Thursday, October 25, 2012

Krystal, Lola and Adrian 10/25/12

Krystal runs through the foyer towards the front.
Krystal: Coming! (She says reaches for the door flinging it open wide) Hey you made it! Come on in. (She steps aside allowing Lola to enter)
Lola: Yeah, pulling into the drive it’s like stepping into another time. (They both laugh)
Krystal: You can just leave that right there. (Nodding to the small travel bag in Lola hand and points to a spot next to the steps)
Lola: Thanks, (She places the bag next to the steps then looks around her) so where are the troops?
Krystal: They should be here in a minute. Why don’t we go in the living room.
Lola: Sure. (Krystal leads the way down the hall and in to the room)
Crystal: I’d offer you some coffee but you probably got enough earlier. So I thought maybe you’d prefer a glass of whine.
Lola: That would be perfect.
Krystal: Have a seat. (She walks to the ice bucket and pulls out the bottle and pours a glass for each of them) Did you have a hard time finding the place?
Lola: No, not at all.
Krystal: Here you go. (She hands her a glass then gingerly sips her own)
Lola: Thank you. (She takes a sip) This is good.
Krystal: It’s from Orcini Vineyards. (Lola walks over to the piano sipping from her glass)
Lola: This is really good. Do you play?
Krystal: No, that’s David and Darius. (Lola walks to the mantel and looks at the photos adorned upon it)
Lola: This is a really lovely, (She picks up a photo of Krystal, David and then one of Krystal David and Darius) Ooo! I love this picture.
Krystal: That’s from last year’s Memorial Day picnic. (She says smiling at the memory)
Lola: I can’t make up my mind which one of you he looks like. (She looks up from the picture and smiles Krystal smiles back at her with a devilish gleam in her eye)
Krystal: Darius is adopted.
Lola: Oh. (She blushes slightly)
Krystal: It’s okay, (she giggles) even so he reminds more and more of David everyday.
Lola: How do you manage it all Krystal? I mean with kids, husband business (She places the photo back on the mantel)
Krystal: It helps when you have a lot of extended family and a staff and it’s a big help having a partner like Carmen and a husband like David. This is us last Christmas (She picks up a photo and shows it to her pointing out each person as she speaks) that’s Darius and Jenny she my daughter with Tad that’s here sister Kathy and Tad’s wife as of tomorrow Taylor, that little guy there that’s Babe’s son AJ. That one there’s his father JR and his soon to be bride Rebeka and her son Endre.
Lola: Wow! It’s really nice that you all get along so well.
Krystal: It is now but it was a long road getting here.
Darius: Moooooom! We’re hereeeeee! (He bellows as the door slam back against the wall)
Krystal: Come on they’re here! (The two walk quickly into the hall smiling. Krystal stoops over giving each one a hug as they greet her) Hey sweetie-kins.
AJ: Grandma! (He squeals hugging her tightly)
Krystal: Hi honey.
Jenny: Hi Mommy!
Krystal: Hey Baby I missed you.
Kathy: Hey Krystal!
Krystal: Hi ya honey. Hey Endre! What’s up Adrian?
Adrian: I made it! (He huffs closing the door behind him and laughs)
Krystal: Kids, this is your Aunt Lola.
Jenny: We have an Aunt how? (She looks up at her confused)
Krystal: Lola is mommy’s sister.
Lola: Hi guys! (She smiles stooping down so she’s at eye level)
All: Hi!
Lola: Now let me see (She taps her finger against her cheek as if pondering a deep thought then points to each one) you’re Jenny, Kathy and your AJ, Darius and Endre.
Kathy: Hey, how did you know that? (Her eyes wide with surprise)
Lola: It’s magic. (She teases)
AJ: Are you a magician? (His voice excited eyes wide)
Lola: No, I’m a doctor. (She laugh’s enjoying the game she was playing with them all)
Endre: Are you a physic like that lady on TV?
Lola: No, (She giggles) Krystal showed me your pictures of all of you before you got here.
Darius: Are you going to live with us? (He looks up at her his eyes questioning)
Lola: No, I have my own home not too far from here.
Jenny: Do you have any kids?
Lola: No, I don’t. (Her voice sounding suddenly sad the tone not escaping Krystal’s ears)
Krystal: Okay guys those are enough questions for now. Adrian, I have some whine chilling in the living room.
Adrian: Sounds like a plan!
Krystal: Why don’t you and Lola go into the living room while me and the kids carry all this stuff up to their rooms. (Her voice a little stern as she looks at each one who then grabs their bags and start up the steps)
Adrian: Here why don’t I take that and we’ll be right back.
Krystal: You sure? We can handle it right kids?
AJ: Sure we can.
Adrian: No you go ahead (He takes the bag from Krystal’s hand) I’ll be right down. Come on guys.
Krystal: Okay, Darius show your uncle Adrian to the blue room and put your Aunts bag in there.
Darius: Okay. Come on Adrian (They walk up the steps Adrian following behind the children he passes the a small hall way just past the stairs and subconsciously starts toward it his curiosity getting the best of him.)
Darius: No not that way!
Adrian: Oh sorry.
Darius: That’s okay everyone gets lost in here.
Adrian: What’s that way?
Darius: My Daddy’s laboratory. Come on! (Adrian walks behind Darius glancing back once then hurrying to catch up)
Scene Shift: Krystal and Lola sit in the living room chatting as Adrian and the children come in)
Krystal: You should see at Christmas We go out to David’s cabin the week end after Thanksgiving and cut down a tree then bring it back here. Last year Jenny and Darius picked out a tree that was bigger than the car.
Lola: No! (They both laugh)
Krystal: You should have seen it! It almost filled the foyer. We could barley get the door open. (They both laugh again as the children and Adrian enter the room)
AJ: Hey Grandma?
