Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Angie, David and Rhea


        "Carol could you hand me Mrs.Johnson's chart please?" David asks as he finishes up the notes on the one in his hand. Carol thumbs through the stack and quickly hands him the one he asked for.
        "When was she discharged and why?" He states his voice filled with venom as he slaps the papers down on the counter Carol types into the terminal.
"She was discharged this morning per her own request." She says pointing to the screen then standing.
      "Great! So now patients are treating themselves!" He rants before picking up another chart and storms down the hall as Carol smirks and whispers to the nurse next to her.
        "I hate to be the one that let her leave without the great and powerful Dr. Hayworth's permission." Making them both giggle.
        "If I were Dr. Hubbard I'd avoid this floor as if it were quarantined!" The later says with a shake of her head.
        "Amen sister!" Carol nods in agreement before rising and walking toward the lighted call button.
    Angie massages her forearm hoping to rub the throbbing away. She pushes the pain from her mind as she walks to the to one of the workstations pulls up her patients information and attempts to do what seemed impossible lately concentrate on her work. She read through the information quickly jotting down the notes she was looking for on her pad.
        "Hey Angie?" She hears from somewhere far away. She shuts down the episode she'd just had with Cassandra that kept playing over and over in her head and lifts her head .
   "Yes?" turns in the chair to face her.
   "Just an FYI Dr. Hayworth was on the warpath earlier and looking for you earlier." She whispers in her ear as she passes around her to the other computer.
    "Thanks Carol." She smiles weakly.
    "No problem." She says finishing her work and heading down the hall.
    "Great!" She thought. That's all she needed David breathing down her neck. He was probably annoyed about Mrs. Johnson whom he wanted to have surgery. Unfortunately Mrs. Johnson against medical opinion decided she could wait till after the "Founders Day" festivities and checked herself out of the hospital. Other than tying her to the bed she couldn't force her to stay in the hospital or have surgery. The best she could do was advise her of the dangers of her decision. She mentally shrugged. The best she could do for herself was to finish updating the file she was in and get back to her office before David finished his rounds.
       She finished the notes she was working on and closed the file looking around quickly to sees if there was any sign of David before rising and walking to the elevator.
       "Angie! Angie! I need to speak with you." David bellows walking quickly behind her.
       "I really don't have time right now David." She calls behind her as she continues to walk away from him hoping beyond hope the elevator would be there when she arrived.
      "Dam it!" She mutters as she presses the button frantically.
     "Angie!" David continues to call.
     "Look Angie I need to speak with you about Mrs. Johnson! why the hell did you release her."
     "I didn't release her David. I treated her for what she came here for and she decided not to have the surgery that you recommended. She was well enough to go home so I discharged her."
      "How could you just let her go home? You've reviewed everything? I have and you know she needs that surgery." He glares down at her his anger fueling his words.
       "When you weigh it with all her other problems David it's not going to add to her quality of life. If anything it contributes to disrupting the quality of life she has now."
       'Angie you and I both know she'll die without it!"
       'She's already dying David and she just wants to enjoy the time she has. I'm not going to convince her to have a surgery that's only going to prolong her life for what? Another few months a year at best. Part of our oath is to do no harm or did you forget that?" David scowls back undeterred.
      'But if we fix her heart it could also increase the quality of whatever life she has left."
      "Can you guarantee that David? Can you promise her that she can enjoy her life the way she is now?" David's lips become a thin white line as he struggles to control his frustration.
      "Of course not no one can." He strangles out as Angie folds her arms across her chest and nods in agreement.
      "That's right You can't. It would also mean she'd have weeks if not months of recovery. She doesn't want to spend her time that way and I can't say as I blame her."
       "So what did you do send her home with a wave a a fond Adieu?"
       "Something like that. Now if you'll excuse me I have someplace to be." She says stepping around him as he steps to block her path stopping her in her tracks.
        "So that's it then."
        "It is for me!" She says stepping to the side with David following suit.
       "Just wait a minute Angie we're not done here!"
       "Oh yes we are! Now get out of my way David." She snaps as she attempts again to move away and again David blocks her path.
        "I know I heard her say to get out of her way! Now, get out of her way." Rhea moves to stand by Angie's side her arms folded across her chest as she grimaces back at David.  David glares back at the two of them not sure what to do. Judging by the murderous look on both their faces plus the fact that the last thing he needed right now was Rhea running back to Michael. Especially not now that they've just formed their fragile truce.
       "You know what forget it. If she doesn't care about her life why should I be the only one fighting for it? You two ladies have a good day. " He sneers at them before stomping down the hall without waiting for a response.
        "Thank you Rhea."
        "Don't mention it I was glad to help. For a change I'm glad I had that "Founders Day" nonsense."
        "Driving you crazy huh? Jesse's been stomping around muttering to himself for weeks and we're just in the planning stages."
         "Well tell him if he wants company stomping around talking to himself so he doesn't look crazy give me a call!" Rhea says making them both laugh.
        " You know you and I haven't really talked since...." Angie starts her voice trailing off as Rhea interjects
        "Since the wedding."
        "I'm really sorry for all of that. I don't know what's happened to Cassandra." Her exasperation edging her voice.
        "Please Angie you didn't owe me an apology then and you don't owe me one now." Rhea shrugs. "Francessca's and Jamie are happy and I hear Cassandra got what she wanted. She and Rego are happily married and expecting soon. Things work out the way they're supposed to in the end anyway"
        " Sure." Angie says half heartedly her mind flashing on her encounter with Cassandra.
        "Hey I have an idea why don't we do what our mothers used to do?" Rhea chuckles.
        "What's that?"
        "Not to get involved in kid shit!" Rhea chuckles again then stops at the pain and anguish in Angie's voice
        "I'm all for that! Especially when your kid keeps shoveling it out to you."
         "You and Cassandra fighting again?"
         "Again?" Angie lets out a bitter laugh." Please we never stopped just a different round. I just wish she'd talk to me tell me what I did to make her treat me this way?"
          " If you're not doing anything maybe you and I can get some coffee and talk?"
          "I would love that really but I was on my way over to Frankie's but if you're not doing anything tomorrow I would love to meet for lunch. How about the "McKay's around one?"
           "That's perfect I'm looking forward to it! We have a lot to catch up on. Right now I had better get going were making a big announcement at work today." Rhea says giving Angie a quick hug and kiss before stepping into the open elevator.
          "I'll see you then." Angie waves as the doors close. She smiles to herself thinking it was fortuitous of Rhea to have come by when she did. David was working her last nerve and there was no telling how that would have ended. She checks her watch then hurries to the ladies locker room to change her family had finally gotten some good news and she wasn't going to be late for the celebration.

     Jesse and Griff,
     Cassandra and Angie

*Copyright Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles

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