Friday, December 7, 2012

Aidan and Adrian

Adrian and Aidan drive through the night winding there way back in to town. Adrian glances over to Aidan as he reassures Annie how much longer he’d be and smiles to his self. The night had turned out better than he hoped. David was gone for the evening that had given him enough time to search David’s office find the file he had on Colby and leave the office exactly as he’d found it. Now all he’d had to do was meet up with Lenka and his partner Sergei.
Aidan: Seems my lady was so busy she hadn’t noticed the time! (He grins placing his phone back in his pocket)
Adrian: Good maybe we can get this done and you back home before she does notice the time. (He teases)
Aidan: Don’t worry about it Annie is cool like that.
Adrian: Trust me no woman is “cool like that” (He mocks Aidan’s accent making Aidan laugh)
Aidan: No, she said she had some work to finish and she’d probably be asleep when I got home.
Adrian: Oh never a good sign. (Struggling to sound serious)
Aidan: How would you know? (His voice dripping with sarcasm)
Adrian: I know enough not to ever tie myself down. (Smiling facetiously) 
Aidan: That’s what you say now but someday some woman’s going to get a hold of your heart and you’ll see.
Adrian: For that to happen buddy I’d have to have a heart to give. (He laugh’s)
Aidan: Keep joking mate it’s going to happen and we’ll see who has the last laugh. (He says with a chuckle setting back in his seat watching the shadowy landscape pass by the car window)
Adrian: We’ll see. (He chuckles then his voice take a more serious tone) I meant to ask you do you still feel comfortable having your wife working for Cambius right now, you know with this Devereaux character and all?
Aidan: So far neither she nor Amanda have had more than passing contact with Devereaux they work mostly with Ryan. (His voice lowering slightly on Ryan’s name)
Adrian: Ouch! How’s that feel, Annie working so closely with her ex?
Aidan: Considering my wife can barley stand Ryan she’s happy with her work. Now if you’re finished playing doctor Phill lets get back to the job. Hold on a second. (He reaches for his phone clicking the phone and changing it to the encrypted setting when he sees Anna’s number pop up before answering) Hello!
Anna: How’s it going? (He turns toward Adrian mouthing Anna’s name)
Aidan: So far so good what’s up?
Anna: I got that stuff from Rhea you guys asked for including for Adrian’s guys. You should all get them first thing in the morning.
Aidan: Great, tell Rhea we said thanks. (He grins broadly giving Adrian the “Thumbs Up” Sign)
Anna: I will, and listen you guys be careful out there.
Aidan: We will.
Anna: Stay in touch night.
Aidan: Roger that. (He clicks off the phone places it back in his pocket then turns back to Adrian) Rhea’s sending out the stuff over in the morning.
Adrian: Great! Then this will be the last of the cloak and dagger crap!
Aidan: She said your guys should get there’s too. By the way who are these guys?
Adrian: Just a guy I worked with a couple of times overseas. Good guy Lenka Gregorian you’ll like working with him. His partner Sergei can really help us out maneuvering through New York’s underworld.
Aidan: Wait the porn guy Colby’s married too?
Adrian: Actually he’s not a porn guy and do you know a better way to get into the crime underworld?
Aidan: Point taken. So when is this shipment supposed to get in?
Adrian: According to my sources he has one ship that will be released from customs tomorrow and another that will dock in about two weeks.
Aidan: Did anyone get a chance to see the cargo?
Adrian: No, the word I got was guns and enough methamphetamines to light up all of Philadelphia.
Aidan: Crikey! Does he really think he can move that much stuff in Pine Valley?
Adrian: According to my contact Pine Valley will act as a distribution center of sorts and when the people that are already doing business here find out they aren’t going to be happy and that’s putting it mildly. We could be looking at a war and if he’s bought as much firepower as we think he did it could be a blood bath.
Aidan: So basically this guy is just branching out from Europe and brining it to Pine Valley. Great! (He snaps shaking his head in disgust) From the report I got this guy is completely badass he has no conscience at all.
Adrian: Yeah, that’s what’s got me worried. (Turning at the traffic light and pulling in to the parking lot) and begins driving through slowly in search of a parking space) This guy knows who you are and I’m sure he knows who I am. That’s why I asked for Lenka and Sergei he has no idea about either one of them they’ll be doing the actual foot work you and I are the decoy.
Aidan: If they’re covers aren’t blown then why the hell are we meeting them? (He looks out the window and points to an empty space on the right)
Adrian: Were not (He pulls in the spot place the shift in to the parked position then reaches inside the arm rest and pulls out his ankle holster, leans forward and straps it on) we’re just a couple of guys hanging out at a bar we’re not going to make actual physical contact I have some info I need to get to them and so you would know who they are and where you can contact them incase of a communications emergency.
Aidan: So we’ll have a couple of beers play a round of pool and go. You got it. You ready? (He shuts off the engine and reaches for the door handle)
Aidan: Lets do this. (He nods in agreement the two climb out the car and head for the bar entrance)

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