Thursday, December 20, 2012

Tad and Taylors Wedding Part 5 12/20/2012

Tad and Taylor stand near the dais beaming happily at watching their guest celebrate.
Frankie: Congratulations Sarge!
Taylor: Frankie! Oh my God! (She says hugging him tight) I didn’t think you were coming! How’s Randi?
Frankie: Ask her your self! (He says pulling out a small four inch by four inch screen and holding up Randi’s image)
Randi: Congratulation Taylor and Tad! (She smiles blowing a kiss at the screen)
Tad: Oh my God! That is amazing!
Randi: You know I wouldn’t miss this for the world! If Randi can’t come to the wedding the wedding will come to Randi! (They all laugh) Taylor you look beautiful and Tad you look so handsome.
Tad: Thank you sweet heart. (He grins waving at the screen)
Randi: I wish you both a long and happy life together!
Frankie: That goes double for me!
Taylor: Thank you both so much! (She says reaching out and hugging him again)
Frankie: We’re going to walk around I’ll see you guys in a little bit.
Taylor: See you both later. (She waves to Randi’s imagine then Frankie turns and walks towards his sister and Brot)
Tad: Did I tell you how much I love you today? (He says pulling her gently towards him the two sway back and forth as he kisses her)
Taylor: Yeah you did but you can tell me again.
Opal: Hey you two love birds! (She walks up two them embracing them both)
Tad: Hey Momma! (He leans down and kisses her cheek)
Opal: Look at the two of you! Aww! I’m just so happy for you. (She hugs her again)
Taylor: Thank you Opal.
Opal: I have to say you both got a beautiful Indian summer day!
Taylor: Yes we did! Today has been absolutely prefect. (She looks around her at the people enjoying themselves enjoying the summer like weather and beautiful decorations)
Tad: Rhea and Kendall did a beautiful job.
Opal: And did you see all that carnival stuff they got for the kids back behind the hedge maze? (Nodding her head towards it)
Tad: Are you kidding you could see the top of that thing when you come up the drive. (He laughs)
Taylor: It’s not that big (She pushes his arm playfully) besides the kids are loving it.
Opal: They sure are! (She nods in agreement)
Taylor: Can you excuse me a moment I want to talk to my brother real quick?
Opal: Sure honey you go right ahead.
Tad: Come on lets you and me dance! (He grabs her hand pulling her out on to the dance floor)
Opal: Well all right! (She smiles happily as Tad twirls her around the floor)
Tad: Oh madam you’re so light on your feet!
Opal: Oh, you! (She slaps him playfully on the shoulder enjoying seeing him so happy)  I haven’t seen you look so handsome in a long time!
Tad: Thanks Momma.
Opal: I’ll have to ask Taylor how she did it. (She teases then laughs at the scowl on his face) She’s a great gal.
Tad: That she is.
Opal: And she’s just beaming today! (Looking over his shoulder as Taylor laughs and talks with her brothers) I don’t think I’ve ever seen her this happy!
Tad: Of course she looks happy. (He chuckles) You don’ get married every day.
Opal: No it’s more than that I don’t know call me crazy, (She immediately realizes her words and shoots Tad a warning glance) don’t say it, but her aura has changed seems like she’s at peace to me. (She shrugs. Tad looks down at her chuckling to his self at his mother fantastical beliefs)
Tad: Whatever you say Momma.
Jenny: Hey Dad can I have one more ice cream cone Peaseeeeeeeee? (She pleads squinting her eyes smiling broadly hands held in prayer and bowing at the waist)
Tad: Sure! (He smiles down at her) Just don’t tell Taylor okay?
Jenny: Oh I won’t! Thanks Daddy! (She scampers off happily making his mother laugh at how easily she manipulated her father)
Opal: That ones got you wrapped around her little finger.
Tad: I can’t help it sometimes she reminds me so much of Jenny when she does that. (His smile reminicent) She used to do the same thing to me when we were little.
Opal: Or when she gets sleepy and rubs the back of her head?
Tad: Yeah. I don’t know why but I’ve been thinking about our Jenny a lot today. (He looks down at her his expression curious)
Opal: Me too, (She sighs inwardly some how feeling relieved it was just her feeling her presences) I miss that girl so much sometimes. (She says a little sadly as she rests her head on Tads shoulder)
Tad: So do I Momma. (He kisses the top of her head then closes his eye enjoying the close moment and memories of his sister)
Jenny: I miss you guys too. (She whispers then moves towards the hedge maze behind them.)
Opal: Did you hear that? (Her head popping her eyes searching the crowd)
Tad: Hear what? (He looks at her his expression perplexed)
Band Leader: May I have your attention please it’s time for the bride and groom to cut the cake!
Tad: That’s my que!
Opal: Okay honey I’d better go get my camera! Don’t cut till I get back to my table! (She skitters off towards the row of tables)
Tad: I promise! (He chuckles then walks towards the cake in front of the band stand to his waiting bride)

1 comment:

  1. what a lovely wedding I can picture it all thanks Takeitish
