Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tad and Taylors Wedding Day Part 3 12/18/2013

Taylor sits before the mirror in on of the suites at the Logan-Slater estate surrounded by her friends and extended family dressing for her wedding.
Taylor: Okay if you put anymore make up on me I won’t recognize myself.
Amanda: Just let me get your bottom lashes. Look up.
Taylor: Oh, God! (She rolls her eyes before looking up and receives a playful chastisement)
Mrs. Thompson: Oh stop fussing you look beautiful! (Kelsey and Amanda stand back admiring Amanda’s work nodding their heads in agreement)
Kelsey: Okay lets get your dress on come on ladies! (She waves her hand as she walks toward the dress hanging on the closet door and retrieves it)
Taylor: Careful! Watch my hair! She says ducking her head as they come towards her)
Kelsey: Don’t worry we won’t touch a hair on your head we promise. (She and Cecily hold the top while Ruth, Opal and Mrs. Thompson hold the body and slip it over her head with ease leaving no feathers ruffled. Mrs. Thompson zips the back then comes around her and stares in awe)
Mrs. Thompson: You are absolutely stunning! (She looks at her expression filled with awe) 
Taylor: It’s not too tight? It feels a little tight. (Twirling back and forth in the mirror)
Kathy: You look like a princess! (She nods to her sister they both look up at her eyes wide clapping their hands in excitement)
Jenny: Just like Cinderella!
Opal: Aww Tad is going is just go to pieces when he see’s you! (She looks at Ruth who nods in approval)
Ruth: Yes he will!
Mrs. Thompson: I think I’m going to cry! (She reaches in her purse and pulls out a handkerchief and dabs at her eyes then pulls out a small box)
Taylor: No Mom don’t do that or your going to make me cry!
Mrs. Thompson: This was your great, great Grandmothers’ mothers. She gave it to me daughter on her wedding day and now I’m giving it to you on yours. (She hands her the box Taylor opens it starring down her eyes welling with tears)
Taylor: Your cross!
Mrs. Thompson: Yours now.
Taylor: I always loved this. Thank you. (She says fighting back tears as she hugs her)
Mrs. Thompson: Oh don’t cry honey you’re going to spoil your makeup!
Taylor: I can’t help it!
Amanda: don’t worry I used waterproof! (They all laugh)
Kathy: This is something “New” from me and Jenny! Francessca helped us make it! (She says handing her a small purse sized picture album of their new family from last year or so in a hand decorated and sewn case a collective sigh of “Aww” is heard around the room)
Taylor: Girls this is beautiful it’s the best present you could have ever given me. I love you! And I love you too!
Kathy: I love you too Taylor!
Jenny: Me too! We made it small so you could keep it in your purse!
Taylor: I love it and that’s exactly where it’s going!
Tara: And this is your something borrowed this was our Gran’s.  (She says handing her Grandma Kate’s lace handkerchief. Another collective “Aww” is heard as Taylor embraces each Martin woman and thanks them)
Taylor: thank you all so much! Tad talks about his Grandma Kate all the time!
Opal: Kate was a very special lady.
Ruth: That she was!
Amanda: And, Francessca and I got you your something blue! (She says handing her a small wrapped box barely containing her excitement as Taylor opens it to the hoots and hollers of those present as she reveals it’s contents)
Taylor: Oh my goodness! (She exclaims blushing as she pulls the garter from the box showing it to the crowd) It’s really pretty but I can’t wear this!
Francessca: Sure you can!
Amanda: It will be up under your dress no one will see it.
Kelsey: That is until Tad takes it off to throw to the bachelors! (They all laugh as Taylor blushes)
Mrs. Thompson: I think we’ve covered it all something old, the cross something new, the photo album, something borrowed.
Tara: Grandma Kate’ s handkerchief!
Amanda: And something blue Taylor’s sexy new guarder! (They all giggle again)
Mrs. Thompson: I think we’re all set! (She smiles happily with pride)
Taylor: I think we are.
Ruth: Okay ladies we’d better get out front. Ahhh (She says hugging Taylor close to her) Love you honey see you out front!
Cecily: You look beautiful! Tad is a very lucky Guy!
