Monday, December 17, 2012

Angie and Jesse 12/17/2012

Angie and Jesse rush around the Loft getting ready for Tad and Taylors wedding. Jesse walks into the living room trying to tie his tie as the phone rings. He groans in frustration yanking the tie from his neck and reaching for the receiver.
Jesse: Hubbard! (He growls in t the receiver unbuttoning his collar with his other hand)
Frankie: Hey Dad!
Jesse: Hey Son! (Sitting down on one of the counter stools) How are you, Randi okay?
Frankie: Randi’s fine she’s sleeping. I stopped back at home to check on the kids and take a shower.
Jesse: How are Grandpa’s babies? (Smiling broadly)
Frankie: Great running around causing mayhem. (He scurries over to Sydney picks up a plastic block to throw at her brother taking it from her hand)
Jesse: That’s what I’m talking about! (Letting out a devilish laugh)
Frankie: Yeah, (He grins listening to his daughter baby cuss her brother with a string of gibberish) wait till tomorrow when you have them see how funny it is.
Jesse: What’s up? (He looks back towards the bedroom listening to Angie slamming dresser drawers)
Frankie: I was wondering if you had any more information on what we talked about?
Jesse: Not yet but I’m working on it. (He lowers his voice still staring back toward the hall)
Frankie: Do you have anything at all? (Jesse pauses a moment before answering thinking back on the samples he’d sent to his friend at the FBI)
Jesse: I have a couple of leads I’m working on and as soon as I have something to tell you I will. (Honing in his father’s hesitation)
Frankie: You’re not holding back on me are you?
Jesse: Of course not Frankie, (His voice turning fatherly hoping his tone would buy him more time) you know I do have other responsibilities.
Frankie: I’ know Dad and I’m sorry. (He sighs heavily)
Jesse: It’s okay, (Feeling a bit guilty he adds) I know you’re under a lot of pressure right now. As soon as I have something I’ll call you.
Frankie: Okay Dad.
Jesse: Okay, kiss my babies and my daughter-in-law for me.
Frankie: I will and have fun at the wedding tell Tad and Taylor we say congratulations and much love.
Jesse: I will bye.
Frankie: Bye. (Jesse places the phone back on it’s cradle just as Angie walks in to the living pushing her earring in to her ear as he walks)
Angie: Who was that?
Jesse: That was your son. (He pulls at the ends of his collar as he walks to the sofa)
Angie: Everything all right? (She grabs her purse from the counter ad transfers some of it’s contents to her evening bag)
Jesse: Everything’s fine just checking the schedule. (He chuckles to his self watching the array of items from her purse sprawled on the counter)
Angie: You almost ready? (She snaps the evening bag closed throwing the unwanted items back inside her other purse)
Jesse: Just about just have to tie my tie. (He picks up the tie from the arm of the chair and loops it around his neck then walks to the mirror as Angie sits on the sofa and slips her shoes on)
Angie: You never finished telling me how your meeting with Cassandra went?
Jesse: I went fine, (He looks at her image in the reflection) I ahh got to meet her new boyfriend.
Angie: You did? What’s he like? (Stopping mid motion of picking up her shoe and looking up at him)
Jesse: He’s older than I expected cultured well groomed polite. He umm invited us to dinner Cassandra supposed to call you.
Angie: Yeah uh huh now what did you really think? (She laughs her voice dripping with sarcasm place her shoe on her foot she stands and come towards him)
Jesse: I don’t have any thoughts about him, today was the first time we ever met and it was very brief. (Sounding evasive to her ears)
Angie: Come on you’re a cop Jesse and I know you like I know myself. Now what kind of trouble has Cassandra gotten herself in to this time?
Jesse: As far as I could tell it seemed fine. The guy seems to care about Cassandra and she seemed happy. (He picks his jacket from the back of the chair and shrugs in to it)
Angie: See there you go she “Seemed” happy he “Seemed” to care. (Eyeing him suspiciously reading more into his words than he’s intended her to)
Jesse: What do you want me to say Angie I talked to the man less than five minutes that’s all I can go by that’s the basic impressions I got. (Dam! He didn’t want to tell her what he really thought. His gut said he was hiding something. There was an odd under current going through that house and he didn’t want to alarm Angie anymore than she was until he could figure it out. He really hoped he sounded dismissive enough that it would put an end to the conversation)
Angie: Well she did seem happier than she’s been in a while when we saw her at the hospital yesterday which was a relief. (Jesse lets out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding as he tucks his wallet and badge into his pocket) I’ve been so worried about her. Randi’s getting better maybe life is turning around for all of us.
Jesse: Lets say a prayer and keep our fingers crossed. (He comes towards pulling his shirt sleeves down as he walks)
Angie: Amen to that. And, it’s nice get dressed and celebrate something happy for a change.
Jesse: Yeah it does (He leans in and kisses her then checks his watch) Hey, we’d better get going.
Angie: I’m ready! (She walks towards the door waits for Jesse to open it before walking through. Jesse closes the door behind them says a silent prayer of “Thank you” as he locks it)

1 comment:

  1. poor Angie if she figures out how much danger Cass is in she'll be miserable again.Maybe Jesse and Frankie can pull a David and save her by nefarious means
