Tuesday, December 31, 2013

JR and Rebeka

Rebeka sits in the "Château" waiting for JR to join her. She'd purposely made their reservation here because it seemed as if every time they had a reservation at the Pine Valley Inn they had Ryan Lavery as a dinner guest. After today's encounter the last thing she wanted was to see him again. He gave her and eerie feeling of discomfort. He felt both foreign and familiar at the same time. She was both attracted and repulsed by him. It was just hard to explain. It was as if every time she was around him something eminent was about to happen and she didn't want to be there when it did! All she wanted to do was stay as far away from the man as humanly possible and was glad their business was finished.
JR: Hey beautiful! Been waiting long? (He leans in kissing her cheek then takes the seat in the booth next to her)
Rebeka: No, I just got here a minutes ago. (She leans in and kisses him enjoying the feel and smell of him and the peace she always felt in his embrace)
Rebeka: I missed you too I'm glad you're finally here.
JR: I missed you too. You know we could skip dinner completely. ( he gives her hand a loving squeeze smiling seductively at her sending a thrill through her as it always did making her thoughts waver momentarily she grins pulling her hand from his and reaches for the menu)
Rebeka: No, you promised me a night out.
JR: Fine just as long as we don't take the whole night. (He chuckles reaching for his menu and opening it)
Rebeka: Dinner is nice (She purrs)  but I have bigger plans for you Mr.Chandler. (The expression on her face the touch of her lips as she kissed him had him boiling it was all he could do to keep from having her. Forcing him to remind himself they were in a restaurant and stifle the impulse)
JR: I love the sound of that.
Rebeka: The sooner we order the sooner we can get to desert.
JR: My favorite part of the night.
Rebeka: Mine too. (She kisses him lightly on the lips then turns back to her menu)
JR: What are you going to get?
Rebeka: I don't know. (She frown turning the page)
JR: Hey, how did the meeting go with St. Jacques?
Rebeka: He wasn't there. (The encounter with Ryan Flashes though her mind disrupting her mood and throwing her thought in to chaos)
JR: So you couldn't pick up the contracts?
Rebeka: No, I picked them up from Ryan Lavery. (The sickening feeling she had when ever she thought of him threatening to overwhelm her)
JR: How did that go?
Rebeka: Fine I guess. (She shrugs then focuses her attention on the menu trying to block the memory of the afternoon and the queer sensation she'd felt when he'd touched her. JR watches over the edge of the menu. noticing Rebeka's sudden nervous demeanor)
JR: Are you okay? (He places the menu down searching her expression. Something was wrong he could tell)  Rebeka: I'm fine. (She smiles weakly then goes back to her menu)
JR: I know how much that guy gets to you.
Rebeka:It was okay really.(She places her menu to the side smiling at JR but her eyes betray her)
JR: Did something happen? ( He reaches for her hand his fingers burning the spot where Ryan had touched her making her snatch it from his grasp)
Rebeka: No nothing. (The withdrawal of her hand shouting her feelings a thousand times louder than her words filling him with concern and a simmering anger. Lavery was up to something and it involved Rebeka and he was going to find out exactly what it was)
JR: Are you sure because if Ryan said or did anything to upset you again you know I'll...
Rebeka: God, JR stop I'm fine! (She huffs a little more forcefully then she meant but unable to stop) Nothing happened I picked up the contracts and I left! I told you I'm fine could we please talk about something else?
JR: Fine! (He huffs his tone terse and defensive) I was just checking no need to jump down my throat!
Rebeka: I'm sorry I didn't mean to snap at you.I just find him so creepy. (She shivers with repulsion) I'm just glad it's done and I don't have to work with "Cambius" anymore.(She reaches out her had taking JR's in hers snuggling closer to him) Lets concentrate on you and me. The kids are out of the house for the night we finally have an evening to our selves We'll have a nice dinner go home maybe use that hot tub we never get to use? (She leans in kissing him behind his ear making him shrug then and blush. Rebeka smiles seductively back at him then reaches for her menu)
JR: Sounds great! (He grins back pushing all thoughts of Ryan away and focusing on the moment at hand) I'm going to have the the Steak au Poivre what about you?
Rebeka: Umm Spring Lamb “ Chasseur” (She waits a moment as JR signals to the waiter and gives him their order) How was Tad?
JR: He seemed okay. Jamie and I told him about our plan for the girls.
Rebeka: What did he say?
JR: He was happy and glad for the help but it's going to be a long time before he's back to being the Tad we know.
Rebeka: It's just so awful and sad.
JR: He tries to be brave for us but I can see it.
Rebeka: I see it with Kathy and Jenny not all the time but every once in a while.
