Monday, July 30, 2018

Tad and Liza


         Liza presses the button for the elevator and waits for the doors to close before retrieving her phone from her purse. She looks down seeing Wellington calling her again and slides it back inside. She’d been avoiding his calls all morning allowing them to go directly to her voice mail. She couldn’t speak with him right now. Not yet. She needed to talk to Tad. Why, she didn’t know something in her just needed to talk to him before she told Wellington it was over.  She looks up at the signboard as the floors pass and passengers get on and off till she reaches the long term care suites and exits the elevator car.  She looks around at the newly renovated floor admiring all the detail put into it from the carpets and plants to the atrium and broad windows. It was much more cheerful and gave it much less of a hospital feel she thought as she walked towards Tad's room. She stops in front of the door takes a deep breath and exhales slowly before pushing it open. 
         "Hey buddy how are you feeling?" She says leaning down hugging him close then kissing him.
         "I'm great good to see you gorgeous. What brings you by?" He laughs giving her a good once over and noticing the slight turn of her mouth and worry lines creasing the corners of her eyes.
          "I was on my way to court and had a few minutes so I thought I'd stop in and check on you. What's all this" She say marveling at all the screens as Tad whips through clicking then typing.
          "Yeah isn't it awesome? All courtesy of my little brother and Slater-Courtlandt" He smiles closing the last screen and turning towards her.
          "Wow! It's incredible! So what do spend your time playing games online and watching soaps now?" She teases as she places her briefcase and jacket on the small sofa.
         " You are hilarious and no. I'm actually working and I admit it feels a lot better than just laying here watching my toe nails grow." he laughs nodding towards his leg dangling above the bed.
          "I'm glad. That had to be driving you crazy." Tad rolls his eyes and snorts out a laugh.
          "I was about ready to climb the walls! So what about you? I guess life with Wellington agrees with you." He says watching as the turn of her mouth deepens at the mention of Wellington's name.
         "Wellington's great. I think I'm the problem." Tad snaps to attention at the sound of sadness in her voice hoping it wasn't something like she'd gone through with Ryan. He didn't think Wellington was anything like Ryan was then again, he'd have never thought that about Ryan either.
           "I know exactly what you're thinking and it's nothing like that at all. Wellington has been nothing but good to me I swear. The problem is me."
            "Okay I'll bite what's wrong with you cause if you ask me you look okay to me."
            "Ha ha! You're hysterical! I'm serious Tad!"
            "Okay, okay I'm sorry seriously what's going on with you?" He asks the jocularity stripped from his tone and attitude.
           "I don't know I just get the feeling it's time for me to move on you know?" She asks her eyes searching his looking for what he wasn't sure.
           "Wait, I thought you and Wellington were blissfully in love and happy together so what happened?"
           "Nothing happened really. I just.... I don't know it just doesn't feel right anymore."
           " What do you mean "Doesn't feel right"? He says crossing his arms over his chest one eye brow raised his mouth twisted in distaste. Liza stares back at him striking the same pose.
           "Alright prefect example was last night. Actually last night was what made me realize how wrong this relationship really is."
           "What the hell happened last night to bring you to this epiphany?" He asks throwing his hands in the air his voice dripping with sarcasm.
           "We met up with some friends of his from college last night and I just realized I had absolutely nothing in common with these people."
           "You're not dating them." He scowls. Liza shrugs her shoulders in concession then sighs.
           "True but then they started talking about their hobbies like going out rock climbing, skate boarding and snow boarding and blah blah. Then Well said how long it had been since he'd done any of that. And I realized I never wanted to do any of those things ever! Then they started reminiscing about the old days and old friends. One specific old friend." She almost whispers as she thinks back on the previous nights events before snapping back to the present. A moment not lost on Tad.
           "So this old friend wouldn't happen to be an old girl friend?" Liza smiles her voice dripping with sarcasm.
           " Oh she was more than just an old girlfriend. From what I could gather she was the love of his life. Tad, the expression on his face when her name came up. He's still in love with her."
             "Are you sure honey? Did you even talk to him about it?" Liza laugh sadness tinging her voice.
