Thursday, October 11, 2012

JR and Rebeka




"A Job Well Done JR and Rebeka"                                                      

Sit in the living room of their home celebrating their days success.
Rebeka: I am so glad that’s over! (She lays her head against the cushion and sighs loudly)
JR: So am I! (He grins pouring cider into each glass handing her one)
Rebeka: We did it! (Clicking their glasses together then sipping from them) You and I just landed our first account!
JR: No baby that was all you! (Turning his head and kissing her lightly)
Rebeka: I was pretty good wasn’t I?
JR: You completely dazzled them especially Ryan. (He chuckles looking at he with admiration)  That man was completely dumbfounded by you.
Rebeka: That man is weird! (Her brow draws together looking extremely uncomfortable she sits up placing her glass down on the coffee table)
JR: Well he did just get out of prison it’s probably been a real long time since he’s seen a beautiful woman. (Grinning playfully trying to smooth over her concern)
Rebeka: Maybe, (She pauses turning towards him her face full of concern) but, it seemed more than that. Didn’t you see the way he kept starring at me the entire time we were there? (Shivering slightly) It gave me how do say the crepes?
JR: Creeps. (He places his glass on the table turning towards her then pulls her to him)
Rebeka: The creeps! (She says firmly)
Jr: I wouldn’t worry about Ryan’s always been a little odd.
Rebeka: I’d say a lot odd. The man was barley coherent! (The moment at the office when she’d ask him about the profit percentage on the sale when he’d sat and just stared at her giving her a chill like a cold wind sweeping over her soul. He acted as if he’d seen a ghost and was lost in its spell forcing her to ask him a third time before he’d responded) I’m just glad I won’t do that again. (She smiles happily nuzzling in to the warmth of his embrace)
JR: Your forgetting we have to meet with them next week to finalize the contacts.
Rebeka: Can’t you handle that alone, (She whines sitting forward and looking back at him) I would prefer not to have to deal with him again if I don’t have to.
JR: He really got to you didn’t he. (His voice filled his concern the depth of her feeling finally clear to him) 
Rebeka: The way he kept looking at me made my skin crawl.
JR: I promise once we sign on the dotted line you won’t have to deal with him ever again. (He reassures her holding her hand in his)
Rebeka: Promise? (She smiles laying her hand atop of his and giving it a squeeze)
JR: Scouts honor. (He crosses his fingers over his heart and raises two fingers in the air smiling impishly)
Rebeka: Good! (She grins back laying her head on his shoulder)
JR: What time do the boys get back? (He kisses the top of her head)
Rebeka: Oh, (She turns towards him with a bounce her hair sweeping over her shoulder landing in soft curls on her back) Opal called earlier she’s going to have Adrian drop them off at Krystal’s.
JR: Oh that gives us a little more time I was thinking to take a quick shower before Tad’s party. You could join me, (He kisses her neck then nuzzles her ear sending a tingle through her deep in to her core her body responds of its own her head tilting allowing his touch to wash away the day darkness)
Rebeka: I would but I don’t think any real showering would happen. (She mummers)
JR: Come on I’ll wash your back you wash mine. (He stands tugging at her hand pulling her towards the steps)
Rebeka: If we do it your way we’ll be so late. (Dragging her feet along the carpet and giggling. He pulls her to him walking behind her trailing kisses down her neck as her nudges her toward the steps)
JR: I don’t think anyone would notice.
Rebeka: Since you put it that way. (She says starting up the steps behind him as a knock comes at the door)
Rebeka: I’ll get the door you go on and I’ll be right there! (She heads down the steps then calls over her shoulder) Don’t use all the hot water
JR: I promise. (He grins then runs up the steps as Rebeka opens the door)
Rebeka: Mr. Lavery! (She grabs at her chest startled that same oppressive feeling coming over her at the sight of him) What are you doing here?
Lavery: You ahh left this in Devereaux’s office I thought you may need it. (He stretches his hand out to her handing her the tablet he’d found on the floor)
Rebeka: I didn’t even realize I’d left it thank you for dropping it off (She smiles up at him) but you didn’t have to.
Lavery: Not a problem I pass by this way on my way home. (He grins thinking how much her smile reminded him of Gillian.  His expression making her feel the same cold dark feeling she’d had earlier making long for the end of their encounter)
