirator’s smile. This could be fun and it was better than sitting around the house alone every night )
Jack: Delgado I like your style. (He reaches for his windbreaker from the hook holding the door open for her in the same motion Tea steps out on the porch turning and watching him lock the door) What do you say I take you for the best ribs in town? (He says leading her down the walk towards his car)
Tea: I’d say “Hurry up Jackie I’m starved!” 

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