Monday, October 31, 2016

Jesse Brot,Adrian and Aidan 10/30/2016


             "Hey! Hey!"  Sergi looks back at Lenka and Aidan yelling excitedly. "I think I finally got something!" Both bolting from their seats and coming towards him.
         " I went back to the time the limo went through and then the truck. Then Lenka and I took turns going thorough the numbers that pinged off the tower. We found one call that went through about fifteen minutes after the limousine. I finished searching all footage from the cameras I could find I found this at the red light camera." He points at the screen. "The car never gets close enough where I can see the type or licenses plate but you can see it turn around here." He says pointing at the square on the screen. " And then this from across the ravine from the accident." He says pointing at another square on the screen. Aidan looks at him shocked.
         "How did you get this?"
         'It wasn't hard the guy didn't even realize he had it. Lenka sent a couple of our guys over the morning after the accident posing as the maintenance from the security company we just made a copy. But even after cleaning it up with Rhea's imaging equipment you can't see much. You can't see who is up there but you can see one set of lights they go out, then another set come from the other direction of the accident and both headlights come on. Then you see two sets of lights for about ten fifteen minutes and then one set of lights leaves and the one left go out. But you can still see faint red lights moving here and here. Then look here." He says showing them a print out from the phone company. "Another call comes through to the police station about five minutes after that." He sits back smiling proudly.
          " So Tad was right there were lights up there way before the cops showed up. That's why Adrian and I never saw the truck. They must have moved the stuff to the other car and never made the drop off!" Aidan says aloud as they walk back to the table and Lenka pours them each a drink.
"What's going on?" Adrian yells from the door as comes in joining them around the table.
           "The bug you planted in Tad's room paid off." Aidan says reaching for a glass and pouring vodka in it and handing it to him.
           "Yeah? You got something?" Adrian asks taking the drink offered and looking at Sergi.
           "Yeah we figured what happened to the shipment that night and why they never made the drop off. Your brother was right there was a lot activity up there that night. We figure they moved it from the truck into the limo." Adrian nods approvingly as Lenka refills his glass.
            "That puts all the pieces together now we just have to figure out where and when he's making that delivery."
            "There's one thing though Tad also told Jesse. So it won't be too long before Jesse puts this all together too."  Aidan nods in agreement as Sergi sits back in his chair staring up at the ceiling as he talks.
             " Our guy in the field said his courier landed earlier. So something should be happening very soon." He says looking at the others.
             "Any word from Fats?" Aidan asks. Lenka shakes his head.
             " No but he said we should see some action in the next few days." Adrian sighs and raises his glass. Let's just hope we get there before Jesse figures this all out." They all clink raise glasses before draining them.
              Jesse stares at the computer and the file in front of him trying to enter the data but distracted by what Tad had said about the accident and the new worries it bought concerning his step daughter. Oliver had been in earlier and the information he had on her and her deep involvement with St.Jacque had him worried and scared on both a personal and professional level. After reading it what the hell was he supposed to tell Angie? She'd lied to both of them again! What the hell was he supposed to do with that? If he told she'd be hurt if he didn't tell her she'd be hurt later when it finally came out. Doubly if she ever found out he had known and didn't tell him. But how was he going to tell her.? How much more hurt would he be responsible for laying at her doorstep? Should be the one to tell her or should he allow his stepdaughter the chance to finally tell her the real truth? If he did tell would Cassandra continue to lie or make him out to be the villain? Would she even have the chance too? The way Oliver left he couldn't imagine him keeping it to himself for long. No when he got home he'd have to find some way of breaking it to her. He just hoped this wouldn't be the last straw to break her.
           He sighs and looks down at the file in front of him. If this man was guilty of everything this file alleged he had one of the most dangerous men in Europe living right under his nose disguised as a legitimate businessman. That explained Adrian's continued presence here in Pine Valley. Now he had to figure out just exactly how much they knew and what.
              Now with his man power already thin the DA's office wanted him to pull an officer to babysit. As if anyone had time for that mess, but one hand washes the other and someday he might need a favor from them.  
              Jesse looks up from his desk as Brot knocks on his door waiting a moment until Jesse waves him in.
              "I've pulled all the the video footage I could from the red light cameras and I had some of our guys canvas the house across the ridge and pull any camera footage they could. They just came back and I had them sent to forensics for analyse." He says looking down at his clipboard.
              'Good what about the phone company were you able to get the records?" He asks rising from his desk to face him.
              " I have a team going over those too." Jesse nods in agreement.
              "Good good good. I want you to keep an eye on somebody for me starting tonight." He says leaning back against the desk watching Brot squirm uncomfortably.
              " I had plans for tonight sir." Brot stutters looking at Jesse and shaking his head. Jesse
nods his head his mouth set firm.
              "Break them." Brot shakes his head hoping his next words would have some influence on his decision.
              "They're with Natalia." Jesse's shakes his head again his body language his words succinct barring anymore argument.
              "I don't care who they're with I  need you on this tonight understood?"
              "Understood sir." He mumbles as he heads from the room and reaches for his phone. Bracing himself for the fireworks he knew were going to be coming.

