Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Taylors Bachelorette Party

Taylors Bachelorette Party
Natalia and Amanda walk Taylor walks into the darken living-room chatting with Amanda about the florist and jumps out her skin when they all scream surprise.
Taylor: Oh Wow! You Guys! Thank you!
Amanda: Okay come sit over here in the place of honor. (She leads her to the dinning room chair pushing her in to the seat then hands her a glass)
Francessca: Here’s your drink!
Amanda: Here’s your crown! (Then places a tiara on her head) Now Let’s get this party STARTED! (She screams and hits the play button on the radio as a couple of well defined males enter from the kitchen wearing bow ties and tight black satin pants carrying Hovre d’ovres)
Taylor: Oh! (She blushes as a tray of food floats before held by a topless man) I made Tad promise no strippers.
Amanda: They’re not strippers they are servers. (Her voice dripping with sarcasm as the other women laugh)
Opal: Well they can serve me right now. (She sticks out her plate and grins at the waiter who place a hovre d’ovres on her plate)
Brooke: I don’t thinks she meant that the way it sounded.
Opal: Well see how the evening goes!( she grins and winks at the waiter then places one in her mouth)
Cecily:  Okay ladies time for our first game called “Famous Brides” here are your lists! (She waves index cards in the air then begins to dole them out)
Rebeka: I hope I get at least one of these I don’t follows movie stars. (She looks at the list of names then around the room at the others looking confused)
Kelsey: Neither do I! I’m too busy with my horde to be bothered! (She laughs then looks down at the card again)
Ruth: Well if there from now I couldn’t tell you who’s married to whom.
Tara: Don’t worry we put a mixture in there it will be fun you’ll see.
Opal: Oh my favorite couple would have to be Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall! Now there was a romance! (She sighs romantically)
Mrs. Thompson: Oh my favorite although they weren’t a couple in real life Spencer Tracey and Katherine Hepburn. I just loved watching their movies! (Her smile reminiscent as Ruth nods in agreement)
Rebeka: Who? (She looks from one o the other confused)
Rhea: I think you’re a little too young for them. (The older women laugh in unison)
Amanda: You know what we should do (A devilish gleam twinkling in her eyes) is play famous couples of Pine Valley!
Francessca: Pass! (She groans making the others laugh)
Amanda: Present company excluded! (She throws her arm around and gives her a hug)
Tara: We could spend about a half hour on Erica Kane alone! (Brooke ribs here and the two cackle with laughter)
Brooke: Sorry Opal.
Opal: No, I think it could be kind of fun!
Angie: Well there were me and Jessie.
Opal: My sweet Jenny and Greg.
Tara: How about Phillip and I?
Cecily: Oh yeah! There was me and Niko.
Francessca: Niko?
Cecily: He was my first husband before Charlie. We won this contest went to California long story short boy meets fame boy dumps girl, girl meets perfect guy and lives happily ever after! (She says with a flutter of her lashes fanning modesty then sits back on the sofa with a satisfied grin to a resounding “Ahh” from the crowd) 
Francessca: The only one I know is Zach and Kendall. (She looks at Natalia)
Natalia: Don’t forget Ryan and Kendall and Ryan and Greenlee.
Amanda: And Ryan and what was her name? (She looks to Opal for assistance)
Opal: Gillian. (Her face suddenly sad at the memory) There was a sweet girl.
Rebeka: This is Ryan Lavery you’re talking about?
Opal: One in the same. You know now that I look at you, you remind me a lot of her. Gillian I mean. (Everyone turns towards her checks her from head to toe and nods to each other in agreement. Rebeka blushes slightly then nudges Francessca and whispers)
Rebeka: What kind of guy is Ryan Lavery?
Francessca: Honestly, I’m the completely wrong person to ask that question.  You should ask Opal she known him longer than I have.
Opal: What do you want to know honey? (Popping another Hovre d’ovre in her mouth then wiping her hand on the napkin)
Rebeka: What kind of person is he? (Her expression earnest and expectant) 
Opal: Well that’s hard to say he used tobe a real stand up guy then after he lost Greenlee he seemed to have lost his way but lately he’s been more like the Ryan I used to know.
Rebeka: Thanks Opal. (She looks over at Francessca confused the later shrugs)
Opal: Oh anytime! (She turns to Ruth who hands her a clothes pin and they both laugh. Rebeka turns back toward Francessca)
Rebeka: Okay what did that even mean?
Francessca: Yeah, that so did not answer your question. My suggestion is do an Internet search on him read what you find and decided for yourself. I don’t think giving you my opinion would be fair. Some people actually like him like my Aunts mother Erica Kane she absolutely loves the guy! (She says with a roll of her eyes as Amanda chimes in sitting on the arm of the chair next to Natalia) 
Amanda: Well I’ve been working with him the past week or so and I’d say he’s back to being the Ryan I used to know kind, funny, honest.
Ruth: Okay! Okay! I think I got them all! (She holds her paper up shaking it excitedly)
Amanda: Let me check! (She takes it from then begins checking off the pairs on the list)
Cecily: So when are you due Cess?
Kelsey: Yeah I meant to ask you that before?
Francessca: in about two months.
Brooke: I can’t wait my first grand child! (She says excitedly grinning from ear to ear)
Opal: Well my first Great grandchild. (Opal announces nodding from side to side like a hen proud of its egg)
Ruth: And my eighth. (Announces holding out her pretend lapels and polishing her nails on it)
Taylor: You know I always forget how huge Tad’s family is till you’re all here. (She laughs looking around the room at all the Martin women in attendance)
Ruth: Oh yeah! Remember last Christmas the parade line through the kitchen?
Tara: And every year we get bigger! I half expect Taylor will be pregnant by years end! (She teases causing Taylor to blush then winks at Ruth)
Mrs. Thompson: Well that would be wonderful! (Smiling from ear to ear at the possibility)
Taylor: Well I wouldn’t say now would be the best time. Tad and I will be a new family with new roles a baby right now I don’t know.
Kelsey: Trust me babies have a way of working themselves into the equation or maybe it’s you? (She says nudging Jeanine who blushes crimson)
Opal: No this one and Petey are too busy climbing the corporate ladder to give a poor old woman her one wish in the world. (She places the back of her hand to her forehead feigning indignity)
Jeanine: I don’t think so Mrs. Cortlandt. (She shakes her head in the negative her expression serious)
Opal: Thank goodness I have my great grandson coming soon. 
Francessca: I was thinking my child will have three Great Grandmother’s.
Ruth: Well at one point he would have had four.
Tara: Oh yeah I’d forgotten about that.
Taylor: How did that happen?
Ruth: Tad had amnesia when he came back to town with Nola Orsini she was convinced that Tad was her long lost son.
Francessca: Holy crap! (She looks at her mother who nods in agreement confirming Opals statement)
Rhea: Tad and I met about a month or two before that.
Amanda: Ruth is the winner! (She cheers handing Ruth a small Goodie Bag)
Brooke: That was fun! (Tossing her paper on the pile and standing) Now I have a little game we could play. Everyone take a piece of paper and a pen, now you have to stand up and draw your feet but you can’t bend your knees.
Francessca: You can count me out.
Tara: Oh this should be good! (She claps her hands with excitement, kicks off her shoes garbs a pen as she stands)

1 comment:

  1. Love the Bridal game and the company for the party .Well done Takeitish
