Monday, November 26, 2018

Barbara, Lenka and Sergei


         Barbara opens her eyes and looks around the room not sure what was happening. She didn't remember anything after he'd offered her the drink. She'd drank it quickly letting the liquid warm it's way down her throat and then nothing until she'd awakened on the sofa that she now sat. All the normal signs of a name had been removed from the room. There wasn't an ashtray, matchbook or flier anywhere she also notice there wasn't a phone. The curtains had been drawn and the room lit by the lamps on the table giving her no way of telling if it was day or night. She looked around for a clock but even if she found one she still wouldn't be able to tell if it was day or night any way she chastise herself!
         She raises her head blinking back the throbbing pain that threatened to make her head explode. She turns her attention toward the low angry voice finding one of them Sergei she thought his name was lounged on a chair in front of her watching her intently. While the other grimaced then growled something into the phone.  She was frightened more frightened then she been in her entire life. They still hadn't told her what they wanted from her. The only thing she knew was that she owed them and they were going to make her pay them back. How? Was the question that that kept echoing in her head and with every echo her fear mounted. She wished she'd never gotten into that limousine when she'd left the jail. She'd been so sure Molly or Jackson was the one who'd sent it and paid the bail. She'd never imagined it would be these two. Now she was trapped this seedy room with two gangsters!
       She glances over at Sergei who's eyes never left her and suppresses the chill that threatened to quake her entire body. She breaks away from his stare and looks over to the other who seemed to be the leader was still on the phone speaking a language she didn't recognize to some unknown person and he seemed annoyed as he hung up the call then turned to his friend still speaking in the same language.
       "Okay I just got off the phone with Anna. She wants us to keep her here for a couple of days. Not sure how I'm going to explain that to my wife." Lenka grumbles as he reaches for the bottle on the table and fills the glass before drinking half of it in one swallow. Sergei laughs.
        "Don't worry about it we can take turns and I'm sure she'll have some other's pitching in." He says with a laugh and a wave of his hand.
         "That's what she said but she doesn't have anyone tonight and I have to be at some stupid thing her idiot brother is having tonight! How am I supposed to get out of that?" Sergei shrugs.
          "You can go I can watch her for a couple of hours. I'll be fine. Besides she'already afraid of me." Lenka looks over at Barbara who's fear was almost as obvious as her need for a drink.
          " You have a point. I bet if you gave her the rest of the bottle she'd pass out in no time."
          "And be absolutely no trouble at all." He says making them both laugh.
         "No," Lenka says with a shake of his head. "She drank half that bottle before we got here and she looks pretty much sober to me. Did you forget the other night at the casino? No, I think it would be better if we has two of us watching her." Lenka finishes pulling the chair out from the table and joining Sergei. Both starring at her and sipping their drinks while they decided what to do.
          "I have my tools in the trunk I can rig something so she wouldn't be any trouble at all?" Sergei says taking another sip of his drink as Lenka rubs the stubble on his chin.
          " Like what?" Sergei leans back in his chair a moment.
           "Lets see I've got a couple of bolts some chain and some other stuff. It will take me about seven minutes ten minutes tops." Lenka smiles and nods his head.
            "That could work but what if she tries to make some noise?" Lenka asked as Sergei shrugs.
             "Gags work." He says making them both laugh. "Don't worry about it. I rig something to keep her from running after that you can go take care of your business. Worse comes to worse I can just knock her out again." He shrugs as he rises and walks toward the door pausing as he passes her." "Don't go away" He says turning toward Barbara and blowing her a kiss before closing the door behind him. His last action sending a shiver up her spine.
              Please don't hurt me." She says struggling to keep the quiver from her voice. "If you let me go I can I cane get you money." Then is shocked into silence by the burst of Lenka's laughter.
            "Sweetheart if you had money you wouldn't be here. Don't worry no one is going to hurt you as long as you do what we say, so relax."
            "What are you going to do with me?" She whisper looking like a trapped animal to Lenka as she back herself into the corner of the couch. Her knees drawn up against her chest.
            "In a couple of days you have a little job to do for me. After that you can go do what ever you want. My suggestion would be to stay out of the casino but, until then you are going to stay right here understand." He leers at her as he pulls back the his jacket to reveal his gun. "I can see by the look on your face you're going to be a perfect angel."
           "Pleaseeee don't hurt me I swear! I'll get your money!" She begins to cry fear gripping her freezing her to her spot.
            "Again, I already know you don't have any money. You received the last payment you're going to get from your previous employer which you you lost at the poker table to me Since you can't pay it off you're going to work it off." Lenka says as he comes towards her carrying the chair and sits down in front of her his arm draped over the back of it holding the gun in his hand. Barbara begins to shiver under his stare as her mind jumped from one scenario to another.
           "What are you going to do with me." She manages to croak out between her sobs. Lenka smiles menacingly knowing he had her exactly where he wanted her. His point reinforced when she jumped as Sergei came back in the room his tool bag and materials in hand. He nods to Lenka then walks into the other room. Where almost instantly the sound of a drill can be heard.
           "Oh no please no! No! Oh God No!" She begins to screams.
           "Calm down!" Lenka yells over her screams then begins to laugh.
           "You are a very attractive for a woman your age but not really a high demand item you understand. Besides, that would be a complete waste of your intellect. But, just so you know you may have to use how shall we say your feminine wiles."
          "What do you want me to do?" She asks fighting back her panic and tears as Sergei comes back in the room and nods to Lenka.
          " I'll let you know when the time comes. In the meantime you're going to stay here and while you're here you will be cooperative and quiet. If you cooperate in a couple of days you'll go home and maybe with a little something in your pocket."
          "What if I don't?"
          "Don't become a problem Mrs. Montgomery I don't think you would like the way we resolve our problems. I said women your age weren't in high demand I never said the demand didn't exist." He says with sneer sending another shiver of fear through her. "Now get up and go into the other room Sergei will show you what to do. Oh and remember I'll be right behind you so please don't get any brilliant ideas it would be a shame to mar your lovely figure with bullet holes." He says waving the gun and signaling her to stand.
           Barbara takes a deep breath and then stands and walks slowly into the room wishing she had a drink and a way out.

Anna, Devereaux and Barbara
Molly, Dani and Barbara

*Copyright Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles 2018


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