Takes Pine Valley Chronicles Jesse Brot,Adrian and Aidan 10/30/2016


Friday, October 28, 2016

Cassandra and Rego 10/28/2016


         Cassandra looks around the table taking another covert look at Oliver who catches her again and grimaces making her turn back toward Rego before he caught the fear creeping across her cheeks. She'd known better than to look at him it had been that way between them all evening. She didn't know what she'd expected but the look of controlled malevolence when he looked at her had shaken her more than she would admit. She needed to win over both his and Brooke's approval or at the very least begrudging acceptance but she could see that was never going to happen even after all of Brooke's polite questions and fake smiles.
          "So what are your plans, Cassandra are you going to go back to work for Colby?"
          "Honestly, being pregnant I haven't thought about anything more than preparing for our baby's birth and becoming the best mother I can. I haven't given it much thought past that." She smiles ignoring the sound of Oliver's a disbelieving snort and roll of his eyes as she continues.
          "And you know with everything going on I thought it would be best to stay close to home." Oliver rolls his eyes in disgust he'd listened to enough of her inane chatter. He'd need to end this ridiculousness before he had enough acid in his stomach to melt a hole through the pavement.  
          "Cassandra," Oliver bellows down the table catching her full attention and filling her with dread. " According to my son one of the reasons he married you was to provide you protection from St. Jacque what exactly is he protecting you from and exactly how does this affect the rest of my family? Exactly what kind of danger have you put us all in?"  Cassandra grins nervously her eyes looking at Rego for support and receiving none.
                "I don't believe any of you are in danger it's me he wants." She says hoping that would end the topic but knowing by Oliver's irritated stare it was far from over.
                 "Ah huh," he says with a nod of his head as he tosses his napkin on the table. "If it's you he wants then, wouldn't your being here endanger us all?" He asks sitting back in his chair his eyes practically boring through her. Cassandra looks down at her plate shying away from his probing stare but remaining silent for the moment.
                 " Why exactly does he want you?" He asks pointedly giving her no wriggle room.
                  "Deveraux has always been obsessed with me." She shrugs trying to make light of it. Oliver nods his lips becoming a thin white line. Brooke reaches her hand out to Oliver her eyes pleading.
                  "Please Oliver not now." He shakes his head gives her hand a squeeze then pulls his hand from hers and turns his attention back to Cassandra.
                 "So it has nothing to do with the money you stole from him?" He asks giving her heart a lurch. She stares up at him the knowing smirk on his face telling her he knew more a lot more. Her mind begins to reel as she tries to piece her story together. Oliver grins a knowing smile as he continues watching her every reaction then looks to Rego watching her also and offering no defense.
              " According to my investigators you stole twenty thousand dollars from him then flew to Pine Valley trying to escape. Shortly after he followed you here. Not too long after that you set your sights on my son. Have I missed anything?" Cassandra anger reaches its boiling point her words coming out shrill and tight.
                 " You don't know him! You have to understand! I had no choice! I did what I had to do to survive! I had to get away from him!" Oliver laughs bitterly. "So you planned every move from the moment you got here! Everything you've done has been a well calculated plan! Including this pregnancy! Tell what is your next step? Keep pretending the child you're carrying is my sons? Are you going to try and rob us blind too?"
                "Stop it Father! Devereaux St. Jacque is a monster!" He shouts rising to his feet and wrapping his arms around her shoulders. He glares at his father his voice menacing. Oliver rise throwing the chair behind as he slams his fist on the table jarring the he settings and shattering the crystal glasses at they toppled to the table top startling them. Brooke stares at her husband shocked by his reaction.
                 "No you stop! You are fool once again! Did she also tell you she was madame of her lovers high end brothels in France? She and St.Jacque were more than lovers they were partners!" He bellows slamming his fist on the table breaking the rest of the crystal making Cassandra jump leaving her face pale with fear and shock. Both Brooke and Rego stare at her dumbfounded. She'd never seen him so angry not even in business and she had to admit it frightened her. Oliver nods his head his grin demonic his voice almost a growl.
         "Ah yes I know all about you Ms. Foster. Did you really think I wouldn't thoroughly investigate the woman who ran off and married my son then claims to be carrying my Grandson! And you!" He says turning toward Rego.
          "Did you ever wonder why a man like him with all his power and wealth would be so obsessed with just this one woman?" He looks at his son's ashen face and laughs bitterly.
          "And, do you know the part that has me completely baffled is you never bothered to find out! You just let yourself be guided by your lust!" Rego looks from his father then to Cassandra who looked mortally wounded as stared up at him in dread her eyes welling with tears.
           " You should thank my gracious wife I haven't.If I had my way I'd throw you both out on the street! If it wasn't for the minute chance that you may be carrying my grandson I'd have you removed now! This is the last dinner you will enjoy under my roof. The doors leading to this side of the house will be bolted from the inside. From this moment on you will not use my front door. You will not come to this side of the house ever! You will use your entrance and your entrance only. I don't even want to smell you! If after your DNA test proves that this child is not a Sherrigan. Which, I have no doubt it will. I will have you removed from this property bag and baggage within the hour! As my son Rego, if this proves to be your child you are both always welcome in our home anytime night or day as long as you don't have her with you. Now get her out of my house! NOW!" He stands watches them scurry to their feet and leave then sits down on the chair and messages his temple his thoughts interrupted by Brooke's voice.
           "Well that was some display." Her voice tight and controlled. Oliver looks up at her as if seeing for the first time now that his rage finally stated.
          "I'm sorry darling I just couldn't sit there listening to her trying to make fools of us any longer with her inane chatter. I could feel it welling up like lava from the pit of my stomach and I just couldn't stop it." He shakes his head reaching for her hand as she steps back.
           "I have never seen that side of you Oliver and I don't ever want to see it again." Her voice terse her expression tight and controlled. "I'm going out for a while I'll be back later." Oliver looks up at her bewilder and watches her leave deciding it was best to let her go and say nothing.  His rage had frightened even him. What was it about this woman and her relationship with his son that made him distrust and fear her? When ever she was in his presence he had the intense feeling of foreboding. He'd always felt it in business but never like this. He could feel it deep down when she was done with his family there would be rubble all around them.    
Take's Pine Valley Chronicles.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Natalia and Preston 10/27/2016