Krystal: Yeah, baby?
AJ: Can we go play in the garden for a little while?
Krystal: No, it’s getting way too dark why don’t y’all go play in the Arboretum just be careful of your Grandfather’s plants
Kathy: We will. (She calls over her shoulder as they all run down the hall)
Krystal: Okay I’ll call you when dinner is ready. You okay Adrian? (She grins watching as Adrian walks slowly to the chair)
Adrian: They just about wore me out! (He sighs heavily)
Krystal: You want a glass of whine? (She says with a laugh in her voice)
Adrian: No, thanks anyway but I’d better not I have to drive back over to Tad’s. I’ll take some water if you have it.
Krystal: Here you go. (Krystal hands him a bottle from the bar then sits down next to Lola on the sofa)
Lola: I take it you don’t have kids of your own.
Adrian: Oh no, I’m not quiet ready for that yet and the past few days proved it.
Jenny: Mooooooom! (Comes a yell from the far end of the hall)
Krystal: O oh that’s Jenny “They aren’t being fair yell” I’ll be right back. (She stands and heads down the hall)
Lola: So what have you guys got planned tonight?
Adrian: Were going to go over to Tad’s game room my bad office and shoot pool, play poker, video games that kind of stuff.
Lola: Not what I expected but it sounds like fun.
Adrian: I know what you thought “wild stag party” but I think Taylor would kill us. (He chuckles)
Lola: I don’t blame her.
Adrian: So I was right! (He grins nodding his head knowingly)
Lola: Right about what?
Adrian: I told Tad it’s a conspiracy and all women are in on it.
Lola: Well you know what they says Hoes before Bros. (They both laugh)
Adrian: Good one. So you’ve been recruited to referee.
Lola: That and keep Krystal company David is working till late tonight.
Adrian: Well trust me you’ll be busy!
Lola: They’re all so cute.
Adrian: Don’t let that fool you. They’re looking so forward to tomorrow I doubt they’ll sleep much tonight.
Lola: So are you looking forward to the big day tomorrow?
Adrian: Looking forward to seeing my brother get married not so much the monkey suit and going stag.
Lola: I don’t blame you. I hate going to thing’s like that by myself.
Adrian: So do I especially when my date is my eight years old niece. Hey, why don’t you come with me?
Lola: Oh I don’t know. (Suddenly feeling shy)
Krystal: Don’t know what? (Walking back in to the room secretly congratulating herself on her match making skills)
Adrian: I asked Lola if she would go to the wedding with me tomorrow.
Krystal: I think that would be a great idea. You should go!
Lola: I barley know them. (Her excuse sounding weak to her own ears)
Adrian: You know Tad and Taylor and I know you know Jake and Amanda. Come on it’ll be fun good food good people and you’ll be doing me a favor.
Lola: Won’t Kathy be disappointed? (She looks a Krystal and winks)
Adrian: Some how I don’t think so.
Lola: Okay I’ll go with you.
Krystal: That’s great I have a dress in my closet that will be perfect for you!
Adrian: Then it’s a date? (He asks wriggling his brow up and down making Lola laugh and acquiesce and feel a little giddy) 
Lola: Sure I’d love too.
Adrian: Great I’ll pick up around ten? (He says rising from the chair he says walking towards her)
Lola: That will be perfect.
Adrian: Great, (He glances quickly down at his watch) I’d better get going so I’ll see you tomorrow at ten. (He moves towards the door Krystal following behind him)
Krystal: I’ll show you out.
Adrian: That’s okay spend time with your sister I can show myself out.
Krystal: You sure?
Adrian: Positive I’ll see you both to tomorrow have fun ladies. (He smiles waving a two finger salute)
Krystal: Good night.
Lola: Good night Adrian. (Adrian walks down the hall towards the foyer he pulls the door open looks over his shoulder and down the hall then closes it and darts silently up the steps. He stops at the top of the staircase listening for the sounds of voices counting them off in his head they were all down stairs still then moves down the hall to David’s lab)

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Frankie and Randi 10/18/12

Frankie leans over the bed brushing the hair gently away from Randi’s face coaxing her awake.
Frankie: Hey baby.
Randi: Hey how are you?
Frankie: Better now how do you feel?
Randi: I feel fine. (She smiles sleepily)
Frankie: Are you in any pain?
Randi: I don’t think so.
Frankie: That’s god because I have two little people that have been waiting all day to see you. (He takes Spencer in his arms and holds him down toward Randi Angie does the same with Sydney) 
Randi: Hey babies!
Spencer: Mommy! (He squeals reaching his hands out to her. She takes one in hers kissing it and then Sydney’s)
Frankie: They have been so good today. Francessca said they were a perfect lady and gentleman. Cessca said to tell you she loves you and she would have stayed longer but she had to get ready for Taylor and Tads parties tonight.
Randi: Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that. (Her voice sounding a little disappointed then reaches a hand to each of her children) I knew they would be. Mommy loves you both so much.
Sydney: Dove you!
Randi: Ahh, I love you too! (Refocusing her eyes and looking around her smile brightening when she see’s Angie and Natalia)  Hey Angie, Natalia.
Angie: Hey sweetheart. (Reaching down and giving her hand a loving squeeze)
Randi: Thank you both for everything the babysitting the cleaning the washing the cooking. I couldn’t have made it with out you.
Angie: Honey, there’s nothing to thank us for we’re family (She miles then leans down and kisses her cheek)
Jesse: That’s right! (He nods in agreement glad to see all of his family together especially Cassandra)
Randi: Where’s Cassandra? (She turns her head trying to look around Natalia as Cassandra comes to the side of the bed)
Cassandra: I’m right here. (She reaches for her hand then leans in and kisses her cheek)
Randi: Oh, I’m glad you came. I’ve missed you. (She gives he hand a squeeze then shakes it playfully)
Cassandra: I missed you too.