             "Trust me Tad he may not know it yet but I can see it and so could everyone there last night. The way he looked.... He's never looked at me like that. I want...." She stops then starts again her voice firm and assured. " No, I deserve to have a man who does."
             "Do you love him? Is that it?" He asks searching her now puzzled expression.
             "No and yes." She sighs heavily plopping down into the chair next to the bed. "I love him Tad but I'm not in love with him."
             "Then move on sweetheart." Tad smiles and shrugs as Liza shakes her head.
             "Come on Tad you and I both know it's not that simple. What am I going to say? I've already traveled that road and this time I'm taking the detour." Tad chuckles and shakes his head.
             "You and I both know it actually is that simple. Look Wellington's not a stupid guy. I'm sure he already knows something up. I'm sure he can feel it without you even saying it. " Liza nods in agreement
           "I Know. I just don't want to hurt him. " She looks back at him the pain etching her face.
            "I know you don't but don't you think it will hurt more if you draw it out. You and I both know even when you soak the band aid it still hurts a little. No matter when and and how you do it it's going to hurt. You're the only one that can decide how much pain you're going to inflict on the poor guy."
         "You're right Tad. When the hell did you get so dam smart?" She laughs
         "The day I asked Taylor to marry me." He says growing quiet for a moment lost in his thoughts.
         "How are you doing. I mean I know it's hard but are you okay, really?" She asks taking his hand in hers and giving it a loving squeeze.
         " Not a day goes by that I don't think about her and the baby. She'd probably just be beginning to show. Sometimes I lay here and think about what that all would have been like. Would I have been running all over town fulfilling all her cravings or daily foot rubs. Arguing over names, who's going to do diaper changes and midnight feedings. Getting to tell her how beautiful she looked. It would have been the first time in my life I would have been there from conception to birth for one of my kids and not missing somewhere in between or all together." His voice becoming strained with his suppressed emotions causing her own tears to sting the back of her eyes.
         "I'm so sorry Tad. I can't even imagine what you're going through. I wish there was something I could do to help you."
          "Honey there's nothing anyone can do, I wish there was. Just letting me talk about her it helps more than you know. Everyone else seems to want to avoid even mentioning her name. They think I'm going to break or something." He sighs then clears his throat.
         "You know I get their just trying to help but..." his voice trails off a moment as if lost in thought.
        " Anyway," He says after a moment his emotions back in check. "Enough about me what are you going to do?" Liza shrugs as she checks her watch then walks to the sofa and retrieves her things.
        "I knew what I wanted to do before I walked in here. I just need my friend to let me know it was okay." She smiles reaching down and giving his hand a squeeze then kissing his cheek.
         "What ever you decide I'm here for you." He says with a smile then gives her hand a reassuring squeeze before letting it go.
          "I'll come back tomorrow and let you know how it goes." She says walking toward the door.
          "You'd better!" He calls back as the door closes.
          "Are you finished "Dear Abby" Phil says with a grin from the side of the bed. Tad looks over at him and rolls his eyes.
           "What now Phil I'm kind of busy here." Tad moans as he reaches for the mouse and begins to bring up the screens he'd been working on.
            " Have you remembered anything else from that night?" Phil asks hoping Tad had been able to recall more on his own.
            "No, and to be honest Phil I don't know that I want to. Why is this so important anyway? What difference does it make huh? Taylor will still be dead and I'll still be here!" He growls shutting a screen and opening another.
           "The difference is you could save a life and in doing so save other lives in the process. That's why it's important! Now come on lets see if I can pull anymore out of you." He says reaching his hand toward Tad the later jerking from his grasp.
           "Look Phil there's nothing more I'm going to remember about that night that's going to help Jesse find Taylor's killer."
           " Come on Tad there has to be something else." He says reaching out and grabbing Tad's hand making Tad feel relaxed and light.
           "What did you see while you were lying at the bottom of the ravine. Think Tad." He murmurs softly as Tad's mind floats back to the quiet of the ravine and the tail light flashing on and off. His mind catching on a piece of paper with an odd design he'd stared at as he'd struggled to remain conscious.