        Natalia looks down at her plate trying to avoid eye contact with Preston. She'd been on pins and needles since she'd opened the door and found him standing there smiling like he'd just won the world. It was all she could do to keep from slapping him in his smug face. 
       "So how are you Talia you look great." He says smiling down at her. Natalia smiles back at him trying to hide the nervousness she'd suddenly felt.
          "I'm great couldn't be happier." She says her voice sounding forced to her ears as she tried to control her anger and excitement. Preston smiles his devilish know it all smile that she remembered so well and learned to hate and tried her hardest not to react to.
           "So whats up with you? What you've been up to?" She says looking behind him wondering what happened to Erin and Chase and wishing they'd hurry up wherever they were. Preston smiles remembering the last last time they'd seen each other and wishing now he could take it all back. He could still see the anger in her eyes and the pain and the forced tone in her voice. He'd missed her more than she could know more than he had admitted to himself at the time and still hadn't till this moment.
          "I'm doing great Now that I've seen you." He says smiling that smile that had always melted her heart. She looks up at him lost in the spell it always cast on her. The tension jumping between them like a downed live wire. She stares up at him her anger fading slightly as memories of happier times came stealing their way back into her thoughts. 
           "Talia I've been wanting to tell you this for a long time..." He starts as Chase interrupts as he and Erin come up behind him smiling and laughing as they walk breaking the tension between them.
             "Hey beautiful!" Chase says with a laugh wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into a bear like hug.
              "Chase!" She squeals hugging him back.
               "How are you Love? It's so good to see you." He says kissing her cheek before releasing her. Giving her a brief second before Erin reaches in.
                "Hey girlfriend!" She squeals hugging Natalia close and rocking her in her arms before releasing her.
                "Being a cop agrees with you!" She laughs looping her her arm in Natalia's as the two walk into the living room Chase and Preston trailing behind them.
                "A great job and a great guy will do that to you." She laughs giving Preston a side glance as she guides them all into the living room.
                "So where's the lady of the manor?" Chase laughs looking around then placing the bottle of wine he'd bought on the coffee table.
                "She lives in that big house you passed on the way in." Francessca says with a laugh coming into the room. She walks to each one hugging and kissing them before inviting them all to have a seat.
                "So how did your meeting go?" Francessca says looking from Chase to Preston expectantly.
                "We closed on our contract with Slater-Cortlandt. Your Mom called us about an hour ago. We just have to go in tomorrow and sign the paperwork!" Chase says with pride looking over to Preston who nods in approval.
                 "That is fantastic guys I'm really happy for you." Francessca says hugging both of them.
                 "Thanks sunshine!" He says as he releases her.
                 "Okay, " He says clapping his hands together. "So where's Jamie I thought he was going to be here?" He says looking around the room. Francessca smiles as she passes him the corkscrew.
                  "He had an emergency at the clinic but he should be here any minute." Erin reaches for the glass that Chase poured for her as she speaks.
                   " I want to know where the real man of the house is?" Francessca laughs as she sips her glass then sets it down on the table.
                   "He was kidnapped by his grandparents for the evening." She says with a laugh as she reaches for the glass Preston passed to her.
                   "Aww I was looking forward to seeing him" Erin says sticking out her lower lip in disappointment"  Francessca smiles.
                    "Come on I'm sure he's still up and bouncing off the walls. My grandmother made cannolis today and I'm positive she shared the cream with him even though I told her not too." She says with a laugh. "We still have to wait for Jamie and Brot so come on we can take a walk across the courtyard." She says rising and walking toward the door as Jamie comes in.
                  "Hey babe I'm here sorry I'm late."  He says coming through the door giving her a quick kiss on the cheek then turns and greets the others in the room.
                   "Hey everyone sorry I'm late. If you guys can excuse me I need to take a quick shower and I'll be right down. Hey hon you want me to check on Logan while I'm up there?" Francessca smiles and winks a Erin.
                   "That's okay we were just on our way to do that. You just hurry up." She says with a giggle as the others follow behind her. Natalia lags behind feeling as if she needed a break.
                    "I'm going to hang back here and keep an eye on dinner you all go ahead." She says walking back into the kitchen as the others exist. She opens the oven then inspects the contents, closes the door and turns the temperature down. She reaches for her phone checking Brot's last message. He finally finished his last call and was on his way back to the station. Good, she thought. Now Preston would see she really had moved on and her life had changed for the better.
               So, why at this moment didn't that fact bring her the comfort it should. Why was her mind suddenly steeped in memories and emotions from the past? Maybe what she needed to do was to concentrate on the present and her future and leave the past where it belonged.
                  "So what's going on?" Natalia turns around startled by Preston's voice as he comes into the kitchen.
                   "I thought you went over to see the baby?" She asks trying to keep her nervousness from her voice. Preston smiles as he moves closer forcing Natalia to take a step back.
                    "So are we ever going to talk about what happened between us?" Natalia turns back towards the stove lifting a lid from one of the pots trying to ignore the the feelings he stirred up in her and focusing on her anger.
                      "There's nothing for us to talk about. You've moved on with your life and so have I." She shrugs trying to look and sound casual and calm as her mind rages. Preston sighs heavily and shakes his head in disbelief.
                       "After everything that's happened between us you don't think we have anything to talk about?" Natalia laughs and shakes her head only adding to his frustrations.
                        "I think we said everything we had to say back then." She says turning away from him and reaching for a serving dishes from the closet. Preston reaches over pulling it from her hand and setting it on the counter forcing Natalia to meet his gaze.
                        "Not everything. Look I've had a lot of time to think about it..." Natalia's glares back at him cutting him off mid sentence.
                         "Look, don't even go there. I've moved on a long time ago. I have a great life and from what you've said your's just got even better. Leave the past in the past Preston you can't resurrect the dead." She finishes staring pointedly at her him her lips set firm her back ramrod straight ending the topic. Preston looks back at her wishing she wasn't so closed. He'd imagined this moment over and over but the outcome in his mind was never like this.
                          " So you and this Brot guy are you serious." He asks trying to to keep the disappointment from his voice.
                           "Yeah very! So whatever thoughts you had on that topic just keep them to yourself. Here make yourself useful and but this on the table." She says shoving the bread basket at him and pushing him out the door. She leans against the sink and inhales deeply wondering if she was going to get through the evening without exploding.
           Take's Pine Valley Chronicles Natalia and Preston

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Molly, Jack and Barbara 10/26/2016


