Friday, December 21, 2012

The Wedding Part 6 12/21/2012

Jamie: Yeah you guys go ahead. (He smiles as the two begin to run towards the doors)
Francessca: We’ll come get you when it’s time to go. Other wise we’ll be right here.
Kathy: Okay come on Jenny! (She calls over her shoulder as the two run out the door in to the yard just as Adrian’s phone begins to ring. He pulls it from his pocket and looks down at the number)
Adrian: Could you excuse me a moment I have to take this call? (He says turning to Lola)
Lola: Sure I have to go to the ladies room and check my messages. (They both stand) We’ll meet back here okay?
Adrian: I won’t be long.
Lola: I’m going to hold you to that. If you’ll all excuse me a moment I’ll be right back. (Lola stands by the table a moment looking confused)
Francessca: Through that door when you get to the pool house it’s the second door on the left.
Lola: Thanks! (She says as Adrian places his arm around her waist as the two walk through the door)
Petey:  Bow chick a Bow-wow! (He grins pecking his like a chicken)
Jeanine: Petey! (She says sounding embarrassed)
Petey: Oww! (He yelps then rubs his arm) What?
Scene shift Erica standing at the bar.
Erica: Sparkling water and a lemon slice please.
Jack: Hello Erica. (He says walking up behind her) Having a good time?
Erica: Jackson hello! (She turns towards him flashing him a brilliant smile) I’m having a wonderful time! (She gushes) Tad and Taylor are just so cute together.
Jack: Yes they are. I didn’t see you at the church earlier?
Erica: Yes, we ran a little late. (She says eyeing Sam as walks towards them)
Sam Wood: Sorry about that. (He tucking his phone inside his jacket pocket)  I’ve shut it off for the rest of the evening. Jackson good to see you! (Extending his hand and shaking Jack’s)
Jack: Sam good to see you. What brings you to Pine Valley?
Erica: I had the annual state budgetary meetings. Figured while I was here I’d catch up with an old friend. (He says putting his hand around Erica’s waist as she smiles seductively back at him) How are things in the district attorney’s office?
Jack: You know us always busy.  (His head goes up looking past them causing Erica’s head to swivel and eyes to bulge as a woman walks up behind them) There you are!
Tea Delgado: Hi, Jack sorry about that.
Jack: Tea Delgado. Erica Kane (Enjoying the look of shock and annoyance pass over Erica’s face)
Tea: Ms. Kane what a pleasure it is to meet you. (She extends her hand towards Erica who shakes it weakly) I’ve been a fan of yours for many years.
Erica: Always a pleasure to meet a fan. (She smiles shaking the hair back from her face)
Jack: And I believe you two are already acquainted. (He says turning towards Sam)
Tea: Ah yes how are you Sam?
Sam: I’m well.
Erica: So, How do you know Jack? (Her curiosity getting the best of her as she struggles to maintain her outward calm)
Tea: Oh, Jack and I go way back. (She says encircling his waist with her arm and laying her hand on his chest)
Jack: Tea’s an attorney in Llanview we’ve consulted on some work over the years. (He says smiling down at her and winks)
Erica: That’s where I’ve heard the name. You represent that criminal publisher Todd Manning. (Her voice sounding accusatory)
Tea: And quiet a few others. (She adds feeling the predatory undercurrent emanating from Erica)
Sam: Tea’s one of the best criminal attorneys in Country.
Jack: Ninety eight percent acquittal record. (He says saluting her with his glass)
Erica: What happened to the other two percent? (Sounding more catty than she had intended)
Tea: They were over turned upon appeal. (She says proudly enjoying Erica do a slow simmer)
Sam: I’m just glad to we have her on our side for a little while.
Erica: On our side? (She looks from Sam to Jack)
Jack: Tea has been appointed interim assistant district attorney.(He sips his drink watching Erica over the brim)
Erica: So the job is just temporary. (She says sounding relieved)
Tea: Well see how it goes. (They all chuckle with the exception of Erica)
Sam: Let me be the first to say welcome to Pine Valley. I hope you enjoy your stay.
Tea: So far, it has and I’m really looking forward to what the future brings. (Flashing Erica a knowing smile and winks)
Jack: I believe that’s our song. (He smiles down at Tea)
Tea: Then lets go! (She turns toward Erica and Sam her voice sounding qualm but her eyes flashing challenge) Pleasure meeting you Erica, Sam.
Erica; Oh the pleasure was all mine. (She says flashing her a smile that didn’t quiet meet her eyes, which had turned a magnificent shade of green)
Sam: Shall we get back to our table? (He asks pulling her away from her mental dagger throwing)
Erica: Yes, (She says pulling her attention back to Sam) yes of course. (She loops her arm in his as the two walk back to their table still unable to keep her eyes from going back to Jack and Tea)

1 comment:

  1. the two of them Erica and Jack are still playing games. I like that you brought Tea to towm