           "There was this weird slip of paper that kept glittering every time the light hit it with this design."  He murmurs as Phil smiles.
           "Good Tad good. Now concentrate till the image is etched in your mind." Phil says holding his hand a moment longer then releasing it.
            "What the hell Phil?" Tad grumbles snatching his arm from Phil's grasp and rubbing it.
            "Big baby I told you, you still had something! Now lets go through this thing and see if we can find it!" He says sitting on the side of the bed and putting his feet up.
             "Why don't you do it yourself? Better yet why don't you get what you need from the guy upstairs? What do you need me for?" He says shoving Phil over and reaching for his mouse.
             "Because it doesn't work that way dummy most of all we don't question his methods we just do as he tells us. Now use that thing to find it when you do contact Jesse." Phil says climbing off the bed and standing. "I'll see you when you're done." Tad stops his search and glowers up at him.
              "So basically you stopped by to give me more work?" Phil smiles down at him before walking to the window.
               "I stopped by to help you find the man who destroyed your life before his actions destroy everyone you love. Now get moving!"
                "Wait! What?
               " I'll see you later bro."

*Copyright Takeitish "Pine Valley Chronicles" 2018


Monday, July 23, 2018

Jack and Tea


         Tea sleepily rolls over and reaches for her watch on the night stand. It was earlier than she thought and later than when she should have been home. She panics a moment before relaxing back against the bedding smiling to herself. Dani was there she and Victor would be perfectly fine. If she'd understood the innuendo in her response to the text she'd had sent to her earlier. 
      "Late? Is that what your generation calls it? About time you cleaned out those cobwebs! Have fun! Wink emoji." Dani knew exactly what happened. She thought smothering her giggles. 
     Smart ass kid!  Didn't help that she was right. Victor had been gone a long time now. He'd died before Victor Jr. was born and it had been that long since she'd been with anyone. Not that men hadn't tried they had. She'd even dated a couple she just wasn't interested enough to pursue the relationship further. She'd kept hoping beyond hope that some how some way Victor would come back to her and their family. 
         Eventually she'd finally come to the decision he wasn't coming back ever. Even if he did he wouldn't be the same Victor that left and she wouldn't be the same Tea. The entire "waiting" thing was pointless and unproductive she'd concluded. Putting her life in a holding pattern while she waited was ridiculous for both herself and her family. They needed to move on. She needed to move on. That's why she jumped on the chance to make a change in her life when Jack had called. She'd packed them up said her good byes and come to Pine Valley. She'd promised Vicky and Carlotta they'd be able to spend time with her children and so far it was working. It was close enough she could still keep in contact with her old life and far enough away to start a new one and so far that choice had been good for all of them in more ways than not. Victor was happy, Dani was happier than she'd seen her in years and for once she was enjoying life and at the moment more than just life. She thought glancing over at a sleeping Jack. 
       Not that she had planned on sleeping with her boss when she'd taken the job. Although over the years she'd be lying if she said the thought hadn't crossed her mind in one fleeting moment or another. Who wouldn't? He was gorgeous, smart, kind, thoughtful, funny a good father slash uncle and one of the sexiest men she knew. Now she could add excellent lover to the list. No wonder Erica was throwing a hissy-fit every time she saw them. But, it was way more than just great sex correction really, really great sex they had a strong connection. One she hadn't felt with anyone else for a very long time. Despite the head game they'd been playing with Erica she liked that he was honest. Oh boy did she love the honest part! It was nice to be with a man that didn't say he loved her because he had a hidden agenda. A girl could get used to that. No she liked Jackson Montgomery and it didn't scare her to think that she could possibly be falling in love with him.      
      She turns her head and looks at a sleeping Jack his expression relaxed with a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his mouth. She wondered what he was dreaming about if he was dreaming at all. She on the other hand knew she couldn't and shouldn't fall back asleep even though she has happily exhausted. She gently rolls over and sits up and carefully slides her legs off the bed. Then reaches down to feel along the side for her dress. 