JR: I know sometimes it's hard for me to watch them. It brings back all those feelings I had when my Mom died. I look at their little faces and it just breaks my heart. (His tone becoming somber as those memories flicker through his mind)
Rebeka: Mine too. (She reaches out taking his hand in hers as her own painful memories embrace her. At the same moment Colby walks to the table breaking the momentary melancholy with her cheerful greeting)
Colby: Hey JR! (She squeals leaning in to kiss her brother then slides in to the seat next to Rebeka and giving her a quick hug and kiss)  Rebeka! How are you?
Rebeka: I'm great and you?
Colby: Couldn't be better! Nice to see you both out without your entourage. Where are my nephews?
Rebeka: They're spending the night over Krystal's
Colby: Lucky you two, a romantic evening out huh? (She winks and teases making them both blush)
JR: Yeah just the two of us. (He wraps his arm around Rebeka's shoulder pulling her close)
Colby: Have you seen Tad?
JR: Yeah we were just talking about Tad. I saw him this afternoon.
Colby: How's he doing?
JR: He's hanging in there. Have you seen him?
Colby: Not for a couple of days I got really busy closing this thing we were working on. I was planning on stopping by tomorrow.
JR: He'd like that. What are you doing here?
Colby: I had a dinner meeting with some clients and just wrapped up a fat deal.
JR: Congratulations! So I guess you two are celebrating?
Rebeka: Where's Lenka?
Colby: He's entertaining some clients at the casino. You know he works his magic his way I work mine and together we make millions! (She laughs devilishly sounding and looking happier then he'd seen her in a long time making him happy for her.)
JR: So things are going good for you two I'm really happy for you both. (His smile sincere and full of pride)
Colby: Thanks JR its really good to hear you say that. (Feeling for the first time that maybe the tension between he and Lenka was fading and the hope of having her big brother back in her life)
JR: I mean it. Your happy that's all I care about.
Colby: How are you guys? How's that deal you were working on with "Cambius"?
JR: Rebeka picked up the the contracts today! (He grins with pride)
Colby: That's really great you guys! So do you have any more projects planned with them?
Rebeka: No we're done with them. (She say with finality her tone a little too sharp for JR and Colby's the tucks the moment away and continues while Colby decides perhaps she and her future sister in-law needed some girl time)
JR: She means we signed on the dotted line.
Colby: Oh us too. We just wrapped up our business with them and it was very profitable! (She draws out smiling slyly)  I hope it works out for you guys too.
Rebeka: Why don't you join us we could catch up? (She slides out of the booth and stands quickly smoothing the front of her dress as she talks)
Colby: I'd love to but I have to stop at Dad's and sign my proxy for the share holders meeting. Then I'm going home and sliping in to a nice hot bath but, why don't you and I have lunch tomorrow at "McKays" one o'clock. (She demands glaring at her one brow raised giving Rebeka little wriggle room. Didn't matter if they were bickering in JR was still her brother)
Rebeka: That sounds great! (She reaches for her phone pressing the buttons and noting on her calendar)
JR: What about me don't? I rate sometime with my sister? (He teases puffing out his lower lip in a pout as he stands)
Colby: You big baby I'll see you tomorrow remember? (She laughs then rolls her eyes as he stares at her quizzically. She stares back at him looking annoyed and amused at the same time. She begins to speak slowly waving her hand as if leading him down a path) I'm picking the kids up from Krystal's? Bringing them back to Tad's?
JR: Oh yeah I almost forgot! (He slaps his forehead and laughs)
Colby: Have it tattooed on your forehead or something but don't be late! (She laughs then kisses his cheek giving him a quick hug)
JR: Okay, okay I promise I'll be on time! (He laughs)
Rebeka: Don't worry I'll make sure he's on time!
Colby: Thanks! (She laughs glancing quickly down at her watch) I've got to run I'll see you both tomorrow.
