Friday, December 28, 2012

Tad and Jamie The Wedding Part 9

Jamie sits in the chair Francessca leans back against his chest watching Tad swing the garter over his head before tossing it to the crowd then laugh uproariously at Petey’s shocked expression as it lands on top of his head perched like a cock-eyed lace crown)
Francessca: This was really nice. (She tilts her head and smiles up at him)
Jamie: Tad and Taylor looked like they really enjoyed it.
Francessca: I’m glad they got their dream wedding.
Jamie: So am I.
Francessca: What a gorgeous day! (She looks up at the setting sun the sky glowing hot and orange the clouds streaked with fuchsia and dark purples. Jamie wraps his arms around her and kisses hr temple)
Jamie: It reminds of the first Labor Day you and I spent together.
Francessca: That was a really good day. (She says snuggling in to the warmth of his embrace)
Jamie: Yep! That was the day I knew I was in love with you and I knew you were in love with me. (A knowing satisfied smile lighting up his face)
Francessca: How’d you know?
Janie: Just the way you looked at me, said my name your smile and who could blame you? I mean I’m a handsome, wealthy, handsome, young, handsome, single doctor. (He tilts head looking down at her grinning like a Cheshire cat)
Francessca: Number one. (She sits up hr yes dancing with laughter) Oh, my God! Conceded much? And two you’re not single!
Jamie: I was back then and quiet the catch. You’re just lucky I was willing to just sit back and wait for you to come to your senses. (He sighs sitting back in the chair adjusting his tie and pulling at his sleeves preening proudly)
Francessca: I’m sorry I must have completely missed this “sitting back and waiting” you did.
Jamie: So you wish I had? (He mocks lifting one brow quizzically)
Francessca: I’m just really glad you didn’t. (She leans in and kisses him the two jumping as Tad’s voice booms over them)
Tad: Hey you two! (A silly grin playing on his lips as the two blush slightly)
Jamie: Hey Dad.
Francessca: Hey Tad.
Tad: How you feeling gorgeous? (He kisses her cheek then pulls the chair out from the table and straddles it leaning his arms across the back)
Francessca: Good! How are you?
Tad: Tired and ready to get out of here! (he grumbles leaning his forehead on his arms and sighs loudly)
Jamie: So why don’t you guys get out of here?
Tad: We are. I just wanted you to know I put the girls stuff in hour house and I left an extra set of house keys in that bowl thing on your dinning room table. Oh and I left the name and the phone number of where we’re staying and our flight information in the notebook on your desk.
Francessca: Got it!
Tad: Oh and I left the girl’s schedules on your refrigerator.
Jamie: Taylor emailed us both a copy three days ago. (He laugh’s Tad curls his lip nods his head and rolls his making Jamie snort back his laughter)
Tad: Anything else you guys can think of?
Jamie: Dad, it’s not like I haven’t watched my sister before now get out of here! Go enjoy your honeymoon we’ll be fine.
Tad: I know you will. You take care I love you. (He stands grasps Jamie by the neck pulls his head forward and kisses the top of his head then gives him a fake noggie)
Jamie: Love you to Dad and I’m really happy for both of you.
Tad: Thanks son. (He leans in hugs Francessca then wags his finger at her playfully)  And you better hold on to that baby till I get back and make sure you keep this one in line.
Francessca: I will. Love you Tad. You two have a great time!
Tad: Love you too! I’m going to say good-bye to your sisters and then we’re out of here. (He says scurrying towards the hedge maze just as Brooke and Rhea approach them)
Brooke: Where’s Tad running off to? (She watches him disappear around the side of the maze)
Francessca: To say goodbye to the girls then he and Taylor are going to leave. (Both of their eyes widen with glee)
Rhea: Then I’d better find Opal and pass out the birdseed! (She looks around the room spotting Opal standing by the band stand talking with Miriam)
Ruth: You need some help? (She calls across the table as she places her up down on the saucer)
Brooke: No we have it you and Joe finish your coffee. (Ruth nods in agreement picks up hr cup and looks about the room spotting her young great Grandson talking with his Grandmother Tara)
Ruth: Charlie and Cecily’s Phillip has grown in to a very fine young man.
Joe: He reminds me a lot of his of his grandfather at that age.
Ruth: That’s funny I was thinking the same thing earlier. (A reminiscent smile lighting he face as she speaks) Not a day goes by I don’t think of him. Call me silly but every once in a while like today I swear I can still feel him around.
Joe: It’s not silly at all (He warps his arm around her shoulder pulling her close) I feel the same way about my Mom she would have been so proud of the man Tad’s become. (He smiles remember his mother and Tad together)
Phillip: She sure is Joe. (He whispers from behind them as Jenny comes to stand at his side)
Jenny: There you are when did you get back?
Phillip: A little while a go I’ve been just been wandering around. Looking at how much our family has grown. (He smiles proudly pointing across the room)  Over there’s my grandson.
Jenny: He reminds me of you. (She smiles back him enjoying the look of joy on his face)
Phillip: You think so? (His head swiveling to face her his expression quizzical) My Mom was just saying that Joe.
Jenny: Yeah he does. (She confirms with a nod) 
Phillip: I just hope he’s smarter that his old Granddad.
Jenny: You’re not so bad. (She smiles) It was a really lovely day wasn’t it? (She says eyeing the sky as the sun recedes and the garden lights one by one flicker then glow as the shadows lengthen)
Phillip: Yeah it was. (A slight sadness creeping into his voice) I guess we’d better start getting ready?
Jenny: Yeah, (she sighs) I guess we should. (Phil takes hold of her hand walking until they disappear in to a cloud of vapor as they pass through the garden wall) 

1 comment:

  1. oh no that sounds even more ominous I'm afraid of what will happen