Randi: You have to promise me in a few days when I’m feeling better you and I are going to sit and talk. I want to know more about your new life and this Devereaux guy. (She smiles up at her tone gentle but firm)
Cassandra: I promise.
Randi: I’m going to hold you to it. (She squeezes her hand then lets go)
Jesse: Excuse me a moment I’ll be right back (He bows his head and pinches the bridge of his nose. He turns and walks to the bathroom closing the door behind him. He straightens reaching for tissue and pretends to blow his nose then tosses the tissue in waist basket. He reaches for the tap washing and drying his hands quickly. Then pulls a plastic bag from his pocket pinching the top and opening it then using a dry paper towel from the dispenser drops Randi’s toothbrush inside. He zips it top closed pats his pant pocket making sure his other sample was there then places the toothbrush inside his jacket pocket before reentering Randi’s room and rejoining his family at her bedside)
Cassandra: I really should get going Devereaux will be expecting me. (She says coming to the head of the bed she leans in hugs and kisses Randi good bye then hugs her mother) Mom I’ll give you a call maybe we can go out to lunch?
Angie: I look forward to it. (She holds here away from her a moment taking her in from head to toe she looked well physically but she couldn’t help but  notice the smile that didn’t reach her eyes and what she thought was fear flash across before letting go and reconciling herself to worry later)
Cassandra: Bye big bro. (She leans in hugging and kissing him smiling happily as she lets him go)
Frankie: Bye baby girl.
Cassandra: Natalia, Jesse. (She nods towards them as she walks out the door)
Natalia: See ya round.
Jesse: Have a good evening
Cassandra walks from the room and heads for the stairs leading to the parking garage she walks quickly down the first flight then pauses to listen hearing slower steps behind stopping just a second after her she continues down stopping at the door for the ground level. She pushes the door open then quickly ducks behind the steps slips off her shoes and waits. She watches as Devereaux’s man exists through the door then hurries back up the steps to the fifth floor where Rego sat waiting. She reaches the top of the stairs opens the door quietly slipping her shoes back on and closing it just as quietly as she had opened it then walks quickly to the car.
Cassandra: Hey!
Rego: So what’s going on? Why the clandestine rendezvous?
Cassandra: I had to slip away from Devereaux’s guard.
Rego: You have a body guard? Why?
Cassandra: For protection.
Rego: Protection from what? This is Pine Valley not New York City. If it were just for protection you wouldn’t have to ditch him. Now tell me what’s going on?
Cassandra: It’s nothing big it’s just that Devereaux is jealous he wouldn’t understand our friendship. He doesn’t believe that a man and woman can be just friends.
Rego: Is that what we are now friends?
Cassandra: I thought we were has something changed?
Rego: I wasn’t sure after last night.
Cassandra: Last night was just goodbye.
Rego: Is that what it was then?
Cassandra: I just wanted a lasting memory. Why, what did you think it was?
Rego: I thought maybe you had changed your mind you know, about moving in with Devereaux.
Cassandra: No sorry but if sometime you and I could still be friends with the occasional benefits. Remember how much fun you and I used to have sneaking around Pine Valley? 
Rego: I don’t think I’m up for all the cloak and dagger again. So if there is something going on tell me now otherwise I’m not doing this.
Cassandra: I thought you loved the sneaking around the hot secret sex!
Rego: Yeah that was all great till it was spattered all over the newspapers and television, someone is crying in front of you humiliated and kicks you across an alter. I’m not doing that again. If you don’t want to be with Devereaux then leave him.
Cassandra: I wish it were that easy. Nobody leaves Devereaux St. Jacque.
Rego: What do mean? You pack up your things and you leave simple as that.
Cassandra: I did leave him! I came all the way to Pine Valley to get away from him!
Rego: What are you saying (He scoffs) he followed you all the way from Paris?
Cassandra: YES! That’s exactly what I’m saying! Do you think I want to be with a man like Devereaux?
Rego: I thought you were in love with him?
Cassandra: I’m not in love with him! I…I didn’t have a choice!
Rego: Come on! You expect me to believe a man like Devereaux St. Jacque is holding you hostage? Why? It makes no sense! He could have any woman in the world why you?
Cassandra: You mean why me because I’m just some high-end prostitute to you?
Rego: No, of course not I’m sorry I didn’t mean it like that. I mean why would he be so obsessed that he would move his business all the way here just to be with you.
Cassandra: Because he’s a sociopath and he’s in love with me. He thinks we’re soul mates that were meant to be together!
Rego: Do you love him?
Cassandra: Once, that was before I saw the real Devereaux and he killed any love I felt for him. The only thing I feel for him is disgust.
Rego: What do you think he’d do if you left him?
Cassandra: Oh he’s already told me he’d kill me.
Rego: What? Come on now Cassandra aren’t you being just a little dramatic?
Cassandra: You don’t know him. I’ve seen him do it. That man you see on the magazine covers and in board meetings that’s a façade. Just a mask he wears underneath he’s a monster! No matter what I do I can’t get a way from him. You have to help me.
Rego: He can’t hold you prisoner there has to be something more to it. What else is there you’re not telling me? Look if you want my help you’re going to have to tell me all of it. What else is going on?
Cassandra: When I left Paris I stole money from him to get here.
Rego: So basically you’re working off a debt.
Cassandra: No! It’s more than that! You don’t get it!
Rego: If you want my help then you’ll explain it to me.