             Molly glances down at her new badge fingering the front of it nervously with her fingers then reaches for her portfolio flipping through it quickly making sure everything was still in order. She feels her phone buzzing in her pocket and ignores it. She didn't want anyone or anything ruining the high she had. She smiled to herself she'd been ready for the meeting and when she left the interview the internship was hers! She had gotten there early and had been able to easily sum up her competition and they weren't any. The best part was she'd done it all herself. She'd followed everything Vicky Lord had told her and now she was the new production intern working directly with Corban James! She smiles to herself as she walks to the front door.
          "Uncle Jack!" She calls out closing the door behind her and placing her portfolio on the the coffee table. "Uncle Jack are you here?" She calls again looking around the living room as Jack comes through the Patio door.
            "Hey! Sweetheart what's going on?" He smiles as Molly practically jumps into his arms.
             "I did it Uncle Jack!" She squeals then pulls away from him and reaches for her purse pulling out her WRCW badge giggling as she waves it in front of him.  "I applied for the internship at WRCW and I got it!" Jack eyes open wide as he grasps her in his arms and holds her close. 
             "That's wonderful honey! I didn't know you were even thinking of applying." He says kissing the top of her head as he lets go. Molly grins back at him proudly pulling away from Jack and sits down on the sofa patting the sofa cushion next to her.  "I didn't tell anyone. I didn't want to jinx it and I didn't want anyone's help. I wanted to do it all on my own." Jack smiles back at her enjoying the happy confident Molly he'd gotten to know again over the past few days. 
            "I can't tell you how very proud of you I am." He reaches over brushing the hair from her face and pats her cheek making her blush shyly. 
            "Thank you Uncle Jack I couldn't have done any of it without you." 
             "I didn't do anything." He says feeling a little burst of pride. Molly shakes her head contradicting his assertion.
             "No Uncle Jack you did a lot more than you'll ever know. You let me move in with you and you never asked why. You trusted and believed in me when no one else did. You put up with my craziness and you never gave up on me. You made me feel more loved and wanted than I have in a really long time when I really needed it. I won't ever forget that. Thank you Uncle Jack."  she says hugging him close and kissing his cheek. 
            "Sweetheart it's my pleasure.This is your home and I love having you here." He says giving her a another quick hug. "Tell me about your night and your new job did you and Dani have a nice time?"  Molly smiles less brilliantly thinking over some of her actions from last evening then shaking off the momentary melancholy before continuing. 
           "We had a great time! Her step-mom's club is really cool. We stayed on her Aunt Vicky's estate Llanview I think? She said to say hello." Jack raises his brow then thinks a moment.
         "You mean Victoria Lord the editor of the banner?" He says with a nod. "She interviewed me for her paper after a case I worked on last year. Lovely woman." 
          "I thought so too, a little different than I thought she'd be. I never thought I would ever meet her she and Brooke English are like my heroes!  Anyway, I met her this morning and we talked for a little while she was really cool. I really enjoyed it. Then Dani and I got up we came back here and she dropped me off I drove to the station. Where I walked in summed up my competition found them unworthy and took home the prize! Oh and Mr. James is so cool a lot more laid back than I thought he would be and Mr. Blackwood was pleasant enough I guess he was kind of mysterious yet bigger than life at the same time. I think I'm going to really enjoy it" She giggles still talking a mile a minute looking happier than she had since she arrived. He wasn't sure what had caused the change in his niece but he was happy for it. Things needed to go her way for a change. 
          "I was just out back starting the grill. Reggie and Lilly are coming by for dinner. Oh and I asked Tea and Dani to stop by." Molly grins mischievously.               
          "So you and Ms. Del Gado huh?" Molly teases enjoying the slight blush in her Uncles cheeks. Liking the idea of the pairing more and more. Way better than anything he ever had going with Erica.             
            " Nothing is going on. We've been friends for a long time and it's nice having someone to talk to that I don't have to "Google" every other word." He says making them both laugh.
 " I have everything ready. They should be here any minute why don't you go up and get changed." Molly nods in agreement picking up her things from the table and heading for the stairs. 
            "I'll be right down! I can't wait to tell them! Don't start without me!" She calls from the top of the stairs before slamming into her bedroom making Jack chuckle.
          I wouldn't dream of it!" He says walking toward the front door as Reggie and Lily come through.  
         "Hey Dad!" They say almost in unison. "Where do you want me to put the rest of this stuff?" Reggie asks shifting the tray in his arm to the other hand.
           "Just place it on the counter for now." He says waving toward the kitchen while Lily pushes the door closed then stops and leaves it ajar. 
           " I think that's Ms. Del Gado's car that pulled in behind us" Jack leans out the the door holding the door open for them. 
           "Thanks honey you can put those buns out on the picnic table." 
         "Sure" Lily nods then smiles as Molly comes up beside her and the two walk out to the patio both liking the spark of excitement in Jack's eye as he waits for Tea to get to the door.  
           "Dad seems extra happy tonight don't you think so?" Reggie nods in agreement winking at Molly as they all watch his father through the glass door welcoming Tea and her family. "Yeah, and I can guess why." He smirks as Jack leads Tea and her family out on to the patio almost bursting with excitement. 
           "Heyyyy!" Molly yelps embracing her friend then greeting Tea and Victor. "Hi Ms. Delgado. Hi Victor!" 
          "Tea, Dani I think you already met my daughter Lily and my son Reggie?" 
           "Yes we have, wonderful to see you again." Tea says nodding to both of them.
           "Thanks for coming!" Lily says offering Tea a seat.
           "Would you like something to drink? Soda iced tea?" Reggie asks looking from tea to Dani.
           "Iced tea would be great" Tea says then looks toward Dani.
           "I'll have the same thank you." Dani says taking the seat next to her mother. Jack watches from the grill as the two families talk and laugh amiably enjoying each others company as the glow of the sunset lights the backyard giving the scene a warm family feeling something he could get used to he thought as he stacked hamburgers on the platter and walks to the table.
      He'd really enjoyed the evening he thought some time later smiling to himself as he finishes scrapping the the grill top then closes the lid. Tea's family and his really hit it off they had all spent the evening laughing and talking getting to know each other. They'd all relaxed and just enjoyed the evening and each others company. One of the most pleasant he'd spent in a long time. He picks up his glass and walks toward the table. 
          "Does everyone have a glass  because I have somethings to say." He says raising his glass and turning toward Molly.  "First I would like to congratulate my son on his acceptance to law school. I'm going to really miss having you just pop in at just the right time." Reggie laugh's.  
         "Don't worry Dad you can't get rid of me that easily. Boston's not that far!" He says with a laugh.
         "A lot further than I would like." He says with a laugh. "And Lily who will be taking off to New York City to earn her MBA and Phd in science."  He says with pride as those gathered clap and cheer. "And I especially want to congratulate my niece Molly who became the new production intern for Mr. Corban James at WRCW!" Dani's eyes open wide with surprise as she turns and hugs her friend to her.
            "Oh my God Molly that's great! Why didn't tell me?" She asks feigning insult. Molly laughs giving her friend a quick hug.
           "I didn't tell anyone!" 
          "Oh Molly! I'm so proud of you!" Comes a shriek from behind them causing them all to turn and stare Molly's face white with shock before regaining her voice.
           "What the hell are you doing here?" Molly shrieks bounding out of her seat and running toward her mother. Barbara places her suitcase down opening her arms to her daughter who stops a few feet in front of her arms crossed her brow drawn.
