Thursday, December 13, 2012

Amanda and Annie 12/13/2012

Amanda and Annie sit in their office at Cambius Annie at the desk reading through a speech and Amanda pacing back and forth in front of her.
Amanda: I finished yesterday afternoon while I was watching the kids. (Her brow creased with worry)
Annie: Well you did a great job this is perfect! (She smiles back at her proudly)
Amanda: Really? (Her voice giddy with surprise and pride)
Annie: Really! You touched on every major point you didn’t ramble it’s funny and interesting! You did a really great job. (She hands the paper back to her. Amanda looks down at smiles with pride then looks back at Annie her face filled with concern)
Amanda: Do you think Ryan’s going to like it?
Annie: If I know Ryan and I do (she giggles) he’s going to love it!
Amanda: Ha! That’ll show Jake (She mumbles grinning smugly)
Annie: So you and Jake still are fighting?
Amanda: Yes, he’s still acting like a spoiled brat! He treats me like I’m some bubblehead twittering around on stilettos with out a brain in my head.
Annie: Jake loves you he’s just you know, confused right now sooner or later he’ll come around you’ll see.
Amanda: I just hope its sooner I don’t know if I can take his attitude much longer.
Annie: Look, I know you and I know Jake and I know how much you guys love each other you’ll work through it.
Amanda: Thanks Annie. I’m sorry I’ve been so caught up in my drama I haven’t asked you how things with you, Emma and Ryan?
Annie: I have to admit things are better than I thought they would be.
Amanda: Well that’s good isn’t it?
Annie: Yeah, kind of I mean I still don’t trust him or really like him for that matter but at least we’re learning how to get along for Emma’s sake.
Amanda: How’s Emma been, does she still not want to see him?
Annie: She’s getting better she agreed to go to lunch with him but, it has to be at Krystal’s and she wants me and Aidan to stay around.
Amanda: It’s better than not wanting to see him at all right?
Annie: It’s a step.
Ryan: Morning ahh (He says looking at his watch) afternoon! How’s it going?
Annie: Great! Amanda and I were just going over her speech to the board.
Ryan: Can I see it?
Annie: I was just telling Amanda that it’s terrific!
Ryan: I’m going to have to disagree with you Annie.
Amanda: Just give it to me straight Ryan what’s wrong with it? (She says bracing herself for the worst) I knew I should have let you handle it Annie! I barley passed English at PVU. I should have known I’d just make a fool of myself. (She looks from Annie’s shocked face fighting back the tears stinging the back of here eyes) 
Ryan: Amanda stop, (He says firmly grinning broadly) I have to disagree with Annie because this is perfect!
Amanda: Really? (She looks from one to the other then claps here hands together and lets out a squeal of delight)
Annie: I told you it was perfect!
Ryan: You did a great job Amanda. This is exactly what we were looking for.
Amanda: You’re not just saying that? You really think it’s good?
Ryan: It’s great you should be really proud of yourself not just for this but for how hard you’ve both worked on this project all around. I can’t wait for the release next week! You two ready for the expo in New York?
Annie: We’ve rented our space and I was able to get us dead center of the first floor and the largest space. My designer will have the mock up to me by this afternoon.
Ryan: I’m anxious to see those whose the designer?
Annie: She’s rather new to the business but I’ve used her before and very successfully I might add.
Ryan: That’s fine who is she?
Annie: Kendall Hart-Slater.
Ryan: Kendall Hart-Slater is the designer on this? (He looks at her in disbelief)
Annie: Yes, as I’ve said I’ve used her on a couple of projects here’s some samples. (She says handing him her portfolio)
Ryan: It’s fine Annie I was just a little surprised is all. (He flips through the pages lingering for a moment on a couple)
Amanda: She started working as an interior designer not too long after “Fusion” closed. (She pipes up looking at Annie’s worried expression)
Ryan: Oh, I wasn’t aware of that. (He says closing the book)
Annie: You don’t have a problem with this do you?
Ryan: No, no theses are really good (He says handing the portfolio back to her) just in the future let me know what your plans are before you hirer anyone in the future okay? (His voice sounding patronizing to her ears)
Annie: Okay. I’ll make sure I run everything by you first. Although it would definitely slow us down and since it comes out of my budget I don’t see the point of running these types of decisions by you? (She snaps her anger flaring like a match. Ryan takes a moment consciously choosing his words)
Ryan: You don’t have to run every decision by me as you said but we do want to keep track of everyone who is working on this. (Annie takes in his words then flushes slightly with embarrassment)
Annie: Oh, sorry. I will.
Amanda: I’d better get going I have a lot to do before the wedding. (She looks quickly at her watch breaking the tension that had enveloped the room)
Annie: So do I (She says quickly looking at her own)
Ryan: Okay then, I see you both tomorrow for the board meeting and Amanda don’t be nervous you’ll be great. (He grins gathering up his folders)
Amanda: Thanks Ryan. (She shrugs into her coat then picks up her purse and brief case and waking to the door just as JR walks in)
JR: Hi Ryan sorry Amanda.
Amanda: That’s okay.
JR: I hope I’m not interrupting your assistant said I could find you in here.
Ryan: No a problem we were just finishing up. Ladies I’ll see you tomorrow tell Tad I said congratulation.
Amanda:  We will. See you tomorrow. See you later JR.
Jr: See you later.
Annie: See you tomorrow Ryan. See you later JR.
JR: See you later. (He says watching Annie follow Amanda from the room)
Ryan: I didn’t expect to see you till next week.
JR: I was on my way back to the office and I wanted to drop off the update I received this morning. (He hands him a large envelope)
Ryan: Thanks I appreciate that. (He pulls the paper out glances over it then places it back inside)
JR: No problem.
Ryan: I wanted tell you I really enjoyed you and your finance’s presentation yesterday. (He leans back against the table)
JR: Thanks Rebeka will be happy to hear that. She worked really hard on it.
Ryan: I could tell.
JR: She must have revised at least four times. (He chuckles conjuring up the image of Rebeka the day before practically pulling her hair out till she had it right)
Ryan: She’s Oliver Sherrigan’s niece right?
JR: Yeah, yeah she came to Pine Valley not too long after Oliver married Brooke.
Ryan: There from Hungary right?
JR: That’s where she grew up as a little girl but she spent most of her time in England at school.
Ryan: That explains why I couldn’t quiet catch the accent.
JR: Please don’t tell her that she’s been working for months to sound more American.
Ryan: I won’t I promise. I’m looking forward to seeing her again next week. (He smiles reminiscently something in his jester and inflexions in his voice sparking a small moment of discomfort within him)
JR: Yeah, ah me too. (He pats JR on the back as he walks with him towards the door)
Ryan: And to making a lot of money! (He grins) 
JR: So do we. (Ryan’s easy smile easing his sudden discomfort) I have to get going I have a couple of more stops to make and get to Tad’s wedding on time. 
Ryan: Thanks for dropping this off. (He pats the paper sitting atop the folders in his hand)
JR: Anytime take care. (He says shaking his hand)
Ryan: You too and give Rebeka my best.
Jr: Yeah I will. (He says the smile on his lips not quiet reaching his eyes his as an odd feeling of trepidation clouds his thoughts as he walks to the elevator)

1 comment:

  1. oh dear sounds like Ryan is as attracted to Rebekka as Jr is quite the triangle especially as Rebekka seems interested in Ryan,