JR: See you Colby! (He waves sliding back in to his seat) Why don't you and I get back to our romantic evening? (His eyes hooded his voice heavy his mind filled with thoughts of after dinner and taking full advantage of an empty house )
Rebeka: Lets! (She smiles back the look of seduction on her face putting a power behind that one word making him wish dinner had already been served and eaten and wondering if they would make it past the parking lot)


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Cassandra and Rego 12/10/2013

It was cold and dark he couldn't risk that slut seeing him. He had to make sure the whore did exactly what he wanted and she had with just a little assistances. He'd enjoyed watching that little bitch getting exactly what she deserved for so long. Now to make sure that arrogant, pretentious, murdering bastard got his. Except for the cold, luck was really on his side tonight he had been on his way out the door when he'd heard the ruckus. He had decided to wash up the dishes rather than leave them for the morning despite the request not too. He had been just about to leave when heard Devearuax strike the fist blow and her shrieks of terror. He'd crept down the hall silently and watched the entire thing. In fact he'd made himself a copy from the security tapes then put the original back. He'd left the shadows and went to his room after he raped her. He needed to find that pill he'd stolen from the vial she'd had hidden behind the bar.At the time he'd had no idea what to do with it but he might have some use for it later he'd thought. If she were smart she'd get the hell out of here tonight and he needed to be ready at a moments notice. He took it from it's hiding place in his night stand trucking it in his jacket pocket. Then sat on the bed a moment trying to make a tentative plan of action it couldn't have been more than five minutes when he'd heard the Bastards phone ring and crept back towards the living room to listen. What a pure stroke of luck when he'd heard him say he'd be there shortly getting him out of the house. That's when he'd decided that it had to be tonight. As soon as he heard the bitch in the shower he got busy making the coffee for the guard assuring her escape. Sure enough that was exactly what she did. Then he'd followed her here it was easy. He took the elevator down and she the steps he had the advantage. He was in his car and waiting by the time she'd gotten to hers. She slowed down at the Bill board a little when she'd pulled in and he'd hadn't known why, now it made perfect sense a hiding spot away from prying eyes. The only worrisome spot was the train. When she'd first gotten on and handed the conductor her ticket his heart had given a lurch. Thinking she was smarter than he thought but then he'd watched her through the windows of the train as she walked through and changed swiftly then out the other end and cheered. She walked back through the station to a phone booth then out again.  Now all he had to do was make sure the right person picked her, up plant that pregnancy test he'd stolen from the trash where that Demon Spawn could "accidentally" find it, and wait for the next moment of mayhem between the two.  Ahh, there was prince charming coming into the lot now what a glorious night!" He thought smiling to himself as he watched her slip into the car as the driver got out and put the bags in the trunk giving him a good look at that Rego idiot as he'd hoped then drive off. If that dupes world exploded because of her he didn't care. He was no better than she, no he took that back she was worse but they still made a prefect pair and deserved what ever befell them and if he could help it along all the better. The two deserved each other "What a glorious night indeed!"
At the same moment 
 Casandra paces hidden in the shadow of the billboard she'd spotted pulling into the parking lot waiting, She'd ditched her car and walked into the station and quickly scanned the board in front of the ticket booth for the next train. Her luck so far was running was with her one had just arrived.She'd peered through the window spotting the line of people disembarking at one end and boarding on the other she'd handed the conductor her ticket then walked through taking her coat off as she walked folding it inside out. She walks up the steps stops quickly at one of the seats opens her bag and shoves it inside.Then down the steps through the next three cars till she see passengers leaving and walks out behind them mixing into the crowd entering the station. She'd stopped at a phone booth at the furthest end of the plaza quickly calling telling Rego where to meet her then out the exist to meet him. This had got to work she was completely out of options. If she didn't leave Deveraux now she'd never be away form him and next time she was sure he'd kill her.She needed the protection of the Sherrigan name and tonight she was going to get it.
Cassandra: And you little man are the key to everything! (she smiles to herself at the same moment hears the low purr of a car engine approaching. She peeps out the side and sees Rego's car approaching.
"Cassandra: Show time!" She mumbles as she reaches back gathering her things then steps out from the shadows.
 Rego rolls slowly his head swiveling from side to side looking for some billboard she'd hysterically mumbled into the phone then hastens when he spots it and sees someone slip from behind it. He rolls the car to a stop popping the trunk and existing the car in one swift motion. He grabs the suit cases from her tossing them into the back as she climbs in to the car. Then back in to the drivers seat and out of the parking lot back to the highway.
Rego: What the hell is going on the clandestine phone calls, hiding behind placards?
Cassandra: Deveraux found out about us.
Rego: So he knows so what!
Cassandra: This is what! (She turns on the over head light showing him her body then turns out the light off just as quickly. He reaches over turning the light back on and lifting her blouse.He stares mouth agape at the long red whelps and a nasty bruise forming on her back.)
Rego: My God! (He recoils on odd empathic pain going through him. He reacheshes over gentely grasping her face examining the bruise formimg on her cheek under her make up. She pulls her face from him clicking off the light and starring out at the window,)
Cassandra: Just get out of her! Drive!(Rego stares at her a moment then speeds out on to the highway. He begins to search the road signs looking for the hospital exisit) Are you alright? We should go to the hospital right now!
Cassandra: NO! Are you crazy! (She shouts) Do you think I did all this just to get caught.by going to the hospital? (She shrieks making him growl back at her)
Rego:  What the hell are you talking about? What kind of sick animal is this man!  We have to go to the police! For God sake your own step-father is the chief of police!