        Jack smiles to himself as he lets himself float in that twilight sleep. He could feel Tea rustling beside him but he was too stated to move at the moment. When he'd asked her to come to Pine Valley never in his imagination did he imagine what was happening between them at least what he hoped was happening between them. 
      Sure over the years he'd the thought had crossed his mind. Only she'd been involved with Todd or was he Victor now? Who knew they were both peculiar men to say the least. He never agreed with her taste in men at least not till now. He did however agree in their taste in her. Who wouldn't? She was smart beautiful, a great Mom and to top it off sexy. She was one of the sexiest women he'd ever met. There was just something about her just smoldering under the surface waiting for the the tiniest bit of kindling to become a flame and tonight was a bonfire. He wished she could stay but he knew she needed to get home to her children. Yet, the thought of waking up in the morning and not finding her there beside him gave him a decided pang of disappointment. He liked waking up in between their love making and finding her there. He liked listening to the sound of her breathing softly beside him. He loved the feel of her against his skin and the intoxicating scent of her. The taste of her lips on his. He wanted her to stay and not just tonight but every night. He watched her body silhouetted by the streetlight coming through the crack in the curtain his desire growing by the moment. Right now he just wanted her 
        "Going somewhere DelGado?" Jack growls sitting up and wrapping his arms around her waist pulling her back down on the sheets. He begins to nuzzle her neck making her decision to leave even more difficult as she fought her bodies instinct to succumb. 
        "You told me Dani is home with the baby right." He says in between assaults on her sense.
        "Ah huh" She mutters as her protest is smothered by his kiss.
        "And she'll call you if she needs you right" He says then kisses her again. 
        "Yeah." She purrs as she tries to persuade her body to listen to her minds commands. 
        "Yes she will but I have a son that's going to want his Momma bright eyed and bushy tailed and not dragging around like the living dead. If I do what my heart wants then he's going to have zombie Mom." She huffs as Jackson continues his assault on her senses and begins to trail kisses down her neck. 
          "Okay, I'll let you go this time next time bring him here. I've got the room." He smiles down at her before rolling to the side and sitting up.
          "What makes you so sure there's going to be a next time?" She tease as she reaches for the lamp on the table and flips it on then stands. Jack smiles slyly at  her as he watches her move around the room as she dresses. 
          "Because I think I know you well enough to know you're a thoughtful person and there's nothing casual in what you do especially if it's going to affect your children. So if you're here with me now it's because you're just as serious about you and I, as I am." Tea looks back at him his words stopping her dressing.
         "You're serious?" She asks as Jack's expression becomes as serious as his words.
          "I've never been more serious. Do you think I'd risk our careers on just a casual fling?" He says as Tea comes to sit beside him on the bed. 
          "You really mean that?" She asks sounding more vulnerable than she'd meant to. 
           "Honey of course I do. I want to be with you and I mean more than just sex." He stumbles for a moment when Tea eye's widen at his words.
           "You know what I mean. Look, I know this all started as a rues but some where a long the line it became real to me. I don't know where this is going yet but I just wanted you to know that a least for me this isn't a game anymore. I'm hoping it's not for you either." Tea smiles as she reaches for Jack and whispers.
        "It's not and I'm not even sure it ever was." She says before kissing him as she pushes him back on the bed.                                                                                                                                            *Copyright Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles 2018                                                                               

Monday, July 16, 2018

Jaime and Cassandra


        Jamie pushes away from his desk his fury taken on the chair as it slams against the window sill. He  clicks the television off then throws the remote down on the table the cover clicking to the floor the batteries rolling to a stop across the top. Every time he looked around there was Rego holding his son, kissing his wife and intruding on his life! Now this television interview with them smiling and laughing and him latched on to his wife and son! With that interview the entire world was now thinking they were a pair! Was that what Rego wanted? Why would they even agree to do a television interview in the first place? What was he really after? Was he trying to steal his life?
         Seriously who could blame him? Life with Cassandra was a roller coaster to put it mildly. So, was it just a marriage based on love or convenience? Or was he trying to get what he once had? There was no way he could possibly trust Cassandra after all she'd done or could he? There was no secret about who Cassandra was so Rego knew what he was getting into. Was he regretting his choices now? To hell if it didn't look that way to him and he was going to do everything in his power to prevent it!