Cassandra: He’s the reason I fled Paris…(the truth spilling out in torrents she was incapable of stopping it if she tried) Once I realized how dark that side of Devereaux’s life was… (She shutters scenes of Devereaux handling his “ business affairs” flash through her mind. She closes her eyes a moment and murmurs) The things I’ve see him do what he’s made me do it makes me sick. I just wanted to escape so one night I got my chance he was out I stole money from his safe and flew here. When he found out I was gone he was furious! He let the police believe that I stole money from him he made them think I could be drug dealer they put out a warrant for my arrest. When he found me here he had the charges dropped only if I promised him we’d go back to how it was before. He said that “all my running wasn’t good for me that I could meet with some tragic end.”    
Rego: Oh God sweetheart I’m so sorry. You should leave tonight.
Cassandra: It’s not that easy.
Rego: Why isn’t it?
Cassandra: Because he’ll kill me he’ll kill you and anyone else that stands in his way! He’s insane and he’s obsessed no matter where I go he’ll find me!
Rego: Why didn’t you just tell you mother, the police? My God the Police Chief is your bloody stepfather for pity sake? They could have helped.
Cassandra: Are you deaf? I just told you he doesn’t care! He always gets what he wants! He doesn’t matter to him who he has to lie, cheat, steal or kill to get it that’s why I’ve put so much distance between myself and my family? If he thought for a second I cared he would use them against me. Rego: If he is so dangerous what do you think I could possibly do? (He stares out eyes wide looking confused)  
Cassandra: Do you think if I knew what to do I’d be asking you for help? (She blurts out in frustration then calms her voice)  Please Rego, you have to help me I don’ know where else to go. I need you! (She pleads collapsing in his arms sobbing uncontrollably)
Rego: Okay, (He soothes smoothing her hand as she cries) okay give me a couple of days let me see what I can come up with. Just keep cool and I’ll get back to you. (He cradles her in his arms kisses the top of her head. Smiles secretly to her self, pleased she’d maneuvered him almost where she wanted him. She pushes away from him as she wipes the tears from her face and sniffs then looks up at him with doleful eyes looking the part of a wounded and trapped animal)
Cassandra: You can’t call me I think my phone is bugged. (She sniffs as if n the verge of tears)
Rego: Wait your phone is bugged? (He places his finger beneath her chin forcing her to look at him) How do you know?
Cassandra: He knows too much, (She pulls her face from his grasp casting her head down as if ashamed then glares back at him defiantly) things that he could have only gotten from texts or phone calls.
Rego: You could have just left your phone around or he over heard? (Trying to place some break in the firestorm she’d just spun then by her expression realizes the mistake in speaking his thoughts aloud as her eyes narrow her lips become strained over her teeth and she hisses back)
Cassandra: I never leave my phone around and they’re conversation that he wasn’t around for! God you really do think I’m some stupid paranoid crazy woman don’t you? (Her arms fold across her chest as she slams her self back against the seat her brows drawn together)
Rego: No, I don’t I can tell you’re scared (He concedes sitting back in his seat holding his hand to his head) it’s just so unreal. How the hell am I supposed to get in touch with you if I can call you?
Cassandra: We could meet here at the hospital day after tomorrow (She looks at him her eye bright as if the idea had just come to her) in Randi’s room say around three?
Rego: That will work! (He turns to her smiling broadly then hugs her the momentary closeness stirring more then just happiness for their plan. Cassandra pushes away knowing her time was almost up) 
Cassandra: Okay I’ll see you there. I’d better get going.
Rego: Okay, I’ll see you then and try not worry we’ll work it out okay?
Cassandra: Okay (She smiles weakly then closes the door and walks back towards the stairs smiling to herself. That had been easier than she thought she’d put her plan in motion she’d just have to wait a few more days and she’d be ready for the next step)

Monday, October 15, 2012

Lola and Krystal

Lola and Krystal
Looking and feeling weary Lola walks in to the restaurant stepping towards the counter where Krystal stands.
Krystal: Hey what are you doing here? (She tosses the rag she’d been holding and tosses it under counter)
Lola: Oh, I needed to get out of the hospital for a while. (Falling on to the stool placing her purse and jacket on the one next to her) I just got out of an eight-hour surgery. (She sighs heavily then looks up shaking the hair back from her face)
Krystal: Wants some coffee?
Lola: That would be great. (She smiles as Krystal places a mug in front of her)
Krystal: So how’s Randi doing? (She ask pouring the hot dark liquid in to the cup then places sugar and creamer on the counter)
Lola: The surgery went well but she has a long way to go. Hopefully there won’t be any complications but the prognosis looks good. (She miles with pride placing the creamer back down on the counter and reaching for her spoon)
Krystal: Well that’s good news.
Lola: Yeah it is so is this coffee thanks.
Krystal: Your welcome.
Lola: You don’t seem very busy today? (She turns looking around the restaurant)
Krystal: No, not very and Thank the Lord (Her eyes roll toward the ceiling saying a silent prayer) with both Griff and Carmen out.
Lola: What happened to Griff? (She places her cup down on the counter and leans forward her voice full of concern)
Krystal: Oh, he cut his hand earlier (She says with a wave of her hand then reaches for a clan rag and wipes down the counter) Jesse ran him over to the hospital.
Lola: I hope it’s nothing serious?
Krystal: No, (She smiles thankfully) he called a little while ago it was deep but not as bad as we all thought.