Cassandra: He's the last person I can go to. Do you think Devereaux cares? He wouldn't hesitate to hurt my mother, father or anyone else that stands in his way.  You don't really understand how dangerous he really is.
Rego: That animal belongs in prison! (His voice filled with anger and frustration)
Cassandra: And who is going to put him there you? (She laughs bitterly) How with what? His lawyers would rip me to shreds and in the end I'll be known as the Gold-digging whore living with one man while getting pregnant with her lovers baby. Look what they did with you and Francessca! (Her laugh burgeoning on hysteria) 
Rego: Wait a minute did you just say you were pregnant? (He looks over at her his face white his eyes bright)
Cassandra: Yes (She mummers and then begins to cry. Sobbing out her story as Rego listens his heart racing his mind reeling he stares blindly at the highway unable to do anything but go forward having lost all sense of direction) He found out about you and me when he came in to the bathroom I had the the test from the doctor in my hand that's when he slapped me the first time. He looked at the due due date and knew the baby couldn't be his. He went crazy! God I was so scared. I waited till after he left and called you.
Rego: Where did he go. (He looks at her again his anger barley in check a part of him wanted to kill him for what he'd done to her. Cassandra begins to sob softly hoping her tears would wear at his resilience)
Cassandra: I don't know he got a phone call and left me locked in the penthouse with a guard at the door. I had to sneak out the servants entrance and down the fire stairs to get away.
Rego: God! Cassandra this is unbelievable!
Cassandra: Which part? (She chuckles sounding hysterical again. He takes a deep breath o calm him self )
Rego: Lets start with the fact that you're pregnant. How far along are you?
Cassandra: Three month almost four. Probably the night of your bachelor party. (She throws in making sure the timing was just right to make it believable) or that last night before you dumped me!  
Rego: Four months? And you're just now noticing?
Cassandra: Do you remember everything that happened after that night? Excuse  me for being a little distracted.(She yelps forcing a few more tears for affect)
Rego: I'm sorry. (He mutters his emotions raw) 
Cassandra: So am I. What are we going to do? (She whines pushing his emotions to the breaking point)
Rego: I need to think! (He shouts hoping she wishing for five minutes of to unravel the knot forming in his brain)
Cassandra: While you're thinking Devereaux is writing a list of ways he can make my life a living hell. (She presses)
Rego: Just give me a minute! (He shouts again his knuckles white as he grips the steering wheel)
Cassandra: We don't have a minute! (She howls looking panicked again like a deer ready for flight) The more time you spend trying to make up your mind the more time you waste! If you're not going to do something then let me out now I can take care of myself!
Rego: That's not what I'm saying! (He grunts then shouts) You want to give me a second you just dropped a all this on me about thirthy seconds ago mind if I take a moment to digest it?
Cassandra: I'm sorry I don't have a minute! (She states calmly but her voice becomes more shrill with each word)  This man just tried to kill me I'm not sitting around waiting for him to get it right!
Rego: This is all happening so fast! (He shouts exasperated. He slows down pulling the car off the road on to the shoulder and stopping. He throws the car in park then turns towards her) What do you want me to do?
Cassandra: I want you to stand up be a man and help me! Help us! I have to get away from here! When he realizes I'm gone he's going be furious! You have no idea what he is capable of!
Rego: I have a pretty good idea! Any one that would do that to you or any woman for that matter is capable of anything thing! (He sighs rubbing his hand across the back of his neck. Cassandra watches him closely knowing he was almost there he needed just one more push as the lie slips easily from her lips) 
Cassandra: He threatened to take the baby and send me to prison! You can't let him take our baby!  You can't let him find me! (The hook was baited now it was time to reel him in)
Rego: Why would you go to prison?
Cassandra: I don't know! (She sobs again forcing her tears to flow by allowing herself to feel some of the emotions she'd been ignoring) I told him I haven't done anything wrong!!  He just laughed at me and said he was one of the most powerful men in the world who do you think they would believe? He said I had only one choice I had to marry him he would raise the child as his own and I could never see you again. When I told him no he told me he'd send me back to France and have them put me in prison and as soon as my baby was born he'd take it and I'd never see my child or the light of day again. I told him I wouldn't let him steal my baby that you would stop him and he said you wouldn't be around long enough to do anything. Then he....He....his lips and hands were every where...then he....he .... God I was so scared!  I didn't know what to do I just let him......It was so awful!.... I feel so ashamed!(She begins to sob uncontrollably in earnest finally releasing some what she'd kept pushed down for so long)
Rego: It's alright sweetheart shhh. (He wraps his arms around her pulling her to him and gently strokes her hair trying to quiet her not needing her to tell him what he already knew) You have nothing to be ashamed of Shh, please calm down it's all right. Shhh! (He pulls her closer holding her tightly) It's okay you're away from him now. 