Tara: More lucky than he deserves sometimes!
Taylor: No, I’m the lucky one by marrying Tad I get this HUGE wonderful new family.
Kelsey: No we’re the lucky ones because we get you. (She gives her a hug and follows Ruth, Tara and Cecily out the door)
Amanda: Let me just quickly touch up your make up.
Francessca: Come on Jenny and Kathy lets go to the ladies room get your bouquets. (She takes each by the hand and walks them to the door)
Taylor: Thanks Cess.
Francessca: Sure, see you out front. (The girls walk ahead and Francessca closes the door behind them)
Amanda: You’re all set! I’m going go!
Taylor: Thank you Amanda for everything!
Amanda: After everything you and Tad do for Jake and I it’s the least I can do! Besides we’re family and I can’t have my new sister in-law looking like something the cat dragged in can I? Oh and I’ll go find your Dad and send him back here. (She winks gives Taylor a quick hug then leaves the room)
Taylor:  Thanks Amanda.
Mrs. Thompson: How are you doing honey. (She reaches over grasping Taylors hand and giving it a loving squeeze)
Taylor: Happy, excited and just a little nervous.
Mrs. Thompson: Oh everyone’s a little nervous on their wedding day. I remember the day I married your father I was so nervous I almost left the house without my shoes.
Taylor: I almost forgot mine! (They both laugh) Who would have thought that I would have spent four six hours looking for just the right shoes for today! Amanda and I must have gone to at least eight different stores till we found them and then we spent another three hours looking for shoes for Kathy and Jenny!
Mrs. Thompson: They are such sweet little girls.
Taylor: Aren’t they? You should see Kathy with Tad she’s the only one that can really get him and Jenny I couldn’t ask for a better little helper which will come in handy. (The comment causing her mother to raise and eyebrow) Mom can you keep a secret? You have to keep this to yourself because I haven’t even told Tad yet?
Mrs. Thompson: Haven’t I always?
Taylor: I went to the doctor yesterday and he told me I’m pregnant!
Mrs. Thompson: Oh my God! No! (She places her hand on Taylor’s arm her eyes wide with surprise)
Taylor: Yeah!
Mrs. Thompson: I’m finally going to be a Grandmother! (She hugs Taylor to her rocking back forth as she pats her back) I can’t wait! Your father is going to be over the moon when I tell him!
Taylor: You can’t tell anyone till I’ve told Tad!
Mrs. Thompson: Well when’s that? Don’t make it too long or I’ll burst I know it!
Taylor: I thought I’d tell him while we’re on our honeymoon that way we can think of a fun way to tell the girls.
Mrs. Thompson: You have to call me as soon as you do! Oh I’m so happy I think my head is going to explode!
Taylor: Please don’t I don’t want to spend the next fifty years explaining who the headless woman is in my wedding photos! (They both laugh and hug again as a knock comes at the door and her father sticks his head in)
Gen. Thompson: It’s almost zero hour you ready? (He says coming fully in to the room and closing the door behind him then stopping and starring at Taylor his eyes wide with love and adoration) You are absolutely beautiful!
Taylor: Thank you Daddy.
Mrs. Thompson: I’d better go check on the girls and take my seat. I love you darling.
Taylor: I love you too!
Gen: Thompson: Are you happy pumpkin?
Taylor: I’ve never been happier Daddy.
Gen. Thompson: I’m glad. Your Tad is a lucky man.
Taylor: I’m the lucky one Dad. After everything I put him through when I was sick and he still wants to marry me, that makes me the luckiest woman in the world.
Gen. Thompson: Don’t cut yourself short he’s just as lucky to have you! I can see he loves you Taylor heck, anyone with eyes can see that and he’s a good man but don’t tell him I said that. I have to keep the troops on their toes. (They both laugh) Come on gorgeous it’s zero hour.
Taylor: Okay, I’m ready.
Gen. Thompson: I love you honey and I’ve never been prouder of you. (He hugs her and kisses her cheek)
Taylor: I love you too. (She hugs him back at the same time fighting back her tears of joy)
Gen. Thompson: Shall we? (He says opening the door then following her out the room)  

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