Lola: I’m glad to hear that. (Bell over the door rings instantly calling their attention to Liza and Wellington’s arrival)
Krystal: Well look what the cat dragged in. (She places her hand on her hip with a half smirk and sighs)
Lola: Not your favorite people? (She glances up at the reflections in the mirror behind Krystal)
Krystal: He’s okay, (She grumbles picking two menus from the stack at the end of the counter) excuse me I’ll be right back. (Lola smirks as Krystal walks over to the table greets them then hands them menus and walks back to the counter. She pulls two glasses from the shelf fills them with ice and water then walks back to the table setting a glass in front of each one takes out her pad and pen and waits patiently while the two dinners banter back and forth over the menu. Lola watches Liza’s reflection in the mirror inspecting her from head to toe and listening as she and Wellington discuss their menus She had to admit Liza and Wellington were a better fit than she and Wellington had ever been. Liza was tall blond and beautiful, smart, self-confident they were both Lawyers. She could see why Wellington would be attracted to her or any man for that matter and Wellington seemed happy with her, they both looked happy. Krystal comes back to the counter punches the order into the computer then walks back to Lola)
Krystal: Well that was easier than I thought. I guess true love does change some people. (She laughs then looks at Lola when she doesn’t laugh along noticing her glum expression)
Lola: Some.
Krystal: You still having problem with Wellington? (She leaning her elbows on the counter so that they’re eye to eye lowering her voice)
Lola: Not really (She shrugs) He pretends I don’t exist and I do the same.
Krystal: How’s that working for you?
Lola: I guess it’s okay. I just wish there wasn’t so much animosity between the two of us still.
Krystal: Something’s may take longer than others. Look at us. If someone had told me I’d be standing her chatting with you I’d have called them a liar. Now look at us? It will work out (She pats her hand smiles then winks) Trust me. (She picks up the orders from the shelf behind her and walks to the table placing a plate of steamy food in front of each and walking back to the counter.) You want some more coffee?
Lola: Sure.
Krystal: You want a hot muffin to go with that? (Not waiting for answer she turns lifting the op off the cake tray and placing one on a plate then closes it) I just took some out the oven. (She places it in front her then a knife and a saucer of butter and a napkin)
Lola: That looks so good. (Grinning like an imp eyes opening wide. Lola reaches for her knife cutting the muffin in half, dips the still hot knife into the saucer melting it as she scoops a table spoon portion quickly on to half of the muffin as it slides off the knife. She bites into it her yes swooning reminding Krystal for a moment of Babe and smile at the memory)
Krystal: How’s that?
Lola: Good! (She nods her head then shoves the rest of it in her mouth)
Adrian: Hey Krystal!
Krystal: Hey Adrian what are you doing here?
Adrian: Just on my way over to my Mom’s pick up the boys then pick up the girls form the Miranda and drop them at your place at?
Krystal: I should be home by four-thirty.
Adrian: I’ll be there around quarter to five. (He leans against the bar and looks around noticing Liza and Wellington and waves. Krystal looks at Lola stuffing her mouth with muffin then back at Adrian an idea sparking)
Krystal: Adrian have you met my sister Dr. Lola Colgate?
Adrian: No I don’t think I’ve had the pleasure. (Lola looks at Krystal eyes wide mouth stuffed with muffin she quickly reaches for her napkin placing it over her packed cheeks and swallowing quickly glaring at Krystal who smiles devilishly)
Krystal: Adrian Sword this is my sister Dr. Lola Colgate.
Lola: Excuse me (She says wiping her hand before reaching out to his) pleasure to meet you.
Adrian: The pleasure is all mine. (He smiles roguishly)
Krystal: Adrian is Tad’s brother.
Adrian: And Baby taxi.
Lola: Here let me move my stuff. (She says shifting her things to the stool on the other side allowing Adrian to sit beside her)
Krystal: You want some coffee?
Adrian: Yeah I could use a little pick me up. Can you make I to go?
Krystal: Sure let me get some cups from the back. (She looks down at the ream of “to-go” cups and walks to the back looking towards the heavens as she pushes through the door and saying a silent prayer)
Adrian: So are you new to Pine Valley?
Lola: Yes, I moved here a few months ago. How about you Native or new arrival? (She pushes the cup and saucer towards the back of the counter turning her self to face him)
Adrian: I lived here for a little while then I left to take care of my dad. I’m here for my brother’s wedding.
Lola: So I guess you’ll be going back right after it’s over.
Adrian: Not sure thought I’d spend some time with my Mom get to know my little brother a little more.
Lola: Same here.
Adrian: You’re here to get to know my brother too? (Lola blushes pinky as she realizes her faux pas making them both laugh)
Lola: No, I came here to get to know my sister Krystal.
Adrian: Okay good I don’t want to step on any toes. (They both laugh again) Since you live here maybe you can tell where all the hot spots are.
Lola: Oh, your talking to the wrong girl I don’t think I’ve been out since I got here.
Adrian: Yeah, (He says leaning towards her his voice deepening) well maybe we can rectify that while I’m here. (He smiles as a blush flushes her cheeks then grins as fiddles with a stray tendril of hair then clears her throat)
Lola: Maybe.
Krystal: Here you go. (She says handing him the cup inside the bag. I’ll see you quarter too right?
Adrian: You got it (He turns towards Lola) nice meeting you. (His smile seductive making Lola blush slightly the interaction between the two confirming what she’d thought when she’d gone back into the kitchen maybe she could help this along a little further)
Lola: You too. (She smiles watching him walk past Wellington’s table saluting then walking out the door before turning back to Krystal)
Krystal: You want more coffee? (She picks up the pot pouring more in her cup then reaches toward Lola’s)
Lola: What’s with you and the coffee? You’re like this coffee pusher? (They both laugh)
Krystal: I’m sorry it’s what happens when you offer a never-ending cup. (She place the pot back on the burner then dusts her hands across her apron)
Lola: No I’d better not otherwise I’ll be up all night.
