Monday, October 15, 2012

Lola and Krystal

Lola and Krystal
Looking and feeling weary Lola walks in to the restaurant stepping towards the counter where Krystal stands.
Krystal: Hey what are you doing here? (She tosses the rag she’d been holding and tosses it under counter)
Lola: Oh, I needed to get out of the hospital for a while. (Falling on to the stool placing her purse and jacket on the one next to her) I just got out of an eight-hour surgery. (She sighs heavily then looks up shaking the hair back from her face)
Krystal: Wants some coffee?
Lola: That would be great. (She smiles as Krystal places a mug in front of her)
Krystal: So how’s Randi doing? (She ask pouring the hot dark liquid in to the cup then places sugar and creamer on the counter)
Lola: The surgery went well but she has a long way to go. Hopefully there won’t be any complications but the prognosis looks good. (She miles with pride placing the creamer back down on the counter and reaching for her spoon)
Krystal: Well that’s good news.
Lola: Yeah it is so is this coffee thanks.
Krystal: Your welcome.
Lola: You don’t seem very busy today? (She turns looking around the restaurant)
Krystal: No, not very and Thank the Lord (Her eyes roll toward the ceiling saying a silent prayer) with both Griff and Carmen out.
Lola: What happened to Griff? (She places her cup down on the counter and leans forward her voice full of concern)
Krystal: Oh, he cut his hand earlier (She says with a wave of her hand then reaches for a clan rag and wipes down the counter) Jesse ran him over to the hospital.
Lola: I hope it’s nothing serious?
Krystal: No, (She smiles thankfully) he called a little while ago it was deep but not as bad as we all thought.
Lola: I’m glad to hear that. (Bell over the door rings instantly calling their attention to Liza and Wellington’s arrival)
Krystal: Well look what the cat dragged in. (She places her hand on her hip with a half smirk and sighs)
Lola: Not your favorite people? (She glances up at the reflections in the mirror behind Krystal)
Krystal: He’s okay, (She grumbles picking two menus from the stack at the end of the counter) excuse me I’ll be right back. (Lola smirks as Krystal walks over to the table greets them then hands them menus and walks back to the counter. She pulls two glasses from the shelf fills them with ice and water then walks back to the table setting a glass in front of each one takes out her pad and pen and waits patiently while the two dinners banter back and forth over the menu. Lola watches Liza’s reflection in the mirror inspecting her from head to toe and listening as she and Wellington discuss their menus She had to admit Liza and Wellington were a better fit than she and Wellington had ever been. Liza was tall blond and beautiful, smart, self-confident they were both Lawyers. She could see why Wellington would be attracted to her or any man for that matter and Wellington seemed happy with her, they both looked happy. Krystal comes back to the counter punches the order into the computer then walks back to Lola)
Krystal: Well that was easier than I thought. I guess true love does change some people. (She laughs then looks at Lola when she doesn’t laugh along noticing her glum expression)
Lola: Some.
Krystal: You still having problem with Wellington? (She leaning her elbows on the counter so that they’re eye to eye lowering her voice)
Lola: Not really (She shrugs) He pretends I don’t exist and I do the same.
Krystal: How’s that working for you?
Lola: I guess it’s okay. I just wish there wasn’t so much animosity between the two of us still.
Krystal: Something’s may take longer than others. Look at us. If someone had told me I’d be standing her chatting with you I’d have called them a liar. Now look at us? It will work out (She pats her hand smiles then winks) Trust me. (She picks up the orders from the shelf behind her and walks to the table placing a plate of steamy food in front of each and walking back to the counter.) You want some more coffee?
Lola: Sure.
Krystal: You want a hot muffin to go with that? (Not waiting for answer she turns lifting the op off the cake tray and placing one on a plate then closes it) I just took some out the oven. (She places it in front her then a knife and a saucer of butter and a napkin)
Lola: That looks so good. (Grinning like an imp eyes opening wide. Lola reaches for her knife cutting the muffin in half, dips the still hot knife into the saucer melting it as she scoops a table spoon portion quickly on to half of the muffin as it slides off the knife. She bites into it her yes swooning reminding Krystal for a moment of Babe and smile at the memory)