             "I said what the hell are you doing here?" Molly asks again her anger on the verge of erupting.
             "I just wanted to see you honey. You won't talk to me you won't answer my letters or phone calls. I just wanted to see for myself that you're okay" Barbara sniffs reaching out to touch Molly's cheek the later pulling away from her touch in repulsion. 
             "Barbara, what are you doing here?" Jack says coming towards her looking as shocked as his niece. Barbara smiles nervously looking from Jack to Molly before noticing the others gathered.
             "Good to see you again Lily, Reggie you're looking well" She says with a nod to each before turning her focus to Tea and Dani. "Hello I'm Barbara Montgomery Molly's mother." Tea nods in Barbara's direction.  
             "Tea Delgado and my daughter Dani." She says then looks from Molly to Jack for some non verbal clues and receives none. She can only watch feeling helpless as the scene unfolds and Barbara turns her attention back to Molly. 
             "You look really great honey." She says reaching out for Molly again causing Molly to cringe away.
             "Answer the question. Why are you here? I don't remember Uncle Jack inviting you and I sure as hell didn't?" She finishes growling the last part.
             "I had to see you honey. I missed you." Molly lets loose a bitter laugh.  
             "So as always the hell with what I want as long as Barbara gets what she wants! How many times do I have to tell you I don't want to talk to you or see you I don't want your letters or phone calls! I don't want you in my life? You've seen me I'm fine why don't you go back to where ever you came from!" Barbara glares at Molly hurt and pain etched on her face.
             "You can't still mean that? Not after all this time you still can't be so angry?" Molly laughs bitterly staring back at her mother in disgust.
             " I meant it when I said it the first time and I still mean it. I'm telling you for the last time. Why don't you crawl back inside a vodka bottle! I don't ever want to see you again for as long as I live! Get out! GO! Don't come back!" Molly finishes with a scream then begins to sob. Jack wraps his arms around Molly holding her close not comprehending what was happening between the two of them. 
           "Please make her go Uncle Jack! I don't want her here! She going to ruin everything like she always does! Please Uncle Jack don't let her stay!" Jack peels his niece from him her face ravished with tears but the fear in her voice is what frightened him.
            "Promise me Uncle Jack no matter what she says you won't let her stay!" She calls back at him as Dani wraps her arm around Molly trying desperately to console her. Jack looks at his niece again then back to Barbara's stricken face and her body almost rigid with what seemed to be fear but his instincts told him her fear wasn't for Molly but more about what Molly wasn't telling and he needed to know what that was now.   
          "Reggie you and Dani take Molly inside." Tea watches Reggie takes a distraught Molly into the house knowing instinctively that Molly would need Dani right now but unsure if they had any place in the situation. After all hers and Jack's relationship was just a game or was it?
             "Perhaps I should get going?"  Jack waits a moment for the door to close.
             "No, I'd like it if you could stay for a moment." Tea nods in agreement noticing Lily still seated at the table curious confused and beginning to look upset.             
           "Lily if you could do me a favor and check on Victor I'd really appreciate it." 
           "Yes" Lily says rising from the table watching Barbara as she does. " Your color is dark and scary. I think Molly's right you should go." She says turning and walking toward the house leaving Jack feeling chilled by his daughter's words. He looks back at Barbara who wipes a stray tear from her cheek and smiles back weakly.
           "Not exactly the welcome I expected." She sighs plopping down on the table bench. Jack glances over a Tea who shrugs not sure where to begin deferring it back to Jack.
           "Do you want to explain why you show up on my door step bag and baggage no warning? But first I want to know why Molly just reacted like your arrival was the beginning of the end?" Barbara sighs not sure where to begin but definitely not ready to tell him the entire story which was evident that Molly hadn't.
           "Molly and I had a big fight before she left and I'm afraid she still hasn't forgiven me." 
           "I'd say that's a bit of an understatement!" Tea scoffs pulling Barbara's attention back to her. She read about this Ms. Delgado on the plane she was the new assistant district attorney and rumored love interest of Jacks. She would have to tread very carefully around her. 
           "I'm sorry who are you again?" Tea looks at Jack and rolls her eyes as she watches the wheels turn inside Barbara's head. She knew in an instant Barbara's drama and concern for Molly were only superficial to something deeper flowing through the undercurrent. 
           "Tea Delgado Assistant district attorney and family friend." She says her eyes challenging waiting while Barbara calculates her next move.
           "Never mind Tea, answer my question what are you doing here? I thought we agreed you were going to give Molly some space." 
          "I know, I know I just needed to see her. I needed to know she was okay."
           "Okay so you needed to see her. That still doesn't explain why Molly reacted the way she did. What the hell is going on?"
           "I told you Jack we had a fight and we still haven't worked it out."
           "Okay you had a fight. What the hell were you fighting about?" Barbara closes her eyes her hands folded in her lap as if in prayer then looks up at him her eyes pleading.
          " That's between me and Molly." 
          "You need to give me more than that! I want to know what the hell is going on or you aren't coming anywhere near her!" 
          "You can't do that Jack she's my daughter you can't keep me from seeing her!" She barks.
           "Look Barbara I don't care what you want my only concern here is Molly. And from what I can see she wants nothing to do with you. Until she does I think the best thing you can do for her is to do what she asks." 
           "I can't do that Jack we need to fix this between us." 
           "And I can't let you upset her any more that you already have." 
           "I'm not going anywhere until I've fixed this between us." Jack lets loose a heavy sigh knowing he wasn't going to change her mind.
          "Where are you staying?" Barbara looks up at him her eyes once again pleading. He glares at her incredulous of her sheer nerve.
           "No! No way are you staying here! You saw how she just reacted!" 
          " I don't have any place else to go Jack and I don't have any money!"
          " What! What do you mean you don't have money? What happened to the law firm and the money Travis left you?"
          "It's a long story Jack and right now I don't have it in me to go into that right now."
          "What the hell is going on Barabara?" 
          "Look Jack I'll explain it to you but I just can't get into it all right now. Please Jack." She pleads then begins to weep. Jack looks to Tea who shrugs again watching Barbara's performance and not buying a moment of it and from the look on Jacks face neither was he.
         "Give me a minute and I'll get you a room at the Pine Valley Inn. Tomorrow morning you and I are going to have a very long conversation and you're going to tell me everything you understand?" Barbara smiles weakly nodding her head in agreement as Jack reaches for his phone. Tea watches as Jack dials the phone and begins to make arrangements for Barbara watching Barbara closely the later flashing a brief satisfied smile before hiding it behind her facade of concern.
          "I'm going to go check on the kids. I'll be right back." Tea says walking back towards the house.
         "Nice to have met you. I just wish it had been under better circumstances." Barbara calls after her stopping Tea for a moment.
         "Same here." She smiles and waves then turns back toward the door pulling her own phone from her pocket and dialing as she closes the door.
        "Hey! It's me. I need you to do me a favor. Yeah sorry about the hour. But I'm going to give you a name and I need you to get me everything you have on a Barbara Montgomery and I mean everything. If she had the signs of a cold yesterday I want to know about it and I need it ASAP. Thanks a lot and don't worry I'll make it worth your while."    
           Takes Pine Valley Chronicles Molly, Jack and Barbara