Krystal: I’m going to need it! I’ve got all the kids tonight. (She grins devilishly as an idea forms in her head) Why don’t you come over and help me out? It’d be a good chance to spend some time with your niece and nephews? I could really use the help.
Lola: Well I don’t have hours till late tomorrow. Maybe? (Still feeling a little shy of their burgeoning friendship)
Krystal: Come on David’s going to be at the hospital all night. I’m going to be alone with five kids all night loosing my mind! It would be a lot better if you were there. You’ll see It will be fun.
Lola: Sure I’d love to.
Krystal: After the kids go to bed you and I could watch an old movie I think “Mildred Pierce” is on tonight.
Lola: That sounds great I’m going to go home take a shower and I’ll meet you at your place.
Krystal: Good! I’ll see you later!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

JR and Rebeka




"A Job Well Done JR and Rebeka"                                                      

Sit in the living room of their home celebrating their days success.
Rebeka: I am so glad that’s over! (She lays her head against the cushion and sighs loudly)
JR: So am I! (He grins pouring cider into each glass handing her one)
Rebeka: We did it! (Clicking their glasses together then sipping from them) You and I just landed our first account!
JR: No baby that was all you! (Turning his head and kissing her lightly)
Rebeka: I was pretty good wasn’t I?
JR: You completely dazzled them especially Ryan. (He chuckles looking at he with admiration)  That man was completely dumbfounded by you.
Rebeka: That man is weird! (Her brow draws together looking extremely uncomfortable she sits up placing her glass down on the coffee table)
JR: Well he did just get out of prison it’s probably been a real long time since he’s seen a beautiful woman. (Grinning playfully trying to smooth over her concern)
Rebeka: Maybe, (She pauses turning towards him her face full of concern) but, it seemed more than that. Didn’t you see the way he kept starring at me the entire time we were there? (Shivering slightly) It gave me how do say the crepes?
JR: Creeps. (He places his glass on the table turning towards her then pulls her to him)
Rebeka: The creeps! (She says firmly)
Jr: I wouldn’t worry about Ryan’s always been a little odd.
Rebeka: I’d say a lot odd. The man was barley coherent! (The moment at the office when she’d ask him about the profit percentage on the sale when he’d sat and just stared at her giving her a chill like a cold wind sweeping over her soul. He acted as if he’d seen a ghost and was lost in its spell forcing her to ask him a third time before he’d responded) I’m just glad I won’t do that again. (She smiles happily nuzzling in to the warmth of his embrace)
JR: Your forgetting we have to meet with them next week to finalize the contacts.
Rebeka: Can’t you handle that alone, (She whines sitting forward and looking back at him) I would prefer not to have to deal with him again if I don’t have to.
JR: He really got to you didn’t he. (His voice filled his concern the depth of her feeling finally clear to him) 
Rebeka: The way he kept looking at me made my skin crawl.
JR: I promise once we sign on the dotted line you won’t have to deal with him ever again. (He reassures her holding her hand in his)
Rebeka: Promise? (She smiles laying her hand atop of his and giving it a squeeze)
JR: Scouts honor. (He crosses his fingers over his heart and raises two fingers in the air smiling impishly)
Rebeka: Good! (She grins back laying her head on his shoulder)
JR: What time do the boys get back? (He kisses the top of her head)
Rebeka: Oh, (She turns towards him with a bounce her hair sweeping over her shoulder landing in soft curls on her back) Opal called earlier she’s going to have Adrian drop them off at Krystal’s.
JR: Oh that gives us a little more time I was thinking to take a quick shower before Tad’s party. You could join me, (He kisses her neck then nuzzles her ear sending a tingle through her deep in to her core her body responds of its own her head tilting allowing his touch to wash away the day darkness)
Rebeka: I would but I don’t think any real showering would happen. (She mummers)
JR: Come on I’ll wash your back you wash mine. (He stands tugging at her hand pulling her towards the steps)
Rebeka: If we do it your way we’ll be so late. (Dragging her feet along the carpet and giggling. He pulls her to him walking behind her trailing kisses down her neck as her nudges her toward the steps)
JR: I don’t think anyone would notice.
Rebeka: Since you put it that way. (She says starting up the steps behind him as a knock comes at the door)
Rebeka: I’ll get the door you go on and I’ll be right there! (She heads down the steps then calls over her shoulder) Don’t use all the hot water
JR: I promise. (He grins then runs up the steps as Rebeka opens the door)
Rebeka: Mr. Lavery! (She grabs at her chest startled that same oppressive feeling coming over her at the sight of him) What are you doing here?
Lavery: You ahh left this in Devereaux’s office I thought you may need it. (He stretches his hand out to her handing her the tablet he’d found on the floor)
Rebeka: I didn’t even realize I’d left it thank you for dropping it off (She smiles up at him) but you didn’t have to.
Lavery: Not a problem I pass by this way on my way home. (He grins thinking how much her smile reminded him of Gillian.  His expression making her feel the same cold dark feeling she’d had earlier making long for the end of their encounter)
Rebeka: Well I appreciate you bringing this to me I’m sorry I don’t have a lot of time JR and I were getting ready to go out.
Lavery: Sure, (He begins to walk away then stops and turns back) You know?
Rebeka: Was there something else Mr. Lavery? (She looks at her watch then back at him wishing she could be done with it all)
Ryan: I have to tell remind me so much of someone. (He smothers a giggle at her expression of annoyance her narrowed eyes her lips drawn back in a thin red line reminding him of the many times the two had clashed)
Rebeka: Have you ever been to Hungry Mr. Lavery?
Ryan: Once. (He says his voice sounding distant reminiscent to her ears)
Rebeka: Maybe it was there. (Her voice softening responding to the sad longing in his expression) As I said Mr. Lavery I’m in a bit of a hurry.