       "Prevent what?" The small voice laughed at him. So far he hadn't really done anything at all and for all intent and purpose from his action at least he was determined to do right by Cassandra so was he really regretting his choice?
          Deep down he knew the question wasn't for Rego it was actually for his wife. Was she starting to regret not telling Rego the truth about Logan. When she looked at Rego does she regret the life they could of had?  She'd said she was only trying to act like a normal person around him. She said she was just treating him like his brother and Logan's uncle but was there more? He asked himself as he walked methodically to his chair and sat.
         Looking back on her actions she hadn't done or said anything that should make him feel the way he was. The only thing he could really put his finger on was the photo she had taken at his parents. The one he'd caught her staring at on several occasion. "That was nothing!" a voice whispered. It was a sweet picture he'd caught himself standing and staring at it on many occasions. Besides, it was clustered among all the other family photos there was no telling which one she was looking at. 
        No that wasn't it. It was the way she was around him lately and the fact that her attitude had softened where he was concerned. She was friendly and relaxed when they were together. There was even some of playful back and forth they used to have.  He thought as the annoyance began to glow hotter. He sat back in the chair turning toward the window remembering what had happened at his mother's house the other night. The two of them making him the butt of some private joke between them. Thinking they had re-formed that kind of closeness only fueled his anger further. He wasn't happy with the truce that had arisen between them or the friendship that was growing before his eyes. No he didn't like it. He didn't like it one bit!
        With Rego's tenuous marriage to Cassandra when that started to swirl the bowl would he then turn his attention back to his wife? Was he laying his ground work now? Sure he would and sure it was. It would be especially so if he knew about Logan. He'd want his family not just his son. He'd want it all!
         "Hey Baby!" Francessca calls cheerily as she pushes the stroller through the office door catching Jamie by complete surprise.
          "Oh hey honey." He says coming towards her and kissing her cheek.
          Are you okay? She asks searching his face knowing instinctively something was off.
         "Yeah, yeah just thinking about a patient." He says quickly as he reaches down and picks up Logan from his stroller.
          "Nothing serious I hope?" She says as she bends and pulls her purse from the back of the stroller.
           "No just me being extra cautious." Francessca smiles as she leans down and kisses her sons head then Jamie's cheek.
          "That's what I love about you.See you later you two. Oh my Dad said he'll pick Logan up and take him home after the meeting." She says bending and kissing her sons upturned cheek.
           "See you pumpkin! I have to go over to Uncle Zach's casino and take some shots of the "New Beginnings" cast for "Tempo" I'll see you at home. Love you." She smile blowing him a kiss as the door closes behind her. Jamie smiles after her as an idea flashes in his mind.
          " You know your Momma just gave me a really good idea." He says jiggling a laughing Logan. He reaches for his phone and searches through his contacts till he finds the one he needs then presses it. He sits a moment listening to it ring as his son plays on his lap. Then laughs aloud as suddenly an image of Cassandra's reaction when Rego got home.
          Cassandra stares at the television remote clutched in her hand her anger blinding her as to what to do next. What she really wanted to do was kill him. It was worse than him buying this house and wanting her to live in it!  As if that wasn't enough! The same house he and that Bitch had almost bought! She'd remembered Francessca showing it to her as one of her top two! She'd almost lost it when she had to pretend to be happy and excited! If it had come furnished and if she didn't know better she'd swear Francessca also had picked out the furnishing!  Now to add insult this ridiculous interview where she'd been practically wiped off the map and he, Francessca and their brat replaced as the happy family! And he had let that stupid reporter go on and on he'd never once corrected the idiot or mentioned her once! She should slap his smug face black and blue! What she wanted to do would destroy all the progress she'd made with Rego on the other hand it would be what he'd expect. But she was trying desperately to be the dotting obedient wife and reacting the way she actually felt wouldn't accomplish that. She also couldn't go to the other extreme either. No she had to find the believable medium. Just enough outrage balanced with just the right amount of hurt and indignation with a sprinkling of tears should do the trick. She sighed satisfied with her decision.