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Erica and Gavin 10/25/2016


                 Gavin looks down at the stack of folders in front of him and begins to place one at each seating. In less than two minutes he was going to be meeting with Erica and the new cast of "New Beginnings" and from her attitude earlier this was not going to be an easy meeting. But, he also knew she would come around to his thinking especially after she took a good look at all the revamping that was going to be done more so when she realized it would also contain the "Raising Kane" Productions copyright. He looks at his watch then picks up one of the folders and flips through it just as Krystal, Carmen and Opal step into the conference room all beaming and chatting happily. Well at least seventy five percent of his cast were showing excitement for this project.
              "Good morning ladies!" He smiles coming toward them and greeting each one.
                "We're still waiting for a couple more people to join us in the meantime please help yourselves to coffee pastries courtesy of the "Serving Spoon". I would have had them delivered from "Krystal & Carmen's" but I didn't want this to feel anything like a PCTA meeting where you have to bring your own snacks." He says with a chuckle making them all laugh. He looks down at his watch again then smiles up at the ladies who sit and chat amiably. He walks to the intercom just as Conrad comes into the room carrying his his leather bound folder.
                "Good morning everyone." Coban says nodding to Opal, Carmen and Krystal as he makes his way to the head of the table followed by Kendall and Corban's other staff members. Kendall walks to the group and squeals of delight erupt among them. Gavin looks at his watch as he reaches out to Coban's extended hand and shakes it then turns to his cast seated at the table for the exception of Erica. More than likely she was waiting to make her grand entrance. He checks his watch noting the time he should be annoyed at her grandstanding tactics but instead decides to proceed with the meeting on schedule.
               " We didn't know you would be here too!" Carmen says coming to Kendall and kissing her cheek.
               " Yep! I won the bid I put in for the redesign of the set!" Kendall says with a squeal hugging an equally squealing Carmen to her as Opal watches on with a frown.
               "Does your mother know?" She hoarse whispers and Krystal and Carmen lean in listening intently. Kendal shrugs then pulls her shoulders back her chin tilted definitely.
               "She will when she gets here." She says reaching for a cup and pouring coffee into it as she mentally braces herself for her mother's wrath.  
               "Good morning Corban! Everyone if you'll be seated please. This is Corban James he's one of our new producers here at WRCW. He's going to be consulting on the revamping of "New Beginnings." He announces pausing for the polite and approving applause before continuing.
               " Everyone here was chosen for the unique abilities they bring to our project. Our new host represent the viewers in each of our demographics. Mrs. Hart-Slater brings her award winning design expertise. We'll also be using Ms. Lavery's remarkable Marketing talents to develop our campaign and lastly Mr.James and his team will be developing our programing. So if you all would turn your atten..." His voice fading off as Erica burst into the room pulling all eyes to her.
             "Good morning everyone sorry I'm late!" She announces as she looks around the table spotting Kendall sitting across the table her suspicions peaked.
              "Kendall! What are you doing here?"  Her voice filled with honey and silk her eyes speaking a different tone of annoyance and betrayal.  
               " Thank you for joining us Ms. Kane. Had you been on time you would have heard the announcement that Ms. Slater-Hart is our set designer. Please have a seat so that we may continue. You'll find the details of our meeting in front of you." He says enjoying the snap of her mouth and purse of her lips as she sits down quietly fuming as he continues without missing a beat.
              "So if you would all turn your attention to Ms. McDermott." He finishes waving his hand towards Anne who stands.
              " Good Morning everyone. As you all know I'm Anne McDermott I'm going to working on the marketing plan for the relaunch of "New Beginnings"." She pauses reaching for the the remote control and lowering the screen and projector as Kendall hands out the packet of information she'd bought.
             "Kendall and I have been talking since Gavin approached us a couple of days ago and we decide our theme is going to be "New Beginnings" New beginning! Mind you this is just an idea right now but..." She stops as Erica snort silences her. Gavin quietly grinds his jaw keeping his annoyance in check.
             "Do you have something to add Ms.Kane?" He asks staring at Erica pointedly. The later stares back at him smiling devilishly then glaring at Kendall as she speaks her words venomous.
              " It sounds rather trite to me." she says receiving a chuckle from a couple of people on Cobans staff and they in turn getting a quelling look from him and a satisfied smile from Erica. Gavin clears his throat and smiles.
             " Anne and Kendall showed us the galies before the meeting and the two of us were very impressed. We found it quite clever considering the theme of the show please, continue." He quips effectively shutting down her rebuttal leaving Erica once again seething.
             Erica glares at Gavin a moment as Anne continues pulling the mocking stares back to her. Gavin grins then picks up his pen and continues taking notes effectively dismissing her. She sits back in her chair and watches the short presentation flipping to the pages of the galies and begrudgingly admits to herself it was very good and probably just what the project needed but she would never admitted that to her traitorous daughter or equally traitorous friend Anne.
          No she wasn't going to make it easy for either of them to come in here and hijack her show even if it was for the better. She just had to be more careful of the battles she picked and use her head not her anger. When Anne is finished she hands the floor to Kendall who reviews her plans for the new set which Erica again had to admit were gorgeous. That admission leading to another, that this Gavin Blackwood knew his business and knew it well. He'd chosen his team well their thoughts were both insightful and well planned. What she still wasn't sure of was what Corban had planned she watches in distaste as Corban climbs to his feet and begins to speak.
           "Thank you Annie and Kendall. I speak for Gavin, Erica and myself when I say we appreciate all the wonderful work you have both done in such a short amount of time. If this what you both come up within less than seventy two hours to do it I personally can't wait to see what you come up with when we give you actual time to do it. " He finishes with a laugh waiting a moment for the chuckles to die down before continuing.
           " My staff and I have come up with what we think will be interesting and very sensational topics that will take us through the first ratings quarter." He continues as his assistant distributes the documents.
           " We tried to stick to topics that we thought would be interesting to our audience as well as fit your comfort zones or strike a cord of decent because we all know people won't keep watching if everything is sunshine and lollipops everyday."
           "Oooo! I like this one "The value of the mature workers in the workplace" Opal shouts out nodding in approval as Krystal taps on the paper excitedly.
           "Or this one 'The struggle women face when opening a business" 
           "and this one we thought you would especially enjoy researching Erica since it's something you personally are experiencing. Changing Life in mid gear how stay in the fast lane. This particular segment will chronicle you through the changes happening to new beginnings as well as your new role as a a producer on "Raising Fire". We also thought of it as way for to help separate fact from fiction." He finishes directing a bright hopeful smile at Erica as he braces for the worst.
            Erica glances down at the galley's actually liking what she saw surprising her self at the same time. Corban's selections were both insightful and tailored to the skills and strengths of each host yet contained a common core to the topic that would add spice and controversy without devolving pandemonium.
           "I have to admit Corban when this was all first mentioned I was extremely skeptical" She says pausing then looks form Corban to Gavin who's expression remained blank giving her nothing to weigh her next comment with before speaking them.
            "But, I can see you and your team have done a wonderful job with your topic searches and with a little fine tuning they will be absolutely perfect. However I do have one question exactly how much of this behind the scenes filming are we going to do? As you all know this has been quite a difficult year for myself and my extended family I would prefer to have them involved and or affected by this as little as possible." Corban stares at her a moment mildly dumbfounded by her response while Gavin looked on seemingly amused but still saying nothing. Unlike Corban who couldn't hide his enthusiasm at her acceptance of his plan he was practically gushing. 
           "This is only in the planning stages and I'm sure we can work around your personal life and keep as much of them out of this as the subject matter will allow." Gavin internally shakes his head and rolls his eyes and Corban groveling and Erica lapping it up.
         "I have absolutely no reservation that the two of you will find some common ground. Now shall we move on we have a lot more to cover." He says flatly hoping to end the conversation and having to listen to Corban's placating tone. He just hoped in his zeal to please her as well as make this project successful he didn't lose himself in the process. Erica watches Corban and then Gavin then smiles to herself. One down and one to go. 