Ryan: You remind me so much of my…(His voice cracking with what she thought was sadness a look of longing flashed across his face and then was gone as JR’s voice intrudes on the moment)
JR: Rebeka, do we have any more shampoo? (He says coming down the steps and walking to the door) I looked in the linen closet and I didn’t see any. (He says nuzzling her neck making her giggle as he pull the door open wider) Hey Ryan what are you doing here? (His voice taking a protective edge as he moves closer to Rebeka)
Rebeka: He was kind enough to return my tablet. (She holds it up waving in the air feeling the tenseness in JR’s arm around her waist relax)
JR: Thanks Ryan. Were going to have to put that thing on a string though your sleeves. (He teases nudging her shoulder gently with his own laughing at his own joke)
Rebeka: Shut up! (She whispers slapping at him playfully her gaze at JR loving shaking Ryan from his whimsy)
JR: Sorry we’d invite you in but we’re on our way to Tad and Taylors.
Ryan: Not a problem. (He clears his throat placing his patented business smile on his face placing his emotion back behind the wall he’d built that was slowly crumbling) I’ll see you both at the signing. Have a nice time and tell Tad I said congratulation. (He extends his hand toward JR shaking it firmly)
JR: I will. Night.
Ryan: Good night Miss. Sherrigan. (He takes her hand in his shaking it gently holding a moment too long enjoying the warmth of her touch fighting the urge to feel it’s softness it against his cheek) 
Rebeka: Good night Mr. Lavery. (She pulls her hand from his grasp momentarily shaken by his touch. She stares after him a moment watching walk down the path toward the driveway)
JR: You coming (He coaxes wriggling his brow towards the steps)
Rebeka: Yeah! (She shrugs closing the door behind him and locks it then runs up the stairs behind him. Ryan walks back toward his car pushing the button on is key ring unlocking the door and starting the engine. He opens the car door sliding into the seat in one fluid motion and closes it. He shifts the car into gear circling the small fountain in the drive and heading towards the street the car seeming to know it’s own course back home as his mind fills with the memories of Gillian. The smell of her hair filling his nostrils the taste of her on his lips and the dreams they’d dreamt of their future together. He thought bitterly tears stinging the back of his eyes. His mind flashing to the moment Jake told him she was gone. It had all been so long ago but the pain he felt in his chest at this moment was as fresh as it was the day she’d died. Looking at Rebeka today had bought it all back to him like a bullet through his heart ripping it open the pain feeling just as fresh just as new as if it were today. After she’d left and his brain started working slowly only half listening to whatever ramblings Devereaux was saying his mind kept wandering back in time. He’d noticed her black berry lying on the chair she’d been sitting in and had offered to take it to her. He’d sat at his desk for an hour just starring at it images of Gillian floating through his mind Gillian in the gardens at Wild Wind the hotel they’d shared when they’d finally gave in to the love they denied so long. They’d made love all-night and talked in the early hours of the morning about their future. The kind of lives they wanted, when they’d have children what career Gillian would choose.  He’d for a long time he’d kept this glimmer of hope that he thought it had faded sometime ago. He’d hoped that some how some way she’d come back to him. He hadn’t realized that there was still even a spark of it alive until Rebeka had walked into Devereaux’s office today. He’d begun to wonder. Could she after all he’d been through since she died be what it had all been about? What he had searched and struggled for, for so long or was it just one more of life’s sadistic jokes just another swift kick at his soul?

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Jesse and Angie

Jesse and Angie   10/04/2012
Jesse walks into the waiting room and straight to Angie who a smiles happily.
Jesse: Any word on Randi?
Angie: Oh there you are! (She gives him a quick kiss) none yet and good you forgot the food. (She playfully chastises)
Jesse: No, I didn’t! I stopped at Krystal’s and she told me she’d sent food over. So I came back dropped Griff at the ER and came up here.
Angie: Wait back up? You dropped Griff at the ER what Happened?
Jesse: He went to carry a tub of dishes to the kitchen slipped on some water fell, and cut his hand.
Angie: Is he going to be okay?
Jesse: Yeah doctor said he’d be fine.
Angie: Good. Did you get a chance to do that other thing? (Her face etched with worry)
Jesse: Yeah, (He sighs) I talked to her.
Angie: How’d it go? (Her eyes wide with anticipation)
Jesse: I think maybe I got through to her. (He grins)
Angie: Do you think she’ll be here?
Jesse: Trust me she’ll be here.
Angie: Thank you Honey. (She throws her arms around him smiling from ear to ear hugging him tight)
Jesse: Your welcome. (He leans down and kisses her forehead then releases her) Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to go get something to eat I’m starving!
Angie: You go ahead I’m going to go to the nurse’s station and check on a couple of my patients.
Jesse: I’ll be right here. Going to go grab a plate and talk to my baby girl!
Angie: I’ll be right back! (Jesse walks to the basket and peaks in) Ahhh looky here! Looky here! (He pulls a plate from the pile placing a sandwich tosses some salad next to it. He slice off a big chunk of pie sticks a knife and fork in his pocket then takes a seat next to Natalia)
Jesse: Hey Baby!
Natalia: Hey Dad. Hungry? (She smirks looking down a his plate)
Jesse: Starved! How everything down at the station?
Natalia: Quiet for the most part.
Jesse: Good. (He shovels a mouth full of salad in to his mouth and chews it then swallows) Hey, let me ask you something? (he says wiping his mouth with the napkin)
Natalia: Sure, What’s up?
Jesse: You ever met this Devereaux St. Jacque?
Natalia: Yeah, (She says with a roll of her eyes) once at “Confusion” one night he was with Cassandra.
