Monday, November 5, 2018

Pete and Jeanine


          "Hello there gorgeous!" Pete says pulling up to Jeanine standing on the sidewalk in front of her parents home. He puts the car in park then hops out quickly wrapping his arms around Jeanine's waist and pulling her to him then spinning her in a circle.
          " I missed you last night!" He whispers in her ear before kissing her.
          " Mmmm," She purrs enjoying the close moment between them before pulling free of him.
          " I Missed you too. How are your parents?" Pete smiles broadly his happiness and excitement almost boiling over.
           "My parents are great never better! I've never been better!" He say wrapping his arm around her waist as they walk up the driveway to her home then stopping to kiss her again. 
           "Wait a minute you are way too happy what's going on?" She giggles up at him the joy on his face becoming infectious.
           "Can you keep a secret?" His voice low as he looks around them before continuing her head bobbing in agreement.
           "You, Ms.Thompson are looking at the new CEO of Slater-Cortlandt Electronics." He says smiling proudly moments before Jeanine leaps into his arms.
            "Oh my God!Oh my God! Oh my God! Baby that is fantastic! I'm so proud of you!" She squeals as she smothers his face in kisses then hugs him tightly.
             "So when do you start?" She asks as Pete place her back down on the ground in front of him his arm still wrapped around her waist as he talks.
             "We're making the announcement on my Mom's new shows premiere episode. You should have seen her she was so excited! I'm not sure it was all my promotion, her being the one to announce it and interview me or her being able to one up Erica." He laughs at the memory making Jeanine laugh.
             "I love your Mom." She says with a laugh grasping his hand as they walk her admiration inflecting her voice. "She's one of the strongest, toughest women I know. What I really love about her is her ability to stay true to herself. Not a lot of people can do that especially in the social circle she's in."  Pete smiles guiding her to the swing on the porch and sitting. Jeanine sitting happily beside him her eye drawn to Pete's well carved thigh showing through the fabric of his slacks as he flexes setting the swing in a rhythmic motion.             
             "I've always thoughts so. I don't think I would have made it through my teen years without her. No matter what happened she always found a way to make a nerdy little kid and then a nerdy teenager feel really special."
             "And then you met me and turned into a swan!" She says with a sigh then giggles at the expression on Pete's face.
             " So are you saying I was an ugly duckling before I met you?"
              "You know what they say behind every great man is a great woman." She teases.
               "Besides, I always thought you were a swan Pete Cortlandt."  She says then kisses him again.
               " You know I've got the rest of the morning free." He growls pulling her in to his lap and kissing her deeply wishing they'd gone straight inside instead of stopping on the porch. He couldn't believe how much he'd missed no longed for her. It had only been twenty four hours since they'd been apart. If he had his way it would never be more than work hours ever again. He thought pulling her close and kissing her deeper his fingers reaching for the buttons of her blouse.
             " I don't think we have enough time my family will be back soon." She says wishing they'd gone straight to her room liked she'd planed as she pushed his hands away only to have his other hand pulling at them. She couldn't blame him. If she had her way he'd be stripped naked right on the front porch. Pete was beautiful inside and out. She had to admit outside was spectacular. He was built like a Greek statue why none of the girls at PVU had never taken any real interest in him was beyond her. Maybe it was that goofy part of him she loved. Like the day he'd come home after first meeting Preston and Chase and they celebrated by going to the carnival and eating funnel cakes. Maybe because most of them had grown up together they just stopped noticing.
           She'd noticed him all through high school. They'd been in the same classes all the Science clubs together and chess club and she'd always found him cute and funny. They'd even had a little flirtation she'd thought before realizing he couldn't see anyone but Colby Chandler and his desperation to be in her crowd. So she'd moved on. She'd dated a some guys along the way and Pete a few girls neither anyone serious. Even then some how they always ended up in each others orbit. But, it wasn't until they'd met again in Dr. Slater's chemistry class that everything clicked for them. Since that day they really hadn't been separated from each other which is probably why she'd missed him last night more than she thought possible. Pete was funny and kind gentle strong, brilliant and sexy. It was all she could do to keep her hands off him. There was just something about him. She'd knew she loved him after their first date. She thought snuggling against him.
              "I have an idea why don't you come to the studio with me and afterwards I'll take you out on a night on the town! The skies the limit!" He says bolting forward almost throwing them both of the swing. Jeanine looks back as Pete grins awkwardly back at her as she grasps his arm and pulls herself upright.
              "Sure Id love to but are you sure we can afford that? We just spent all our savings on vacation remember?" She asks her expression quizzical at Pete's devilishly grin.
             "It gets even better my new salary is like five times what I was getting. So that apartment we were saving for? We can stop saving and start looking!"Jeanine sits back against the cushions in awe her mouth agape.
             "Wow! This...this is incredible Pete." Pete sighs and leans his head back against the swing.
              "Yeah I can barley believe it myself and it's so much responsibility." Jeanine reaches out and holds Pete's hand in her's and gives it a gentle squeeze.
               "Don't worry about that now honey. You can deal with all that when you get the office tomorrow. You've worked really hard you deserve it. So today just enjoy all fruits of your labor okay?" Pete smiles at her pulling her hand to his lips and kissing it.
             "How did I get so lucky?" Jeanine blushes prettily her hand reaching out of it's own accord and stroking his cheek.
              "I'm the lucky one." She says before getting lost in his kiss again moments before car tires crunched the gravel in the driveway.
               "Mmmm Pete." She says pulling away and quickly checking her reflection in the window as Pete stands then checks the time on his phone.
                "Listen I've got to go change. I'll be back to pick you up in an hour okay?" He says leaning in and kissing her quickly.
                  " I love you Jeanine Townsend" He smiles down at her kissing her quickly.
                  "I Love you too Peter Cortlandt." She grins back watching him jog down the drive as her parents walk up.
                  'See you later Mr and Mrs Townsend" He yells as he passes them both stopping and stepping aside as he passes.
                 "Hello Peter!" They call after him in unison.
                 "What's young Mr. Cortland's hurry?" He father says handing her one of the bags of groceries in his arms.
                 "Nowhere just off to greet his future and if you'll both excuse me I have to get ready to meet him there." She says walking into the house leaving both her parents more confused than when they initially asked the question.
               Palmer, Opal and Peter

*Copyright Takeitish "Pine Valley Chronicles" 2018

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