Monday, September 23, 2013

Rego and Oliver (Earlier) 09/23/2013

Rego walks in to the dinning and heads straight for the server and grabs a plate heaping it with eggs and fresh fruit smiling happily at the sounds of his father’s boastful cheers.

Oliver: There he is the man of the hour! (He grinning turning the newspaper and showing Rego the image of him Francessca and the baby on the cover) So how does it feel to bring my first Grandson in to the world?
Rego: I have to admit it’s a pretty amazing feeling!
Oliver: How did you sleep?
Rego: Like a rock. I don’t think I’ve slept that well in a long time.
Oliver: Good! It’s always easier to sleep when your demons stop chasing you.
Rego: I suppose you a have a point. After the baby was born right before the doors opened I think Francessca and I finally came to an understanding.
Oliver: So no more kicking you across rooms? (He grins devilishly making them both chuckle)
Rego: No, I think those days are over.
Oliver: I want you to know I’m very proud of you. (He reaches out slapping his son on the back then pulling his head to him and kissing the top of it)
Rego: Thanks father that means a lot to me.
Brooke: Well you should be very proud of yourself you did a wonderful thing yesterday! I got off the phone with Jamie a little while ago he says Francessca and the baby are doing great!
Brooke: It was a very brave thing you did yesterday thank you again Rego for everything! (She says grasping the top of his head and kissing it making him grin broader as he chews.  Brooke walks to the server and begins to help herself to breakfast)
Rego: I don’t know what everyone keeps going on about I really didn’t do anything Francessca did all the work.
Brooke: Don’t underestimate what you did. Women have died during childbirth and still do.
Oliver: Thank God nothing like that happened.
Brooke: You can say that again.
Rego: So how’s Jamie?
Brooke: When I talked to him he sounded exhausted but still on cloud nine. He’s so proud. (She places her plate on the table then reaches for a coffee cup and fills it before sitting at the table)
Rego: He should be that’s a beautiful boy he’s got there and that’s not just proud uncle talking. If I didn’t have a meeting I’d go over to the hospital with you.
Brooke: Well why don’t you? I was going to go by before I go over to the office today I thought I’d go over to the hospital and take a peak in on them.
Rego: Because I set this up months ago I can’t cancel now besides, the publicity may work in my favor.
Oliver: Why don’t we let Holmberg handle it the sneaky little weasel has been itching to get his hands on something for weeks!
Rego: No, I really should take this I’ll come over when I’m done.
Oliver: Suit yourself you can tell me all about it later. I have a gift I want to give the proud parents. (He says reaching in his pocket and handing Brooke an envelope) I met with my lawyers last night and I had this set up all I need is the babies name and it’s ready to go. (Grinning like a like a cat who swallowed a canary as he hands her the envelope)
Brooke: You had a two million dollar trust fund set up? I can’t believe you did that! Thank you. (She jumps from her seat hugging him and showering his face with kisses)
Oliver: Of course! Who knows by the time he gets older that may be the cost of a really good education. You handle the meeting Brooke and I are going to the hospital! I’ve been dying to get my hands on that baby since woke up. 
Brooke: That’s if you can pry him away from Sophia!
Oliver: Who is this Sophia again?
Rego: Francessca’s grandmother very formidable woman. (Remembering his last encounter with her and her nephews his rear still smarting at the memory)
Oliver: I look forward to meeting her.
Scene Shift: Sophia walks in to Francessca’s room arms loaded down with bags. Grinning even broader when she see’s her great-grandson nursing in his mother’s arms.