Takes Pine Valley Chronicles Erica and Gavin    



Monday, October 24, 2016

Devereaux, Cassandra and Joe 10/24/2016

              Devereaux looks up from his computer as Maurice knocks then opens the door his face more dowry than usual.
             "Excuse me sir. My Joseph is here he says he has an appointment to see you?" His voice sounding more questioning than the statement it should have been Devereaux notes.
              " Thank you, yes he does you can show him in." He says rising from the desk and straightening his jacket. This had better be worth the interruption and made up in some way for his actions in New York. He thought as he came through the door looking cocky and smug well, at least for the moment.
                "Bonjour Monsieur comment allez vous? Vous êtes à la recherche bien." He says coming in the door kissing Devereaux on one cheek and then the other. Devereaux smile holding him at arm's length and giving him the once over.
                  "Tres bien merci. How can I help you?" Devereaux says cutting straight to the point noticing Maurice had not made his usual silent exist. Joseph follows his line of vision.
                  " I'm doing well, liking school loving my internship at the hospital." Devereaux smiles understanding perfectly.
                  "That's absolutely wonderful I'm very happy for you. But how can I help you ?" Joe straightens turning his back to his father and looking pointedly at Devereaux.
                   "I heard this morning that the board is adding a new research wing and I hear there are going to be twelve openings with the expansion of the Genetics Research Lab I was wondering if you could tell me when they are posting and what they may be looking for?" Devereaux smiles and nods.
                    "Good for you my boy! I have a special place for someone like yourself  initiative, ambition and drive  all very admirable qualities.  I can certainly spare a few moments. Maurice would you be so kind as to get us some pain et chocolat?" He looks to Joe questioningly the later nodding in agreement. That should give them both enough time to talk without his father's lurking. Maurice nods happy that his chat with his son had shown to be productive. He smiles approvingly to his son then exist humming happily to himself. Devereaux waits a moment then lowers his voice pulling Joe towards the widow then opening it.
                     "Okay he's gone now what is it you really want?" his voice low and deadly. His ego still bruised by his previous blunder. Joe swallows hard knowing by the scowl on his face and the lilt of his voice he was treading on very soft ice.
                      " I ran into Cassandra this morning and she gave me this." He says pulling the wrapped pacifier from his backpack and showing it to him. Devereaux examines it a moment his expression puzzled his thoughts whirling.
                     "What exactly are you supposed to do with that?"  He says handing it back to him the later zipping in back inside his backpack. By the look on Devereaux's face he was interested. Very interested. Joe thought barely containing his glee. He wipes the grin from his face before turning back replacing it with the blank business expression from before.
                      "She asked me to hold on to it until she gave me the other sample so I could do a DNA test for her." Devereaux sits down on the edge of the desk his mind racing then begins to chuckle knowing exactly what she was up to. Joe looks at him confused recognizing his demonic laugh for what it was and not knowing what he should do or what he had done. Either he or Cassandra were going to be the object of his rage he just hoped he hadn't made himself the target by coming to him.
                      "Let me know when you get the other sample see if you can find out who the two samples are from. Then I want you to do exactly what she asked you to do and make sure I get a copy. If she comes to you with anything else I want you to come to me before doing it understand?" Joe smiles sighing inwardly that he was out of those particular cross hairs.
                     "Yes sir I will" Devereaux smiles to himself as a plan begins to form in head perhaps it would behoove him to use his influence to help this young man get exactly what his previous lie had requested.
                      "You know young Joseph I may have a use for you. Are your grades good?" He asks his cold gaze piercing through Joe making the hairs on the back of his neck tingle. Joe takes a silent inhale of breath to steady his raging heart his voice sounding surprisingly steady in his ears.
                      "They are outstanding Dean's list sir." The light in Devereaux eyes begins to sparkle as he murmurs to himself.
                   "and with you're working in the hospital lab now that gives you the experience some of the other applicants don't have. " He says as Maurice comes back into the room. His tray laden with a steaming pot of chocolate and some thinly sliced pieces of french bread placing it on the corner of the desktop.
                      " Let me speak with my friends on the board and review your transcripts. I may be able to use my influence. There could just be a place among those twelve for you young man." He says clapping him on the back smiling happily at Maurice who smiles back proudly.
                      " Thank you so much sir I promise you , you don't know how happy you've made me." He says reaching for his hand and shaking it profusely as his father looks on smiling proudly.

