Monday, September 9, 2013

Tad and Opal 09/09/2013

Opal sits in a chair beside Tad’s bed holding a yellow legal pad and reading off her list.

Opal: Okay so we have the flowers, the music oh and the girls and Phillip put together one of those CD with pictures to run during the memorial service.
Tad: Yeah that’s great Momma.
Opal: How you doing honey.
Tad: I’m okay stop fussing. Stop! How are the girls?
Opal: They’re fine Ruthie took them over to the Miranda center for their art lesson then they’re coming here to see the baby. Oh Tad you should see them they are so excited to be Aunts!
Tad: Yeah Kathy was telling me on the phone last night she wanted the baby to call her Aunt Kathy.
Opal: You should gave heard them trying to trace the family line with Phillip. Oh and your little girl is in love Tad. She thinks that Phillip hung the moon!
Tad: Yeah Jenny was teasing her about it yesterday. How’s he doing by the way? I haven’t seen much of him.
Opal: He’s off to the University this morning with Chuck. He’s a nice boy been real helpful to Joe and Ruthie and such a charmer! He’s got Jenny and Kathy eating right out of his hands. Kind of reminds me of you at that age,
Tad: God I hope not or Pine Valley is in trouble!
Opal: Well if he’s not careful he’s going to charm himself in to a heap of trouble just like someone else I know.
Tad: What makes you say that?
Opal: Well I was over to Ruthie’s this morning you know discussing the program and while I was there the phone must have rung at least four times with four different girls looking for him.
Tad: Just four?
Opal: Ha ha very funny! I’m serious Tad!
Tad: Why are you answering Mom’s phone in the first place?
Opal: We were waiting for a call from the caterers and Ruthie was trying to get the girls lunch so she asked me to man the phones.
Tad: I guess you and Mom have everything under control.
Opal: Yep, everything’s a go for tomorrow I’m sorry you’re not going to be there are you sure you don’t want to take Rhea up on wiring your room?
Tad: No, I’m okay Momma. Now tell me more about my nephew. So who are these girls?
Opal: Well two said they met him at the park, one said the Mall and one said the Miranda Center and they just couldn’t stop giggling. All I’m saying is somebody better keep an eye on the boy.
Tad: That boy is a grown man and world traveled. He just spent six years studying abroad I think he can handle him self.
Opal: Judging by that phone I think that’s the problem.
Tad: So you want me to talk to him?
Opal: I think someone should or there’s going to be a trail of broken hearts from here to Ireland.
Tad: I’m just his Uncle I barley know the kid really, what about Jake? Or, his grandparents wouldn’t that be better coming from his Grandparents better yet his parents?
Opal: Come on Tad, Ruth and Joe have enough on their plates right now besides you’re really just laying here. You could be kind of his mentor you know. Show him the ropes and pit falls you’d be doing Ruth and Joe a big favor.
Tad: Okay.
Opal: So you’ll do it?
Tad: I said okay. (he sighs laying his head back against the pillow and starring at the ceiling)
Opal: Now I’d better get on to the caterers and give them this deposit. (She pushes the chair back picking it up and placing it in the corner) I’ll be back later. And if you’re a good boy I’ll bring you back something from  “Carmen and Krystal’s”.
Tad: Momma bring me some ribs please? (His head popping up off the pillow his eye brightening)
Opal: That’s going to be a little messy don’t you think? (She looks down at him wrinkling her nose in distaste)
Tad: I have to have some fun some how. (He grins devilishly throwing his hands in the air and shrugging)
Opal: Keep it up and they’re going to have to roll you out of here.
Tad: They have to roll me out of here now!
Opal: Very funny! I’ll see you later.
Tad: Okay I’ll see you. (Tad waits a moment then turns to Phil who’s standing behind the door) Is that what you wanted?
Phil: That’s a part of it.
Tad: What’s the other part?
Phil: I can’t tell you but you’ll know when it happens.
Tad: This is ridiculous! Why me? Haven’t I been through enough?
Phil: The big man thinks you’re perfect for the job so who are we to argue.
Tad: Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Phil: All I can say it that it’s important.
Tad: Can’t you just give me a hint?
Phil: She’s coming back I have to go.
Opal: Sorry Love-Bug I forgot my bag.
Tad: Right there on the windowsill.
Opal: Who was just here?
Tad: No one.
Opal: I thought I heard you talking to somebody and I feel as if someone was just here. (She looks around the room sure she’d felt something just moment before the door opened)
Tad: No one was here.
Opal: Then who were you talking too? (Still feeling something but now she wasn’t sure)
Tad: I was leaving myself a message on my voice mail. (He picks up his phone and waves it at her)
Opal: Oh okay well I’m off I’ll be back in a bit. (She tosses over her shoulder picking her purse up checking it’s contents as she walks distractedly towards the door)
Tad: See ya. (Tad waits a couple of seconds then glowers at Phil)
Phil: That was close.
Tad: She’s going to catch you! She can feel you man.
Phil: Don’t worry about it I have all under control she lurking outside the door right now (He says pointing at the TV and disappearing in the same moment)
“TV: Dude! How the heck do you know? You can’t see through walls” (Opal looks up at the TV then at Tad who smiles at her with one brow raised his hands in the air palms up she smiles weakly looks up at the TV again then leaves the room looking confused and shaking her head)
Tad: Man you have to stop!
Phil: Come on you have to admit that was funny! (He says letting out the laugh he’d been smother and receives a quelling look from Tad making him laugh harder)
Tad: Yeah it was, the look on her face it was priceless. (The two burst out in peels of laughter) 

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