Monday, November 19, 2018

JR and Ryan


        JR steps off the elevator at "Cambius" smiling broadly and looking around his old haunt. He greets several people on his way through the office thanking them for their congratulatory greetings with all the smiles and pleasantries the greetings required. He makes his way through the executive suites toward Ryan's office not bothering to stop and speak to Ryan's assistant who couldn't do more than sit with her eyes bulged and stammer something incoherent as he passed giving her no time to announce him. 
      "Good Morning! Mr. Lavery is expecting me." He winks as he strides through the door of Ryan's office closing it politely behind him. Anyone watching would think it was just another friendly drop in but JR knew better and so would Ryan shortly.
         "Morning Ryan!" JR say coolly stopping in front of Ryan's desk the later looking up from his computer smiling and looking confused.
         "Good Morning JR. Did we ahh have an appointment I forgot about?"
        "Oh, no I was just in the area and I thought I'd stop in for a moment." He says causally pulling over a chair and sitting directly in front of him. His eyes cold the smile still on his lips giving him a sinister look that was unnerving Ryan thought.
        "Since you're a "drop in" kind of guy. You know what I'm talking about Ryan." He smiles slyly meeting Ryan's confused stare.
         "What exactly are you driving at JR?"
         "I'm not driving at anything. I was passing by the building and thought I'd stop in and say hello. Although now that I think of it that could be just a little disconcerting. Don't you think so Ryan? I mean especially when it keeps happening over and over again?"
         "Yeah." He asks knowing exactly what JR was referring to. JR continues in the same cool tone noting the light of recognition that just went on in Ryan's head.
         "You know like when someone just happens to be where your having lunch, shows up at your house, then again at your office. I mean something like that could be interpreted in this day and age as stalking."
         "Is there a point to this conversation JR?" Ryan interjects growing bored with JR play at intimidation. JR continues speaking as if Ryan had never spoken at all. His manner and tone still held the same polite coldness. A trick his father had taught him. He could tell he was getting to Ryan even if the later tried to hide it but his saucer like wideness of his eyes were a dead give away.
         "Oh I was just getting there. Rebeka, Aj, Endre and I are a family and next week we make it official. Nothing and no one is going to get in the way of that.''
         "Explain to me exactly why you're here again?"
          "Don't play games with me Ryan you know exactly why I'm here."
          " Please refresh my memory"
         "I told you nicely before so lets make this your last warning. This time take my advice stay away from my family. Most especially stay away from my fiancee. She doesn't love you. Hell man she barely knows you. In fact and I'm using her words right now. She finds you creepy and thinks you're a stalker. It was everything I could do this morning to keep her from filing charges. If it wasn't for the account we are working on with "Cambius" I would have let her." He lied Rebeka didn't even know he was here. She didn't have to. Colby had told him more than enough yesterday and he had seen enough of Ryan's flirtations with Rebeka of his own.It had taken everything he had just to convince her to do what they'd done.
         "So, take my advice and just back the fuck off. Understand? Because, if there's a next time you will deeply regret it"
        "Are you threatening me JR? What are you going to do? Beat me up? Want to meet at three o'clock in the park?" Ryan laugh's knowing that in any physical confrontation he could probably take JR. JR smiles back at him knowing exactly what he was thinking. Knowing he was wrong. Everyone thought because of his stature he was an easy mark but when you'd been in as many fights as he had you learn a few things. Much to the surprise of  arrogant men like Ryan Lavery.
        "I don't want to Ryan and sexual harassment lawsuits are so bad for business. Do you think "Cambius" is in such great standings financial that you could take a hit from the multi million dollar law suit we will slap you with? Not to mention the hit your personal holding would take in the civil suit. I've already consulted my lawyers gave  him the evidence. Such as the security tapes from our home and businesses a list of witnesses. He assures us we have an excellent case. Especially given your past. You can avoid all of that by just staying out of our lives."
         "You sound worried Bro. Are you afraid that maybe Rebekah might have feelings for me?" JR laughs uproariously.
          "Is that what you think?" He laughs again. "Rebeka loves me and she loves our family. What she doesn't love is you. The only feelings she has for you are revulsion and fear. In that order. She's not your "Princess" Ryan. I don't know how many times she or I and everyone else has to tell you. Gillian is dead and has been for a long time. Rebeka is not her reincarnation. You need to move on and stop living in the past or desperately trying to recreate it before you find yourself back in a prison cell." He says rising to his feet and walking towards the door. He stops and turns back towards Ryan who stands angry but silent. "I hope I've made myself clear here."
          " Crystal." Ryan says flatly.
          "I'm glad. See you around." JR says opening the door as Amanda was about to knock.
          "JR! Nice to see you! How's Rebeka?" She yelps quickly hugging and kissing him.
          "She's great!" He smiles back watching Ryan's notable grimace at the mention of the wedding.
          "You guys must be so excited for the big day!"
          "We're both really looking forward to it!"
          "So are Jake and I! Oh and tell her I'll be a little late tonight but I'll be there! I wouldn't miss it for the world! Give AJ and Endre my love!" She says stepping through the portal as JR holds the door.
           "I will! Oh and Ryan," His voice going back to the chilling tone he had before Amanda's arrival. "don't forget." His eyes piercing Ryan's like daggers before existing giving Ryan no chance to reply. He smiles to his self as he steps out of the way of the man passing smiling even broader as he reads the lettering on the paper in his hand.
            "Don't forget what?" Amanda asks looking at Ryan confused by JR's cold manner and tone. Ryan smirks taking the folder from her out stretched hand and opens it as he speaks.
            "Nothing important, actually it was nothing at all." 
            "Ryan Lavery?" Comes an unfamiliar voice from the open doorway.
            "Yes, I'm Ryan Lavery may I help you?" The man ignores Ryan's greeting as he drops a packet of papers on the desktop.
             "You've just been served sir. Have a good day"

Ryan, Colby And Rebeka
JR and Ryan 
Adam and Lola JR and Rebeka

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