Thursday, October 25, 2012

Krystal, Lola and Adrian 10/25/12

Krystal runs through the foyer towards the front.
Krystal: Coming! (She says reaches for the door flinging it open wide) Hey you made it! Come on in. (She steps aside allowing Lola to enter)
Lola: Yeah, pulling into the drive it’s like stepping into another time. (They both laugh)
Krystal: You can just leave that right there. (Nodding to the small travel bag in Lola hand and points to a spot next to the steps)
Lola: Thanks, (She places the bag next to the steps then looks around her) so where are the troops?
Krystal: They should be here in a minute. Why don’t we go in the living room.
Lola: Sure. (Krystal leads the way down the hall and in to the room)
Crystal: I’d offer you some coffee but you probably got enough earlier. So I thought maybe you’d prefer a glass of whine.
Lola: That would be perfect.
Krystal: Have a seat. (She walks to the ice bucket and pulls out the bottle and pours a glass for each of them) Did you have a hard time finding the place?
Lola: No, not at all.
Krystal: Here you go. (She hands her a glass then gingerly sips her own)
Lola: Thank you. (She takes a sip) This is good.
Krystal: It’s from Orcini Vineyards. (Lola walks over to the piano sipping from her glass)
Lola: This is really good. Do you play?
Krystal: No, that’s David and Darius. (Lola walks to the mantel and looks at the photos adorned upon it)
Lola: This is a really lovely, (She picks up a photo of Krystal, David and then one of Krystal David and Darius) Ooo! I love this picture.
Krystal: That’s from last year’s Memorial Day picnic. (She says smiling at the memory)
Lola: I can’t make up my mind which one of you he looks like. (She looks up from the picture and smiles Krystal smiles back at her with a devilish gleam in her eye)
Krystal: Darius is adopted.
Lola: Oh. (She blushes slightly)
Krystal: It’s okay, (she giggles) even so he reminds more and more of David everyday.
Lola: How do you manage it all Krystal? I mean with kids, husband business (She places the photo back on the mantel)
Krystal: It helps when you have a lot of extended family and a staff and it’s a big help having a partner like Carmen and a husband like David. This is us last Christmas (She picks up a photo and shows it to her pointing out each person as she speaks) that’s Darius and Jenny she my daughter with Tad that’s here sister Kathy and Tad’s wife as of tomorrow Taylor, that little guy there that’s Babe’s son AJ. That one there’s his father JR and his soon to be bride Rebeka and her son Endre.
Lola: Wow! It’s really nice that you all get along so well.
Krystal: It is now but it was a long road getting here.
Darius: Moooooom! We’re hereeeeee! (He bellows as the door slam back against the wall)
Krystal: Come on they’re here! (The two walk quickly into the hall smiling. Krystal stoops over giving each one a hug as they greet her) Hey sweetie-kins.
AJ: Grandma! (He squeals hugging her tightly)
Krystal: Hi honey.
Jenny: Hi Mommy!
Krystal: Hey Baby I missed you.
Kathy: Hey Krystal!
Krystal: Hi ya honey. Hey Endre! What’s up Adrian?
Adrian: I made it! (He huffs closing the door behind him and laughs)
Krystal: Kids, this is your Aunt Lola.
Jenny: We have an Aunt how? (She looks up at her confused)
Krystal: Lola is mommy’s sister.
Lola: Hi guys! (She smiles stooping down so she’s at eye level)
All: Hi!
Lola: Now let me see (She taps her finger against her cheek as if pondering a deep thought then points to each one) you’re Jenny, Kathy and your AJ, Darius and Endre.
Kathy: Hey, how did you know that? (Her eyes wide with surprise)
Lola: It’s magic. (She teases)
AJ: Are you a magician? (His voice excited eyes wide)
Lola: No, I’m a doctor. (She laugh’s enjoying the game she was playing with them all)
Endre: Are you a physic like that lady on TV?
Lola: No, (She giggles) Krystal showed me your pictures of all of you before you got here.
Darius: Are you going to live with us? (He looks up at her his eyes questioning)
Lola: No, I have my own home not too far from here.
Jenny: Do you have any kids?
Lola: No, I don’t. (Her voice sounding suddenly sad the tone not escaping Krystal’s ears)
Krystal: Okay guys those are enough questions for now. Adrian, I have some whine chilling in the living room.
Adrian: Sounds like a plan!
Krystal: Why don’t you and Lola go into the living room while me and the kids carry all this stuff up to their rooms. (Her voice a little stern as she looks at each one who then grabs their bags and start up the steps)
Adrian: Here why don’t I take that and we’ll be right back.
Krystal: You sure? We can handle it right kids?
AJ: Sure we can.
Adrian: No you go ahead (He takes the bag from Krystal’s hand) I’ll be right down. Come on guys.
Krystal: Okay, Darius show your uncle Adrian to the blue room and put your Aunts bag in there.
Darius: Okay. Come on Adrian (They walk up the steps Adrian following behind the children he passes the a small hall way just past the stairs and subconsciously starts toward it his curiosity getting the best of him.)