Cassandra: But for how long? As soon as he realizes I'm gone he is going to come after me and If I don't do what he wants he'll do exactly what he threatened! We have to stop him.
Rego: How? (He said sounding lost and some what dazed. It was time to spring the trap and reel him in she just hoped her emotions didn't betray her)
Cassandra: You have to marry me as long as the two of us are married Deveraux can't make any claims on the baby. (Her eyes sparkling with unshed tears giving her a crazed expression in light of the dashboard) 
Rego: He can't make any claims on it now! (He looks at her his mouth twisted in disbelief she needed something her panic starting to rise she was loosing him)
Cassandra: Yes he can! (Sounding truly as fearful and panicked as she felt) I've been living with him for the last three month's! He could claim the baby is his or he could just make things really ugly for you and your family! He isn't above playing the victim he'd love the news papers dragging though the mud us hauling us through the courts. He'll look like the used and abused lover and we'll look like the slut and the deviant again.Your father will just love that! Not to mention the stress that would put on me and the baby. And the law could very well find in his favor considering the scandal we've both had they could deem us both unfit. Devearaux is a very powerful very dangerous man he'd pay a judge to do just for spite! (She sobs again smiling secretly to herself as the look on his face show the wanted effect her lies have on him. It was always best to play to his ego) 
Rego: Don't forget the Sherrigan family is more powerful than Devereaux St. Jacques could ever dream of being. No one not him or anyone else is taking our child or you anywhere! I'm going to make sure of that!(He huffs making Cassandra smile inside she had him! Finally he had him! She just had to play coy for a little while longer) 
Cassandra: Do really mean that? (She looks at him her wide eyed and hopeful)
Rego: I Promise I'm not going to let anything happen to either one of you. (He pulls her to him giving her shoulder a reassuring hug) We have to get going!
Cassandra: To where? (Watching him from the corner of her as she snuggles in to the seat)
Rego: You and I have a plane to catch! (He looks in the rear-view mirror and smiles then speeds out in to the flow of traffic)
Cassandra: We can't take a plane he'll check the the manifest he'll know exactly where we are. (Feigning fear knowing full well what his plan was before he said it)
Reg: We have a private jet he won't be able to trace you through there.
Cassandra: To where? (She stares at him giving him her best doe eyed look)
Rego: Where else darling Vegas!(He laughs stepping on the accelerator as Cassandra sits back in the seat her eyes feeling heavy and closes them feeling secure for the first time in months)

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Michael and Francessca 12/05/2013

Michael walks to the door hesitating a moment and listens hearing no voices he enters.

Michael: Knock, knock! (He smiles peaking around the door)
Francessca: Hey Dad come in! (She smiles as he comes towards hugging her tightly and kissing here cheek)
Michael: Hi honey how are you?
Francessca: I'm good how are you?
Michael: I'm good. (He says sitting on the edge of the bed facing her)
Francessca: Where's Mom?
Michael: She'll be by in a bit I came over a little early.
Francessca: Good I'm glad. I missed you this afternoon.
Michael: I ahh got held up at David's. (He looks at her sheepishly)
Francessca: Nah, you were afraid Zach would be here and my Grandmother, my cousins you got overwhelmed and decided not to come. (She states matter of factually her her brow raised her mouth twisted in a sardonic) 
Michael: No, no I didn't. (He lies pulling his eyes from her penetrating stare)
Francesca: Yes you did I know you well enough by now. (She grins reaching out playfully nudging his shoulder reminding him so much of her mother)
Michael: How do you know?
Francessca: You really think you're this big mystery don't you?(She teases taking his hand in hers)
Michael: I'm not? (He says laughing at his own folly giving her hand a loving squeeze)
Francessca: No! (She says making them both laugh) I'm an artist Dad I notice stuff like the look on your face last night when my grandmother was here she didn't see it but I saw it.
Michael: Yeah sorry I was tired it was a late night. (He shakes his heed not wanting to hurt her feelings)
Francessca: Just admit it, it it has to be a little annoying. (She grins squinting one eye and pinching her index finger and thumb together making him laugh)
Michael: Have you been talking to David?
Francessca: No! (She squishes up her face shaking her head in disgust) Why would I talk to David?
Michael: Why do you dislike him?
Francessca: Basically for the same reason Uncle Zach does but you're trying to avoid my question. (She finishes flatly then smiles sarcastically)
Michael: You're not letting this go?
Francessca: Nope, now admit it, it bothers you.
Michael; Yeah kind of (He stammers as he stands looking uncomfortable and mildly confused) ...no...yeah ...I mean I get it but... Please don't get me wrong they are all very nice people but it's a little.