              In the meantime she'd finish opening the boxes that had arrived this morning. She'd spent the afternoon yesterday ordering online and some of her packages had arrived earlier. She had been about to open them when "They" had popped up on the screen. She takes the letter opener from the desk and slices into one and pulls the contents from it tearing off the sheets of bubbleplex and dropping it back inside. She stares at the matching sterling silver baby brush, comb, rattle and cup curiously not recalling having ordered this set or any set like it. She places it the pieces down on the table and inspects the box finding a small envelope taped to the top of the small silver tray at the bottom. She place the tray on the table and opens the envelope slowly and removes the card as a small feeling of dread begins to creep over her.
              "Only the finest for our son." signed with a single  "D" at the bottom. Cassandra's heart felt as if it would pound out of her chest. She takes a deep breath and exhales to calm herself. There was no way he knew about her child. She had been very careful and had paid handsomely. Besides, she knew Joe could be trusted. He hated Devereaux as much as she. He would have no reason to betray her. Not if he wanted his sister up keep paid for he didn't! Devereaux was bluffing! He was trying to rattle her into revealing what he thought was the truth. This child was Rego's! There was no way he could prove otherwise. In fact maybe she needed to prove to him just that fact! Perhaps later right now she had bigger fish to fry and that would have to wait. However Devereaux's little gift would give her just the right amount of fear and guilt to add to her recipe for Rego. She thought smiling to herself as she picked the small cup from the table when she heard the front door open and close. She counted his footsteps and waited for just the right moment as he stepped into the living room to gasp in shock and revulsion and drop the items to the floor the card still grasped in her hand.
            "I can't take anymore!" She screams dissolving into a puddle of tears as she plops down on the sofa. Rego stares at her startled for the moment then comes to her side curious as to what had upset her.
         "What's happened?" He ask as she turns her wane face towards him. She snuffs back her tears wiping her cheek with the back of her hand then hands him the note. Rego reaches for it and reads it quickly before crumpling it and tossing it to the floor then wraps his arms around her shoulder and pulls her towards him speaking to her in soothing tones.
         "There, there darling he can't hurt you any longer I promise. I had the lawyer file the restraining order this morning. I've hired guards for the property and also one for when you go out. I also had him enclose a copy of the DNA test. That should keep him at bay." Cassandra smiles into his lapel pulling him closer and sighs in relief. It felt good to finally breath. They were away from Brooke and Oliver and she was finally rid of Devereaux.
          "Thank God!" She yelps smiling up at him.
           "He won't be bothering us any longer I promise." He soothes his hand gently stroking her shoulder as he speaks.
             "I can't tell you how much better that makes me feel. I just hope he gets the message!" She she snuffs as she sits up to face him.
            "I have to be honest Devereaux's so called gift was just the cherry on top of my morning." Rego's brow creases wondering what Devereaux may have done to upset her.
             "You mean there was more than just the gift?" Cassandra shakes her head then pauses a moment before speaking.
             "I saw you on "AM Pine Valley" this morning." She says her voice low and sad as Rego chuckles.
            "Oh that! It was just a spur of the moment thing to generate publicity for the Founders Day event." He says rising from the sofa and reaching for his briefcase.
            "It seemed like a lot more than that to me." She pouts as she walks behind him.
            "You, have a very vivid imaginations." He laughs as he places the brief case on the library table and opens it.
             "I didn't imagine the reporter calling you Mr and Mrs Sherrigan and you never correcting her!" Rego looks back at her confused then thinks about the interview a moment. He searches her face for the motive and only seeing hurt and if he wasn't fooling himself insecurity.
            "Cassandra, " He starts coming towards her and pulling into his embrace.
            " As I told you before I am totally and completely devoted to you and our child okay? Besides the interview was just spur of the moment and I really wasn't paying attention to what she was saying I was more concerned with guiding the direction of the interview. I didn't even realize she'd said it. I truly apologize if that hurt you." He finishes hugging her closer. Cassandra snuggled into his embrace his words making her feel safe and protected. The odd thing was she hadn't actually manipulated him. She'd surprisingly had just been honest. What exactly was happening to her she wondered?



