Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Bachlor Party

Scene shift Tad and the guys hanging out in Tad and Aidan’s office some playing pool others gathered round the poker table playing cards.
Adrian: I can’t believe that you and Chips really think this is an office. (He laughs throwing a chip in to the pot)
Tad: Are you kidding thanks to Chips and our little Bro we have all the latest equipment that Slater-Cortlandt and my personal friend Rhea Logan-Slater can come up with.
Adrian: So you’re telling me that the private sector has better equipment than the FBI. (He looks from Tad to Aidan in disbelief)
Petey: Yes, we do how do you think we just landed that Government contract a few days ago? (He brags meeting Adrian’s gaze with a challenging one of his own)
Adrian: Yeah like what? (He smirks with an “I told you so” tone)
Petey: I’ve developed the worlds smallest wireless video audio receiver good up to a mile. (Preening proudly)
Adrian:  That sounds very cool little Bro. (Leaning back in his chair the “I told you so” tone gone replaced with one of admiration) Where can I get my hands on one?
Petey: It comes out next month but I might be able to get my hands on one for you.
Adrian: Little bro you and I need to have a very long conversation. (He tosses his card to the center of the table then leans back in the chair) I’m out! 
Aidan: So how’s married life treating you Jamie? (Gnawing on the end of a cigar cupping his cards in his hand)
Jamie: Great! Never happier how’s Annie and Emma?
Aidan: You know when she first took the job over at “Cambius” we were a little nervous but so far so good. (He tosses a chip in to the center)
Jake: The jury is still out on that for me. (Sounding frustrated he tosses his cards down on the table) I’m out! 
Tad: Are you still moping about Amanda working? (His face contorted in annoyance as he rakes the pile of chips towards him)
Jake: I’m not moping (He jumps up from the chair walks to the mini frig and pulls out a beer then walks back to the table arms outstretched) I’m concerned is all.
Adrian: You’re moping cupcake get over it. (He winks at Tad and they both laugh uproariously)
Jesse:  Hey cut the guy some slack. The man has some legitimate concerns. (He chastise)
Jake: Tad you should be the last person to jump on me or have you forgotten what happened with you and Dixie when she started teaching. (He smiles pleased with his defense he raise his hand pointing looking for supporters for his cause)
Tad: That was completely different and I’m just trying to give you the benefit of my experience.
Oliver: My friend (He leans in slapping Jake on the back) a working wife is an interesting wife. Think how boring it would be if all she had to talk about when you got home was the new brand of peas she got on sale at the supermarket? People need more my friend. (He and Palmer pull sticks from the wall and walk towards the pool table)
Petey: Maybe it’s not Amanda maybe it’s you and your attitude? (He picks up his hand of cards looks at them)
Jamie: Listen to the man he’s telling the truth. (He nods in agreement pats him on the back then picks up his card)
Jake: You want me to listen to some wet behind the ears punk kid? (He shuffles the cards in his hand then discards two that are quickly dealt two more by Adrian who quickly comes to Petey’s defense)
Adrian: The wet behind the ears punk kid runs a multi-million dollar business has a beautiful girl friend, and Palmer and my mother raised him so he’s seen and heard just about everything those two have to offer so I’d pay attention.
Palmer: Careful Mr. Sword, (He calls from the pool table enjoying the brotherly comradeship between his son and his brother) Opal has her spies everywhere if I didn’t know better I’d believe those silly cards of hers really do work. (He chuckles leaning over the table and striking the Cue ball into the seven that drops in to the side pocket) So I’m siding with my boy. Oh, (He looks at the three and wags his finger) and don’t ever tell her I said that.
Jack: After years with Erica if you don’t eventually start standing up for yourself they’ll just run all over you. I’m siding with Jake on this one. (Moves and stands behind Jake)
Tad: So tell me Jack how’s that working out for you? (he mocks making the others chuckle)
Jack: Just fine I’ve never been happier. (Sounding more like a defense lawyer than a man over his life long love)
Jesse: Ah ha yeah I saw you and Erica at the barbeque that didn’t look happy to me at all.
Jack: Ahh she’s not happy I’m fine. (Patting his chest his face filled with pride) Look I can’t keep being the one to give in over and over again. This time if there is going to be a “me and Erica” it’s going to be on my terms.
Jake: Here, here! (Saluting Jack with his bottle)
Tad: Shut up doofus! (Giving Jake a dismissive eye roll)
Jeff: You should listen to him for once he has a point and not just the one on his head. (He snorts with laughter)
Tad: Ha ha cute!
Charlie: All I can say is the happiest day of my life was the day Cecily stopped “Couponing” and went back to work! Don’t get me wrong it saves a lot of money but the file cabinet of coupons and the piles of papers and magazines and oh God the “ten for ten dollar” conversations. (He rubs his temples and laughs) 
Joe: Look son, it doesn’t matter what any of us say this is between you and Amanda. All I can tell you is marriages are always growing always changing what you need to decide is if your willing to grow as well. 
Tad: And with that we say “Cum-bi-a” and get back to having fun!
Adrian: I’m with you what are we girls?
Chris Thompson: The first person who mentions a sauna and a talking stick I’m out! (Shifting places with his brother on the pinball machine)
Frank Thompson: And I’m right behind you!
Gen. Thompson: Make that three! (He tosses a chip into the center then winks at Tad)
Tad: Motion carried the “I’s” have it moving on! (He slaps his hand down on table like a gavel and laugh’s)
Palmer: Here, here! ( He place the pool cue down on the table) My boy I’ve taken the liberty of getting a little gift for the groom. (He says moving towards the door. Ladies! (He grins mischievously then opens it allowing person after person to enter carrying trays of steaming food) Dinner is served!
Oliver: I love your style!
Palmer: Then stand by my boy cause I aint done yet!


  1. Love the bachelor party and the interactions.Love that Palmer and Adrian sided with Petey. Jake is being a nitwit.

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