Francessca: Over whelming, over shadowing and loud, all you hear in Mike Logan this and Mike Logan that.
Michael:  Sometimes... a little. (He sighs sitting back down on the bed starring down at his shoes then back up at her) You know I did come by earlier. I got to the door and I heard  you, your grandmother your cousins, Zach you were talking about when you were kids. It just hit me. I never got to see my little girl grow up. Alexander stole all those moments from me. (He stands walking to the bassinet starring down at his sleeping Grandson) Sometimes I feel like I've missed so much, as if I'm always playing catch up. (He looks back at his daughter ten walks back to stand in front of her) Then I was angry with myself. I finally have a moment that should be joyous and all I can think about is everything I missed. Honestly I know it's not your fault or his for that matter but sometimes when I see you and Zach together I'm a little jealous.(He admits feeling foolish and embarrassed by admission. Francessca stand and gives her father a hug)       
Francessca: It can't be easy for you where me and Uncle Zach are concerned I'm sure sometimes we make you feel like an outsider. I'm sorry for that.
Michael: Don't be sorry honey, (He pulls away sitting down on the bed and patting the place next to him bidding her to sit. She smiles siting next to him enjoying the warmth of his arm around her shoulder) your uncle Zach is a good man and a great uncle. I'm glad he was there for you as you grew up since I couldn't. I guess the birth of this little one (Glancing at the bassinet then back to her) just reminded me of everything I missed and sometimes I feel like you and I will never have that closeness the two of you share. (She turns towards him feeling his sorrow permeate the space between them)
Francessca: What Zach and I share is different you're my Dad.Yeah Uncle Zach and I are friends besides Natalia and Jamie he's my best friend. Ever since I was a little girl especially after Mike Logan died but he's not my Dad and I will always love him but neither is Mike Logan. You are, no one can take your place I love you Dad. (She wraps her arms around him hugging him tightly)
Michael: I love you too. (He gives her a squeezing enjoying the close moment between them)
Francessca: And whatever weird feud you have going on with Uncle Zach don't put me or my son in the middle of it okay? (She scolds wagging her finger at him playfully)
Michael: I promise I won't (He smiles patting her hand) and your right my problems with your Uncle have nothing to do with you or my grandson.
Francessca: What is it your fighting about?
Michael: What's going on between me and Zach should stay between us. So how's my grandson? (He smiles then stands and walks to the bassinet pulling the blanket up around him)
Francessca: I know what the problem with you two is you're a lot alike. (She mumbles shaking her head at his "Zach" like maneuver)

Francessca: Perfect! Jamie took him up to see Tad for a little while.
Michael: How is Tad? (Concern edging his voice)
Francessca: Physically he'll be okay (She shrugs) but mentally I think he's in a lot more pain than he lets on.

Michael: I'm sure he is. I can only imagine how he feels. Jamie still with him?
Francessca; No, he finally went home, poor thing he looked exhausted. (She smiles down at her son) I think he wore Logan out too I fed him and he's been sleeping ever since. (She looks down at him as he starts to stir and smiles) Oh I spoke too soon somebody is waking up. Why don't you hold him see if you can get him to go back to sleep like you did last night.
Michael: Lets see what your old Granddad can do here. Come here little one.(He says picking up his grandson placing him on his shoulder and patting his back. Smiling pleased as he feels a small expel of air brush his neck) Somebody had a bubble. Yeah that's a good boy! Granddad could make a habit of this.  
Francessca: All Granddad has to do is walk across the lawn whenever he likes.
Michael: You mean that? (He says taking the chair across from her)
Francessca: I want Logan to be able to have all the moments I missed out on with you and that includes bed time stories.(She reaches down into her bag and pulls out a a children's book and hands it to him)
Michael: "Hurry Up Slowpoke" (He grins his eyes wide withe merriment) this was my favorite story when I was little how?
Francessca: Mom used to read it to me. (She smiles back at him enjoying the delight on his face and comforting tone of his voice as he opens it and begins to read aloud to the both of them)

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Jack and Greeenlee

Jack lies back on the couch head propped on a pillow his head phone plugged in his ears chatting with Greenlee.

Jack: So hows Granddad's girl? (He smiles glancing up at the picture of his granddaughter and Greenlee)
Greenlee: Beautiful as ever. Leo upstairs reading her a story. What are you up to?
Jack Nothing really just just reading through a brief for tomorrow. Trying to make up for some lost time.
Greenlee: What were you out playing hooky?
Jack: Yeah, yeah Tea and I had a big beak on the other case we we were working on so we went out to celebrate. (He sits up tossing the folder on to the table as Greenlee's ears perk up)
Greenlee: So you and Tea huh? (She teases enjoying the quick intake of air coming from the other end)
Jack: No it was nothing like that. (He grins knowing fully the direction her thoughts had taken) We just stopped at Krystal's for lunch.