Monday, July 9, 2018


         Rego smiles to himself as he traverses the halls of the hospital and heads for the elevators. It had been a productive morning. He'd met with Miriam Colby earlier and had toured his new home then had bought and paid for it. Cassandra wasn't happy he could tell by the expression on her face as they'd toured it but she'd been contrite and mostly silent. A pleasant change from the shrew she'd been the past few weeks. Perhaps they were on the road to understanding or maybe she'd matured with the reality of being a mother or she could be just biding time while her next scheme took form whispered the always nagging voice.
          Maybe it had to do with the moment they'd shared last night when they'd felt their child kick for the first time. The moment had seemed to mellow her, her features had softened and there was a look of awe as she'd reached down to touch her belly. The look of pure joy in her expression highlighted the beauty of her face as he'd kicked again. The moment had changed the tone between them.  As they'd stood in wonder he was able to see the soft vulnerable side of her. The part she normally kept hidden and buried deep inside and she hadn't tried to hide it from him. For the first time in as long as he could remember they'd had a pleasant dinner together. Then they'd sat on the sofa and talked. They'd talked about everything and nothing at all they'd even laughed a couple of times. They'd talked into the wee hours of the morning Until she'd fallen asleep with her head tipped against his shoulder her arm thrown carelessly across his lap his arms wrapped around her. He'd sat holding her and thinking about their evening,their past and their future with their son. Quietly sitting with her he'd felt a closeness that hadn't been there before and he'd be lying to himself if he said it didn't frighten him a little. But, it was better than distance and animosity. For the moment he'd take whatever he could get he thought. Whatever was happening between them or whatever had caused it he was just happy for the momentary truce that had fallen between them.
         All in all it had been a productive and relatively pleasant morning and for a change, he was actually looking forward to going home. He thought smiling to himself as he turned the corner into the main lobby. He walked toward the large glass doors as Francessca pushing Logan's stroller walks through one into the lobby. He grins broadly and waves as he walks towards them receiving same warm greeting from both.
       "Good morning you two! What brings you to hospital on this crisp Pine Valley Morning? No one's sick I hope?" He asks sounding suddenly concerned. Francessca smiles and shakes her head as Rego reaches for Logan lifting him from the stroller.
      "No, we're all fine. I was taking him to see Tad and Jamie so I could go to the "Founders Day" planning meeting in the cafeteria." She says smiling as Logan prattles up at Rego.
      "Visiting Grandpa today huh? Well I happen to know that your Grandmother Brooke left an entire batch of cookies from cook this morning make sure you eat them all." He teases kissing Logan's neck making him giggle.
      "Are you okay?" Francessca ask as she shrugs out her jacket and lays it on top of the stroller.
       "I'm fine and before you ask Cassandra is fine as well."
       "I wasn't going to ask." She says making them both laugh.
       " I had a board meeting and now I'm on my way back to the office." He sighs holding Logan in front of him and blowing on his exposed belly making him giggle.
        "I'd much rather spend my day playing with this little guy." Francessca smiles.
        "I hear you there. He's a lot more fun that's for sure." She says as Logan claps then laughs making them both laugh.
       "Mr. and Mrs. Sherrigan!" A voice calls from behind them as a WRCW camera crew descend on them like vultures to a carcass.
           "Hi Mrs and Mr Sherrigan and hey little guy!" The reporter says smiling and waving to a curious Logan.
           "I'm Mrs. Martin not Sherrigan." Francessca says her voice a little sharper than she'd intended making Rego smother a laugh at the reporters startled expression.
           "I'm sorry Mrs. Martin, could we do a short interview with you? Our viewers would love to see how you're all doing since the birth. I promise no embarrassing questions strictly human interest. Just catching our audience up." She asks her voice slightly pleading. Rego and Francessca look at each other and shrug.
           "What could it hurt and it would be so much better than the usual baseless gossip you normally run." Rego says turning toward Francessca and winking making them both chuckle as the reporter begins to interview them.