Scene Shift: Angie waits patiently for the waiter to take the last of their order. She sat patiently listening to Cassandra prattling for the past hour but still hadn't said anything pertinent to what had happened to her why she'd left Devereaux or how she'd end up married to Rego. She looked over at Jesse whose expression remained neutral and opinions mostly silent. For that she was glad. He'd promised to be to be her ears and eyes during this meeting so he could maybe catch all those small things her emotions might not allow her to. Which was the best idea she'd had because her patients had run thin and it was time to let her anger take over.
             "Okay, I think I have heard quiet enough! Jesse and I have been here for over an hour and we've listened to you prattle on about everything under the sun except the actual reason you invited us here! Now, you have wasted more than enough of our time lets get to it."
               "Please." Jesse says nodding in agreement as he wipes his mouth on the napkin. He looks over at Cassandra who stares back at her mockingly then silently pledges to put an end to her circular conversation. He crosses his arms over his chest his mouth twisted in a grim frown his expression doubtful.  Cassandra looks from her mother to Jesse knowing she couldn't avoid the topic of Rego and Devereaux any longer. She'd come up with her cover story last night this had just given her the opportunity to tighten it before presenting to Brooke and Oliver.
                "There really isn't much too tell after everything that happened Rego and I finally realized that the two of us were meant to be."
                 So that's the story you're going with?" Jesse says with a snort and shake of his head then receives a reproachful glare from both his wife and daughter.
                 "That's all you have to say?" Angie asked annoyance tinging her voice. Was she ever going to get an answer from her. Was life with her daughter ever going to stop being a perpetually game of cat and mouse. She thought as Cassandra rolled her eyes to the ceiling her tone dismissive.
                  "What more do you want me to say mother?" Angie looks back at her eyes wide her mouth twisted in disgust.
                   "I want you to tell me why one moment you're living with Devereaux St. Jacques  and the next you're married to Rego Sherrigan,, telling us you're pregnant with his child and you think we shouldn't have question. And if  you think you shouldn't have answers to them you've lost your dam mind! I want answers Cassandra and I want it now!" She finishes her frustrations beginning to shows as she rubs absently at the twinge of pain creeping through her arm. Jesse watches Angie's mouth twist slightly as the frown etches her face. Jesse reaches out grasping her hand and holding it gently in his."
              "Alright I've tried to stay out of this and keep my mouth shut and let your mother handle this but I have have had enough of you and your BS so I'm going to  tell you what we know and the conclusion we've come to and you just let us know if  we're right or not okay?" Cassandra stares at at him her anger making her eyes glisten as she starts to speak the heat of both Angie and Jesse's glare snaps Cassandra's mouth shut before she starts.
                "You had a falling out with Mr. St. Jacques from what your Mom and I saw and heard you have been messing around with Rego Sherrigan and duping your live in boyfriend at his expense. I'd say he didn't appreciate that too much by that bruise you're trying to hide on your cheek. He probably let the door hit you on the way out. For the first time you were truly scared because the game you were playing was collapsing around you and the man you were using turned dangerous. So you decided to play your last card or you were scared to death or a combination of both and you ran to Rego with your tale. You convinced him you were in mortal danger and afraid for the baby you're carrying. So to protect you and what could possibly be his child he married you. He then moved you into his parents estate to protect his child. But, only till the child is born or he can prove that the child is his which ever comes first. In the mean time you're going to figure out a way to hold on to Rego and that nice Sherrigan money even if you have to use the baby you're carrying to do it? Have we missed anything?" Jesse finishes giving Angie's hand a reassuring squeeze. Cassandra's eyes widen as she flops back in her seat the look of surprise then shock lastly guilt spread over her face.
              "By the look on your face we'ev come to the correct conclusion." Angie's anger and exasperation bursting through in a torrent.
               "Good Lord Cassandra who are you?  I don't even recognize you any more. You lie you cheat you manipulate people all for what? What is it that you want? What exactly is this all for?"  Cassandra stares at both of them unable to speak her knee bouncing nervously under the table. They had put it all together and had most of the pieces. Should she just give them the rest of the answers or...but it was too late Jesse was already spilling the the rest of it before she could put her thoughts in motion.
              "Oh honey let me explain what's been going on since day one." Jesse says as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a folded sheaf of paper and unfolds it as he hands it to Angie.
               "You see I have a some friends who have friends in some high and low places. According to them Ms. Foster here stole some money from Mr. Devereaux a lot of money about four days before she booked a flight to Pine Valley. She's was running when she left France and has been running ever since." Angie looks down at the report then back to Cassandra shaking her head as comprehension, disappointment and  hurt etch her expression then hands it to Cassandra.
                 " So all this time the so called "coming home" to be with your family was just another part of your plan. Are we all just pieces in your game? When do you know when you've won when you've pushed everyone that loves you away?" Cassandra see the hurt and pain in her mother's eyes and for the first time in a long time felt the pain she was causing her. She wanted desperately to tell them everything that had happened since the first boulder that had dropped on her life to the last ripple that had swelled out from it. No matter how much she wanted to she still couldn't.
                " You don't understand what I've been through. Do you even know what kind of man Devereaux St. Jacques is? He is nothing like anyone thinks!" Angie heart skips a beat at the fear in her daughter's eyes and the venom in her voice.
                "If this man is such a monster and so dangerous why won't you let us help you?" Angie begs reaching out for Cassandra's hand the later drawing it back from her.
                "You can't help me! The only person who can keep me and our baby safe is my husband! And, whether you want to believe it or not Rego and I are in love! I knew neither of you would be happy for us or even try to understand." She screams as she rises then storms off from the table leaving Angie more angry and confused than before.

   Takes Pine Valley Chronicles Cassandra, Devereaux and Joe