Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Tad and Taylor Wedding Part 4 12/19/2012

Tad and Taylor stand at the back of the atrium on the Logan-Slater estate with the minister beaming with happiness as the minster reaches the point in the ceremony when they exchange their vows.
Tad: Taylor, I didn’t realize what was missing from my life until the day you walked in to it. Now I can’t even imagine my life without you. You make all our lives brighter you fill our home with love and our hearts with joy. I’m a better man because of you. I stand before you a humbled man who wants nothing more than to wake up every morning and find you beside me. I love you Taylor and the happiest day of my life and I sleep better each night know that even happier days are in our future together.
Taylor: Tad when I first met you I thought you were the pushiest, most persistent and obnoxious man I’d ever met. I was hurt, scared and alone all I wanted to do was crawl inside myself and you wouldn’t let me. You pushed me to be better and to want more. You believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself.  You’ve been my hope, my strength and my salvation. I feel so blessed to have you in my life, for the love we have for each other and the life we’ve built for our family and ourselves I love you today and for all the tomorrows to come.
Reverend: Tad repeat after me. I thee Thaddeus James Martin
Reverend: Take thee Taylor Marie Thompson
Tad: Take thee Taylor Marie Thompson
Reverend: For better for worse,
Tad: For better for worse,
Reverend: For Richer for poorer
Tad: For Richer for poorer
Reverend: In sickness and in health,
Tad: In sickness and in health,
Reverend: Forsaking all other for long as we both shall live?
Tad: I do.
Reverend: Taylor Marie Thompson repeat after me, I thee Taylor Marie Thompson,      
Reverend: Take thee Thaddeus James Martin for better for worse,
Reverend: For better for worse
Taylor: For better for worse
Reverend: For Richer for poorer
Taylor: For Richer for poorer
Reverend: In sickness and in health
Taylor: In sickness and in health
Reverend: Forsaking all other for as long as we both shall live?
Taylor: I do.
Reverend: By the power vested in me by the great state of Pennsylvania I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride. (Tad dips Taylor in to a deep kiss in to a kiss much to the enjoyment of the on lookers.  Phil and Jenny smile as they stand at the front of the atrium behind the guests)
Jenny: Hey what are you doing here what happened to Dixie? (She looks around the room seeing it empty then back at him) 
Phil: Dixie got re-assigned.
Jenny: Oh, what about everyone else?
Phil: Everyone else just left to prepare. (He looks around the room searching for family members he hadn’t seen for years as Jenny speaks)
Jenny: How much longer?
Phil: There’s still time for you to enjoy yourself. (She follows his line of vision smiling as his eye light up when he sees his parents)
Jenny: It’s been so long since I’ve seen everyone.
Phil: Me too, my Mom and Joe look so happy and proud. Wow Tara is still as beautiful as ever there’s Jeff talking to Chuck and my boy Charlie.
Jenny: Look how much Jenny and Kathy have grown. Oh, wow there’s Liza Colby and Momma.
Phil: Oh, that reminds me they said to try to stay out of your Mom’s line of sight you have to remember to stay behind her and make sure she isn’t standing in front of a mirror like this morning.
Jenny: I forgot she could see me.
Phil: She can see all of us that’s why you have to remember to stay behind her.
Jenny: I’ll be more careful I just couldn’t help going to see her.
Phil: I know (He looks over at Tara talking and laughing with his Mom and smiles a momentary twinge of longing coming over him) it’s always hard being back here.
Jenny: You going to be around for a while?
Phil: No I have to go finish preparing but I’ll be back well before.
Jenny: Thanks for doing this one with me it’s going to be hard.
Phil: They’re all hard but I know what you mean.
Jenny: See you later.
Phil: See you later enjoy your self but be careful. (He warns with a smile and a wag of his finger before disappearing through the wall)
Jenny: I will.

1 comment:

  1. oh no that sounded ominous it's going to be hard? way to set up the scene Takeitish