Rebeka: Well I appreciate you bringing this to me I’m sorry I don’t have a lot of time JR and I were getting ready to go out.
Lavery: Sure, (He begins to walk away then stops and turns back) You know?
Rebeka: Was there something else Mr. Lavery? (She looks at her watch then back at him wishing she could be done with it all)
Ryan: I have to tell remind me so much of someone. (He smothers a giggle at her expression of annoyance her narrowed eyes her lips drawn back in a thin red line reminding him of the many times the two had clashed)
Rebeka: Have you ever been to Hungry Mr. Lavery?
Ryan: Once. (He says his voice sounding distant reminiscent to her ears)
Rebeka: Maybe it was there. (Her voice softening responding to the sad longing in his expression) As I said Mr. Lavery I’m in a bit of a hurry.
Ryan: You remind me so much of my…(His voice cracking with what she thought was sadness a look of longing flashed across his face and then was gone as JR’s voice intrudes on the moment)
JR: Rebeka, do we have any more shampoo? (He says coming down the steps and walking to the door) I looked in the linen closet and I didn’t see any. (He says nuzzling her neck making her giggle as he pull the door open wider) Hey Ryan what are you doing here? (His voice taking a protective edge as he moves closer to Rebeka)
Rebeka: He was kind enough to return my tablet. (She holds it up waving in the air feeling the tenseness in JR’s arm around her waist relax)
JR: Thanks Ryan. Were going to have to put that thing on a string though your sleeves. (He teases nudging her shoulder gently with his own laughing at his own joke)
Rebeka: Shut up! (She whispers slapping at him playfully her gaze at JR loving shaking Ryan from his whimsy)
JR: Sorry we’d invite you in but we’re on our way to Tad and Taylors.
Ryan: Not a problem. (He clears his throat placing his patented business smile on his face placing his emotion back behind the wall he’d built that was slowly crumbling) I’ll see you both at the signing. Have a nice time and tell Tad I said congratulation. (He extends his hand toward JR shaking it firmly)
JR: I will. Night.
Ryan: Good night Miss. Sherrigan. (He takes her hand in his shaking it gently holding a moment too long enjoying the warmth of her touch fighting the urge to feel it’s softness it against his cheek) 
Rebeka: Good night Mr. Lavery. (She pulls her hand from his grasp momentarily shaken by his touch. She stares after him a moment watching walk down the path toward the driveway)
JR: You coming (He coaxes wriggling his brow towards the steps)
Rebeka: Yeah! (She shrugs closing the door behind him and locks it then runs up the stairs behind him. Ryan walks back toward his car pushing the button on is key ring unlocking the door and starting the engine. He opens the car door sliding into the seat in one fluid motion and closes it. He shifts the car into gear circling the small fountain in the drive and heading towards the street the car seeming to know it’s own course back home as his mind fills with the memories of Gillian. The smell of her hair filling his nostrils the taste of her on his lips and the dreams they’d dreamt of their future together. He thought bitterly tears stinging the back of his eyes. His mind flashing to the moment Jake told him she was gone. It had all been so long ago but the pain he felt in his chest at this moment was as fresh as it was the day she’d died. Looking at Rebeka today had bought it all back to him like a bullet through his heart ripping it open the pain feeling just as fresh just as new as if it were today. After she’d left and his brain started working slowly only half listening to whatever ramblings Devereaux was saying his mind kept wandering back in time. He’d noticed her black berry lying on the chair she’d been sitting in and had offered to take it to her. He’d sat at his desk for an hour just starring at it images of Gillian floating through his mind Gillian in the gardens at Wild Wind the hotel they’d shared when they’d finally gave in to the love they denied so long. They’d made love all-night and talked in the early hours of the morning about their future. The kind of lives they wanted, when they’d have children what career Gillian would choose.  He’d for a long time he’d kept this glimmer of hope that he thought it had faded sometime ago. He’d hoped that some how some way she’d come back to him. He hadn’t realized that there was still even a spark of it alive until Rebeka had walked into Devereaux’s office today. He’d begun to wonder. Could she after all he’d been through since she died be what it had all been about? What he had searched and struggled for, for so long or was it just one more of life’s sadistic jokes just another swift kick at his soul?

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