          "Hello Pine Valley! This is Kathleen Rogers with "AM Pine Valley" We're here with Rego and Francessca Sherrigan..."
         "Martin" Francessca says again her smile tight making the reporter blush slightly as she prattles on ignoring her.
         " I'm sure everyone will remember this little miracle." She says turning the camera toward bouncing and chatty Logan.
           "The Sherrigan family were headline news eight months ago when his mother became trapped in one of Pine Valley Hospital's elevators and went into labor. Luckily for them both they had help from none other than Mr. Rego Sherrigan Vice President of Sherrigan Global Enterprises. So I'd like to thank you for speaking with us today." She says turning to Francessca and Rego who both smile.
            " Thank you for having us." Rego says as Logan claps and laughs as he bounces in Rego's arms making them all laugh.
            " We can see this little guy is no worse for the experience. What was it like for the two of you that day?" The reporter asks turning the microphone toward Francessca.
           "It was pretty intense at times but I can't think of anyone I'd want to go through something like that with."  Francessca says with a laugh as the reporter turns toward Rego.
            "What was it like for you Mr.Sherrigan? Were you scared?" She asks pointing the microphone toward Rego.
            "I've never been so frightened or experienced anything so wondrous in my life. And according to the patient I was the best attending she could have had." He teases jiggling Logan as he talks the later humming a nonsensical tune as he does. The reporter smiles and nods in agreement then turns toward Francessca.
           "Would you agree with that?"
           "Rego was great. He was definitely a calm port in a raging storm. I thank God he was with us everyday. I don't think we would have survived without him. Right sweet pea?" Francessca smiles and tickels her son chest. He giggles and pulls up on Rego.
          "No, Dada, Dada" He squeals hiding his face in Rego's lapel garnering a collective "Aww" from the small crowd that had gathered.
          "So what brings you both to the Hospital this morning?" The reporter asks looking expectantly from one to the other.
          "In celebration our town three hundred and thirty fifth anniversary. We're here to help finalize the plans for this years "Founders Day" Celebration. As you know the celebration is being co-sponsored by Slater-Courtlandt and Sherrigan Global Enterprises." She blurts out quickly before Rego could say the real reason. She wanted to avoid the topic of Tad and having to go through that history too.
          "Can you give us all a hint on what we can expect this year?"
          "We don't want to give anything away right now do we love?" Rego finishes then turns to Francessca.
         "You're all going to have to wait and see"
         "Can you give us a just a little hint?" Kathleen pleads for the camera.
         "But I can tell you we're hoping to make this year's event the most spectacular you've ever seen." Francessca says with a laugh.
         "Think winter carnival Sherrigan Global sponsored a few year ago only bigger!" Rego grins and winks.
         "That's fantastic! I can tell you my family looks forward to it every year!"
         "Rego and I and our families hope to see everyone there."
        "I know my family can't wait! Well That's going to do it for me. For  "AM Pine Valley" We'd like to thank Mr and Mrs Sherrigan and their beautiful little boy for joining us this morning! And we all hope to see you at this years "Founders Day" celebration!"  The reporter finishes with a flourish before the lights and camera go off.
        "Thank you both for doing the interview with me. You all have a great day." She says to the three of them.
         "The pleasure was all ours. You have a good day as well." Rego says unable to keep the dismissive tone from his voice as he waves. 
          "That should hold her viewers for awhile." He says with a laugh as he hands her the baby.
          "I doubt it but it's whatever you can only keep them at bay for so long. Thanks for helping out I appreciate it."
           "As I said before it was my pleasure." He says smiling broadly as he tickles Logan behind the ear making him giggle then quickly kissing Francessca's cheek.
           "Have a great day see you soon. Say bye Uncle Rego!" Francessca says as she and Logan both wave making him smile broadly.
          "I'll see you both really soon." He says picking up his briefcase and walking out the door. Francessca watches him a moment waving again when he turned back then places Logan in his stroller and walks toward the elevator smiling happily as Jamie watches her burning with anger from above and Cassandra rages at the television screen in an empty room.

 *Copyright Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles 2018