Monday, July 22, 2019

Cassandra and Rego


              Cassandra lurks outside Rego's home office trying to hear the phone call he was on and hears nothing! Whoever he was speaking to she couldn't hear a word of it since he'd closed the door. Good! That meant he couldn't hear her either.  She steps back in to the alcove of the hall where she could keep an eye on the door while she made her call and not be seen by him. She pulls the burner phone she'd purchased and calls Devereaux back.
             "It's me." She could hear him smirking on the other end knowing he had her over a barrel just by the tone in his voice.
             "Do you have what I asked for?"
             "No! of course I don't! I need more time!"
             "I'm sorry you don't have anymore time.
             "I can't do this Devereaux!"
              "You can and you will. Don't call me again until you have it!" Cassandra hears the click as the line goes dead she stares down at the phone a moment then places it back in her pocket. This was impossible! How was she ever going to get what Devereaux wanted when Rego never just left his work lying around long enough to make copies to give to him. She'd even tried to take photos with the phone she'd bought but they were crap just like the phone. She needed to get in his office and make actual copies of it so she could get Devereaux off her back. How was the problem? How was she going to get her hand on them? Hopefully what she did earlier would work she thought leaning back against the wall as the door to Rego's office opened and he walked out still talking on his phone.
             "Look, Rebeka I have no idea what you're going on about! Hold on I think I left it on my desk upstairs..... Well hold on let me go check..... Well give me a moment to get up the stairs if you don't mind!" He yelps as he heads down the hall toward the steps.
            Now was her chance hopefully she could get it done before he came back down. The pages he was looking for were upstairs she'd made sure of it earlier when she'd seen him working. She hadn't had a chance to get the file she needed but she had pulled some of the pages out another one and stuck them under the bloder. Knowing Rego once he'd found it he'd stop to discuss whatever it was Rebeka was up his butt about. Only with a few pages tucked half way under the blotter that would hold him up a few moments longer. She waited until she heard his footsteps on the stairs before stealing into his office. She moves quickly to his desk and thumbs through the folders until she comes to the one Devereaux wanted. She pulls out the contents putting them into the feeding tray and presses the start button before running to the office door to watch for Rego's return as they print.  She watches as the papers slowly feed through wishing the hunk of junk worked faster as she heard Rego's voice as he came down the upstairs hall. She runs back to the copier just as it finishes and grabs the original and placing them back in the folder before placing it back in the pile. She grabs the copies from the copier and runs back to her hiding spot in the alcove just as Rego turns the corner and heads to his office still speaking on the phone slamming the door behind him. Cassandra waits another moment before leaving her hiding spot and heading for her bedroom. She had what she needed and tonight she'd get it to him and finally get rid of Deveraux.
          Rego terminates his call then reaches for the file he'd been working on and place the papers in his hand inside. He gathers the rest of the files then flips through them one by one to ensure all the pages were still intact. Then places them one by one back inside his briefcase. He stops a moment checking the last one who contents were upside down and backwards. He frowns and stares down at them a moment questioning himself. The recalled looking at them just moments before and the contents had been enclosed properly he was sure of it. He flips through them again this time examining more closely. Then reaches his hand over and places it atop the small copier that still felt warm. Which was odd since he hadn't used it at all. No it couldn't be. He and Cassandra were the only people in the house and she'd been in the den when he'd passed watching television wasn't she? He'd heard the set on when he'd passed hadn't he? Still that didn't mean she was watching it? No, he was just being paranoid. What use would Cassandra have for it? No he was just tired and aggravated. But, still he'd just been in it was it the way he'd left it? It's possible he'd been so agitated while on the phone with Rebeka he'd probably just shoved it all inside when he'd run upstairs he though as the phone rang.
             "Rego Sherrigan." He says distractedly into the phone as he flipped through the papers again.
             "Rego it's me" Rebeka says.
             "I thought we were finished for the evening?"
             " Listen, I just got off the phone with Van Zandt and they approved all of the changes in the proposal I just sent them to you. Just shred the ones you have."
              "Thank you Rebeka! I'll take care of that right away."
              " I have another call I'll speak to you before the meeting in the morning?"
              "Of course good night, oh and I'm shutting my phone off!"
              "Very funny. See you in the morning I love you."
              " I love you too and I'm serious you should do the same. Maybe spend some time with that soon to be husband of yours! Good night!" He says with a laugh as he pulls the papers from the file and toss them into the shredder watching until the last of it krinkels to the bottom of the pale as the other print out on the copier.  He reaches over pulling the papers from the machine and places them inside the folder as he smiles to himself.  Even if what he'd foolishly thought a moment ago it didn't matter now that he'd spoken with Rebeka the entire proposal had changed anyway. If anyone had riffled through his papers the most important aspects of what they'd taken would be changed rendering what they had it useless. Besides he was just tired and exasperated and what he really need was some downtime and then bed.
             Cassandra locks the bedroom door behind her before running to her closet papers in hand. She dumps the contents of her purse out on the bed then folds the papers inside placing the contents of her purse back inside then hangs it over her shoulder. She reaches for her phone and quickly dials Deveraux's number.
                " I have what you wanted I'll meet you at the penthouse in an hour." She finishes ending the call before he could respond then she heads out the bedroom and down the stairs. 

Cassandra and Rego
Cassandra and Devereaux
Cassandra and Rego

*2019 Takeitish "Pine Valley Chronicles"


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