Thursday, December 27, 2012

Adrian, Lola, Krystal and Liza The Wedding Part 8

Adrian stands in front in front of the house in the center of the driveway on the phone staring back at the house as he speaks.
Adrian: Sword.
Anna: Hey!
Adrian: What’s up?
Anna: We spotted some movement earlier on the docks and we believe there is something moving your way.
Adrian: How far out?
Anna: Approximately ninety minutes.
Adrian: Where?
Anna: On the interstate now.
Adrian: What do you want us to do?
Anna: Right now just hang tight we have someone on them.
Adrian: Good.
Anna: I’ll call you in about an hour if we need you.
Adrian: We’ll be waiting.
Anna: Maybe if we’re lucky we can wrap this up today.
Adrian: I’d love that!
Anna: So would I. I’d love to have this guy in prison before he can get that stuff out on the street.
Adrian: Any movement on him?
Anna: He was in a meeting all morning then left about an hour before they did.
Adrian: Any one we know?
Anna: No, it seemed to be legitimate. So far we haven’t been able to connect all the dots on him just yet but we’re close. This could be just what we need.
Adrian: Hope so. Listen I have to get back inside.
Anna: Okay, Tell Tad I said congratulation.
Adrian: I will. Take care stay sharp.
Anna: You do the same.
Adrian terminates the call and walks towards the back of the house through the garden and begins looking for Lola. The later stands inside the pool house finishing up listening to the last of her messages just as Krystal comes in.
Krystal: Hey! 
Lola: Hi! You look great! (She says giving her a hug)
Krystal: So do you! (She pulls away lifting Lola’s arms from her sides and admiring how beautifully the dress looked and fit her) I knew that dress would fit you perfectly! Having a good time?
Lola: I’m having a wonderful time! Tad and Taylor got the perfect day didn’t they? They both walk to the mirror and check their make up as they chat)
Krystal: Beautiful. Hey thanks for last night it was nice having some adult company.
Lola: Thanks for asking me over it was really great for you and I to re-connect. (Her voice and expression thoughtful and hopeful at the same time)
Krystal: Yeah, it was we have to do that again. (She grins remembering how much fun they’d had the night before)
Lola: You have a date only this time at my place. (She turns from the mirror to look directly at Krystal grinning from ear to ear proudly)
Krystal: You found a place? (Tossing her lipstick back in her purse and zipping it closed)
Lola: I think so I got a message from the realtor about the place I told you about last night.
Krystal: That’s great! Could you excuse me a moment but I really have to go. (She steps in to the bathroom leaving the door slightly a jar as she continues to talk)
Lola: Go ahead I’ll wait. (She turns back towards the mirror)
Krystal: You can keep talking, which one are we talking about.
Lola: It’s the small one with the big yard. I decided this morning after spending the night with the kids. (She giggles remembering all of them laying on h floor in the den laughing and playing through the movie)  I thought it would be nice for them to have a place to play when they come over.
Krystal: Was that the one on Sycamore or the one Rose?
Lola: The one on Sycamore.
Krystal: Ooo! I love that street! (She calls over the running water)
Lola: I’ll just call Miriam back and Twenty-five Sycamore Street here I come. (She reaches in her purse for her phone just as Liza comes through the door her ear and sense immediately on alert at the sight of Lola and the address she’d just uttered)
Liza: Hi, Lola. (Forcing a friendly smile as she walks towards her)
Lola: Liza how are you. (Turning towards the sound of Liza’s voice)
Liza: Fine thank you. Did I just hear you mention twenty- five Sycamore?
Lola: I’m thinking of buying a house there. (She states proudly)
Liza: That’s only a block or so from Wellington and I. (She comments her voice sounding smooth and casual)
Lola: Oh, I didn’t know. (Her expression betraying her shock)
Liza: I’m sure you didn’t. (She says coolly as she slides past her to the mirror)  
Lola: Well, I guess we’ll be neighbors. (Her smile betraying her nervousness)
Liza: I guess so. (She turns towards her voice smooth but her smile leaving Lola feeling chilled)
Krystal: Hey Liza! (She says off handedly as she walks from the bathroom smoothing the front of her dress as she walks)  You ready?
Lola: Sure! (She checks her image one last time then turns towards Krystal who does the same)
Krystal: Nice seeing you Liza. (She calls over her shoulder as she pulls open the door and holds it for Lola)
Liza: You too! (She smiles looking as happy as any of the other party goers)
Lola: I guess I’ll be seeing you around the neighborhood. (She jokes waves walks through the door followed by Krystal who begins to chatter about the best furniture stores)
Liza: See you…She laughs half halfheartedly and waves waiting till the door closes then mutters to herself as she fumbles through her purse) Hopefully no more than usual. (Pulling her phone from the seemingly cavernous depths of her purse and speed dials he mother) Hey mom it’s me I know I could just come talk to you but I couldn’t wait and I didn’t want the entire guest list listening…. I need you to check a listing on a the house on Sycamore…Yes I know just about to close the deal that’s why I called you…No I don’t want to buy it I want you to see if you can keep someone else from buying it… Never mind the commission… I’ll make it up to….Come on it’s not like you really need the money and you owe me one…You’re a realtor tell her it’s already sold tell her whatever just don’t let Lola Colgate buy that house!

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