Krystal: How’s that?
Lola: Good! (She nods her head then shoves the rest of it in her mouth)
Adrian: Hey Krystal!
Krystal: Hey Adrian what are you doing here?
Adrian: Just on my way over to my Mom’s pick up the boys then pick up the girls form the Miranda and drop them at your place at?
Krystal: I should be home by four-thirty.
Adrian: I’ll be there around quarter to five. (He leans against the bar and looks around noticing Liza and Wellington and waves. Krystal looks at Lola stuffing her mouth with muffin then back at Adrian an idea sparking)
Krystal: Adrian have you met my sister Dr. Lola Colgate?
Adrian: No I don’t think I’ve had the pleasure. (Lola looks at Krystal eyes wide mouth stuffed with muffin she quickly reaches for her napkin placing it over her packed cheeks and swallowing quickly glaring at Krystal who smiles devilishly)
Krystal: Adrian Sword this is my sister Dr. Lola Colgate.
Lola: Excuse me (She says wiping her hand before reaching out to his) pleasure to meet you.
Adrian: The pleasure is all mine. (He smiles roguishly)
Krystal: Adrian is Tad’s brother.
Adrian: And Baby taxi.
Lola: Here let me move my stuff. (She says shifting her things to the stool on the other side allowing Adrian to sit beside her)
Krystal: You want some coffee?
Adrian: Yeah I could use a little pick me up. Can you make I to go?
Krystal: Sure let me get some cups from the back. (She looks down at the ream of “to-go” cups and walks to the back looking towards the heavens as she pushes through the door and saying a silent prayer)
Adrian: So are you new to Pine Valley?
Lola: Yes, I moved here a few months ago. How about you Native or new arrival? (She pushes the cup and saucer towards the back of the counter turning her self to face him)
Adrian: I lived here for a little while then I left to take care of my dad. I’m here for my brother’s wedding.
Lola: So I guess you’ll be going back right after it’s over.
Adrian: Not sure thought I’d spend some time with my Mom get to know my little brother a little more.
Lola: Same here.
Adrian: You’re here to get to know my brother too? (Lola blushes pinky as she realizes her faux pas making them both laugh)
Lola: No, I came here to get to know my sister Krystal.
Adrian: Okay good I don’t want to step on any toes. (They both laugh again) Since you live here maybe you can tell where all the hot spots are.
Lola: Oh, your talking to the wrong girl I don’t think I’ve been out since I got here.
Adrian: Yeah, (He says leaning towards her his voice deepening) well maybe we can rectify that while I’m here. (He smiles as a blush flushes her cheeks then grins as fiddles with a stray tendril of hair then clears her throat)
Lola: Maybe.
Krystal: Here you go. (She says handing him the cup inside the bag. I’ll see you quarter too right?
Adrian: You got it (He turns towards Lola) nice meeting you. (His smile seductive making Lola blush slightly the interaction between the two confirming what she’d thought when she’d gone back into the kitchen maybe she could help this along a little further)
Lola: You too. (She smiles watching him walk past Wellington’s table saluting then walking out the door before turning back to Krystal)
Krystal: You want more coffee? (She picks up the pot pouring more in her cup then reaches toward Lola’s)
Lola: What’s with you and the coffee? You’re like this coffee pusher? (They both laugh)
Krystal: I’m sorry it’s what happens when you offer a never-ending cup. (She place the pot back on the burner then dusts her hands across her apron)
Lola: No I’d better not otherwise I’ll be up all night.
Krystal: I’m going to need it! I’ve got all the kids tonight. (She grins devilishly as an idea forms in her head) Why don’t you come over and help me out? It’d be a good chance to spend some time with your niece and nephews? I could really use the help.
Lola: Well I don’t have hours till late tomorrow. Maybe? (Still feeling a little shy of their burgeoning friendship)
Krystal: Come on David’s going to be at the hospital all night. I’m going to be alone with five kids all night loosing my mind! It would be a lot better if you were there. You’ll see It will be fun.
Lola: Sure I’d love to.
Krystal: After the kids go to bed you and I could watch an old movie I think “Mildred Pierce” is on tonight.
Lola: That sounds great I’m going to go home take a shower and I’ll meet you at your place.
Krystal: Good! I’ll see you later!

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