Jesse: What was your impression of him? Like, what was the vibe you got?
Natalia: I thought he was polite if not charming but also aloof if not a little cold and Cassandra was all weird around him. I don’t know I get an under current of something I can’t…(Her brow knits as her mind searches for the word) I can’t find the word for it… (She sighs loudly then shrugs looking confused)
Jesse: Sinister? (He finishes the salad then takes a bite of his sandwich)
Natalia: Yeah, that’s it! (She says nodding her head in agreement) And not like the kinds you expect from a business guy you know? When you know the guys a shark his is more…Like a…
Jesse: Predatory?
Natalia:  Yeah! You get the same thing?
Jesse: Yeah, as soon as he walked in the room the entire tone changed it was palatable. And like you said Cassandra became this weird cat on a hot tin roof bimb-bot.
Natalia: Yeah, and it’s the way Cassandra looks at him and just her whole demeanor when she’s around him. It’s definitely not someone in love it’s just kind of creepy. (She shutters)
Jesse: Yeah that’s the same vibe I got and no matter how much Cassandra pretends she still looked like deer in the headlights when I saw her with him.
Natalia: Maybe she’s cooking up another one of her schemes?
Jesse: No, my gut tells me it’s more than that. Just do me a favor keep an eye out for her?
Natalia: Come on Dad we did that before and looked how well that turned out!
Jesse: Come on? I’m not asking you to spy on her just keep your eyes open. Let me know if you think thinks are getting sketchy. You see her more than I do. Please?
Natalia: Okay, okay.
Francessca: Hey guy! (She wheels the stroller into the room stopping in front of them)
Jesse: They’re Grandpa’s babies!
Francessca: They fell asleep on the way up here.
Natalia: Well we’ll just leave them that way.
Jesse: Good idea! (He says pushing the stroller across the floor a few feet away from them then covers them each with a receiving blanket)
Jesse: Hey sweet heart how you doing? (He says hugging Francessca)
Francessca: I’m good.
Natalia: Thanks for taking them.
Jesse: You look like you’re still in one piece.
Francessca: It wasn’t so bad they like the pre-school class at the “Miranda Center”.
Natalia: What are you up to now?
Francessca: Well I’m going to go home take a nap then we get ready to out with Taylor tonight!
Natalia: You know it! (They high-five then giggle)
Jesse: You ladies better keep it down to a small roar. (Francessca looks at her watch then back to Natalia and Jesse) I better get going I’ll see you later?
Natalia: Oh, I’ll be there!
Jesse: Good to see you sweet heart thanks again.
Francessca: No problem. (Francessca walks out of the room in to the hall checking her watch again and practically running into Rego) Rego! What are you doing here?
Rego: I came to check on Randi see how she was doing.
Francessca: How did you know about Randi?
Rego: Brooke mentioned it at breakfast this morning.
Francessca: I’m surprised you were sober enough to pay attention.
Rego: I’m not a drunk!
Francessca: No you’re a liar and a cheat.
Rego: Honestly I don’t feel like dancing to this song right now.
Francessca: Hang over getting to you?
Rego: Could you just tell me how Randi is?
Francessca: What do you care?
Rego: Because once upon a time we used to all be friends. I’m not some kind of monster I care what happens to her. Is there any news?
Francessca: Not yet she’s still in surgery everyone just waiting.
Rego: Do they know anything else?
Francessca: They’ll know more after the surgery.
Rego: Thank you.
Francessca: You’re welcome.
Rego: Listen about last night…
Francessca: Forget it we both said some stuff.
Rego: It was just the finding out about you and Jamie I just..
Francessca: Sucks when you find out someone you loved and trusted betrayed you?
Rego: I’m sorry if I’d known you were going to be here I wouldn’t have come.
Francessca: Thank you for being so considerate. Would have been nice if you’d have shown it when we were together!
Rego: Can we please just stop this?
Francessca: Gee I wish you had asked me that last night before you and that ignorant slut pounced on me!
Rego: I already apologized! How many different ways do I have to say it?
Francessca: I’ll let you know when it happens.
Rego: Francessca you and I are going to have to find a way to get along.
Francessca: Why? I don’t talk to you, you don’t talk to me works fine.
Rego: We both know that will never work. You’re married to my stepbrother we’re bound to run in to each other. Birthday’s, Holidays, Anniversaries we have to at least be civil to each other.
Francessca: Fine whatever.
Rego: Good, glad we could work this out.
Francessca: Look I have to go.
Rego: Francessca wait!
Francessca: What now?
Rego: I just wanted…(Frankie walks down the hall pulling Angie along with him cutting off whatever Rego was about to say as he pulls them into the waiting room with him)
Frankie: Hey everyone! I just spoke to Dr. Colgate and Randi is doing okay. They were able to get the entire tumor and they’ll be moving her to post OP soon! (He turns to hug his mother grinning from ear to ear as a cheer goes up in the room. Rego turns to Francessca hugging her quickly the two forgetting themselves for a moment. As he releases her he feels a small thump against his belly. Francessca stares at him a moment then pushes away from him)
Rego: Wow! Was that? (He looking surprised)
Francessca: Yeah he does that a lot. (She pats her tummy and smiles)
Rego: That was so…
Francessca: Amazing? (She grins)
Rego: Can I?  (He reaches his hand out touching her womb without waiting for an answer tentatively touching her as the baby kicks again snatching his hand away and giggles)
Rego: Oh wow! That is incredible! (He stares at her grinning stupidly his look overwhelming her with guilt)
Francessca: I umm (She looks down at her wrist barley looking at her watch) have to go! (She says scurrying off down the hall passing without un-noticing Cassandra seething with anger and jealousy)