 Greenlee: You and Tea had a lunch date at Krystal's go on. (She continues ignoring the protest in his voice)
Jack: It wasn't a date.
Greenlee: Sounds like a date.
Jack: We ran in to Brooke and Oliver.
Greenlee: A double date! (She laughs as Jack continues ignoring her laughter at his expense) 
Jack: and spent a little bit too much time celebrating with them.
Greenlee: Yeah Kendall told me her niece had a little boy.
Jack: Logan Michael Martin eight pounds twenty-two inches. 
Greenlee: Ohh they must be so happy. Tell them congratulation for me.
Jack: They are and I will.
Greenlee So tell me more about this Tea. (Pulling the conversation back to what she hoped was her father's new love interest and he'd finally given up on Erica)
Jack: Tea is the new Assistant District Attorney.
Greenlee: So where did you meet her?
Jack: She's from Llanview one the best criminal defense attorney's I've ever seen.  Over the years I've consulted with her on some of my cases.
Greenlee: Sounds like you really like her.
Jack: She's the best addition to my office in a very long time.
Greenlee: Ah huh, is she pretty?
Jack: Look I know what your driving at and there's nothing going on.
Greenlee: Okay what ever you say. (She decides to let it go not wanting to be too pushy and turning him off) So where's your new room mate?
Jack: Molly went out for a little while she should be back later.(Happy for the topic change)
Greenlee: Doesn't Molly have classes tomorrow? (Her annoyance showing)
Jack: She's out with her friends for a little while having a little fun that's all. (He excuses hopping that would be the end but knowing full well it was just the beginning)
Greenlee: I'm sorry but didn't she come to Pine Valley for school and to get her life together in the first place and now she's out partying? Sounds like same old same old to me.
Jack: I told her she could go out.
Greenlee: You let her go?
Jack: Yes, she's been great all summer she obeyed every rule I set down. I think she's changed and grown up since she got here, so I thought it was time to loosen up the reigns a little.
Greenlee: And that's exactly when the horse throws you!(She snipes appalled by her fathers naive attitude where Molly was concerned) You know it's just a trick don't you? She hasn't changed! All she's done is moved her act to a new town and laid low for a little while. All so you would buy into this "good girl" act hook line and sinker!
Jack: Look, honey I can only go by what I've seen. (He starts but is cut off)
Greenlee: Then you're not looking hard enough.
Jack: Why are you so suspicious of your cousin?
Greenlee: I don't trust her Dad. I think it's all an act!
Jack: The two of you barley know each other.
Greenlee:  Oh I know her Kendall told me everything. Then I called Bianca to get the rest from her
Jack: So now you think you know all about her?
Greenlee: Because I was her! I know the games I invented them! Look I'm just warning you to keep your eyes open.
Jack: I will, I promise. (He sighs)
Greenlee: Promise me you're not just saying that, that you're really going to keep any eye on her?
Jack: I promise and despite what you think I'm not as naive.
Greenlee: I don't think you're naive maybe just a little too trusting when it comes to the people you love.
Jack: So what's going on with you? How are the things at your Inn?
Greenlee: Things are great I just booked a two week convention for January and a one week for February.
Jack: That's wonderful!
Greenlee: Thanks Dad. Oh, and Leo sold one of his sculptures to a hotel in New York and they contracted him for two more.
Jack: That's fantastic honey!
Greenlee: Leo is so excited. Kind of makes up for this afternoon. ( She
Jack: Why, what happened this afternoon?
Greenlee: I ahh called Ryan and asked him to meet me so we could talk.
Jack: You did WHAT! (he bolts upright and stands then starts pacing the space around the coffee table his anger barley in control) After everything your mother and I went through you called Ryan? Why the hell did you call him?
Greenlee: I had too. (her voice calm and even as she tries to keep the conversation from exploding)
Jack: Why on earth would you have to call Lavery? (Plopping down on the sofa shaking his head confused by her actions) We all worked so hard to keep you away from him! To keep him out of your life and the hell away from you and you call him? Just tell me why you would invite him back in to your life?(Shouting the last part into the phone)
Greenlee: I didn't invite him back in my life! (She shouts back sounding as exasperated as he felt)
Jack: Then what do you call it when you ask him to meet you to talk! (He stands again his pacing more rapid)
Greenlee: I needed to explain to him what happened. (She struggling to keep her tone even)
Jack: Explain what? He didn't even know you were alive! What could a dead woman have to possibly explain? (He shouts his annoyance reaching peak)
Greenlee: He already new I wasn't dead! (She whispers)
Jack: WHAT? (He growls his eyes wide)
Greenlee: He already knew I wasn't dead.