Darius: No not that way!
Adrian: Oh sorry.
Darius: That’s okay everyone gets lost in here.
Adrian: What’s that way?
Darius: My Daddy’s laboratory. Come on! (Adrian walks behind Darius glancing back once then hurrying to catch up)
Scene Shift: Krystal and Lola sit in the living room chatting as Adrian and the children come in)
Krystal: You should see at Christmas We go out to David’s cabin the week end after Thanksgiving and cut down a tree then bring it back here. Last year Jenny and Darius picked out a tree that was bigger than the car.
Lola: No! (They both laugh)
Krystal: You should have seen it! It almost filled the foyer. We could barley get the door open. (They both laugh again as the children and Adrian enter the room)
AJ: Hey Grandma?
Krystal: Yeah, baby?
AJ: Can we go play in the garden for a little while?
Krystal: No, it’s getting way too dark why don’t y’all go play in the Arboretum just be careful of your Grandfather’s plants
Kathy: We will. (She calls over her shoulder as they all run down the hall)
Krystal: Okay I’ll call you when dinner is ready. You okay Adrian? (She grins watching as Adrian walks slowly to the chair)
Adrian: They just about wore me out! (He sighs heavily)
Krystal: You want a glass of whine? (She says with a laugh in her voice)
Adrian: No, thanks anyway but I’d better not I have to drive back over to Tad’s. I’ll take some water if you have it.
Krystal: Here you go. (Krystal hands him a bottle from the bar then sits down next to Lola on the sofa)
Lola: I take it you don’t have kids of your own.
Adrian: Oh no, I’m not quiet ready for that yet and the past few days proved it.
Jenny: Mooooooom! (Comes a yell from the far end of the hall)
Krystal: O oh that’s Jenny “They aren’t being fair yell” I’ll be right back. (She stands and heads down the hall)
Lola: So what have you guys got planned tonight?
Adrian: Were going to go over to Tad’s game room my bad office and shoot pool, play poker, video games that kind of stuff.
Lola: Not what I expected but it sounds like fun.
Adrian: I know what you thought “wild stag party” but I think Taylor would kill us. (He chuckles)
Lola: I don’t blame her.
Adrian: So I was right! (He grins nodding his head knowingly)
Lola: Right about what?
Adrian: I told Tad it’s a conspiracy and all women are in on it.
Lola: Well you know what they says Hoes before Bros. (They both laugh)
Adrian: Good one. So you’ve been recruited to referee.
Lola: That and keep Krystal company David is working till late tonight.
Adrian: Well trust me you’ll be busy!
Lola: They’re all so cute.
Adrian: Don’t let that fool you. They’re looking so forward to tomorrow I doubt they’ll sleep much tonight.
Lola: So are you looking forward to the big day tomorrow?
Adrian: Looking forward to seeing my brother get married not so much the monkey suit and going stag.
Lola: I don’t blame you. I hate going to thing’s like that by myself.
Adrian: So do I especially when my date is my eight years old niece. Hey, why don’t you come with me?
Lola: Oh I don’t know. (Suddenly feeling shy)
Krystal: Don’t know what? (Walking back in to the room secretly congratulating herself on her match making skills)
Adrian: I asked Lola if she would go to the wedding with me tomorrow.
Krystal: I think that would be a great idea. You should go!
Lola: I barley know them. (Her excuse sounding weak to her own ears)
Adrian: You know Tad and Taylor and I know you know Jake and Amanda. Come on it’ll be fun good food good people and you’ll be doing me a favor.
Lola: Won’t Kathy be disappointed? (She looks a Krystal and winks)
Adrian: Some how I don’t think so.
Lola: Okay I’ll go with you.
Krystal: That’s great I have a dress in my closet that will be perfect for you!
Adrian: Then it’s a date? (He asks wriggling his brow up and down making Lola laugh and acquiesce and feel a little giddy) 
Lola: Sure I’d love too.
Adrian: Great I’ll pick up around ten? (He says rising from the chair he says walking towards her)
Lola: That will be perfect.
Adrian: Great, (He glances quickly down at his watch) I’d better get going so I’ll see you tomorrow at ten. (He moves towards the door Krystal following behind him)
Krystal: I’ll show you out.
Adrian: That’s okay spend time with your sister I can show myself out.
Krystal: You sure?
Adrian: Positive I’ll see you both to tomorrow have fun ladies. (He smiles waving a two finger salute)
Krystal: Good night.
Lola: Good night Adrian. (Adrian walks down the hall towards the foyer he pulls the door open looks over his shoulder and down the hall then closes it and darts silently up the steps. He stops at the top of the staircase listening for the sounds of voices counting them off in his head they were all down stairs still then moves down the hall to David’s lab)

1 comment:

  1. ooh I knew Adrian was trying to get into David's lab.Great plot Takeitish