Sophia: There he is! Nonnie’s beautiful baby boy! And all the ladies in “Lacey’s” agreed with me. Nice store by the way! I got this beautiful outfit for when he goes home. And where the heck did all these flowers come from? My God it’s like a florist in here! Good grief how many Teddy bears can one kid have?
Francessca: Morning Nonnie. Most of them are from family and friends some from Oliver’s, my Mom and Zach’s business associates others from I guess you would call them fans which is nice but just a little weird and with people now days. After I have Zach’s people check them then them to the Miranda center and the Women’s Shelter.
Sophia: Yeah you can’t be too careful now days.
Francessca: So you like “Lacey”s” huh? I guess you cleaned them out?
Sophia: Not quiet. I was looking for a bassinet set and my goodness they had some of most ugly things you have ever seen! I walked over to the sales girl and I told her and she agreed with me and pulled a couple from the back for me that had just come in. Here look! (She opens the shopping bag pulling the set partially out and showing her the fabric)
Francessca: Very pretty! What else do you have in those bags Grandma? (Sounding like the character from the Goldilocks cartoon they both loved and laugh)
Sophia: All kinds of goodies! You want to see?
Francessca: Sure you want to hold him while I look?
Sophia: Are you kidding? Oh look at him so handsome! Come to Nonnie that loves you best! (Taking the baby from Francessca and cradling him in her arms as Francessca sifts through the bags)
Francessca: You are going to spoil him rotten.
Sophia: That’s what Grandma’s do! I did the same thing to you and you turned out just fine!
Francessca: Ooo! (She coo’s pulling the bed set from the bag)
Sophia: I knew you’d like that one.
Francessca: It’s so cute! (She unfolds it spreading it across the bed and admiring it)
Sophia: So tell me about yesterday you and the prince that became a frog? You disappointed it wasn’t the way you planned? 
Francessca: It was the way it was supposed to be I’m at peace with it.
Sophia: You and that Rego character made peace, good! It will be a lot easier that way when you’re trying to raise your son. (She looks down at the sleepy child then back to Francessca her brow furrowed as she folds the quilt and places it back in the bag)
Francessca: Jamie is Logan’s father.
Sophia: You’re going with that huh? (She rolls her eyes shifting the baby in her arms and pulling the blanket closer around him)
Francessca: Yes, (She says over her shoulder knowing her grandmother wouldn’t let it go till she had the last word even as she said it) yesterday didn’t change anything at all.
Sophia: You know how I feel about that but I’ll just keep that to myself.
Francessca: Thanks Nonnie. (She sighs in relief)
Sophia: Oh before I forget go in my purse your Aunt Marie sent the baby something. (She smiles a happy secret smile as Francessca open the small box holding the tiny cross in the palm of her hand)
Francessca: Oh wow!
Sophia: Every baby in this family is christened with that cross and so will you! That’s right! (She snuggles him closer as Logan yawns) When you’re christened your going to wear the same cross as your Grandfather! Yes you are! (He yawns again then closes his eyes)  I remember when your father was this age. Do you know he cried one day for eight hours straight? I thought your Grandfather would pull his hair out!
Brooke: Hello! (She says peaking her head thru the door then coming through followed by Oliver) Hi! Ohhhh! (She says quickly kissing Francessca’s check then makes a Beeline straight for Sophia and the baby)
Francessca: Hi nice to see you Oliver. (She smiles hugging him quickly)
Oliver: Nice to see you my dear you look beautiful.
Francessca: I know I don’t but thank you for saying that.
Oliver: Don’t argue you look beautiful! (He kisses her cheek then turns and walks toward Sophia)  Now let me see the man of the hour.
Sophia: Here he is! (She says smiling proudly)
Francessca: Oliver Sherrigan this is my Grandmother Sophia Logan.
Oliver: Wonderful to meet you.
Sophia: Lovely to meet you too. Here why don’t one of you take him please I need to stretch my legs.
Brooke: You don’t have to ask me twice!
Sophia: There was a beautiful little snowsuit I saw at “Lacy’s” I want to get before somebody snatches it up.
Francessca: Nonnie He has enough stuff really.
Sophia: Never you mind, (She says grabbing up her bags and purse and walking towards the door) besides your Uncle Zach gave me a limo at my disposal so I’m going to go pick that up, drop theses things off and I’ll be right back. Very nice meeting you both!
Oliver: Nice meeting you!
Brooke: Nice seeing you again!
Sophia: I’ll see you all later! Bye my sweetheart! (She says blowing a kiss to the baby then bouncing out the door her arms loaded)
Oliver: He’s a very handsome baby you and Jamie do nice work!
Francessca: I think so.
Oliver: Kind of reminds me of Rego at that age.
Brooke: He has his lower lip pushed out just like Jamie used to.
Oliver: Sweetheart I meant to give you this it’s for the Logan. (He says reaching in his breast pocket and handing her an envelope she looks from Brooke to Oliver as she opens it her eyes opening wide as she reads it)
Oliver: I set up a trust fund for him.
Francessca: Oh my God Oliver Thank you. (She says hugging him then Brooke) this is way too generous.
Oliver: Nonsense! It’s not every day that my grandson is born! (He says looking down at the sleeping child in Brooke’s arms)
Francessca: Wow! Jamie and I really thank you both. (She stares down at it again still unbelieving)
Brooke: It was our pleasure.
Francessca: It’s just so unbelievable really!
Jamie: Hey honey (He says holding her close and kissing her) how’s…hey everyone! (Looking up and noticing his mother and stepfather)
Brooke: Hi Honey!
Oliver: Congratulations! (He hugs Jamie and hands him a cigar) We were just admiring your son.
Jamie: Isn’t he beautiful?
Brooke: You’ll get no argument from me!
Oliver: So are you both ready for the no sleep and two-am feedings?
Jamie: Are you kidding? I can’t wait to get my family home! (He says pulling Francessca closer and kissing her)
Francessca: Look what your Mom and Oliver just gave Logan!
Jamie: Oh, my…(his voice trails off) Thank you! this is really unbelievable! 
Randi: What’s unbelievable? (She smiles pushing past the open door and rolling in to the room)
Francessca: Randi! (She squeals running to her and hugging her tightly) How are you? How are you feeling?
Randi: I have never been better. (She smiles looking happier and optimistic that Francessca had seen her in months)
Francessca: I’m really glad you’re here.
Randi: Do you think I could stay away! (She rolls closer to the chair where Brooke sits) Look at him he’s gorgeous Mommy! (She smiles back at Francessca)
Francessca: Thank you! How are you? Frankie said you were getting out of here?
Randi: Doctors said I could go home tomorrow! (She squeals with excitement)
Francessca: That’s great! (She smiles happily hugging her again) Frankie must be ecstatic! 
Randi: He’s been bouncing off the walls and so have I. (She laughs) So tell me what’s so unbelievable?
Francessca: Oliver and Brooke set up a Trust Fund for Logan.
Randi: Holy cow! How long before he can sign a loan?
Francessca: I think it will be a while. (They both laugh)
Randi: Listen when Jamie gets off work why don’t you come by my room and we can talk.
Francessca: That will be great around six? (She looks towards Jamie who nods his head in agreement)
Jamie: Yeah it will give Logan and me sometime to catch up. (He smiles don at his sleeping son in his mother’s arms then back at Randi)
Randi: Cool, and that’s just the person I came to see and I think it’s my turn to hold him!

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