Jack: How did Lavery find out? (He sits slowly back down on the couch his mind whirling)
Greenlee: It doesn't matter how he knew the point is... (He cuts her of before she can finish as Jack thoughts land on the only conclusion)
Jack: The point is that the only way Ryan would have found out is if someone told him. (Sounding more lawyer than father by the moment)
Greenlee: Come on Dad Ryan's not stupid..
Jack: I didn't say he was stupid (Annoyed by her defense of him) I said in order for Ryan to find out someone would have had to told him. I know it wasn't me or your Mother so who was it?
Greenlee: I don't know Dad he just did!
Jack: No, don't even bother, there is no way he could have found out unless someone told him now who was it Kendall? (Latching on to the idea then dismissing it) No Kendall wouldn't have any reason to tell Ryan besides she agreed it was better not to tell him. Your Mother Kendall and I were the only ones who knew and...(His eyes widening with revelation) Erica! it was Erica wasn't it? Erica told Ryan didn't she? (He accuses as Greenlee squirms on the other end wishing she could lie but knowing she couldn't)
Greenlee: She only did it because she thought he was dying!
Jack: So she thought she would give him something to live for! (Throwing his head back smiles at the predictability of it all his voice rich with sarcasm) Once again Erica put Ryan Lavery before what's right and everyone else!
Green;ee: It's okay really Dad. (She pleads unsure of what his reaction would be fearing the the vengeful tone in his voice)
Jack: No It's not okay! I can't believe that she stood there and lied to my face! (He collapses on the sofa shaking his head in disbelief Greenlee's ironic laugh adding to his irritation)
Greenlee: Oh come on Dad, like this was the first time Erica has ever lied to your face! It's what she does best. (Then feeling slightly guilty at the sound of his disappointed sigh) Really Dad it doesn't matter. I'm glad it's out there I don't feel like I'm living in hiding anymore and I'm not constantly looking over my shoulder waiting for the other shoe to drop. I can just live my life and be happy. And, I am happy Dad. Ryan understands that. (The sincerity in her voice melting some of his anger)
Jack: I'm glad you're happy honey and as long as Lavery keeps his distance I'm okay with that.
Greenlee: What about Erica? (Jack glances down at the empty carry home container from Krystal's and smiles as an idea begins to form)
Jack: Don't worry about Erica I know exactly how to deal with her. 
Greenlee: You're not going to do something insane are you? (Not fully trusting the tone in his voice)
Jack: No, I'm just going to give Erica Kane the Erica Kane treatment. (Enjoying his plan more and more)
Greenlee: Hmm!(Not sure as sure of his plan as he seemed to be) Just do me a favor please?
Jack: Sure honey.
Greenlee: Make sure that when you give her back her own medicine you don't emd up with the disease please? (She jokes half heartedly making him chuckle)
Jack: I won't good night honey.
Greenlee: Good night I'll talk to you soon. Love you Dad.
Jack: I love you too honey goodnight. (Jack looks at his phone a moment then walks to his desk and shuffles through his mail pulling out an envelope for the benefit dinner for the charity Erica's show was hosting this year. He smiles ruefully to himself as he dials the phone) Hey Tea I'm sorry it's so late.
Tea: Don't worry about it I was waiting up for Dani to come in what's up?
Jack: Nothing important really I just thought you might want to keep me company at a charity evemt.
Tea: You mean the one that "New Beginnings"  is throwing for the heart something? (She glances down at her invitation knowing exactly what he wanted but decided to play along)
Jack: Yeah, yeah that one, I have two tickets.
Tea: Yeah they sent me a pair also.
Jack: If you don't have a date I thought maybe you and I could go together.
Tea: So what did she do now?
Jack: Who?
Tea: Erica of course! Her program is the one hosting the event and I'm more than sure she's done something to really tick you off and you want to use me to get back at her. Am I right so far?
Jack: Yeah I umm...
Tea: It's okay. We can give her something to stew about (She laughs) besides, it'll be fun watching Ms. Kane spit and hiss like a wet cat all night and not have to say a word.(Making them both laugh)
Jack: My thoughts exactly. You sure you don't mind? 
Tea: You'll just owe me one should one of my ex's blow in to town. (She teases making him laugh again)
Jack: You just let me know where and when.
Tea: I'm going to hold you to that. Dani: is coming in and I want to play nosy Mom. I'll see you at work tomorrow we can work out the details then.
Jack: Thanks Tea I owe you one see you in the morning.
Tea: Night Jack.
Jack: Night Tea. (He clicks the phone off stares down at it a moment smiling to his self. Tomorrow night was going to be very interesting)