Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Tad and Taylor’s Wedding Part 7

Scene shift: David stands behind the hedge maze watching the children play in the bounce house and at the carnival games,
Zach: David! (He grins as the children run for the bounce house)
David: Zach. (He says flatly his sense on alert)
Zach: Having a good time.
David: Great.
Zach: Kids seem to be enjoying themselves. (He watches as the kids jump and flip around inside the giant balloon)
David: Yeah, this is something all right. (His guard still up)
Zach: I hear you’ll be working with my brother Michael? (He looks at him out of the corner of his eye keeping his tone casual)
David: So is that what this is about? (He grins with satisfaction know his instincts were dead on)
Zach: What, what’s about?
David: The social banter if you want to ask me about your brother and I working together just ask me. (He says looking just past Zach as Michael walks up behind them and stands quietly listening)
Zach: Okay. I want to make sure that you’re not leading my brother down a dangerous path with one of your schemes.
David: I wasn’t aware that Michael needs a caretaker.
Zach: What he has, is a brother who watches out for him.
David: You don’t give your brother a lot of credit do you?
Zach:  I give my brother all the credit in the world but, he’s been sheltered for most of his adult life and I don’t want to see anyone take advantage of his naiveté shall we say.
David: The Michael I’ve come to know doesn’t seem like anyone’s fool.
Zach: You’re not just “anyone” David and you and I both know that.
David: Look Zach I asked Michael to work with me developing my new drug at a salary Michael is the one that came to me asking to invest and I told him I didn’t want his money just his talent he insisted he wanted to invest in it even after I told him I would rather keep my investors and our work separate but he said he wanted something of his own something that wasn’t yours and wasn’t his wife’s. He was so insistent maybe I should be the one who’s leery about our partnership or maybe your brother just wants a little independence and success of his own. Or perhaps and this is what I suspect, what he really wants is someone who actually believes in him and his abilities and treats him like a grown up instead of a child.
Michael: Definitely that last thing! (He says stepping forward arms crossed over his chest)
David: If you’ll excuse me I’ll let you two talk. (He walks away smirking to his self and thinking that couldn’t have worked out better if he had planned it)  
Zach: Michael I…(He starts then receives a quelling look from Michael his irritation putting   a notables chill in his voice)
Michael: Don’t bother trying to explain Zach. David’s right I’m not a child I’m capable of making my own choices about my life whether you agree with them or not. (He says trying to make is argument sound rational)
Zach: I just don’t want you to be taken advantage of. (He finishes hoping futility that Michael would see reason. Michael take a breath calming himself his anger almost at boiling in)
Michael: I’m not being taken advantage of! This is my choice. And even if I were it’s my life and making mistakes is all a part of it and they’re my mistakes to make. I don’t need you running interference!
Zach: I’m just trying to protect you! You don’t know David! (He shakes his head his brow drawn together his lips almost disappearing from his face. (Michael glares at his a moment before the full force of his anger blast through like the red eye express train to New York)
Michael: I’m a grown man I can take care of myself I don’t need you to protect me, and I’m not stupid Zach! I ‘m well aware of the things he’s done but I also know he is a brilliant scientist and what we are working on could change how we treat people with congenital heart problems. What we are doing could save lives and I want to be a part of that.
Zach: Michael, just listen to me. (He pleads his voice tight with frustration)
Michael: No Zach! This may be my last chance to do something memorable to actually make the kind of contribution to society that I’ve always dreamed of doing! (His eyes pleading with Zach for understanding making Zach relent and feel all the pain and disappointment his brother felt along with the small glimmer of hope he had for salvaging some hope of fulfilling his life long dreams. How could he take that from him but, how could he allow him to work with someone as potentially lethal as David?)
Zach: David can be very dangerous! I don’t want to see you get hurt again. (He pleads hoping Michael could hear the genuine fear he felt for him in his voice and knowing instantly by the look on Michael’s face as he spoke that he would be having none of it)
Michael: And if I get hurt I get hurt Zach! I can take it! You’re my brother not my guardian or my babysitter. I’m your brother not your child. This is my choice my life! You don’t get a say about what I do or with whom I choose to do it with. (He finishes then turns and storms back towards the house leaving Zach to stare after him feeling a frustrated with a gnawing feeling of trepidation)  

1 comment:

  1. poor Zach always trying to protect everyone. I hope Michael doesn't get burned by David.
