Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Amanda and Jake 12/11/2012

Amanda moves around the kitchen drying the last few dishes and glasses as Jake comes through the kitchen door
Jake: Hey honey. (He shuffles through the door sounding tired)
Amanda: Hey! How was your evening? (She smiles drying a owl with the towel and placing it in the cabinet)
Jake: It was fun! Palmer had dinner catered he even had a Viennese Table and real Cuban cigars. And, (He grins proudly pulls a small wad of bills from his pocket and slaps it down on the counter) I won sixty bucks from my brother Jeff!
Amanda: Wow! (She laughs) So I guess you guys had fun. (Placing the serving platter on the top shelf)
Jake: Yeah we did how were things here? (He picks up a dish towel and begins drying the glasses in the rack)
Amanda: It was a lot of fun! (She picks up a plate from the pile on the counter and begins to stack them in the cabinet) Taylor had a great time and I have the funniest video to show Randi!
Jake: Yeah, she had her surgery today. (He says as a matter of fact)
Amanda: Yeah I know I went by to see her after work (she tosses over her shoulder as she bends to place the pot in the cabinet below).
Jake: You were at the hospital today? What happened you and Trevor okay? (His voice filled with sudden concern)
Amanda: We’re fine (She laughs unsure of his sudden anxiety) I went by to pick up the twins for Frankie. You should have seen them with Trevor! They really missed each other. (She smiles at the memory leaning back against the counter)
Jake: Wait (He tosses the towel down on the counter then turns towards her looking confused) you picked up the twins?
Amanda: I told you I was doing that yesterday. (She pulls the cloth from the table and walks in to the laundry room)
Jake: I don’t remember. (He calls after her watching her to walk back in the room pick up the chaffing dish frame and walk back)
Amanda: I told you I was going by the hospital after work to pick up the twins for Frankie and keep them till he got home from the hospital.
Jake: I don’t remember you saying that. (His annoyance starting to show in his voice as she walks back in to the kitchen picking up the bottle of ketchup and pointing it at the chart on the refrigerator before she opens it)
Amanda: I also left my schedule on the refrigerator. Of course you don’t remember you were too busy sulking because dinner was late last night to listen. (She smirks closing the door then walking to the sink and dumping the tub of dirty water)
Jake: I wasn’t sulking and I forgot about the schedule on the Frig. (Annoyance still edging his voice)
Amanda: Of course you did Jake. (She says with a roll of her eyes as she rinses the tub then dries it)
Jake: What’s that supposed to mean? (He snaps)
Amanda: Nothing! (She snaps back placing the tub under the sink puling out the sink scrub and sprinkles it across the bottom)
Jake: No it wasn’t nothing now what did you mean?
Amanda: I really don’t want to get in to this now Jake (She finishes scrubbing the sink rinsing quickly hen wiping her hands on a towel) it’s been a long day and I’m tired. (She hangs the towel on the hook next to the window and heads towards the stairs)
Jake: No, lets settle this right now. (He grosses walking behind her)
Amanda: Please Jake just let it go. (She pleads again her voice sounding wary with inpatients)
Jake: No, lets just get it out there! (She turns and stares at him a moment then takes a deep breath trying to keep her voice controlled and even)
Amanda: Okay, You want it out there Jake, you want to do this now then lets do this! (Slowly loosing the control she’d struggled to maintain)  You hear what you want too! You don’t look at my schedule because then you would have to acknowledge that I’m handling working and home just fine and that would go completely against what you’ve been whining about for weeks.
Jake: Come on Amanda you know that’s not true! (Shaking his head in disbelief)
Amanda:  Not true? (She mocks folding her arms across her chest her eyes narrowing to slits)  Are you kidding me? The other morning you were slamming the dresser drawers because I forgot to bring your shirts up from the laundry room! The day before that you slammed out the house because we were out of bologna! You’ve been stomping around this house for weeks like a spoiled brat!
Jake: That’s is so not True and you know it! (He spits back frustrated by her continued accusations) 
Amanda: Yes it is Jake! (She laughs her anger reaching it’s breaking point) You want to really know why I went back to work?
Jake: Now we’re finally getting to the truth. (He stands with his hand on his hip waiting for her revelation) 
Amanda: Well here it is! I realized after Emily kidnapped us and tortured you and I saved us that I couldn’t always depend on someone else to be there to take care of us I have to be able to take care of Trevor and myself. (His expression as shocked as if she’d slapped him he stammers)
Jake: Amanda that was …
Amanda: No, I’m not finished! (She snaps effectively cutting off and moving closer to him her words flowing as quickly as a river during a sudden spring thaw)   And you know what Jake? None of that would have happened if you had listened to me instead being an arrogant knows it all! I told you that something was wrong but you wouldn’t listen to me! Just like you’re doing now! You get something in your head and you’re like a pit bull you won’t let it go!  Poor little Amanda she’s just paranoid! The stress of being a wife and mother are too much for stupid, weak dependent Amanda! She just like her mother! Well I wasn’t crazy I was right! Here! (She says reaching in her purse and tossing a bank book at him)
Jake: What’s this? (He juggling the book in his hand trying not to drop it)
Amanda: That’s Trevor’s college account look at it Jake! (A mocking grin playing on her lips)
Jake: There’s thirty thousand dollars in here! (He looks up at her shocked)
Amanda: That’s right Jake! Thirty Thousand dollars! That’s what I’ve made at “Cambius” so far by the end of my six month contract there will be another forty-five thousand in there! And when they renew it and Ryan says they will be, there will close to half a million dollars in there and you know why? (She snatches the book from his grasp and tucks back n her purse Jake walks behind her feeling more foolish than he had earlier at the bachelor party)
Jake: Amanda I’m…
Amanda: All the things I should get from you I get from complete strangers (She begins to cry her throat becoming tight with emotion) and my friends they listen to my input they value my opinions! You have no idea how much it breaks my heart (Her lip quivering as she sniffs back fresh tears) to know that they have more faith in my abilities than my own husband!
Jake: Oh God Amanda so I’m sorry. 
Amanda: You say that a lot Jake when are you going to start showing it I’m going to bed good night! (She runs up the steps taking them two at a time leaving Jake feeling shaken and alone)

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